YouTube's Legend: Casey Neistat - IMPAULSIVE EP. 218

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and the guy cuts me off and i almost fall going full speed around the corner stops at the corner and i flipped out on him and then i won the race and i he disqualified oh for swearing at him what's his name jack reese like every other sport there's no one in the uh in the stadium the football stadium completely an empty arena but they add in crowd sounds it's like considered like a laugh track cardboard cutouts too uh only nba is doing that no nba's got like virtual people mlb has like sorry sorry it's wild it's so it we're in a weird time la's burning to a crisp yeah the world's burning down no one's going to any sporting events because we can't because of a global pandemic we're in a weird spot 2020 is weird not to mention this feedback that's horrible i feel like i'm in a game of packing absolutely [Music] we're trying to be like sucked in through the headphones and digitized smaller man type [ __ ] oh yeah so when aol first went digital this is the noise that you heard code is coming through are we using dial up right now are we connecting to we'll tell you what what's happening also audience there's a good chance most of you have fallen in love with our beloved engineer bradley bradley we we know you guys you know what he looks like you know his personality you know him you love him brad has has moved on yeah brad's uh he moved back to his home state to go achieve some personal goals and we got a new engineer his name's travis and so far he ain't [ __ ] doing it all the pressure on it's no problem because we're going to figure this out and we go to ace guest and ace guests we've had i mean [ __ ] dude we're really living up to our name the number one podcast in the world just rocket fuel guest star after star after star six nine charlie rocket and we got a phenomenal guest today we good on the feedback that feels much better i feel like i'm no longer in a microwave and i'm back somebody stuck me in for a reheat cycle should we should we podcast about headphones be at first i think we're all comfortable with speaking and like close to a microphone knowing what we're supposed to do right also that's a problem also our guest who has one of the biggest youtube channels in the world is vlogging our inconsistent [ __ ] podcast now which makes me feel even [ __ ] worse about things yeah all right let's bring him on are we okay let's go i'm just gonna run this without yep headphones i can't believe it the first podcast we all don't have headphones on times are changing what if i sound different you're going there's too much feedback so many technical difficulties we're going to bring on the guests ladies and gentlemen with over 12 million subscribers and 3 billion views this og storyteller and entrepreneur has graced the forefront of social media and business at the highest level for over a decade ladies and gentlemen it's youtube's hero casey neistat you're here to save us all casey oh gee dude quadruple quadruple yeah so flight risk you put on the headphones do you hear the feedback not right here all right so i'm just [ __ ] with you it sounds awful no it'll come back i'm possible it's coming back yeah for sure so we'll just go on and off at our leisure come on guys casey good to be here how are you um what a [ __ ] up year yeah yeah it's not good what a [ __ ] up year so the year is almost as [ __ ] up as your headphones i can't do it i literally can't do it oh no good man i'm good good so so uh when i texted you you want to come on impulsive i said yo casey monday how does 1pm work you said you said you said you said i have kids you said i have kids can we make it earlier i said do whatever you need you're casey neistat 11 am sound good he says yeah it might be a little late 11 30 12. i got a conference call busy man entrepreneur business guy here it's 1 p.m casey i got you two hours late we've been sitting here everything was perfect and then the moment you came the headphones is feedback it sounds like morse code coming through the wires i know it's just it's it's this is penance for bad karma for me not just committing to one o'clock to begin with no it's all good but you're here now you knew sort of i'm here i'm here now i'm happy to be here yeah is it the kids is that what because you said you said can we can it be earlier i have kids is that is that what happens when you have kids i'm sort of no what it is is i since i moved to california i have a policy i don't keep a schedule which means i'll only like i don't commit to anything are you joking i'm dead it is the most awful punishing thing for everyone in the world but me but i you know i don't keep a schedule what's the reason it's just like too much stress it's stressful and it's like when i lived in new york i had like you know you have like 10 appointments a day i was running three companies i was like doing a video a day and it's like i don't want to do any of that right now so yeah i just refuse to keep this guy i refuse to keep a schedule and i refuse to schedule phone calls is it because you live in los angeles now my dad has a massive problem with los angeles-based people doing this i swear no no none of us like show up when we please like relay we're early i mean logan i think if you tried to not keep a schedule in new york city just nobody talked to you right but in l.a or like you don't give a schedule cool yeah my dad doesn't keep a schedule you know it's just like it's the way it goes have i found it freeing for you because because there's al there's people on the other side of the spectrum that say that a rigid schedule is actually their stress reliever because they wake up they know exactly what they have to do for the day and it keeps them in line they move to not to die well okay so it goes like this i i literally only schedule as many things in as far in advance as i can keep track of in my brain so i think you asked me on friday you're like you want to come monday there's no way i'm going to remember four days that's that's like three days i know but not even look i gotta get friends seen up at 7 30. georgie's got to be up at 8 by 8 15. francine has to be in her uniform this is like five things now i gotta throw impulsive in there too like we're getting the surfing too yeah i gotta remember to surf this is just like two [ __ ] lunch have you been surfing a lot since you got out here yes it's like that's my full-time job i was gonna ask about that because you've been doing tutorials yeah i saw you yeah i took dixie and you said you weren't you weren't a pro instructor but i'm assuming like do you have a goal here are you just doing it for fun you know surfing for me is like one of those things where i've always wanted to do it and it's like you promise yourself your whole life you're going to get to a place where you can do that thing because like there's nothing more indulgent than surfing sure it's just like there's no return on that investment ever and so when i moved out here like i made it a really big priority and it's like the hardest sport i've ever tried to learn really uh forgive me surfers what is makes it so difficult it's like the best way i can explain this is like if you ski or you snowboard like your first day kind of sucks by the end of that day you can make it down the mountain and by the end of the second day like you're slow but you're not getting hurt you're okay the zero to one of surfing is like six months every single day and at the end of those six months you'll be able to look like a total like kook a total doofus on like a some long stupid board going straight to shore like you have no business being out there like that's how hard it is what do you think the core differentiating factors between surfing and and skiing is it because the the landscape changes on every single frozen water yeah i mean like there's the mechanics of it which isn't that romantic but it's like you don't just have to learn how to like operate the skeet the snow the surfboard like you have to operate the tool but you also have to like read the waves and like know how to have the strength to paddle and like know where to find the it's like imagine if like the the ski mountain was constantly moving change change but the more romantic part of like the difference between surfing and all those other sports is it's like it's you just go out in the middle of the ocean by yourself like every day you just kind of sit out there does that floating in the ocean that's scary do you ever get scared or something nibbling on your foot you ever had anything nipple on you yeah are you serious totally serious you've been never no it wasn't a bite but dolphins and i don't know what they are seals or sea lions i hate them right everybody loves dolphins don't love dolphins that's that's kind of [ __ ] up man i mean i wish them the best you know how can you not love dolphins have you ever had like a bunch of dolphins [ __ ] with you when you're trying to surf you're lying dead ass no way you're just trying to get the stoke and they're probably dolphins surf but usually they just come near where you are and sometimes like on a break when there's always people they get way too close to you and when you're sitting on a surfboard like you know like 180 pounds all of a sudden these like five six hundred pound monsters like ten of them come close enough to like almost touch you it's a scary thing is this is is this is dark but is this like the origin of like dolphin rape like yeah so i was just gonna touch on that and i didn't know if this was yet i know that's a real thing they love having uh intercourse with humans is that is that the case like you'll just be surfing along and all of a sudden you get some no double d i've never had a dolphin approach me in that way it's actually probably how do you how are you off like locals only right i pull up it's just more the idea that like a 500 pound fish or corpus in this case gets close to your right right it's like a sea lion or a seal is basically like the biggest pit bull you've ever seen yeah that can swim those are those are scary sea lions sea lions are terrifying deadly lethal creatures deadly those teeth bro all they do is kill penguins you have to be a sick [ __ ] to kill a penguin what are you seeing on cue to penguin nicest pain nice nicest you know they're gay penguins and they have partners that's mad cool yeah nothing but respect for that they're probably the closest animals to to humans well you know there used to be a you know there used to be a human-sized penguin right oh my god you're right do you know about the human size penguins no but if i look at my bingo card at things we're going to be talking about on the impulsive show that's the wild spot in size penguins square a1 have you considered that i'm not kidding have you considered the fact that there was once a human-sized penguin walking around planet earth what would you do you know it's like how much time of your day like if you're conscious 16 hours a day you're sleeping how much time do you spend thinking about [ __ ] like this all of that you remember billy madison right he brought human-sized penguins into the zeitgeist culture i remember i remember that penguin that that used to [ __ ] with him that was his biggest fear that was the culmination of all fear and then also in fight club his happy place was the pair remember it's it's just another part of culture touching on these important topics that exist in real life right this is these are the issues facing people you said surfing's the hardest sport you've ever done yeah i think so you're uh you're a super outdoorsy beachy active guy i see you on the super 73s the bikes i see you outside running i see you working out uh have you ever slacklined no but you know i live in like the west side like i live in i live in new zealand right right next to all those all those like all my friends like the hippie dudes that like are super like acro yoga you know about that oh yeah we know it's like it's like um what was that what was that cheerleading show that was so good that was on youtube she's the one she's the next the the cheerleading documentary yeah the series that was like my girlfriend would