WHERE IS YOUR HUSBAND? - Wisdom Wednesdays

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[Music] hi everyone welcome back to my channel thank you so much for subscribing for commenting for liking and for your support and that my name is Daphne and welcome to my channel welcome to wisdom Wednesdays we're back again let's go straight into the Word of God let's go to the book of John chapter four and we prayed about this on Monday but we want to go deeper into the word let's go to John chapter four verse verse seven to eighteen we'd say a woman of Samaria came to draw water jesus said to her give me a drink for his disciples had gone away into the city to buy food then the woman of Samaria said to him how is it that you being a Jew ask a drink for me a Samaritan woman for Jews have no dealings with Samaritans jesus answered etc if you knew the gift of God and who it is who says to you giving me a drink you would have asked him and he would have given you living water the woman said to him sir you have nothing to draw where then do you get that living water are you greater than our Father Jacob who gave us this well who gave us the well and drank from it himself as well as his sons and his livestock jesus answered and said to her whoever drinks of this water will thirst again but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst but the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life the woman said to him Sir give me this water that I may not thirst no come here to draw jesus said to her go call your husband and come here the woman answered and said I have no husband jesus said to her you have well said I have no husband for you have had five husbands and the one whom you now have is not your husband and in that you spoke truly amen amen you might know that story it's a very very famous story in the Bible and you know the Holy Spirit has allowed the body of Christ to interpret it in such a unique way you know for the sake of equipping the Saints and today let's just allow the Holy Spirit to teach us this world let our hearts just be open to receive what what what he wants to show us and reveal to us as he begins to work in our hearts so you know the story the woman had the well she's waiting at the well this is a Samaritan and the Lord Jesus Christ shows up this woman was very religious she had a way of pray she had a way of doing things in the church a way of doing things in Bible study a way of doing things in prayer meetings a way of sitting in the church pews this woman had a way of doing things which had become very systematic and very religious the Spirit of God was not present in these things these religious acts that they did in the house of God so not knowing that one day the Lord is going to come and he wants to deliver her from this religious spirit the Lord wants to reveal himself to this woman as the coming Messiah the Lord wants to reveal himself as the provider the one who provides her needs even the needs of having a husband the needs of having a man who loves her a man who shows her love and compassion the man who shows her passion so this woman had needs and she had been seeking after these means in her own flesh I don't know about you child of God have you been seeking after your own needs in your own flesh you desire a husband but you go out and seek after him in your own religious ways and your own religious logic mindset in your own way of thinking the Holy Spirit is not involved when you seek after your needs your seeking after a job seeking after a career seeking after this and that financial means but when you do it the Holy Spirit is not involved this was the case with the Samaritan woman but you see a time of deliverance had come your time of deliverance has come and the Holy Spirit wants you to begin to recognize who this Messiah is we see the Lord was revealing himself as the Messiah because this is what this woman was waiting for I don't know what you're waiting for in the season what are you waiting for for God are you waiting for Jehovah Jireh to provide something for you and waiting for Jehovah Rapha to heal you in an area of your life are you waiting for overshadow to reveal his peace in your life in a certain area of your life you see whatever that you're waiting for the Lord is saying I am here as Jehovah Jireh I'm here to provide your needs but I need you to be able to recognize Who I am in your life you see I'm standing at the well of your needs when you go and get a little bit drink a little bit of water but it doesn't quench you and fulfill you you're always getting bread crumbs in that job they're paying you bread crumbs I'm here standing as the bread of life I want to reveal my word in your financial life I want to reveal my word in your way of spent being able to reveal my word in your way of saving I want to reveal my word in your way of receiving money in your life you see I'm here standing and I'm knocking at the door are you able to recognize Who I am are you able to recognize the nature and the area and the facet of my glory and my majesty that you have been waiting for some of you you're waiting for Jehovah the God of War Jehovah Nissi the one who banners you in these Warfare's you have so much warfare in your life and you're saying God where are you Jehovah Nissi my banner I'm waiting for you to abandon me and he's saying I'm right here but you're looking at another direction you're looking behind you're not looking ahead you've