Apostle Joshua Giles- "The Last Quarter Of 2021"

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you welcome everybody we are back for another monday live and i'm excited to finally be back i know it's been uh just maybe a couple weeks i didn't come on last week so much has been going on but there's a lot that the holy spirit is doing a lot that god's doing in the earth right now that i'm excited that you guys are coming in so as you're logging in let me know where you're logging in from what city uh what state or what country are you joining in from uh and i'll do my best to give you a shout out most of the times i don't see all of the comments here but if i see your comment come across and i'm gonna give you a shout out uh so i already see you guys coming in from uh the uk is on thank you for joining minnesota is watching uh thank you for joining again let me know what city what state you're watching from and i'll give you a shout out if you're a pastor or senior leader uh put the name of your church right there in the post and i'll shout your church out as well if i see that uh so thank you everybody for joining i see you coming in it's been a minute it's been a couple weeks uh but i'm glad to be back on here sharing with you what the lord has been saying to me for the last quarter of this year the last quarter of 2021 uh what are we going to see what's about to happen how do we need to prepare uh what is it that we need to be focusing on right now uh if you're anything like me uh it's important that we rely on the holy spirit for these answers and that we enter into especially at the close of the year and the beginning of a new year that we enter into times of prayer and consecration and i know uh that many of you are already on the same page as that but before we jump into this let me know what city what state what country are you watching from i see you on audrey from ireland thank you for joining in from ireland i see you uh watching from kingdom restoration revival center in greenville north carolina thank you for joining uh you're watching from mobile alabama thank you for joining in i see you uh joining in from ocala florida uh glorious hope christian life center apostle oh thank you for watching i see you watching from white plains new york you guys are coming in from everywhere washington dc is on allen chapel ame church in dc you're watching and if you're just tuning in do me a favor and hit the share button and let others know that we're back with a prophetic forecast i have not had the opportunity to do one of these uh in a little while uh for the past uh several weeks that i did come on live i was uh sharing with you from scripture uh certain uh encouraging words that the lord had given me and i believe it's so important to do that uh but today i want to focus in on what is the lord saying for the last quarter of this year how can we strategize what do we do uh as we close the year and what's going on we've gone through so many transitions and so many changes and there's a lot to talk about but i'm gonna wait and give you just another minute uh to join in i see integrity ministries global church now that's pastor lisa jones uh thank you for uh tuning in i see you from time ministries international thank you for watching i see you watching from birmingham alabama i saw a solid rock uh church from alabama that's apostle uh phyllis morton thank you for uh for watching i see you watching from augusta georgia you're on uh you are watching from all over you guys are coming in uh and again i think i've missed you guys just a little bit i really do i've been traveling uh for uh the last um for the past week and uh ministering in a couple of different services in the lord has really been moving uh powerfully throughout uh the nation and so much that god's doing and i wanna also share uh some of what i've been seeing as the lord's been sending me on assignments i see revival now global in greensboro thank you for watching you're joining in uh from houston uh you're watching uh from pensacola florida uh you are watching from everywhere thank you for watching so let's open in a quick prayer and then jump into this uh short uh live that i'm gonna get into today father i thank you for uh this opportunity together once again father we are joining in from all over from all over the united states from all over the nations from many countries we're joining in and connecting in the spirit father i pray that you would download your word into us give us prophetic insight and strategy holy spirit i pray that you would open up the eyes of our understanding that we might see give us vision for the future and i thank you father how you have caused us to weather many storms we've gone through many transitions but we're still here and so we give you the praise father as long as we have breath in our bodies we're going to give you praise glory and honor and so we just invite you into this broadcast father if you're not in it we don't want to be a part of it so holy spirit think through me and speak to me in jesus name amen listen welcome back to the prophetic forecast i only do these when the lord gives me uh the unction to do them uh i was traveling in uh i think i was in new jersey over the past week and uh one person came up to me that i didn't know uh and they said you know we watch you all the time on mondays but we notice and they may be watching now they said but we noticed you weren't on last monday and they said we were wondering why i want you on uh last monday we thought maybe you were just preparing for your travel and i shared with them you know i didn't come home because the holy spirit told me not to when he gives