they like to throw each other like 10 feet in the air they do two backflips like all those like type are all right where i live and slacklining is a big part of like what their community does but no i don't understand that the reason i ask is because that it's the hardest thing i've ever done in my life that's by far i can pinpoint that is the hardest activity sport i've ever really done in my life the problem was maybe that our slack line was uh wired between two mountaintops with the 304 ravine and 100 feet long this is the first time you tried it uh no i i did practice but you can imagine there's a difference when you're uh about three feet high over cent there's a consequence of venice beach there's a difference in consequences i had a hard time trusting a rope that was a centimeter thick a centimeter thick they told me it has you know like five thousand pounds of uh pool strength but i ca i just like i'm sorry dude i'm a i'm like semilogical i'm not buying it i'm not buying it it was the hardest thing i've ever done in my life i love that you two could get into like a uh a risk video dick swinging contest right he's like he's like what are you saying about things telling you because i actually got picked up by a drone on a snowboard and elevated above the mountain i had a same [ __ ] issue where i was worried about something snapping too you guys have both done crazy [ __ ] you've done a ton of crazy [ __ ] case yeah whatever whatever it takes to get those views man you gotta it's a flying drone it's a flying drone like slackline over three thousand people bring it on what was the scariest thing you ever did um like in life or for a video you know the thing is about for a video and i don't know if this is the case of you logan but like when that drone lifted me i think we're at the highest like 150 feet in the air which is super that's insane um when that happened um i was also like directing that video it was like samsung was paying for that video it like cost a fortune to do it you go to finland sorry that was the drone that was picking up yeah we're here to finland the only country let us shoot it was our last day of shooting i had to get the shot of me flying um so like fear wasn't able to come into the equations had so much you know so many responsibilities in that moment it's just like when i was hanging from underneath that helicopter on a rope oh yeah which like you know like weirdly enough logan i think you've been in a similar position under a helicopter before you inspired me you inspired me but like i don't know you're the only person i know is also hung from a rope ladder underneath the helicopter the only hard the only hard part of that for me was that we did two rehearsals and like by the time it was like guys like climbing up and down a rope ladder is a tremendous expenditure of it's like doing a hundred pull-ups each time and this is the third time in sequence i have to do it but even there like fear didn't come into play because i'm trying to get the shot i'm trying to direct the guy up in the helicopter i had a camera in my hand were you nervous at first when you first climbed down the ladder before that show like in concept when we did it for rehearsal yeah yeah because all i was thinking about was my safety and the 10 000 things like the safety supervisor said to do you were over land right overland yeah i was over water so at least i had at least i had sure it was terrifying but that drop was gonna kill you no matter what what kind of harness did you have on um i mean so we did like that i don't know what it's called it was a full body like backhand harness but then i had um you can't see it maybe you can see in the video but i had like the tiniest um string that came through my wrist so i could hang from one hand okay but if i were to fall like in theory that would catch me i made a mistake uh we made a mistake b maybe the stunt team and we did uh i forget what the harness is called but it was only a waste harness and i in part of that work yeah for part of the shot i leaned back right and then let go let go with both of my hands let go of my as a timer i didn't think anything of it then i landed i was like wait a second this heart i could have so easily just slid slid out and fell 400 feet underwater like who knows what would have happened but yeah it's like like a rock climbing harness kind of situation exactly yeah yeah but you know also that there's big and differing levels to this [ __ ] because i just saw you in david blaine's video right yeah yeah david's a maniac and he rode some balloons to 20 000 feet yeah i think he might have found like 22 or 24 000 like the point is like he was in like an area too where you can't breathe at that altitude right you know like i think up to 15 000 or something you're kind of okay but at that height there's like not enough air right in the air isn't that what he was training for yeah he did all the hypoxia and deep breathing and that's right that's right have you done uh the cryo chamber the cryo no but i'd like to so uh the place i do my sports rehab david was going there to train for ascension and the average human goes in the cryo tank for three minutes to recover three minutes 30 seconds maybe and it's it's not impossible but it's also not incredibly easy like it's cold it's freezing negative 260 degrees fahrenheit uh david was training going in at nine nine minutes at a time how long have you been going three three thirty i'm i'm trying to like recover my muscles not prepare for uh stuff where she's becoming the kid from up [Laughter] you know so david i made a video well i'm in his video where he's like teaching people how to hold their breath under water yeah sure and in the video the one that he published i think i made it like three minutes and 30 seconds or something like that but david and i that was the second time we shot that video the first time we shot it i went to like four minutes and 34 seconds wow which is so much more than three and a half minutes but his camera cut off halfway through matt so our our guy mac here is is he's an underwater breather as well i can hold my breath for i've done five minutes in 20 seconds at least yeah so really is that right without even like training with david blaine just being able to do it what's your what's your pr like 420 something probably yeah right yeah at that time is it is is it there's a technique to be able to is it a long thing it's like beyond a technique it's like it's like a it's like a trick like you have to condition your body and as david explains it's like it's more about getting the what is it co2 out of your lungs now he's getting the o2 in so it's like you have to do all that vim hof breathing where you're just like exhaling as aggressively as you can to get all the bad [ __ ] out of your lungs you know that feeling when you're like holding your breath for a long time and you feel like you're about to explode yeah that's the co2 build up where you just have to let that out so do you did you let out air slowly when you were going or did you just hold it all in we held it all in okay and you hold it all in because bubbles coming up is a sign that someone's drowning oh so that's how he explained to us so like that was a big no-no it's like don't let out air why because would they have come and grabbed you if you yeah so like it is casual is that video i don't know if you saw like david posted a video yeah it's like a bunch of interesting people trying to hold their breath as casual as that look like david is a real pro he's been training his whole life and he knows what to look for like you gotta put your hands really gently on the pool like this and when he's like are you good you have to lift one finger up and like my boy who was with us blacked out yeah and he's like a pro big wave surfer and like he knows how to hold his breath you've done this training before and he passed out before we went underwater but like no one noticed except for david because david knew what to look for wow and like grabbed and said okay recovery breathing come on back come on back sure he's he's an incredible human i'm a huge fan he's also a good guy just like a good friend day or night i always take your call i got to say i got the same impression probably yeah fantastic yeah we interrupt this programming to bring you our sponsor if you're a male and you're looking to last longer and go a few extra rounds and you want to be confident every time for sex get to has the first ever chewable that brings your performance in the bedroom to another level check this out they've got the same active ingredients that are in viagra and cialis so you 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did we miss roman so bad roman i would when i was like i think literally i crossed a million subscribers at his house but he reached out to me out of nowhere and this was five years ago and he's like hey man come to ohio that's where he lives right yeah and he's like let me like teach you the ways this is when he was pulling four million views of video and i was doing 200 000 and it was just like the generosity of a guy like that and he did he taught me a lot and it's like about how to use it and then like you look at somebody like mr beast like mr beast's approach like jimmy's approach to youtube i've never seen anyone like it it's purely mathematical it's like i mean he's his videos are really fun don't get me wrong there's a lot of spirit and creativity there too but his approach is entirely based on math and i don't know like what kind of [ __ ] psycho genius have you spoken to him i talk to him all the time safe to say the most brilliant kid you've ever spoken to in your life absolutely especially like like one of the first times i ever met jimmy like we hung out in new york city and he like we're having these deep conversations about like the nuances of youtube and social implications and all that stuff and he's like he asked me like super frankly he's like how do i learn how to speak better how do i learn how to be more articulate and i understood completely why he was saying that and why he was asking that but like the the confidence it takes in a person to both like recognize the value and being able to be articulate and then like to actually speak up and ask something like that i mean my response was just like just read a lot of books like that's how i'm about [ __ ] high school dropout i learned how to talk from reading books and like but that was just such like such a clear illustration of where his brain was his self-awareness is unbelievable unbelievable and his drive to be better his drive to be better and just like he's he is like a very good guy he's very smart he's so conscious of what he's doing he's no accidents in the world of mr beast like he knows what he's doing when it comes to the platform so like meeting someone like him is really interesting um more broadly like and i'm sure you experienced some of this too like in the crazy like crazy daily vlog days but like when i was at the academy awards and i was there because i was a youtuber and like a brand brought me to the academy awards i was like in the winner's lounge like after you win you all go to this like one lounge and i'm like down there like walk around like goofy [ __ ] and like this like woman comes with me because she was like you i was like oh [ __ ] and she pulls up her cell phone and she's like is this you and she shows me a picture of myself yeah that's me and she's like oh of everyone here my kids made sure i had to find you and take a picture of you this is the [ __ ] academy award and this mom who just wanted to get an academy award for producing is looking for me and i just think like that is such a profound experience that like you're able to penetrate all the noise and connect with an audience even if it may not be academy award winners it's their children it's like what it what a crazy entrench the world of entertainment that youtube provides you you've always kind of leveled up beyond the average youtuber when it comes to the people that were willing to connect with you i i met you in nantucket years back i was just i didn't even have a youtube channel at that time i was just a fan and you were there sharing the stage