not allowed the Holy Spirit to turn your head you want you to turn your neck and see we is in your life see the host of angels that surround your life because he's fighting your office he's fighting even wolfish that you don't recognize right now what you're seeing is just a small percentage of what God is doing behind the scenes of what the enemy is doing behind the scenes you see God has been fighting your office because if it wasn't for God you would not be alive today I don't know what speaking to if it wasn't for God you'll not be alive today God has been fighting your war phase in secret but the enemy has made you to believe that God is absent in your life and therefore you've turned your back on God but the Lord is saying face me once more come back face me face to face for I want to reveal my glory even as I did to Moses my servant you see I never hid anything from Moses I would reveal my face and not speak to Moses face to face you see he wants to speak to you through his word face to face there'll be no confusion and the midst in the midst of storms and wolf is you won't know that God is present then jovem banner is present and not a hair of your head shall be touched nothing shall be lost you see you need to have that confidence in him in this season he's saying I need you to trust me are you willing to turn your back on the failures you're back on the objection are you willing to turn your back on the hurt and the pain and face me face to face let's talk like father and son let's talk like father and daughter let's talk and have that relationship because I'm ready to reveal my glory to you you see I have you see I have nothing against you and I love you he has nothing against you there's nothing that you can do that can surprise God but all he needs you to do is to cooperate with him it's not for his benefit it's for your benefit so that you don't live in fear so that you don't live in deception and these lies that the enemy tells you that God is not present in your life so we see this woman living a life of religion a life of doing the things that are endless endless works toiling in the house of God serving without the presence of the Holy Spirit preaching the word without the presence of the Holy Spirit singing in the choir without the presence of the Holy Spirit there is no Holy Spirit involved there is no presence of God involved in it they are doing it out of their flesh empty hearts empty vessels there's no volume there's no capacity for the Holy Spirit he's not involved in what they do so they go and worship at that mountain so the Lord Jesus says give me a drink give me a drink I want to test you are you even willing to let go of this little drink and you're willing to take on my mindset my way of thinking you see God begins to test you and sometimes the reason why we stayed in certain positions is because we are not allowing you to test us we're not cooperating with God he's saying give me a drink and here you are arguing it's just a simple it's just a simple thing the whole well is still bad you're not going to lose the whole well he's just saying give me a drink and then he begins to reveal more and more in your life you see some of us are still stuck in the wilderness because we refuse to make the next step God is saying I need you to take the step here there's a bridge right there and now this is the transition to your next season it's time up for the wilderness I need you to take the left on here I need you to take the right because there's a bridge right ahead over there you cannot see it but I can see it but you refuse to take that step you refuse to take the right because you live to site you see them just shall live by faith they don't by sight we live by faith and not by sight we don't live according to conditions and according to what's in our bank account according to how educated we are we live by faith because he who is in us is greater than he who is in the world because he who is in us he can change and shift our lives just like that he who is in you can change and shift your life just like this we have seen it from Genesis to revelations we've seen the signs and the wonders of God how he transformed the lives of mere ordinary men and women because because they chose to give him a drink they chose to cooperate with God you see the Holy Spirit works like this he will tell you do this but you ignore him it tells you again do this because as you do this he begins to reveal another asset of the mystery concerning this puzzle you see it's a puzzle but you need to cooperate with the Holy Spirit cooperate with the Lord Jesus Christ cooperate with the Word of God is saying I need you to love your enemies I know those people are trying to harm me but I need you to love them I need you to show love to them because I want to review another side of my glory you see sometimes that our promotion is in loving our enemies sometimes our promotion is in loving our neighbors as ourselves you know that that present doesn't like you you know that that person is pretending in your face you know that the pressin hates you you that the person doesn't want you to succeed but the Lord is asking you I need you to love them because I love them I died for them I died for them on the cross you see my own body wasn't broken for them my own blood was shed for them you see I care about your enemies too and I need you to love them love those people that the enemy is using around you you still