me the release and when i have a word from the lord uh even if it's just an encouraging word or a scripture then i'm going to come on and share that but there are times where uh we we have to pause there are times where we have to wait uh so that we can allow heaven to download uh into our spirits and if we're always just sharing and pouring out uh then when do we have time uh to really get in the presence of god and have that alone time with the holy spirit so that we can hear and receive directives for uh the next and what god is doing in the future uh what he wants us to do uh right now and so that's what's been going on for me and i know that uh many of you that are tuning in you also feeling uh this pull into consecration and that's what i've been sensing in the spirit uh really more of a pull a pull to come in to the presence of god to sit in the presence of god sometimes we don't have to uh be doing a whole lot of praying and saying a whole lot of stuff there are times that we have to just wait in the presence of the lord and allow him to refresh us and to strengthen us and so what i sense now in the body of christ is that we are coming into a period where the lord says i'm going to refresh my people there is a refreshing that's now coming over you and some of you have been uh you've given out so much you've worked very hard throughout the year some of you had to battle through storm after storm you've seen uh warfare you've seen resistance you have gone through attacks you've experienced so many different things let's just be honest uh the past two years have been crazy uh on one hand we've seen a massive move of the spirit and then on the other hand we have seen tragedy and calamity and that's not easy for the mind to deal with all of the things that we've had to do with this as if we've experienced decades of transitions and shifts in one uh period of time in in literally the last two years we've gone through decades of transition and so it's important that we rely on the holy spirit that we uh come into his presence and that we pour our hearts out to him and we allow him to refresh us now the bible tells us this that our afflictions the light afflictions that we go through is producing in us a greater glory and can i tell you this that because of all of the things that we have gone through over the past couple years all of the things that the world has seen we have literally seen a reset button hit throughout the entire world everything as we have known it is completely different if you think that things are the same or if you think that well this is still working the same as it was before we entered into this new era then uh you you got to turn on your spiritual eyes because everything is completely different we are literally in a new world now not just in uh our nations but we are experiencing a new era within the church uh it's been one of the most concerning times uh for me and i know for many of you as i've sat in times of prayer and just really asked the lord what is going on we've seen back-to-back uh transitions now the lord did speak to us of this many months ago through many of the prophets i was one of them that prophesied this right here uh on on live publicly over the past a couple of years but we've seen back-to-back transitions in the church and if you're not aware of it yet you need to become aware that the face of the church is literally changing before our eyes we have watched and we are watching more transitions than we've ever seen we're seeing more uh generals past than what we have ever seen uh we are literally witnessing the changing of the guard right in front of our eyes and we're no longer saying that it's coming uh we're actually in the middle of it right now yes i say this by the spirit that we're in the middle of it which means that there is more to come and so as we uh are going through it entering into the fourth quarter uh of this year to close it out you need to understand that we are going to see another phase uh of a changing of the guard which means that we're going to see another phase of of those that will experience promotion some uh will experience promotion to glory and then there are some that are going to uh that have been on the forefront that are going to phase now into more of the background as the lord begins to bring a new thing to the forefront now whenever the lord does a new thing it is not easy it's not easy when the lord begins to institute something new in the earth because it comes with the old thing which is what we've become familiar with the thing that we become attached to the thing that we have uh become used to now begins to transition and it's no longer there now church as we have known it uh is over the way we have experienced church that's over the way we have experienced uh gathering now that is over the lord says now i'm instituting something new in the world and so we have to not be so sensitive to the holy spirit that we're willing to uh pursue after the new thing that god's doing and so that we can catch up with god we have to catch up with the agenda of the spirit and we can't be so married to the past that we become stagnant and we get stuck as the holy ghost is beginning to move us into new things and it's exactly what's happening right now this is why the apostle paul said forgetting those things which are behind and that's not an easy thing to do because we've got glory days that we remember we've got experiences that we remember and it's not easy to forget those things that are behind and to press into the future now over the past several weeks i entered into a period in my own personal life and i'm just going to be transparent with you i'm