with i think like deepak chopra like i don't even remember who else spoke the time you did but what is it about you that has always um connected you and been the person that the academy awards chooses or or or you know what is it that you do differently that sets you apart from youtubers that vlog or youtubers that make prank videos like what what's different about casey neistat um you know i don't know i'm old for starters you've been doing it for a long time doing it like before youtube i was still doing it and i think that like you know like i started making movies in like 98 or something i was like a teenager and you just learn and like before youtube i had to find other places to like do my like make my videos and tell my tell stories so i think that like there is a recognition of how hard it is to succeed in other places you know like my hbo show which was in 2010 like you can find that show on youtube um like it's just a vlog yeah but it was way before vlogging existed was all i knew how to do so i put it on on on hbo or hbo bought it then brothers yeah yeah and i think that like you know and then i made feature films and i made like regular movie theater movies and i worked for the new york times making movies but really like if you just zoom back and look at all that it's all just [ __ ] youtube videos that just put them in different places before youtube became what youtube was but i think through that process i definitely sort of achieved the level of attention from a very different audience like people who tune in to op docs like opinion documentaries and the new york times are not your typical youtube subscriber and that's like you know for for years i used to make videos for them i think i did five or six videos for them over three or four years so all of that and i just think all those years of experience just has enabled me to connect with an audience that i think is um is not entirely typical for your more sort of standard youtube audience i think i think your storytelling obviously is one of your strongest suits but your innovation like your ability to adapt how many people have been able to have the longevity career-wise that you have you know what i'm saying like we see it we're seeing it happen now some of these tick tock stars come in hot go out even harder the the the fizzle is so fast and it's been so cool to see you grow over the years and it's it's interesting to hear you say that roman outward was sort of your kickstarter into vlogging because i remember when i started vlogging you had just stopped it was it was like you had paved the way after roman you have paid you had paved the way for the the wave of vlogging that was me jake um i'm not sure who else was crazy enough to daily vlog at the time because as you know that is incredibly toxic and uh difficult but i feel like i have to apologize for the world now if i'm the reason i didn't say you were the reason i said you paved the way you know logan there's a the logan casey history is a story i don't think a lot of people know but way back in the day when i was like first trying to figure out how to launch my tech app this was like 2013. um vine was the hottest thing and i knew that like i needed to work with influencers to like launch my product and i didn't have the social media presence then that and jerome jar was a dear friend he said come out to la let me introduce you to all these viners and he brought me out and like that was the beginning of the end that's when it all went down all the vitamins were super young you guys were like maybe in 18 19 20 squirts yeah young and um i had no youtube presence then so like you know like jerome's prancing around being like this is casey he's gonna launch for that you should know him and like i understand like not everybody was excited about like meeting this like 20 year old [ __ ] 35 year old guy who's about to launch something and like you were so generous and you were so kind to me at that time like you gave me the time of day like you sat down with me you heard me out like you you i hung out in your apartment for like a day we like met a bunch of people together and i i've always really appreciated that um but also within there on that very day and i don't know if you remember this because there's also a journalist they're interviewing you like a million things going on in that exact moment but this is when you were living at i don't know what the address 600 1600 vine every viner which is the biggest platform out every viner in the [ __ ] world lived in that field now and i said to you then i was like you guys need to do a youtube show right now i was like do a daily vlog this is when no one was daily vlogging this was like fun for louie was the only daily vlogger i was like you guys just start a vlog use this entire building as you're set and all the viners in here as your as your like talent and i think like you i don't know who you were it was it was it was me and lance lance lance lance 210 we just talked as much as we poke at lance 210 we love lance two times oh yeah he's the reason i got into vlogging you all want to get mad at someone get them out of the lane he's it was me and lance that were vlogging and then and then jake started is that right but this was like 40 years before you guys started vlogging like yeah yeah the opportunity at 1600 was so rich because like in what world i think even at the time mtv was considering a show called hollywood and vine because those are the cross streets yeah and that's also like such an appropriate title the problem was uh and a lot of a lot of maybe media companies or studios who try to do this talent first model the problem was we couldn't all unite right we had individual goals and we were unwilling to drop those to form this group and this show together yeah that's why i never worked it's one of those situations where if any of the people who lived at 1600 divine understood than what is commonly understood in the community now in order to get a different equation agree it was also just like the idea of a daily vlog back then was just that thing where like people talking to a point shooting like yo go to get some coffee now like it wasn't sort of the creative outlet that vlogging has matured into it's been so crazy to see the evolution of vlogging i wanted to ask you about this because it fascinates me i feel i feel horrible for the next wave of vloggers uh like uh you know who alex warren is yeah talk to the kid all the time he's a friend of mine and i i really believe in him but i have to acknowledge that it's probably so hard to to to really break through everything's been done everything's been done we've filled the pool with a million orbeez we built the giant uh lego structure and knocked it down we've given away cars we've given away money like it's all been done so what is next for the youtube vlogger you know i think the exact opposite yeah i think no i had this conversation with with my friend sam yesterday i think that like the vlogging space is so wide open because if you look at like who the really successful vloggers were um and you say you count 20 of them if you can count that many they all fall into like one of two or three sort of genres of vlogging you know like alex falls into like the david dobrik sort of comedic skit vlogging like you and your brother are sort of and and lance two times like you all sort of fall into this sensationalist volume like category of vlogging which is like your life is so wild and that's why people are tuning in you know for me um it was much more about like here's here's my perspective on the world and then maybe the other category would be like this is literally my life which is just people sharing the specifics of their i think that leaves like this wildly wide open green pasture that doesn't necessarily adhere to any one of those really cleanly defined buckets so there needs to be a new format yeah i think that like but you'd agree that's hard that's hard that's the hardest thing to do so okay so so it is hard you're saying i think it's hard but you were yeah okay so i understood what you were saying it's like it's done like there's nothing left to invent i agree i agree it's wide open not easy but the barrier to entry oh yeah way higher you can't just you can't pick up a camera and fill your pool up with [ __ ] mountain dew and get a million views anymore like it just will not happen but i think that like there's an appetite out there like the kardashians is coming off the air like people still want they want to see they like they want to under they want stories they want to understand life like give the people that like tell them a story and i think people will engage like in a huge way i think that like right now youtube so much of youtube especially the creator community feels so stale so stale and i'm not thinking on anyone in particular i just mean that it's like like i think the last truly like revolutionary wave that i saw on the platform was dobrik like where you looked at you're like holy [ __ ] no one's doing anything like this i've never seen anything like that before and but now dobre has been doing it for you know a number of years he's still incredible he's not lost his touch at all but it's it's it's no longer brand new um and i said this doesn't sound like a dig i think he's he is absolutely brilliant but like what is the next evolution and sort of the blogging genre i don't know but i just mean like if we haven't seen anything new in that long there's an opportunity right now just to figure out what that is massive we'll leave it up to uh you guys to figure that out yeah all right because that wave is that wave has passed for me that way this pass for is officially for you it's a pass for david now it looks like two at this point the burnout that vlogging causes tremendous is that why you stopped 20 2016 right i mean yeah you know for me it's like i think about a lot but it's like you put so much of yourself out there had a great conversation with phil defranco about this because that guy's been doing it forever yeah but you put so much of yourself out there you externalized so much of who you are that you land at this like weirdly existential place and it's like [ __ ] what's left for me and i know that's how i felt towards the end and like and then like you start to just go through these motions of making videos that are less the sort of like intimate sincere genuine stories and they're just like you're just plugging in the pieces so you can put content out because you start to get excited about things other than making great videos you're excited about the money excited about the fame yeah you're excited about the subscribers like the constant ego stroke like all of these things that in aggregate for me anyways inaugurate none of those like all those are a drip in the ocean and the ocean is like really sharing an amazing story like that's such an amazing wonderful thing to be able to do and when that was sort of supplanted when that was removed and it was replaced with just like post a video get the views post the video get like i started to not feel great about myself or what i was doing and that's when you just have to like be honest with yourself my favorite i gotta sort of hit the brakes even if it's a very expensive decision to make sure you know you know who i think is great and i think is a new genre um jeff whitaker oh the barbershop you went on right dude it's such a good show yeah and you can see he's still getting better with every episode which means he's got a long way to go yes but like you got long form like your podcast and you break it up you put it on pieces and it's great and there's a number of different ways to consume it but i feel like jeff has merged what is effectively like conversation with actual like a youtube format in a way that's really compelling and as he like ramps up the comedy and he like leans into jonah as like his foil you know he's like who was it conan had andy richter or whatever he's like a guy would sit down like it's just it's becoming it's maturing into something that feels really rich like there's no talk show in the in the youtube community that doesn't follow sort of a traditional format and jeff's show is something really