October Prophetic Dream, Word & Warning

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[Music] hi i'm k nash and welcome to my channel if you're new here i deliver prophetic words and deep teachings from god's word and i'd love to have you subscribe all right you guys this is what i'm feeling for october jesus i'm feeling it's fourth quarter jesus that's the word of the lord it's fourth quarter and you might be like well duh okay it's fourth quarter we know that all of us that work in business or working quarters know that it's fourth quarter why does that matter why is that a prophetic word well i felt like the lord was talking to me about basketball and how in basketball there's four quarters and i felt like the lord was saying it's fourth quarter because in fourth quarter everything can change it might seem like one team is winning but in fourth quarter everything can change it might seem like your promises are not gonna come to pass but in fourth quarter everything can change it's fourth quarter god can turn this around what god told you at the beginning of the year can still manifest the year is not over if this year has not taken the terms you wanted it to that doesn't mean god forgot about your promise he is the resurrecting god he is the living god he is yeshua jesus my god he is the lifter of the saints he takes down the enemies he is moving and transitioning the saints in this season hallelujah all right let's read what the lord said it is fourth quarter i know lazarus died and many feel their promises are dead but i am the god of fulfillment i am the god of resurrection it is time to focus on the beginning of the year promises it is not over tell my saints it is not over shadrach meshach and abednego came out of the fire and so will they out of the fire into abundance don't give up hope i am not finished sometimes i make things impossible to show you who i am jesus there are several different verses i want to go into for this month for us to focus on obviously first of all lazarus died okay but then god resurrected him sometimes your promise dies but it is for the glory of god to be revealed because sometimes god wants to show you that you didn't do it in your own straight god wants to show you that he did something you're trying to do this and do that and do this and do that to make your promises come to press and sometimes it's just straight up witchcraft because god didn't tell you to do any of that and sometimes god just brings you to the end of himself because even though he saw that you tried he's going to bring it past himself because the glory of god to be revealed jesus let's go into this verse in john so he told them plainly lazarus is dead and for you're saying i am glad i was not there so that you believe now this doesn't sound very good on the surface he's kind of saying you know what i'm glad that lazarus died because if he didn't die you wouldn't know who i really am you wouldn't know my resurrection power and maybe some of you right now need to know how much god can resurrect in your life how much he can change your life he can move mountains for you he can throw those mountains into the sea you're looking at a small god right now and god is telling you look at a big god look at a giant god look at an omni present god look at an all-knowing god look at a god who's everywhere whose eyes search through the earth jesus and see the prophets moving see the prophets shaking god is seeing your dead promises and resurrecting them this month it is fourth quarter the year is not over yet i do not want you to give up hope let's go into this as well okay we know this story most of us do if you're new to christianity you might not know it but if you've been around christianity for a while you know the story of shadrach meshach and abednego not bowing to the idol and they get thrown into the fire pit and then they come out still alive we all know that story but what most people don't know and don't understand is that they also got promoted after the fire it wasn't just about not bowing to this idol okay the idol was actually a test for their promotion okay they wouldn't bow to the idol they were willing to die for god and because they were willing to die for god god promoted them god is going to promote the people that are willing to die for him the people that are willing to be in the fire for him now this kind of goes in theme with our last series and if you're new here we did a series called abundantly even abundant abundant living okay psalms 66 12 god took us through the fire and the water to lead us into abundance you know god didn't just throw shadrach meshach and abednego into the fire to test their heart god threw them in the fire to promote them maybe god is throwing you in the fire because he's testing you and refining you like gold to bring you out and to bring you into something new but all you can see right now is the fire i feel the holy ghost all you see right now is the fire and you're like okay my life feels like it's on fire the finances have blown up the kids aren't listening to me my husband's driving me crazy my wife's out running around i don't know what's going on and i feel insane and god is saying to you right now i'm the resurrector of your life it seems like it cannot be resurrected but god can resurrect anything god can resurrect a dead lazarus why can he not resurrect