just sharing today i hope it's okay if i just kind of open up the book and just share and i'm going to read from the scripture here in just a moment but over the past several weeks i entered into a place in prayer and i was really almost grieving i felt a grieving in my spirit i was grieving because of several reasons i was grieving because i had experienced the loss of somebody that was very close to me uh a pastor friend that i uh really really uh was in covenant with and so it was very difficult during that period because you're watching transitions where there is no explanation for there's no answer for why uh we're seeing some uh of the things that are happening in our world it doesn't make sense to us but god's thoughts are above our thoughts now but in the midst of that i was about to travel out somewhere and i got uh some news about something and it really just kind of broke me in that moment and as i was in prayer and i couldn't go to that particular event the people were actually here to pick me up and take me to the airport and i couldn't go and i was sitting there just broken in the presence of the lord and the lord began to show me he said what you're grieving is not just the loss of what you've experienced to a person but he said to me you are grieving the loss of an old world he said you're grieving the loss of the old world everything as you have known it the way that you have been used to things the way that you have done a church ministry family and life it is that period is now over and and the lord said to me in so many words you can't get stuck in the midst of this place and he said to me you've got to come out of the grief of the old you've got to stop grieving what you have you have to let go of of the past in that and understand that i've got this all under control so i want to give you this word as we are closing out this year we're entering into the fourth quarter and the lord said to me uh as we're closing out this year that we have to come out of the grief of what we have lost now the lord has done many great things but many of us have still been going through in our own personal lives and we've been saying well god you know what am i going to do about that situation or is this ever going to go back to uh the way that it was and the lord is saying i've got something better for you that you have not seen now i want to read this for you uh because this is very important is first corinthians two and six and i'm gonna come back to that in just a moment but i want to turn your attention very quickly uh to joshua chapter one i believe that this is gonna bless you i'm gonna pull this up right now i wasn't planning on sharing this but i want to pull this up because this is where the lord began to take me uh as uh i was going through some things and really uh just processing all of the transitions that have been happening uh in joshua chapter one and verse one it says uh after the death of moses the servant of the lord the lord said to joshua son of nun uh he said moses my servant is dead now then you and all these people get ready to cross the jordan river into the land i'm about to give them to the israelites he said moses my servant is dead he said but now joshua you don't have time to grieve you don't have time to be stuck in what was and in what you lost he said now you've got to get up and you've got to take these people over this jordan he said because there is territory and there is land for you to possess now i don't know who i'm speaking to in this but i know it's for some of you on here that there are many of you over the past two years you have experienced major losses there are many of you over the past two years whether it was just a loss of freedom or a loss of what you were used to or a loss of friendships or relationships or even possibly a loss of someone that has transitioned and and that has gone on to heaven but i'm telling you this that as god spoke this to joshua this is the word of the lord for us and he said this uh to him he said moses is dead in other words it is the end of a chapter it's the end of a period that period is over that period is done but he said to joshua the next words were not words to say okay you know joshua take some time and and grieve and cry he didn't say to him okay i want you to take a couple months and just get yourself together and then i'll come back and check on you and see if you're ready for the assignment he said no you've got to get up and you've got to take these people across this jordan because there is land that you must possess and i'm telling you that as we're transitioning from 2021 into 2022 the lord says we don't have time to be stuck in the past but we've got to get up and we've got to step over and we've got a cross and the reason why is because there is land for us to possess there is an outpouring of the spirit that's going to come that's going to bring about spiritual territory into your hands and god would never allow all that has occurred in the past two years all of the deaths that we have seen all of the tragedy and trauma that we have seen he would never allow us to go through that and not reward the church for what we have had to suffer through and endure and so i want you to hear this that for every death there is a birth in the spirit and this means that we are coming into a period of multiple birthings in the spirit we're coming into a period now where god says you're about to give birth to vision you're about to give birth to things that have never been done in the earth you're about to give birth to ideas you're going to give birth to new strategies you're going to begin to give birth why because you have already experienced