new it's refreshing it's refreshing when i first saw it i i really liked the format format you can tell right away it's like there's something here it's the same it's almost the same model as like a carpool karaoke where it's like there's a what's it called what's that type of activity uh medial media yeah yeah going on yeah while the uh character uh what's the what's the word i'm looking for the i think i just had a stroke but but also it takes a certain guest for that show because it's a very dry humor i d he just had me and my girlfriend on a couple weeks ago and it was too much for her like for me you can alright so sit down in the chair first thing he does is lean over to adjust the chair and a heroin needle falls out of his pocket in front of me and he goes i'm so sorry i don't know where that can and my girlfriend looks at me like and i'm like just trust the process laugh at it but it's it's certain people i don't think could go on that show and be you have to be able to laugh at yourself in a major way to go on that show and he put me in his closet make sure you stand to the left side because i'm going to cut the door down and i was like okay cool and i like stand to the left side and i hear a chainsaw start right the glass powered chainsaw i was like i'm gonna back up just a little bit more i'm like and the door comes down with a chain like a spinning blade through there but did i tell you he's gonna do this beforehand i wasn't worried but it plays man it's good humor like it's a good show it's a good show i think he's doing smart thing he's a good interviewer a lot of that humor is really i think really sophisticated i'm a huge fan he had he had one of the demilio sisters on i think i think it was dixie yeah um and the connecticut connection there it is did you ever think that the biggest celebrity in the world would be a 15 year old girl from connecticut from greenwich [ __ ] connecticut yeah what a story they're the two of them like they're sling shock at the speed and acceleration with which they found success but logan you brought up earlier like the life cycle of like a youtuber and how quickly you burn out like how quickly somebody comes up and replaces you and it's like if you think back like all the way back in the day like movies or tv it's like you know it would be like a movie star that has like a really good run it's like five or ten years where they're all the rage and then like when it became like britney spears and like paris hilton and like remember that and then it became like five or six years and they just sort of they had their and now with social media fame it's like here today gone tomorrow literally yeah and uh and i don't mean that in a negative way at all it just means there's always a new kid in town coming out of nowhere like last june who could have predicted it would have been a teenage girl from connecticut who's a fantastic dancer she's an amazing like entertainer right but who would have seen that coming and then a year later she's got whatever which is that 72 million thousands absolutely insane like in one year like that there's no precedent for that and where do we go from here do you know do you have advice for for is it so many people have skyrocketed so quickly i am genuinely concerned about like what they say what goes up must come down so what advice would you give to anyone in the past year who's popped off on tick-tock i mean i i it's very generic advice but i think that like you're a good example of it um maybe dober it's a great example of it but like diversification matters you know like logan paul was here he's that guy who makes those crazy youtube videos and it's like well actually you know he also has a wildly popular podcast oh wow he can also host he also has like a clothing line that did very well cool now he's a subscription boxer obviously don't forget professional boxer hip-hop artists i think that diversification is is key you've done a fabulous job of that absolutely you've done a fabulous job of combining media with business yeah well i've always been interested in business it's been it's been true but it's also like when i take a step away from one of those things i know that i can lean into the other and it gives me a lot of confidence you know i was really scared like when i stopped vlogging like um it's a weird thing to say so like i've been very financially successful in my career but like when you turn off that you know when you turn off that income that is constant when you're when you're posting a lot of videos it's a scary thing to watch your income go down and just to have the confidence in your in your other options is a really big deal so when you see these individuals that are just blowing up right now you know like i love how like you know dixie's making recording music and like they're putting on fashion line and doing a makeup line like they're really diversifying what they're doing so to me like that feels like the right thing to do absolutely yeah and then i asked you a question earlier about what separates you i think you're talking about it right now i think i think the influencer or content creator's ability to diversify outside of the digital space is the longevity security or secure of that longevity you know what i'm saying i mean he's talked about this dozens of times when he started boxing when he started exploring outside of youtube the confidence boost that that gave you when you walk in a room and what it does for you as a as a person how it represents you right it's you become a people look at you different youtuber a professional boxer right there's a there's an energy that you carry you still train i i do i do not currently i'm in the midst of an injury but uh two but yeah i i still train you wanna you wanna spar no i mean i used to fight i've been playing my whole life but i don't ever um i'm like so scared of getting hit ooh that's the thing that's that's the biggest i see people i go to the gym i see uh little highlights on instagram hitting pads hitting the the speed bag the heavy bag i mean yo we call them pad warriors like yo you can look as [ __ ] good as you want your hands as quick as you want until you get hit in the head like re really hit in the head have you have you lost time of your life because of a head injury like blacked out unconscious fighting yeah really yeah you know it's like you know this really well but like when you're sparring um if you're sparring with a really talented sparring partner all they have to do is touch you and you know they got through they don't need to knock you out ju you just need to know your defense was down when you're sparring with a weak partner they're just trying to kill you and i was sparring with a really weak partner and we were sort of goofing around i let my guard down i wasn't paying attention just clocking in the head so hard temple shot yeah temple shot um like didn't break the nose but like gushing blood and it was that thing was like you call it seeing stars because you literally see oh yeah and the weird thing about seeing star is you feel the stars you know like those tingles are coming through your eyeball and it's just like it the reason why i don't want to get hit it's not because i'm afraid of getting hurt broken half the bones in my body but um my brain like take away my brain what am i like what about left foot like i gotta make a living off this face like it's not gonna get me there looking like i need my [ __ ] intellect how much more of a living do you have to make casey didn't you make a living from cnn then one quick check with the beam when it would be 25 million i talked to banks about this morning and he said is is casey still making videos i said he's still making videos he said didn't he sell the beam for c to cnn for like uh 25 mil or 30 mil like why is he on a boat somewhere with his family like [ __ ] rounds um yeah i mean you know i was actually on my my father-in-law just retired and he got himself a boat we were out with the on the boat so he does yeah yeah yeah marina del rey i mean there were like no strippers or champagne it was like my mother-in-law and like we had bagels the next closest thing yeah it was like bagels lock spray but no you know like you can't i'm like really fortunate financially and like i'm able to appreciate that because i you know i came from nothing so i have a real appreciation of what financial freedom gives you but also like you stop doing for a while even if you're not worried day-to-day about paying the bills you start to like lose your sense of self and i think that's why you see like the warren buffets that were like how old is that guy how rich is that guy he's still busting his ass every day it's like that's what keeps you sharp it's what keeps you alive as you get older you'll see this a lot with with elderly people the day they stop working is the day they start to fall down that scale towards towards death you know my my gran my grandmother worked and chill until she was in her mid 80s how do you just play sudoku honestly like crossword yeah like just that'll keep you going extra says the mind yeah solve a rubik's cube it's the difference is working or doing because you want to versus because you have to right you know like i i you know for the last couple years i've been in a position where i only work because i i want to like i enjoy it like i love it like making a movie like that feeling when you finish an edit is so satisfying um it's just like like playing with a new camera i still get excited about tech like check out this mini tripod i got off amazon it costs 43 i'm so excited about it like it makes me really happy um but it's a it's a satisfying thing and to give it up completely because like when i moved to california i promised myself not to work for a minute so i could adjust to a new life i like you know like six months into it i was like what am i doing like what's the point like i'm [ __ ] bored on the inside and like you pick up the camera you start doing it again and i'm very lucky to do it because i love it you're creating for you yeah this was the the biggest realization and breakthrough that i had my whole career is when after the burnout after the toxicity after the what's next moment i realized that the only really the only thing that's going to keep me going to my fullest potential is is if i'm creating for me because i i like it i just enjoy it versus being uh succumbed to having to fulfill an obligation that an odd that an audience has placed upon you maybe indirectly but it's it's existent and so the moment i switched my mentality and started like really just only focusing on doing the things that make me feel fulfilled and happy my life changed yeah right joe rogan's another good example like there's no way that guy's not set financially like he's the most successful podcast forever ever he still shows up still does it and you watch that podcast you see it in his eyes and [ __ ] he loves it yep absolutely he is not going through the motion in those conversations he's so engaged he's so curious and i think that like that's that's his thing like i think that if all the money was turned off like i'd still be showing up every day would you want to see him host a four-hour debate between trump yeah absolutely that's like the most place you could be it seems so interesting i mean look in that spot joe or not personally i think he's that he's a he'd be a great person to do it because i think that like the a lot of more liberal crowds see him as like a very strict conservative but if you watch his show you listen to it he's not he doesn't care he said he was going to vote for bernie yeah um but just the idea of having a debate not be like a 15 second ticket say gotcha to the other guy and then the other guy gets 15 seconds they got you to you open format just that this idea of like letting two people talk across from each other up for four hours make it two hours i'll still show up like that is fascinating and like we got to make a decision here who we're to vote for and like give us that venue i thought like you're not going to get all political but like the the i don't know if you're watching the democratic debates when they're like 16 people on stage and each person got five