need to love them and loving your enemies doesn't mean doesn't mean you're you know your best friend's you're hanging out every day just simply means that you forgive them it's about forgiveness it's about caring even about their future being mindful and not having an evil mind said that because they did this to me I want there to be revenge so the Lord is testing you can I have a drink I don't want the whole well I just need a cup just a cup are you able to give up I able to just use your little strength take some water in the well bring up the water and use a little cup and give me a drink I just need a small little push sometimes the Lord is asking you I just need to I just need you to give a little bit I just need you to increase the way that you give it the house is there not because I want to release a blessing a financial blessing in your life you see because my word is exalted above my very own name give and it shall be given back to you a good measure pressed down shaken together and running over this is what I want to reveal in your life financially but you're saying well I got a holiday in December and you know I need to buy the bag and that those pair of shoes and I got my family and friends and they asking me for this and that and those people and those things more important than God ask yourself is this holiday more important than what God is asking for me is the holiday more important than my obedience to God because sometimes there's a window that is open a window of opportunity that God opens in our lives and if we don't jump in the window closes and then you begin to cry next year because God knows that in June something is about to take place and you needed to have saved fifty thousand pounds by then but the key was in your obedience today are able to obey the season what the Spirit of the Lord is saying are you making excuses our Lord I don't really feel like giving you a cup the woman at the well began to give excuses cultural excuses environmental excuses historical excuses religious excuses how is it that you being a Jew you asking me for a drink I'm a Samaritan woman so the Jews really you know they don't really deal with you guys so I don't really know why I you want to drink for me so she began to make all these excuses thinking according to the logic thinking according to them to the way that she's grown up according to the background sometimes our logic the way that we grew up our culture's begin to limit the Word of God in our life it begins to crush like thorns the Word of God that is being birthed in your heart you see the Word of God has to begin to produce a harvest in your life but because of your culture the way that you saw your parents fighting as you were growing up the Word of God begins to be crushed in your life you're saying I've seen my parents you know always fighting I don't really know about this marriage stuff I desire a husband you know no doubt I have these desires but I don't really know if I can find a good man because the way that I saw my father treating my mother the way that I saw my uncle's treating my arts the way that I saw my brother-in-law's treating my sister my sister's in-laws I don't really like I have not seen any real love in marriages I'm not experienced that I've not seen it firsthand so how will I know when real love shows up in my life you see the way that you grew up begins to crush the Word of God begins to be like a thought in your heart crushing the seed crushing the sea that is growing like a plant so that it may be evidenced in your marriage as God bring it as God brings a husband the Lord is saying trust in my word trust in me I'm able to reveal and gabi love in your marriage don't look at pastor saw in Souls marriage you see pastor saw and saw his marriage is not your example I am your example the word is your example the power of God is your example you see as the power of God begins to meet with the Word of God signs and wonders take place are you willing to allow the Word of God to be your guide because the power of God is present to reveal a facet of a glorious marriage in your life are you willing to trust me in this I know that you've not seen real love in how you grew up I know that your culture says man should do this man should not cook man she just stay on the sofa doing nothing but why should do all the housework the wife should do all the cooking but you see my word is different my word goes against cultures and backgrounds and religious spirits and religious mindsets you see my word is truth my word is life and my word is light are you willing to trust in my word because if you trust in me I will not put you to shame you see the woman at the well she had an issue she had five husbands she had a need in her life the need of a spouse and if you study this woman she was very influential she was a very influential woman in this town this is a Meriton woman she was an evangelist she had a calling upon her life but here she is seeking after husband one man after the next they are making all these false promises fake promises you know I can be the sauce that you desire you see these men stole the gift in this woman she was gifted but this man did not have the capacity to cover that gift in her life cover in a way that does not suppress her in a way that does not crush her you see God desires you to have a husband who covers you in a way that does not suppress your gift in a way that this will suppress your calling