the loss but the days of division and subtraction are coming to an end and we're coming into days of addition and multiplication we're coming into times where the lord says now let me reward you for the things that you've gone through and i'm telling you this is a word from the lord as we close out this year you're going to experience a birthing in your own life that's a word for somebody right here and i want to read this for you let's go back to this uh in uh first corinthians two and six it says this however we speak wisdom among those who are mature yet not the wisdom of this age nor the of the rulers of this age who are coming to nothing but we speak the wisdom of god in a mystery the hidden wisdom which god ordained before the ages for our glory now verse 8 it says which none of the rulers of this age knew for had they known they would not have crucified the lord of glory he says in verse 9 which is what i want to bring your attention to it says but as it is written eyes have not seen nor ears have heard neither has it entered into the heart of man the things which god has prepared for those who love him it says but god has revealed them to us through his spirit and these are three areas that the lord is about to now confound us in he says i'm going to confound you in what you see he says your eyes have not seen what i'm about to do what's about to be released in the earth you have never seen it before i'm talking about the good what god is about to release and i know that there are things coming uh from a demonic agenda yes there are those things coming but let me tell you about what god is about to do he said your eyes have not seen this before the way i'm about to move you've never seen it the way i'm about to demonstrate my glory and my power your eyes have never witnessed what i'm going to do we're going to see unusual breakouts of the spirit listen to this we are going to see unusual releases of the spirit of god in our personal lives and some of you have been praying and you've been asking god for specific things you've been reminding god of specific promises but i want you to know that god's about to do above and beyond even the promise that he gave you your eyes haven't seen anything yet come on somebody just type that on the screen i haven't seen anything yet come on the best is still coming we haven't seen it i know it's difficult for some of you to receive that when you're seeing the state in the condition of the world but you've got to understand that we are not governed by what's happening in the world we live under a different government and it is the kingdom of god and he said your eyes have not seen then he said i'm going to confound your hearing i'm going to speak mysteries to you that have never entered into your ears before i'm going to say to you i'm going to cause you to become a steward of the mysteries of god and so god's about to speak forth mysteries that you've never heard and then he says i'm gonna do a work in your heart he says your heart what i'm gonna do is never even entered into your heart before now some of you you're going to come into a period of healing where the lord is going to heal a broken heart and i began to share this yesterday in my church service where the lord said i'm healing broken hearts and the reason why is because some have been disappointed because things didn't go the way that you thought they would go you you thought god would move in one way and he didn't do it you thought the lord was going to do one thing and he didn't do it that way and the lord said i'm going to heal the disappointment of my people because some of you even though you love god and you've been serving god and you've still been praising the lord you've got hidden disappointment in your heart because you've been saying god but i thought this was the way it was going to go but i thought you said this and the lord says watch me now heal your heart and as i heal your heart what i'm going to do for you is going to be much better than the way you thought it was going to go eyes haven't seen ears haven't heard neither has it entered into the hearts of man the things that god is about to do and this is what uh the apostle says here in the text he says but god has revealed them to us through his spirit there is a revealing that's coming over the next several months uh some things are going to make sense to you that didn't make sense uh in the past year over the next couple of months some things are just going to click in your spirit and you're going to understand them god's going to begin to download answers to you and he's going to give you understanding of where you are in your life where you are in this chapter of your life your ministry and the lord is going to begin to show you and make things make sense to you and so i want you to prepare yourself for this because we're going to see god do some amazing things so you must prepare for it this is a period of building the last few months of this year is a period for us to build i don't care if you've sat and done nothing for the majority of this year if god if you have ears to hear i want you to begin to pick up and build there's something that the lord has given you to construct and this is what the lord began to tell me he said to release this uh to you that you're coming into a period of building and the lord is raising up people with an architect's anointing you're going to be raised up as a prophetic as an apostolic architect where you're going to build the future that god has placed within your spirit and so god is releasing a builder's anointing right now and it's going to close out this year there's something that he's placed in your spirit