seconds to say something's like this is how we're supposed to choose our next leader yeah this doesn't work it's all [ __ ] up yeah so when i when i saw that trending on twitter today i was like oh yes i would love four hours of conversation it will never happen never mind it'll never function no it's not gonna be there it's not too risky risky too risky for who i think joe rogan is a liability is what you're saying no no no i think it's uniquely too risky for probably buying i would have the most jobs trump also would have a lot to lose every time trump sort of sits down for a big interview and it goes in a direction that he's not maybe planned for you know there's always a conversation that he has to then i don't know if he's a bob woodward who's like a big journalist and took down nixon yeah he had an interview with bob woodward and bob woodward sort of backed him into a he didn't back me to a point where he asked him a question frankly and trump came right out and he was like yeah i downplayed the corona virus this was just last week this is a huge that's right and i just think that like the people who are in charge of like a biden campaign or a trump campaign they know that like if these you know if these guys are able to speak in an unfettered way it's just like the bigger net you cast the more likely you are to sort of say something that maybe shouldn't be said it's like it's like taking them out of a boxing ring and putting them out in the street bare fisted with no [ __ ] coach like the unfortunate thing is for like us voters we need that yeah i like these cookies like cookie cutter messages and he's like one-liners and he's like scripted teleprompter speeches it's like how are you supposed to learn about a potential candidate the thing the thing i'm the most sick of in this current cycle is i don't want to hear a candidate tell me what's wrong with the other candidate anymore yeah that got hot when trump in 2016 it got hot it's went through its motions i'm sick of it i'm done with it i'm tired of hearing sleepy joe biden i'm tired of hearing from biden that trumps i don't want to hear this [ __ ] anymore what are you going to do to reunite the broken [ __ ] country that we live in yeah like yesterday i'm a big politics junkie i said i'll just read the news like a couple days ago bernie came out and said that he thinks biden should be spending less time talking about trump and more time talking about how he's going to help low-income americans i agree it's like i don't know the latest numbers are how many people are out of work because of corona virus how many people are struggling because of health care related to coronavirus like that's what keeps me up at night and i don't know what trump's going to do to fix i don't know what biden's going to do and that's a really unfortunate place to be in you took a little bit of a leap uh in the last election when you came out and said that you were going to vote for hillary do you do you feel you have a political responsibility a lot of influencers or personalities uh tend to stay away from politics but you know yeah i mean i don't think it'll never it can only it can cost you it's really costly and i think like for all the [ __ ] that i got for in that video it wasn't because i endorsed hillary or i don't know if i endorsed her i just said i was going to vote for her i think it was the way that i presented it in that video like when i made that video i was really frustrated that no youtubers were stepping up like this is right when like the trump grabbing by the [ __ ] video came out and it was like now we're used to that you know we're using oh yeah that's nothing else yeah that's that's that's common [ __ ] now you're grabbing by the [ __ ] is it is a 24 7 thing right you know to hear that and it was like wow this guy's gonna run for for president nobody's talking about this like i know it's really hot so i don't think it was that i endorsed a democrat i think it was the fact that like i got really aggressive in that video saying that like youtubers need to speak up i think the way that i said it was wrong and maybe unfair but i think the general idea behind it is still something that i believe in and i think there probably is a responsibility you know like i i say like without any hesitation like i'm voting for joe biden um i'll sit here and and critique the guy and say what's wrong with him for days because i'm not excited about voting for jill but i'm not does that does that piss you off that you're that you've once again ended up in a lesser of two evils situation how [ __ ] frustrating i mean just like not to sound too cheesy but like imagine being inspired by a candidate imagine looking at someone being like [ __ ] yes this is someone who cares about the things that matter to me and the problems that i see every day i drove from santa monica to your house here in the valley the only homeless people i saw on the ride over yeah how many times have you heard either canada talk about homelessness not none so it's a really frustrating place to be in and i do think that like i think that trump is uniquely bad like i don't i really really really don't like that guy he said uniquely bad i think uniquely what does that mean that means in the history i'm 39 years old like a presidential candidates and presidents like the things that he's done the things that he said i think put him on another another level in my eyes of like like i'm jewish like very fine people on both sides like those are [ __ ] nazis man don't say that about those people and i feel like that affects me like really personally it hurts me that when that this is the guy who represents like this amazing country that we live in so no i think he's like uniquely bad that doesn't get me any more excited to vote for forgotten the other side yeah and i'm not a democrat i'm not a republican like i'm super [ __ ] liberal when it comes to like women's reproductive issues and human rights like as liberal as they come but when it comes to fiscal issues like a little bit more conservative you call yourself a libertarian or not quite but with some stuff like i believe i believe in like you know i believe in the second amendment like i'm like i'm all over the place i definitely don't vote on party lines like i wouldn't vote because this person's a democrat yeah like john mccain like john mccain vote for that guy in a [ __ ] second absolutely absolutely integrity yeah you know even george bush like how crazy is this that we can now look at each other and say i would kill to have gw would you vote would you vote gw over trump and buy this [ __ ] it's a little complicated because the guy led us into a massive conflict like a huge war for sure all right so massive conflict in the middle east aside there's a strong argument that like he is he's like the worst war criminal ever because pull that part out pull that but what i was going to say is like i was there on september 12th 13th when he was just standing on the rubble with that firefighter and like at a time when the country was totally [ __ ] up like it is now with the corona virus like he is a man who i when you look into his eyes i believe that he wanted to unite this country no matter how much i disagreed with george bush no matter how much damage he did like i still believe he's someone who whose integrity in his heart was in the right place he was he was at nantucket project too i got to meet him he's a he's an awesome guy he said his favorite thing to do is clear brush that's what he loves to do he loves him hang on his wrist with what he's a painter clear brush just with his hands or with a rake like a clear clear brush yeah clear brush like anything that rolls over the road yeah work he loves yard work he used to do that as president yeah it was pretty badass like yeah seeing your president in a huge cowboy hat clearing clearing brush like that with a scythe do you think maybe a side maybe a some sort of lawnmower yeah another another person that stood on top of the rubble who was a [ __ ] hero rudy giuliani would you would you whatever your question is the answer is well i was gonna ask you would you call it the largest fall from grace in the history of new york yeah and look he did a lot of [ __ ] wrong like stopping frisk was rudy giuliani he had a lot of really damaging policies but also like the guy took down the mafia in like the late 70s in the 80s like the guy was he was a real badass at one point in his career so yeah to see him sort of like speak a lot of the untruths a lot of the tell a lot of the lies so unapologetically he does now it's hard to see it's hard to see this is not a political show and the fans i'm sorry no no no no no no no i mean you're the guest today i i want to bring this bring this up to uh and we're going to really dive into this in a further episode are you keeping up to date on trending netflix documentaries these days probably to a decent extent i think so yeah did you see the social dilemma yet brother you're going to lose you're going to lose your [ __ ] mind so so literally like last week okay so we i've already watched it twice and it is i don't even want to get too far into it because we're going to on the next show but it is all about the dangers of social media the flip side of the coin that we have found to create longevity in our own lives and security and success but what it is doing to the younger generation and more important the conversation we're having currently what it is doing to further divide this country now i'm i from a non-biased standpoint [ __ ] blame it on trump [ __ ] blame it on hillary whoever you want to blame it on the fact of the matter is we are more divided right now as a country than we have ever been since probably the civil [ __ ] war dude it is horrifying dude and social media is a massive contributor of it to it because of this information i made a word up for that you know what agoraphobia is fear of i actually do i don't remember places so how about instagorophobia how many people do you know that are now terrified to log on go online to share anything because they don't want to be uh yelled at or bad comments or all this random stuff it's now the place where we are socially gathering so now we have instagram phobia yeah i mean like there's um i saw a uh you know like those two cops were shot here like two days ago ambushed horrible horrible things like god bless those guys i hope they survive um things a man the woman yeah um horrible just terrifying story um hope they kept the catch the person who did it put that person [ __ ] rocks in jail uh but as the wounded officers were being brought into the hospital apparently there were some people there like shouting bad things at the cops yeah or whatever that's something it's [ __ ] awful [ __ ] those horrible people um those people deserve like the worst if that's who you are you deserve the worst in life yeah but by the next morning on twitter it was trending with like a half a million tweets and it was aligning the actions of those horrible people that were blocking the entrance with the entirety of like the black lives matter of course of course it's just an agenda it's just an agenda and there are people but you see like how quickly that accelerated to conflate those two things and it's like that's that's just as awful as like you know some stupid 17 year old white kid with a with an ar shooting two or three people which is another awful thing like that kid should not represent an entire community any more than these people who are blocking police on should represent an entire community but social media has enabled this sort of gross uh association um in a way that is really damaging and really scary especially when you have an election that's like 60 days away crazy and that's and i i agree with you completely i think that's probably one of the scariest things that we have to deal with right now is how people at large will do exactly what you said let one act represent and i think there's and i think there's pundits social pundits like we had a conversation before the show started today about ben shapiro ben shapiro crowder and then the people on the left is on the left side as well who do the same thing and i think these people are