in a way that does not crush your spirit in a way that does not crush your hobbies in a way that that does not crush your passions the passion that you have you grew up you wanted to be a nurse this has been your desire but you see you need a husband that understands that desire a husband who even challenges you and pushes you towards that passion that God put inside of you because you're meant to be a healer in the hospital you met a deposit seed so that when people are will be a dead man something happens and there's a Transfiguration of the glory and the name of God in their lives so that lives will be changed for the glory of God you see you cannot afford to just marry anybody simply because you are lonely otherwise you end up like the woman at the well seeking one after the other and then living one is saying hey if you drink this water and it begins to explain to her I know you don't want to give me a cup but let me explain to you about this water that you're refusing to give me let me explain to you about that two hours of sleep I'm asking from you so that you can pray in the spirit let me explain to you about that let me explain to you about the extra five percent that I need you to start giving in the house of the Lord let me explain to you about because I can see that you don't have to give that to me let me explain to you about keeping your body holy as a temple of God not going into fornication not kissing and touching not allowing your boyfriend to just kiss you and touch you because that man is not yet your husband you see your body sacred let me explain to you about your body that you're giving to this man unwillingly or willingly the Lord began to explain about this little cup of water that she was holding back this little cup of water that sure try to reason about her logic according to culture according to conducts and religious acts according to traditions in the church you see if you give me this water that's water that you're about to give me you're still going to be thirsty but you see if you have known if you have known if you had known you see the key is knowing I will show you the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven this is why the holy spirit is sent to you I will show you the mysteries you need to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven you need to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God and you're willing to go on a voyage with the Holy Spirit go into the deep and know the deep and secret things about your body about why we say it's better to save even kissing for marriage but why we say it is better to increase your giving because God is about to increase his overflow in your life why we say it is better to be obedient when he's waking you up at 3:00 and because you don't know what's going to happen next week in your family you see you need to understand the secrets of heaven the secrets of the mind of God there's a level and there's a road whereby God was to reveal his heart in a way that is uncaged in a way that is so transparent even as it did with Adam and Eve you would walk in the cool of the day in the Garden of Eden you see there's a garden in the spiritual realm and the Lord is saying where are you I've been waiting for you if it's garden I want to reveal myself tree I want to walk in the cool of the day in this beautiful place that I've created for you you see this is the throne room of God I've been waiting for you in the tunnel how long will I wait for you my beloved I've been waiting for you in the strong room how long will I wait for your presence how long will I wait for your sweet words how long will I wait for your pure worship how long will I wait for your praise your dancing will you dance before me in the strong room because as your dad's before me your war is a Bigfoot warfare I'm being warned there's victory and I'm contending with those that are contending with you how long my beloved I wait for you in my room he begins to explain about this cup of water you see I am the living water if you drink this little cup of water you were being thirsty I am the living one I am the one that you've been waiting I am the Messiah can you not recognize why I'm giving you these instructions do you don't recognize why I'm telling you to do things that you don't understand according to the flesh you see we should never question God no question he's worried don't question why are you saying this because you'll never understand it his ways are so much higher but rather say you know what help me to understand why you are saying this because if you say why are you saying this and you're still in the flesh how will you understand why he's saying it when his spirit you need to go up higher in the realm of the Spirit and when you go up high he begins to give you revelation in Revelation makes you to understand knowledge you see Revelation is greater than knowledge so many people have knowledge but they have no revelation revelation is what transforms your way of thinking it transforms your way of living you need revelation from the Holy Spirit so you begin to say Holy Spirit help me to understand why I need to buy such it's such a book when I'm not even inspired by such as such a person helped me to understand why I need to give such as such an amount when I have all these people depending on me all my family members they depend on me help me to understand why I need to draw into this well and give you this cup of