it might be a project it might be an idea it might be a ministry initiative but whatever it is this is the time for you to build and you have to build strategically you cannot build uh just uh any kind of way you have to make sure that you are listening to the blueprint of the father as you build you're going to have to make sure that as you're building uh that you're not copying the way somebody else is doing it but you're doing it the way that the holy spirit has given you to do it so there's an acceleration coming on the last part of this year for us to build and for us to construct what the lord has said and so i'm telling you that if you would obey this word and step into it now what would have taken you two years to do you're going to complete it in the last three to four months what would have taken you uh come on just a couple of years to do god says you'll do it in one month if you would embrace this word and there's going to be a win that's going to hit you of acceleration as you begin to build in these last few months of the year it's coming on you and we call this a finisher's anointing somebody just type that on the screen god's giving me a finisher's anointing which means that we don't start and stop when god gives us a vision we start that thing and we take it all the way through until the end we complete the work that the lord has given us and some of you there are books that you got to write you're going to push them out in this last quarter uh some of you um there are projects that you've got to complete there are business ideas that you've got to get off the ground you're going to push it out in the last quarter of this year and i sense that there is a momentum in the spirit to help you push out what the lord has placed within your spirit somebody needs to hear this you got to push it out and you got to do it now you can't wait you can't put it off you can't say well i'm going to wait until 2022 to do it no the time is now to do it build and prosper build and watch god prosper you now this is what the lord said going back to joshua chapter one after moses had died after they had experienced this massive transition he says to joshua he says you've got to get up and take these people over this jordan you don't have time to grieve what you lost he said as i was with moses i'm going to be with you and then he says to joshua he says wherever the soul of your feet shall tread i have given you the land and territory which meant that the momentum was not on god it was left up to joshua that whatever he was willing to do wherever he would put his foot down in a territory god said i'm going to do it for you and some of you saying lord well how are you going to do this and the lord says it's not up to me i've already given you the word so wherever you put your foot down i'm gonna back you up whatever you enter into he says i'm gonna back you up and i'm gonna prosper it now that's a word from god for somebody right here that needs to hear it you're gonna build with momentum and you are going to prosper god has already given you the green light he's already given you the go-ahead just push into it and do it amen i feel god on that right there then the lord says to joshua he said have i not commanded you to be strong and courageous he said not to have any fear we've seen so much over the past couple of years that has given us pause where we could have had fear uh where we had uh some trepidation or maybe we've had some panic in areas and we don't claim that but i'm telling you what many have experienced over the past couple of years but he said to joshua you cannot have fear i'm going to be with you and i'm going to guide you and i see what the lord is doing right now is dispelling fear from you some of you have been fearful of how you're going to get the provision how is it going to happen that fear is leaving you right now in jesus name some of you been fearful of your life well god are you going to protect me is the enemy going to try to cut my life short the devil is a liar you're going to have long life in jesus name we're declaring this and you'll have no fear when you understand the host of angels that are backing you up when you understand the host of heaven that's covering your assignment and your destiny and you won't leave until it's done then you'll have no fear because you understand that god is in control of everything let me say that again god is in control of everything and it doesn't mean that the enemy's not going to form weapons but they will not work come on somebody speak that over your own life the weapon might be formed but it will not work in jesus name now listen i want you to take this word and i want you to build with this word i've got to shift gears here for a moment because i want to shift your attention uh on a more of a national scale and on a global scale for the end of this year some of the things that we're going to see i'm not going to spend a whole lot of time on this maybe for another live but i wanted to encourage you on this live and share with you what the lord put in my spirit concerning the close of this year concerning the fourth quarter of the year and what we need to focus on but let's shift gears here uh concerning uh the the national scale and concerning a global scale what is the lord doing uh we are going to continue uh to see uh what will be a coming famine in the earth now i know i'm i'm shifting gears right here but i have to share this with you and the lord would not allow me to get away from this and he's been saying this to me uh for several years and if you've been a part of my ministry locally uh in minnesota or in raleigh north carolina in the past you've heard