the thing in your life now obviously don't go running back to 20 seasons from now and trying to resurrect some past relationship that god told you not to go near okay that's not what i'm saying but you know if you feel the holy ghost moving inside of you right now you feel the spirit moving i want you to start believing for a resurrection month let this be your resurrection month now you know i think we always ask the lord at either the beginning of the jewish or hebrew new year or we ask him at the beginning of the traditional new year what he wants to do with us and that's kind of something we do on this channel and we talk a lot about kind of getting our goals from the lord and believing for them but sometimes towards this end of the year point when they start not coming to pass there might be that temptation to say you know what maybe that one wasn't from god maybe i'm not going to believe for that anymore and god's saying can i resurrect a promise why don't you sit and wait on me those that wait on the lord he will renew their shank they will mount up on wings like eagles okay and so i want you to wait on the lord stop trying to do things in your own strength now okay so i had all this written out and then i was like okay the script is done and then i was going to tape you know today and yesterday i had a prophetic dream and go and there was a warning this month as well with this word because i had a prophetic dream that there was a warning now for those of you watch this channel i rarely ever give warnings that's not my call i know there's people that are warning prophets i'm kind of an encouraging equipping bible reading prophet and that's kind of my lane i know there's different kinds of prophets and so we're all in our own lanes but i did feel a warning from the lord so i am going to share that and basically in the dream i had a dream and then a dream within the dream if that makes sense okay this is not inception but this is actually what happened okay i had a dream that i was at this job and they were going to promote me at this job and in the dream i had a check in my spirit and this is in the dream that i was not supposed to take this job and it looked better on paper then i had another dream within the dream that the same thing happened again at a different location that i was trying to you know it's going to be promoted somewhere else and i wasn't supposed to take that job either in other words i was offered two false promotions okay and i wasn't supposed to take either of them now on paper they looked very good now in the dream this was at a restaurant that i used to work at okay and in real life i used to really work at this restaurant for those of you that don't know i used to be a restaurant manager before i worked in television okay now being a restaurant manager seems good on the surface because i didn't start out as a restaurant manager there what i started out as was a server and so when i was offered and i'm talking real life now this is not part of the dream but i felt like this was how to explain the dream this is what god meant by the dream um is that i when i was offered the manager position it actually seemed didn't pay me as much as being a server i know that sounds weird but i actually made more money in tips every night than getting an hourly wage as a manager and so i took the promotion because on paper it looked better you know i'm a manager but in actuality it wasn't any better okay and i actually was like what am i gonna do so the way i compensated for my income is when employees would complain and wanted to go home for the night because they weren't making enough money i would take their section and pick up those tables to try to compensate my income that's what i did and so i just want to tell you that something might look good on the surface but it's not and so the warning dream means this be careful of false promotions be careful of something that looks good on the surface but is not and i think god had me have this dream twice because he really wanted me and it was a different dream but kind of similar he really wanted to get my attention now also in the dream one of the people was from my past okay it was someone that i knew someone that i probably would have trusted someone that i thought was a decent person and so i also want to encourage you just because someone's from the past just because you know somebody doesn't mean that's the door you're supposed to walk through i think sometimes we can get familiar if that makes sense you know we get too familiar with a thing you know we stop appreciating the thing that we're supposed to appreciate sometimes and sometimes we just start going in the old same funk over and over again you know sometimes to really get god's promotion you gotta turn down other false promotions you gotta pass the test of not giving in to the flashy thing you know i've been offered to speak at a lot of places and god will tell me no okay and sometimes he tells me yes but he doesn't always tell me yes you know i've been offered to do ministry schools with certain people and i've been offered to do collaborations with certain people and i have said no and it's not because i don't like them it's not because i think they're evil and sometimes maybe they are evil but you know it's because god said no it's that simple okay and so sometimes i don't know why and