water when you are a man when you are a Jew and I'm a Samaritan woman help me to understand the cultural differences here because I'm not understanding what you're trying to say here Holy Spirit you know be honest with God so many times you know the Saints they are not honest with God because they are not honest with themselves they live a life of Lies you lie to yourself and so you begin to lie to God don't lie to God and stop lying to yourself stop lying about things that are happening in your life stop saying that it is well I've had five husbands it is well it is not well this is a problem therefore God has come to deliver you from this issue it's a problem in God's eyes and he wants you to begin to recognize who he is as your husband this is why the Lord said go and call your husband after you try to explain about the how he is the living water but still she didn't understand it because she was still in the flesh not understanding the things of God but understanding the instructions of God simply be obedient the greatest thing we can do is just to be obedient when God gives us an instruction when you start to question here but say why are you saying this and how are you saying this sometimes it creates a delay and God just begins to say you know what go and call your husband so that I can do with the issue because the real issue why I came here to the well is to tackle the issue of the five husbands that you've had this is the real issue here it's not about the water it's not about drinking waters and all these things I want you to recognize Who I am is your husband in your life because you don't yet recognize Who I am in your life so he said go and call your husband that's where the whole thing begins to come out the Holy Spirit begins to reveal your heart to you because you refuse to cooperate with him so he begins to tell me that you're full of pride he begins to tell you that you're selfish he begins to tell you that you're somebody who is always envious of other people he begins to tell you the truth and the secrets of your heart so that you begin to open up your heart and say lord I repent lord I repent of these things because he's trying to reason with you sometimes the Holy Spirit is reasoning with us try to get us to come up higher by dealing with the issues of our needs go and call your husband I've come to deal with the marital issues that you have in your life I've come to do with the financial issues that you have in your life why is it that there's no food in your house why is it that there's no food in your fridge I've come to deal with that issue go and find something in the fridge to feed me this is when the issues begin to come out you find that you don't have any food in your fridge this is because you don't give in the house of the Lord it's because you're selfish you hates the poor when you see beggars in the streets you begin to learn more about the beggars but you don't know their life you don't know their history why do you have a hatred for people that are begging in the street what have they done to you and they stolen from you and they've beaten you have they killed somebody in your family why do you have such a hatred for people that are poor so the Lord begins to say hey go on your fridge give me make me a meal I want you to make me a meal but there's no food in your house he's tackling the issues in your finances why is it that every December you're always struggling financially this is because you to do things according to his ways you keep on going in these businesses you don't involve the Holy Spirit go and call your husband he says then the woman answered frankly this is the only moment that she doesn't you know argue with him she doesn't try and reason with her logic she doesn't try and explain how cultural differences she doesn't try to do the traditional way of speaking in the house of the Lord and she just says I have no husband it's the truth it was time to face up to the truth it's time to face up to the truth child of God what is this thing that is missing in your life what is this thing that you're hiding behind you're hiding behind this thing you're hiding this thing behind you you're hiding this issue behind you by doing all these things in the house of the Lord doing all these things without involving the Holy Spirit being religious in your way of living your way of pray you just pray in tons out of the gift there's no connection with the Holy Spirit although you're praying in tongues there's no connection you just do it for the sake of doing it you just pray for the sake of pray there's really no connection the Holy Spirit involved he's not involved in your prayer life and the Lord is saying go and call your husband I want to be involved in your prayer life I want to be involved in your fasts don't just fast without involving me how can you just fast it's just a hunger strike you're not really fasting because I'm not involved in it you've not acknowledged me in your reasons for your fasting I'm not involved in it because if you're not involving me that means you're fasting so somebody asks you're not fasting to me because I'm not involved in this sacrifice that you're giving what is this sacrifice that you offer me at the altar it's an empty vessel in my eyes it's an empty vessel in my set I'm not involved in these things these things that you're building these houses that you're building these relationships that you're building this year you have