these prophetic words uh over the past decade but the lord has been saying to me and he told me to say this again so that we will know how to strategize and plan when the lord gives us a word of warning when he gives us a word uh to let us know what's coming it's not for our for us to panic it's so that we can strategize and so that we can know how to plan and so the lord says that there is going to come a famine that is worse than what we have seen and we need to begin to prepare now and i saw this carrying into uh the next year into 2022 and 2023 and the lord said to me that throughout this entire decade that we were going to see many shortages throughout the decade uh simply because of a joseph-like uh famine of what he experienced in his time that we will see and i saw again the food industry being hit and i saw again the medical industry being hit what this means is that i saw a shortage when it came to certain medications again i know we've seen some of this but the lord said to prepare because i saw it hit in a greater way and so the way that we can prepare now is to begin to cover these areas in prayer personally as the lord begins to give you uh the unction to pray you must cover these areas personally in your own life you know what your situation is uh you know uh what your economy is like and so we do the natural practical things we use the wisdom of god to save and store and we do all of those things but you must understand that there is more that's coming down the pipeline it's going to be as if one biblical prophecy after another we're going to begin to see its surface in the earth and it's going to be undeniable you won't be able to say well uh no that that's not what the bible said i know that's not a prophecy being fulfilled no you're going to look at it and and many are going to be confounded uh because of where we are on the timetable of god and i don't talk about this as often but i want you to understand that we are in a significant place on the timetable of god and it's as though things have been sped up it's as though uh we are no longer uh uh paces behind in prophecies but they're they're coming to pass so quickly uh that uh we're we're having to try to keep up with all of the things that's happening and so understand this that we are going to continue to see uh uh these shortages over this uh decade and even in the next couple of years and you need to prepare for it and we can pray and and believe god and know that our economy is sure even in the midst of this our economy our personal economy because we live under the economy of heaven all right so i want you to understand that then the next thing that the lord began to show me uh is uh he turned my attention to begin to pray again concerning america many of you watch from other nations and if you can join in and begin to pray uh for our country as we also will pray for yours but the lord said begin to pray uh even the more and you've heard me say this before but the lord said pray even the more uh for the united states uh because i saw a period of instability come concerning our government a period of instability now some people are gonna say we've already seen that but no what i saw was completely different from the things that we have seen and this period of instability was going to come with a swift transition in other words it was going to be uh upheaval again within our government and the lord began to show me this uh investigation as i looked in the vision of god and there was almost like a federal uh investigation that was going on at this point or time in that vision which is in the future uh not far from this time and the lord began to tell me he said you must pray uh because it will be a vulnerable period for the nation and as we're in that vulnerable period i saw again the rise of china and we must continue to keep our eyes on that because i saw it in a vision almost like a sleeping uh dragon uh that rose up and begin to uh take over and dominate in many ways and uh we must begin to prepare and cover in these areas because we're going to see that even the more uh where we're going to see uh it in our economy we're going to notice it in the global economy we're going to notice it uh as it relates to uh where america is going to fall in uh among the nations concerning the economy and we're also going to begin to see it within investments and and and the stock market and the lord began to say this to me as well um that even in the crypto uh market in cryptocurrency i saw another a huge shaking come to the crypto uh market to cryptocurrency and uh there were many losses uh that will occur and this is what i saw in the vision uh where there were many losses that uh would occur and so again i'm sharing this stuff so that you can be prepared but also so that you can know god is aware of all of the things that are coming and he's aware of it before it ever happens and so when we're caught off guard please understand uh that uh god is not caught off guard god knows all of these things and he has a plan and he is still guiding us and he's still in control and managing uh even when we don't think that he's in control and even when we don't think that he's managing he is in control okay so you you i want you to be encouraged even though i'm sharing these things that i know some of these things are uh for some of you difficult to hear for others of you you understand because the lord has shared uh some of these things with you as well but he's turned my attention back to this so that we can pray and we must pray as we're entering as we're leaving this year and entering into 2022. the focus in the spotlight is going to be on america and the government