sometimes it's just obedience sometimes it's not even that it's really a bad thing it's just a test will you listen to god or will you go and jump for the other thing you know it's like the flashy thing is not always the good things again we talked about this recently the devil often comes around as an angel of light you know the devil doesn't go around with a little pitchfork with little pointed ears and we would know that it was him okay the devil goes around trying to be holy the devil goes around trying to be cool the devil turns around and tries to make you go for that thing that's just a little bit off a little a little bit off you know i had this pastor once and it was really good he goes you know sometimes the god thing is just a little bit different than what you think it's not over here sometimes it's a little bit off it's just a little bit off the devil wants you to get a little bit off because then he could take you a little bit more off and a little bit more off and then a year goes by and you said how did i get here i don't even know what's going on why did this happen and it was those little tiny compromises when you kind of felt the holy spirit going don't do that don't do that this is really a time of discernment you know this is the first full month of the jewish year the hebrew year and so really keep your discernment hats on okay and pay attention to the holy spirit there is promotion this month but there is also false promotion okay now sometimes when i do videos and i talk about promotion that doesn't always mean you're gonna get a promotion at your job okay sometimes that is what it means you have to take this word back to the lord and ask what it means for you specifically don't assume promotion might mean more finances promotion might mean better connections promotion might mean you found favor with a certain vendor and now you can get your whole house furnished you know ask the lord what promotion means for you we can't put god in a box because then we get discouraged then we say that word didn't manifest when it actually might have manifest but we put it in a box over here and then we're mad at god and god never promised it was gonna manifest that way so whenever i deliver these words you know say okay god i believe for promotion this month what does promotion mean for me and he may tell you or he may want to hide it as a surprise if he wants to hide as a surprise let him okay that's okay but do whatever he says and watch yourself get promoted this month you know basically the main thing to take away this is you know shadrach meshach and abednego would not bow to an idol and because they wouldn't choose i feel the holy ghost don't bow to that thing in your life that god doesn't want you to bow to okay whatever it is it might be smoking it might be drinking it might be having sex with men outside marriage it might be doing drugs it might be your shopping addiction going off the hinges you know it might be cursing at your boss like i don't know everyone's got that thing we're all at different levels of refinement we're all at different levels of sanctification and so don't bow to that thing this month and watch promotion manifest you know a sanctified life equals a prosperous life okay because the more you sanctify the more demons flee resist the devil and he'll free from you hallelujah all right you guys i hope that blessed you today if you're new here i'd love to have you subscribe and if you've been here i'd love you to be ha come a member you can go to knashministries.com click on the giving tab and become a member it's reoccurring giving and you can sign up and any amount for any day of the month we'd love to have your support it helps us do these videos and support us every single month it pays for reoccurring bills and we appreciate you guys becoming a member as our thank you to you we send you a word that we do not post on youtube every single month or we send you a free teaching and we've sent other things before and so whatever kind of the lord puts on my heart to give you guys for the month i give something to the members and so sometimes we go a little bit deeper there some things i might not want to talk about on youtube i might talk about in the member thing so anyway i would love to have you sign up for that and so wherever your price range is at that's totally fine with us we just trust that if you do whatever the holy spirit says we'll always have enough all right i love you guys and i'll see you in the next video i have another prophetic word it's technically a dream that i had that the lord wants me to share soon coming out and so i'm gonna be sharing that as well so all right i'll talk to you guys in the next video love you guys bye
Channel: Kay Nash
Views: 19,175
Rating: 4.9497609 out of 5
Keywords: Prophetic Word, Prophetic Word from the Lord, Prophetic, Prophetic for Now, Prophetic Word for Now, Daily Prophetic, Daily Prophetic Utterance, Daily Prophetic Word, October Prophetic Word, Prophetic Dreams Understanding, Prophetic Dream, October Prophetic Dream, Prophetic Word October, Prophetic Word October 2021, Prophetic Word of the Lord October, Word of the Lord October, Kay Nash Prophetic Word, Kay Nash October Prophetic Word, Prophetess, Jesus, Holy Spirit
Id: NQAVbr10hTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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