that boyfriend next year you have another boyfriend the year after that you have another boyfriend what are these things you just come to me and you say hey I have a new boyfriend now and now you just offer of these sacrifices I was never involved in the decision-making he didn't allow me to be your husband you've not allowed me to be your first love he says go and call your husband she says I have no husband this is because you've not allowed the husband God the Lord Jesus Christ he is the husband of the body of Christ he's but of us the bride we add the Bride of Christ and he wants to be the husband he wants to be involved in your children's life I am not involved in your children's life you've not allowed me to be the husband in your children's life you have the well said I have no husband for you have had five husbands five different issues five different phases of failures the exact same thing keeps happening it's like a pattern it keeps happening and now you feel that you're cursed you're not really cursed it's just bad decisions it's not about curses let's not glorify Satan in our lives it's not about curses it's about disobedience it's about not doing you and your mindset not taking up his way of doing things the Word of God is so clear before us he says that we should flee from youthful lusts it's very very clear but here you are living in youthful lusts and so you end up in fornication you end up in dangerous relationships you end up with dangerous people the Lord is saying are you willing to involve me my arms are open before you I don't care about who's gonna laugh at you I don't care about who's got a great was gonna shame you I don't care about who's gonna guilt you because I paid the price for you I died for you and I love you and I'm willing to change your life today I love you so much I'm willing to take you as you are because remember I died for you when you were still a sinner when you are an enemy of the cross so don't allow anyone to think that I'm not really to take you back I'm not willing to receive you back I'm always looking out for you I'm always willing to receive you back I'm always looking forward to hearing your voice of praise see God is like a father or like a parent he delights in hearing you laugh even just your laugh it delights him so much it brings him great joy just to see you're laughing his eyes to just tickle you with his goodness tickle you with his presence tickle you with his joy he just decides to tickle you but some of you you say I don't wanna be tickled I wouldn't live in this misery I want to do things in my own way God do not touch me don't touch this area of my life don't touch my children don't touch my marriage don't touch my career God wants to show you that he cares about even your career even what you study in universe when you study in college don't you understand that God cares about every area of your life he was to show you that I care about that I care about your career you're saying God don't touch my career because you know that this design that I have in my heart I really want to do acting but I'm not sure if I should do acting because you know it's a really suck you like the secular job is a secular thing when did you get the stay about circular job circular thing will you allow the Holy Spirit to lead you in your acting career and you don't know everyone is cool to acting but they're sound that are called to acting this son that are called in that career and God may be a scold you in that career you have to trust it because it's for a reason it's for the end time harvest trust him and don't think according to your own logic don't allow someone else's experiences and what God said to them be your own experience because you are unique you have a unique relationship with God you have a unique destiny you have a unique vision that God has for you and yes unique desires for you the desires that he asked for Daphne I know the desires that he asked for you God has unique relationships with us unique visions he's so glorious and so majestic he's not limited so he has a unique platform and you have to be obedient to what he's telling you don't think with your logic and say you know this is a really secular job working in finance it's such a succulent job I'd rather just be a pulpit preacher but as God really called you to be a corporate preacher or are you just making yourself a pulpit preacher because you desire Fame you desire to make yourself like a brand you want to be like a brand but God is calling you into finance sequel is calling you in the office he wants you to even own a business if finance he wants you to have an enterprise and enterprise in finance he's not calling you on to the pulpit because you see preaching does not end on the puppet I mean come on we are in the time of the end time harvest it's not about the four walls of the church the church is going out into the world you see you need to touch the people in the financial world you to touch people in the business world because somebody has to go there and God is calling you that everybody is hey this is a really secular job according to logic you have had five husbands and the one that you have now it's not your husband you have done things your way but it's time to do things my way it's time to allow me to show you who you are in me it's time for me to reveal myself in your life you see you desire marriage you desire a husband all these people they're floored you see