simply fanning the flames yeah the trouble is it it it like it works the more sensational and sort of loud you are about these things like often you're rewarded it's like it's not the like civil minded level-headed tweet that goes viral so when someone says something [ __ ] nuts you know it's like who's the like most watched show on news like sean hannity i think it's like the most insane leadership of anything and he's you know he's like wildly extreme positions and it's like that's what's rewarded like people will always rather sort of look at a car accident than read a book yeah we're like we're a sensationalized headline hunting culture it's so much easier to read a headline and that's right find an agenda that you think kind of fits yours and then hop on the bandwagon and i think we've always been that way as a human it's easier it's it's human nature it's humongous combine that with what social media can do like with what's ahead is really scary you should definitely watch social media it is fascinating fascinating one of the one of the stats that you bought it too is that fake news spreads at a rate of six times faster than real news and so it basically it explains how it we're i mean we're not surprised around six times faster and it explains the whole backstory of how uh pizzagate came to fruition because of people started talking about it in the facebook algorithm recognize people who believe in pizzagate also believe in chemtrails also believe in anti-antibiotics and this facebook started serving pizzagate so facebook was in in the end partially responsible for pizzagate getting some sort of traction it's all in the dock which led which led to a guy going and shooting up the pizza place and that's the shitty thing is like the end of the line for all of this sort of sensationalism and fake information being spread around it's like people do get hurt like there's real consequences and we're having to confront that now and it's so scary let's talk about something fun yeah man this conversation it's impossible dude we're versatile that's i think that's our thing how how often are you posting videos uh currently yes once a year once a year a vlog you're talking about yeah maybe three times a week if you would ask me a month ago before i hurt myself badly uh it was six times a week three vlogs two podcasts and one exclusive content from maverick club so it was a lot it's a lot now as i said how do you maintain all that grind grind grind grind in a way where i i don't burn out if i want to take a break take a [ __ ] break yeah take a break and you know it's crazy like harping back on like alex up and coming vlogger he texts me about it and he's like yo like sometimes i just i'm not feeling motivated i'm not feeling creative and while i i definitely encourage people to listen to their body and pay attention to their health and make sure you aren't pushing yourself and falling into that toxic hustle trap there's a little asterisk i want to put there for 18 to 22 year olds i really do believe that is the time to put your [ __ ] head down when you're young and grind when you're young and you have energy like i know i noticed when i turned 23 things started changing it took me a little longer to recover there had to be an age where you were like oh well like ages this isn't slowing down logan i hurt myself and like pulled my neck a couple weeks ago and it took two weeks for it to recover i pulled my neck while i was making coffee oh no i was shaking the sugar oh no shaking your sugar packet like you're taking the sugar packet and i was like oh no casey no you can't help me no no danny you remember this i was putting on my shoe i was putting on my shoe and i go oh no oh no slip-ons from here on out oh in case it's bad i know no it's it's like i'm genuinely scared of some [ __ ] now that i used to never be scared of like what like a lot of physical action mountain biking no way you're still in a [ __ ] shot i still run i run every day what about whatever you're all you are you've been running for a minute yeah long distances super fit i really believe that especially like since quarantine i built a gym in my house it's no logan paul gym but it's a very nice gym some like working out of a shitload and i love that but like yeah like mountain biking like when i moved out here i can get a mountain bike and i like went out once and i was like yeah that's super fun but like there's a moment where i hit the front brakes an accident and like yeah i'm not gonna mountain bike risk reward you're still you're still road biking right um no you're not doing that either my interest in that is gone because of being hit by cars it's a big part of it i mean so like how many times you've been how many have you been it yeah my right leg is made out of metal okay okay but how many times have you hit a car because we've seen that as well well that's a different story i was in touch with like you know i used to race on a professional triathlon team but i used to be that's all i need to do for race and there was one race like they travel around on a uh the officials travel on a motorcycle to monitor the bikers make sure nobody's cheating make sure everybody's doing things right it's a motorcycle who's driving and then a guy in the back is just the official with a notepad to like write down and the guy cuts me off and i almost fall going full speed around the corner and like stops at the corner and i [ __ ] flipped out on him and then i won the race and i he disqualified for swearing at him what's his name jack reese tell me tell me no that's crazy that sucks i thought you'd like that story do you ever have uh you know what's another big problem with with bikes people cutting bike locks off them man people cut and bike like i showed i showed him that video of you and your brother pranking the uh the news she was upset because practical jokes weren't really a thing back then no that was like like pranks and i've never really done my thing but that morning i just the story there for the viewers at home it was this very like embarrassing but also kind of [ __ ] hysterical video for my brother van and i like we were kids we're really young um we're really in our early 20s you know local news and they wanted us to demonstrate how to cut a lock and i put a ketchup pack in my hand and like jim carrey and deb and dumber pretended that i cut my own throat open and i flipped out and she lost her [ __ ] why was she so mad okay so i think that i think that she just like i think she's probably dealing with some other [ __ ] yeah it seems like her reaction was wildly not expected but the reason why we did it is like we were having our egg sandwiches that morning in the green room and this woman was like really really rude to like the pa hurt her that yeah yeah right in front of us and it was just like in that moment my brother and i were like you know what let's let's get a reaction let's maturity it's like i no longer really like any jokes that are at the expense of another person yeah and that's why like that that one there like like ipod 30 secret that was a joke it was not the expensive apple computer like they can take a joke those guys can handle a hit um like bike lanes like yeah the cops shouldn't have written me the ticket but ultimately i was it was very self-effacing joke i was the one falling off the bike but like this one we like pranked that lady whether she deserved it or not it's up for her she slipped out but like i i still i harbor guilt from that i actually made another video that didn't get any views that was like an apology for giving her such a hard time really yeah but she's i don't know how much sympathy sympathy i have for like the no fun club no sure she flipped out but like even so like we were not i wasn't supposed to do that i'm like come on like a conservative guy like i don't know like the idea that i hurt her feelings like it bothers me 15 years later did you have a uh a punk face what's a punk fit like where are you troublemaker little rebel rouser um yeah i thought you meant like punk rock phase right no wearing like a pink mohawk no like definitely did you have one of those no never had that either definitely like like high school like right you know like i i had a baby when i was 16 so like the the time where i had to embrace responsibility happen really early for me but like teenage years like my parents got a divorce when i was like 12 or 13 and in between that moment and then like knocking my first ever girlfriend up i was really [ __ ] bad like really bad like all these scars in my hands they're all from fist fighting in high school and like i can't i just can't picture you in fist fights yeah he's getting a lot of fights i'm like a really angry kid really angry because i got like made fun of a lot when i was really young but i was always a [ __ ] scrapper nice and then like i went to a school that was like and i'm sure the teachers were trying their hardest but it was not a great public school was that was it new london or no so i went to ledger high school which was not a bad school but it was right when the casinos yeah so the school was flooded with sort of you know kids from out of town that were getting these huge checks from the casino so they weren't super motivated to engage in the school and the teachers were overwhelmed and you have all these new kids from out of town the teachers like you know like they don't know how to cope with these larger class sizes and stuff like that and then there's just like a kid like me whose parents are going through a divorce and you know i'm just a bad kid [ __ ] to begin with like i'm one of four kids i wanted attention um i don't want to put any of the uh responsibility for my bad behavior on the school but it was just like the environment was conducive to me being a bad kid like ran away from home yeah that caused a lot of trouble how far did you run pretty far like as far as you are 12 miles a day i made it way further i can i can probably give you a number i think i went like probably 800 miles where you really ran where'd you go from i moved to virginia like when i was like 15 14 yeah that's do you pack a toothbrush i left i took cash all my cash because i was like um i had a shitload of money then i was like selling dime bags so it's like a 14 year old and my box fan like i still sleep with a fan on like i couldn't sleep without a finger because the noise of the feeling of the wind white noise yeah i need the noise it's like why don't you just do the the phone the phone like phone exists yeah so you brought a box boxer this [Laughter] um yes like when i left home i left with like what cash i had in the box man that was it and uh and a baby mama no this is before this is way before i said i lived with my parents i was like a freshman in high school did you have this did you have the stick with the background i always thought when i was a kid that if i leave home it will only be it wasn't far from that i mean if you can picture like the posture that you walk and you carry a box in like it looks like a briefcase right like imagine nine o'clock at night in a school like seeing some kid walking down the street with a [ __ ] box fan right and like that was me it was in february it was like really cold out in connecticut and i just like left and never ever moved like to this day never moved back never moved back to connecticut never mind it was my parents right right nice like go back and steal food like when they when i knew my parents be out of the house i'd like go back to my parents house and like take food and then leave yeah she definitely had him definitely out of phase yeah i go you have a punk face he's like what's that no this this sounds like it's not squeaky clean yeah no it wasn't just like it wasn't pure rebelliousness like there was like some genuine and i was definitely going through some [ __ ] for sure like a kid yeah for sure like it manifested in different ways like my brother my older brother then had left for college and he just sort of like divorced himself from the situation he's very much able to do that my sister was a year older than me when i was 14 she was 15 she had a car she was able to just escape like my little brother was kind of stuck there he was