again as we go through a swift transition and i saw uh something being uh uh almost like enacted in our in our nation uh that we had not seen uh and they're going to say we haven't seen this uh in a hundred years they're gonna say we haven't seen this particular thing in uh uh like a hundred years or fifty to a hundred years and it's going to be something that again is going to take our nation by storm so let's pray and let's cover we have that responsibility as intercessors we have that responsibility as watchmen to do it now many of you have come on uh these lives and and you've been in services as the lord has released me to share these words i've shared them as the lord has released me to say these things over the past two years i've gotten a lot of flack for sharing them i don't really care about that but i'm sharing this with you that some of the things that the lord gave me over the past several years have really seemed absurd as i released them the prophecies seemed far-fetched and they seemed completely off uh they seemed like they were in left field somewhere there were times that the lord had me sit here and share prophetic words and i was praying and on my way to sharing i'd be saying god are you sure that that's what you want me to say and the lord would tell me say it and say it anyway and speak it boldly he said because when the time comes it's going to provide clarity to those that need that kind of clarity and so i'm sharing this again does it matter that these things may not be occurring right now understand that we have the prophetic advantage the lord gives us foresight ahead of time so that we can know what's coming so listen be encouraged i know after all of that i'm saying be encouraged but please be encouraged to know that god is with us i'm going to stop there on the national and the global scale i want to come back and do an entire life that is geared to that on uh what the lord has been speaking concerning the economy how we are to govern ourselves uh concerning that and the coming famine and some of those things i want to do an entire life that's just devoted to that and if god says the same i will uh and and that may be within the next couple of weeks uh but in the meantime for those of you uh that are connected to this ministry or you want to connect uh we've got a way that you can do that if you're in the us you can text the word kingdom to the number 81411 and that's going to put you right into our text thread and then today is a special day because september the 27th is the launch of a ministry training school that the lord's given me it's the school of apostles and prophets and many of you have already signed up so many of you have there's still room for you to sign up it starts today it's all virtual it's all online many of the things that i can't share here on this platform i'm sharing with you in these classes and there are three courses for you to choose from uh number one is the school of evangelism and miracles if you know that god has placed a call on you as an evangelist or even if you just called you feel that pull to help bring in the harvest this course is for you if you have the gift of miracles in you but you don't know how to activate it you don't know how to tap into that uh in this course i'm teaching along with other instructors uh how to activate the gift of miracles so that the lord can use you in miracles and it starts today the link is there on the screen if you want to sign up uh the the payment is reasonable now you can click the link that's on the screen if you don't see the link go to joshuagiles.com and go under courses and you'll have access to it right there and then number two we've got the school of the prophets school of the prophets is launching today this is all new content it's not the same school of the prophets i did at the beginning of the year or last year this is new content new information you can sign up there is still time click that link and be a part of the school the prophets i want to help train you along with other apostles and prophets to speak into your life and to equip you to step out in your calling and in what the lord is equipping for you to do and then there is the school of apostles for those of you that are apostolic leaders and you want a push you want some encouragement we're talking about how to build in that course we're talking about church planting uh in that course we're going into detail uh on how to set up infrastructure in your church how to build we go into detail on spiritual mapping how do you go into a territory and take that territory that's in this class for you and this is is really going to be i believe phenomenal and groundbreaking and it starts today and there's still time for you to register the link is on the screen if you want to sign up for the school of apostles and prophets is there uh for you to sign up thank you everybody for tuning in to this live i'll see you back next monday as long as the lord says the same and for those of you that already signed up for the class uh if you for some reason lost your password or couldn't get in go back to the original email and click uh to reset your password or if you're having issues with getting in call my office and we're going to get you uh set up to make sure uh that you are able to get in and access all the material thank you everybody hit share if this word encouraged you and i'll see you next week god bless you
Channel: International Outpour
Views: 7,238
Rating: 4.9551821 out of 5
Id: eQGbrBu85cY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 14sec (2534 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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