all these men they failed you but I'll never fail you I am the one that never fails I'm the husband that is perfect I'm the husband that is true you see sometimes God wants us to have a relationship with the husband with him as the husband you know when I began courting I made a very dangerous prayer I said lord I don't want to get married until I know who you are and I didn't know that the Lord really was listening to my prayer I knew that I was not ready to be the wife that I need to be to a man of God I knew that I was little ready to be really the spouse that this man of God is called to have so I made a dangerous pair and I said lord I want to know you before marriage I want to have a deep intimate relationship with you and tears begin to roll down my face as I hid myself under my blanket I said Lord I desire you more than marriage I desire you more than a wedding day I'm willing to do things in your time frame your timeline and the Lord began to teach me who he is he began to reveal his glorious self in my life teaching me these secrets and his plans and you see there's a reward for obedience child of God are you willing to allow him to teach you who he is as your husband and then he brings you the husband that you need brings you to the man that needs you as a wife God begins to prepare your heart are you willing to go on that journey of discovering the husband the one who reveals that you are the evangelist though you are Samaritan woman though you have had five husbands but I have a purpose for you and I have a quali for your life don't worry about these people that say hey you've been divorced hey you're a single mother hey you've had all these flaws don't worry about you see those people don't know the end from the beginning I know you'll end from your beginning I am the Alpha and the Omega even the Alpha and the Omega of your life factor and the finisher of your faith I'm the one that speaks of your life my word over your life is what stands not what they say no but your mother says no way your daddy says no what your friends say no your pastor say I am the true light of your life you are my branch you are the branch that grows in me you don't grow according to what your mama said or what your pastor said you see pastors can preach pressed as pastors are called to Shepherd the people that quarter preached the quarter help us to grow but they are worried is not final the Word of God is final God's plan over your life a final this is why you see some pastors begin to cross people and they leave the church they begin to crush the people of God is that still the Spirit of God is the pastors weren't going to be final no the pastor's word is not final the Word of God over your life is final and he wants us to begin to trust in his word above the words of people friend of acquaintances of people in the world trust the word above the fears that the enemy is speaking to your mind and willing to go and call your husband and by saying and by saying go and call your husband are you willing to go on a journey with the true husband the one that is standing before you he is the husband that you need he is the one that you need the Samaritan woman understood this in the end this is why she went and she began to evangelize with the whole - the whole town and she said I've just seen and I've spoken to a man who knows everything that I've ever done she was not afraid to speak about her mistakes that she has had five husbands she was not afraid to speak about the truth are you willing to go on the journey and to make him your first love this is the requirement today before we pray are you willing to make the Lord Jesus Christ your first love not your children not your spouse don't your businesses not your career not your education not your calling and you're willing to make the Lord Jesus Christ your first love search your heart right now what have you put as your first love in your hearts in your mind in your life what are these things that have taken the place of the Lord and when these things take the place of the law that means the Lord is not really involved in those areas this is why your hands are saying no don't touch my children because you've made your children your first love you don't them to the Lord because those children are now your idols that spouse is not your idol so the Lord Jesus Christ at his word cannot fully penetrate into your marriage there's no really peace and joy in that house because your spouse has become your idol you worship your spouse you see God has called us you see God has called spouses to merely live in a deep deeper realm of unconditional love but the secret to living is that without idolatry is along the Holy Spirit to lead you let him lead you it not conditional love in that marriage because if you don't have the Holy Spirit it goes into idolatry it becomes error it becomes poison because there's no understanding there's no godly understanding there's no Holy Spirit power involved in it you need the Holy Spirit in your marriage you need the Holy Spirit in your life you need the Holy Spirit power in your life everyday even in the way that you cook even in the way that you do things in your home you need the Holy Spirit power of God and he's saying I want you to make me the Word of God your first love I want you to make me the Lord and Savior of your life your first love if you're willing to make that decision let's pray Oh God Ancient of Days honor and glory belongs