really young and stuck at home and like you know he went immediately got out when he could he joined the military like so we all went in different directions trying to sort of run away from like uh um what was challenging it was just a divorce like kids face much less [ __ ] every day but it was still it was like it was a difficult thing for us it's not an easy pill to swallow but yeah it's difficult it's just did any of that did any of your upright upbringing like inspire you to uh to work out to exercise like i i i'm always like genuinely curious when i see you post these pictures of your 12 mile runs 14 mile runs like i'm like yo doesn't he have things to do that's so far that takes so long and it's so hard like how how did your shin survive where does it come from and most importantly why the running you know i don't ever now very explicitly i run to be alone like we were talking about surfing earlier surfing the same kind of thing it's just like you get to be alone um but running for me is just like [ __ ] i need that like how i do it now is i get up i get up every day i get it at 4 45. i'm out the door you're one of those yeah i'm out the door at 5 30. because i have to be back the kids wake up at like seven sharp like this morning i can show you my phone i get a text from canvas at 702 where are you it says two minutes oh [ __ ] because the kid's up at saturday like we have a really good deal she has to put them to bed but i have to be there in the morning i'm up anyway i don't mind i'm putting the beds a nightmare but like so that's every day you have a schedule too though but that's my schedule okay i'm seeing a difference like there's nobody there's nothing external coming in okay okay that's like me being like this is my priority and i love that i love that what time you stand up till tonight like not like eleven ten thirty one long that's pretty long down so it's a good day yeah yeah yeah yeah you got like five hours of sleep six hours of sleep yeah and then one day we could try not to wake up so like yesterday at all sunday well like i sleep till seven that's an extra two hours and 15 minutes of sleep caffeine caffeination i'm a huge yeah i don't do drugs i don't drink right like if i could mainline coffee i would like caffeine is my favorite drug dunk duncan i'm not much with junk night you know come on do you know that caffeine was a performance enhancing classified drug until like 1987. really yeah because like when i used to race i had a whole caffeine system exactly when you take it so you have the peak effect from caffeine yeah then it would like increase your performance by like a significant like a absolutely marked amount of time in my adult life i discovered cat like really discovered caffeine and and the effects i i hate that it i agree with you like i really hate that now i personally once never drank a cup of coffee ever and like adamantly lived by that because i was so proud that i was able to just do my day with no uh added substances in my body every day now i drink one to two cups of coffee i'm on two today today is the first day i drink two two cups of coffee in the morning you slip very slow the slippers like yeah i drink that's about you wanna know how bad my audition is i drink instant coffee oh let me explain why no i'll hear you but i don't need you i don't expect you to agree because i am wrong the amount of caffeine in instant is off the sharks right but here's the real reason why i i drink it's the quietest way to make coffee you've got two babies you're getting up to go for a run if one of those babies gets up your whole day is shocked the quietest way to make coffee is instant coffee what about a french press it's pretty quiet a french press is pretty quiet but it's a the time is almost double the amount of time it takes it is not instant so i get that bro these are things you don't think about when you're not a dad i'm like literally like wait a second he has to he has to be quiet in the morning so his kids his babies don't wake up you cannot be loud and now this is all making sense to me why you say you never want to be a dad because that would be a pot that would be impossible you'd be running around the house screaming making coffee kids waking up yeah i'm serious it's going to be tricky it may not ever happen i'm actually i'm actually having my first uh baby little trial with it right now what are you saying what are you talking about yeah we got a uh a fresh bulldog puppy yeah french bulldog uh michael his name's michael hey big mike jr and when he falls asleep it's very important that he stays asleep because he has severe separation anxiety he misses his mommy and so when he wakes up it's for as long as he can go and so when he's so now when i so now when i get up to piss in the middle of the night i'll [ __ ] sit down on the toilet no no no no no no no no no wait why what it's less less sound like in the room with the piss hit in the water it's like a closer proximity to the water you look me in the eyes right now tell me you're serious i'm serious it makes less sound i i don't know what to say what is it aim it towards the edge we're men no we're not i don't know i haven't really thought a lot of it through precision you guys know what's the best part about no i'm not really good at aiming dude i'll hit you know just shoot and spray yeah i'm spraying spray and pray but like yeah you start to do these things that reduce [ __ ] sound so you don't wake up someone that could make a serious hassle in your life and destroy your world and destroy your life in that moment can destroy your life yeah that's my it's my first test you're making me really excited to be a dad hey i got a question how come no family channel um it's putting the kids out there like my kids are in my videos my kids are in my photos but i don't show their faces and i try my best to make it so it's sort of hard to invest yourself in who they are um i don't want people to feel like they know my children uh yeah i got nothing but love for people who have family channels for people who who found a place that that works for them but for me it's just like fame and notoriety like has really um taken a toll on me i got super [ __ ] weird i gotta go to therapy i have crazy social issues like i don't i don't i like go out to dinner as my biggest fear in the world like go to a party like no [ __ ] way like let's go to a solo house malibu like i would rather sit in a 7-eleven bath in the afternoon and then go to slow house malibu and have someone come up to me be like hey casey we have a mutual friend in common like that is my biggest fear i have a new app coming out always that it's my single like that moment my heart like i'll run a marathon and keep my heart rate under 110. in that moment my heart rate will be 160. like it is a candidate that has to happen all the time if that happens to me a lot i can't imagine you like an established actual businessman i don't know i don't want to meet new people like like the last time we're not no [ __ ] last time i remember going out was like for my daughter's school fundraiser i was there for 10 minutes and then kenneth looked at me not in her head that man can go now i ghosted she was there for three hours yeah i was there long enough for the teachers to see me and i was happy to to be there i was not happy to be there i don't know i understood why it was important for me to be there i love the school wonderful people wonderful parents but the idea of like meeting all new people shaking hands what do you do for a living how do you like this book like it makes me [ __ ] panic so you're like but you're not an introvert or you are you're probably definitely an introvert okay because to be alone of course yeah but this is also the guy who puts himself out there for millions of people to see and and not to mention that public speaking the business meetings you know what you know i like that like that it's just me in my room editing public speaking like i can walk onto a stage and and there could be i think the biggest audience ever spoke to was like six thousand people without a script i could like you could put an ekg on me my heart rate stayed totally level nothing when that's over someone comes up and it's like great now we've got about 15 people backstage that want to meet you [ __ ] terror i'll turn white and try to figure out how to get out of there wow it's that connection with other yeah so you must love the streamy awards sorry those situations but like when i was at the screen i had like a really specific agenda that i was trying to film something right so it was like all heads down just to capture that one thing not a big deal what about what i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm i'm just like genuinely curious i'm always uh curious how creative you would ask me about family channels the point is like yeah i was never like this before and i think a lot of this has to do with my like naivety about fame like i always thought like i never wanted the fame i loved making things and like you know like the number one validation or the metric of success when you make something creative is how many people choose to engage with it that's a quantification of the success the fallout the result of that is like an insane amount of fame that i never really felt like i signed up for even of course i did and it's just like it it messed with me so when it comes to my kids the idea that like i make the decision that they're going to be famous is just seems something like i don't want to put that on there owen's old enough only 22. and he's like yeah let's make a video we make a video the babies are just like they don't know what they're signing up for how old are the babies one in five maybe i'm just trying to provide some logic here so maybe there's something is there is there uh is there maybe a window where it is somewhat acceptable to vlog your baby until he becomes like truly like something unconscious yeah and then you say like oh now this is like a fully fledged human like sentences and one was when we stopped putting frannie got it okay okay i think that was way too late georgie it was georgie was one week like when georgie was born i made a video and i'm holding her and you can see her and then that was the last time i ever really put her in wow but look i put a video up yesterday like you can see the kids running around in it i'm having a conversation with franny but like um they're never the sort of the focus of it see the back of their heads it's important for me like being a dad's such a huge part of my life but like to try to share a story from my life without including me being a parent as part of that feels disingenuous so i try to make it about me being a parent not getting to know these like these little kids it's crazy because you've inspired so many people you've been a wave maker in the space for so long now um you do what you can't campaign it's awesome awesome brilliantly executed um it's crazy because you really are like a brand expert in a youtuber's body and that's your crossroads and i definitely think that's the niche you feel so i i just can't imagine the amount of people who want to come up to you and just pay you a compliment yeah in case you inspire me and it's you go inwards yeah like this happened two days ago and i feel bad cause i guarantee you this kid's gonna hear this podcast but um uh a good friend of mine was very successful traditional filmmaker contact me like look great kid live near you in venice just wants that coffee with you and i had to write him back and i was like dude i'm really sorry i can't um and then he's like i understand you're busy and i was like i responded i'm not busy i'm doing nothing i just don't have it right now like i can't i don't want his email i don't want to like i hope he succeeds i just don't i appreciate that transparency i really do i there's nothing work we talk about this all the time there's nothing worse than being ghosted or just like straight like you had the the the balls and confidence just to say look dude this is is it really because i love the intermediary like the second half of that story is i was surfing with my i think my kid brother two days ago in venice and like i don't like to