to you Father for ever and ever father I thank you for your people who are called by your name Lord your people that you've created according to your image and your likeness things that you love o God with all since it with all love Oh God love that cannot be even measured Oh God love that is so deep and so intense you love these Oh God and they say we are willing to make you our first love we are willing to remove the idols in our hearts and we're willing to give you that unprecedented seats of our hearts we are willing or God take the throne of our sit on the strong as king with your scepter of authority as king of kings take the rightful seat of God in your people's life today their hearts are open have you away a holy spirit power of God in their lives let them experience your power in their everyday life they are saying hey I have no husband I've had five husbands they are confessing their sins they are confessing their mistakes to you Oh God their hearts are transparent before you so therefore have your way Holy Spirit power of God through that transparency through that passage that they have opened up in their hearts Oh God for your glory for your glory father showed them the deep and secret things of your kingdom the deep and secret things of your hearts Oh God they want to know your hearts like David was a man after all after your old heart father bees they want to know your heart what is it that moves your heart Lord what is it that moves you oh god what is it that brings you joy what is it that makes you laugh oh god what is it that makes you cry what is it that makes you lament Lord show your people in this season and let them grow in that revelation to that knowledge as they draw closer to you Oh God closer to your kingdom closer closer oh God to your throne closer oh God each and every day of their lives help them Oh God give them power give them strength even to be obedient when you've been asking that to be obedient Lord remove the way of picking out logic Lord strengthen your mindset in them Oh God strengthen your mindset in them strengthen your way of thinking in them according to your power Lord let it be upon your people Lord of hosts fight the Warfare's of your people of your child you know and let them see even the fight that is taking place let them see the victory in the spiritual realm or God even according to your word let them see that they are more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ you their Lord and Savior let them know that you are the God who is Jove a shell of their peace help them all God to understand these things that you want to reveal in their life in the season Lord that they may be influential people for such a time as this for the woman that the world became a great influence in her city and nothing stood against her and the people they believed Oh God when they heard such a small sermon that you have told her Oh God all that she has done and all that she ever did father such a small summit but the people believe because the Holy Spirit was involved Holy Spirit power of God teach them to involve you in their everyday lives and they live that life of victory because when you I vote there is no error when you are involved they will not be defeated in anything when you involved Holy Spirit they live a life of victory they don't live a life of defeat Holy Spirit power of God lead us Holy Spirit spirit of truth leaders and guide us into all your truth though they that are led by the Spirit these are the sons of God we want to be like the sons of God we want to live in the realm of sonship help us Holy Spirit to walk everyday in the realm of sonship this we pray in the name of Jesus and I thank you for your peace that surpasses all understanding in the name of Jesus that they that is above every other name we give you honor we give you glory thank you for the hosts of angels that surround oh god this place and then I surrounded your people Thank You Holy Spirit power of God for your anointing and your power that you're releasing your people's life to you alone the honor and glory forever and ever Lord we pray amen and amen amen god bless you so much and God loves you so much and he just loves you he's just smiling upon you he loves you so much and he delights in the things that delight you according to his will so just to let yourself in the Lord and He will surely give you the desires of your heart there's a rock that God is calling the body of Christ around whereby we don't have to pray certain prayers around we're by anything that we design our hearts it begins to be done because it's allied to his word and I encourage you to study the book of John chapter 15 just study about the True Vine just study the whole chapter John chapter 15 I just say Holy Spirit help me to understand this chapter and what you want me to know in this season so god bless you and I'll see you hopefully on Friday I'm not sure but I feel like we've not had any Friday videos up late so hopefully I'll see you on Friday if not forgive me I'll see you Monday take care bye [Music] you
Channel: Dephne Aviyah
Views: 45,062
Rating: 4.9535627 out of 5
Keywords: where is your husband?, you have had 5 husbands, the woman at the well, wisdom wednesdays, wisdom wednesday, go and call your husband
Id: jFdfSvJCZq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 50sec (2450 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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