ride my bike home with my wetsuit on because like it's just [ __ ] disgusting it just [ __ ] grows in there rinse off at the public showers and like and then i put my clothes on as i did that like i put my clothes on and i'm strapping my surfboard to my bike this guy comes up he's like wait wait do you have five minutes i was like absolutely not no i'm gonna be [ __ ] nuts and then he's like wait one second i'm like what's going on do you want a picture um in a really nice way like no no i don't know i don't want to sound dismissive i was like what's up man it's nice to meet you i'm just late to get home to my kids and he was like dude i contacted you through a mutual friend he was like and he said you were too busy and i was like yeah i'm really sorry oh he's the kid and he was like how do i reach you and i was like oh and this is what i should have just said i just don't know how to say it like what am i going to say to him i don't want to [ __ ] like i can't handle this right now how do i say that you say it you i'm not kidding but transparency i can't handle this right now no no just to be like really yo i'm gonna be honest with you i'd love to give you the time i'm just not in a phase of my life where i'm so uh apt to meet and talk with strangers at length i'm sorry look you're so right you are so right in the way you just said to me that i would accept that i don't appreciate for whatever reason i know in that moment no i mean in that moment like the panic sets in and it's genuine [ __ ] panic that's crazy all my head goes to one place which is how can i end this as quickly as possible it's always the same it's like bro just email me like i've emailed you 10 times you're like just email me you say it again like you're just panicking just email me telling me emails email me please just [ __ ] it that's where is it where is it boiling from is it is it anxiety is it it's a craziness so it's an anxiety and you're working on this through therapy right now yeah and i think like to get all a little bit like reductive it's like um i just like to make these videos i'd love to put them out there right they'll just stand on the stage and share a story like i'd love to post a picture on instagram i love the little instagrams were like i love this idea of sharing yeah but then like when people come up and they say you changed my life and i want to do this because of you and will you help me with it's like i just feel like that is not why i do this and that means that's such a [ __ ] [ __ ] thing to say and i was like hear myself say it sounds like a gun but it's just like that's not the part of it that i want to do is it is it the feeling you get when because like for example if you're at outback steakhouse and saw a big crowd of people come up and start singing happy birthday to you oh you feel you're okay with that yeah totally fine so you think it's just the pressure of someone putting all that weight on you like yo you have the minute i look at somebody and they look at me like i'm not a person i [ __ ] lose it like i know you know this look you can at a millisecond glance you're like that person knows my videos absolutely like the minute i touch that like the anxiety starts i'm just into uh respect that's that's all i ask um for people who approach me i'm sure you've been beckoned right you want you walking by someone goes hey yo casey come here a stranger i say these people i go why don't you come here like i'm not a dog i don't like follow commands from people who i don't know and um when i'm eating dinner yeah please please just that's the one that's that's my sacred time the tough thing that's like this kid that came up to me like i don't think he was he was being respectful sure and i still have a tough time that that was tricky that's where i honest i honestly can't relate i i can relate to not wanting to do it but like i you know as long as his respect i'm happy to reciprocate and i do try to be respectful and i say email me in a respectful way what's disrespectful is the fact that i'm i don't mean it i'm not gonna email you as painlessly and as quickly as possible and i said look this is my burden to bear like i should be flattered like it's an honor that these individuals like that i'm in that position there are filmmakers that like in people that i look up to in such a way i see them as gods right like there's a beastie boys documentary on apple plus it's i look i look at those guys like they're tighties man and they're just bros from brooklyn and like their guys are heroes of mine heroes so like i understand it like i understand where this kid's coming from and i'm i'm honored that he feels that way but when it comes down to that physical interaction i just lose it it's a tough conversation to have too it's a mental health and conversations having to do with illnesses is not an easy like you know many times i've wanted to be like yo i'm having really bad anxiety that i can't talk to that's not something people are used to hearing how do you how do you respond to that right and then you're putting them in a position where they're maybe they have anxiety now yeah you know maybe you've sparked them yeah and it's like now they feel guilty versus just like bro here's my email and then the situation's over i'm not trying to justify yeah i listen i get it i got it trust me what did you have for breakfast this morning um real talk i had i had an entire tomato sliced raw i had four ounces of chicken breast three egg whites and i don't know what the volume is but like an entire one of those tubs of spinach health freak well it's just no i'm not healthy it's my mostly subside on candy but i have that breakfast every day because then like the whole day i'm just good i hate food i'm like the opposite of a foodie if there's a pill i could take and never eat again sign me up say this all the time same same i hate it yeah so like what's something that i can eat that positively won't give me [ __ ] explosive diarrhea that i won't feel sick that it won't like put me to sleep and like that's like pure i don't know what's in all those ingredients that i just said but they're all like whole foods they don't make me feel heavy spinach chicken egg whites and a slice of tomato tomato like if the tomatoes not in there the whole balance gets off i don't even like any of those foods i just said like none of them are interesting but together combined no i look i don't eat it and i'm like oh this is so good like this morning it was a burden i was running out of the house to come here and i was like [ __ ] i gotta eat uh yeah cause i run i've been up since 4 45 what about the candy what about the candy though well that's like late afternoon dinner when it's like watching what kind of cake casey what kind of candy oh all of this shirt chocolates yeah but that's not what i'm going to pick if i get to choose i i like like chewy gummy that department's really exciting for me but i'm also a really big fan of like you know kit kat twix small balls whoppers snickers swappers i finally hate them you can get in the teeth too much and it slows down your glitter too much small speed oh so yeah there's there's no there's only one amount that's all of it that's how much i consume one of my favorite activities is going to like the grocery store nearby and ever since i've covered you know they pre-package all of like the donuts and the pastries yeah sure you don't have to like the decision is much easier you just take it that i really enjoy so no i'm not healthy at all but my breakfast my day always starts that way but by like seven o'clock it's like i'm gonna be asleep in three hours i don't give a [ __ ] if i talk about but i don't have to do 12 hours of feeling sick i'll deal with three hours of feeling sick spinach used to always freak me out because i i'd pour the bag on the pan and then i look back in his dime size nothing on a pile worth of withered you're left with what casey used to sell when he was 14 years old how you take your socks off um stomp left stop right stomp left yeah you know like stop my left foot slide it off that's a new one did you always do that or is that did you always do it that way because that's the way a 35 plus year old would take their side you don't have to bend over yeah i want to take that wrist that's what i'm saying because you can easily pull your what's your favorite non-tripod tripod um well it was that bendy thing that i used to use the joke no i'm saying it's not a tripod you got to get crafty you got to put the put the camera on something where do you like oh my shoe okay nice if you look at like i always have these like sexy topless flex sweaty photos of me when i run yes you gotta put that out there you have to i've seen them cycling too recycling one so big time yeah um and they always look like i have somebody take them you just use the self timer on your iphone and you stick the phone in your shoe nice yeah it works perfectly keep coming guys anymore yeah do you still customize everything everything that's like my lifestyle i learned that from you and i swear to god everything now has my logo on it i put my name on it keep changing it until it becomes yours absolutely favorite movie of all time um the life and death of colonel blimp that's it no that's the type of 1943 british movie we we had a conversation about war movies on twitter it's a war movie yeah right and i said that saving private ryan was the standout in the genre of course great which i which i still semi believe because you corrected me and said there were some that were that should be contenders that i've not seen yeah some really great ones i don't even remember which ones i think was was there kubrick yeah kubrick paths of glory yeah which is an anti-war film about world war one that like he made that in 1956 or something it'll still make you cry and think twice about war which was a hard thing to do back then life ended up in front of one's my favorite though because it looks like a wes anderson movie in fact it's the movie that wes anderson credits with so much of his style it was made in 1943 in england this was the height of the war when there was nothing in england we had to save the the tin foil that your chocolate bar came wrapped into for the war effort there was so little yet they figured out how to make this movie they couldn't shoot at night they couldn't shoot exteriors so there's a dual scene where these guys have to fight and there's an exterior shot at this huge building it's just a painting they took a video a move a film of a painting they weren't allowed to shoot the building so it's my favorite it's a beautifully told story but it's also like really minimal resource filmmaking the way that us youtubers make movies like we're not allowing our camera let's go and these guys were during a war how do we make a movie and i did it and the movie is breathtaking that's awesome we have to watch that yeah last last question where is the next destination you're going to fly on a very expensive first-class fight oh my god when i was looking at your most popular videos you've gone on so many first-class flights like like hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of tickets so the answer is the truth with that is i paid for the first one i didn't even do that i paid for it because i flew business class it was for business and they somebody else i think was actually for youtube flying speaking of conference they paid for the flight and then i made a video about that and then the airline saw that video and they're like oh [ __ ] he's flying back home give him a free upgrade so they upgraded me to first class i was like great made a video about that yeah that banger did like 70 million views and then they called me back they're like we got a new plane launching you want a flight and i was like hell yes i've never paid money for any of them and then they put me on a plane and that's the one that like where i had like a whole room to myself and i was the only person in the whole cabin i was like where are all the other guests and they're like well actually we haven't officially launched this yet i was like you're the only person on the plane like yeah if you want to take any of the other six seats that's great oh my god and then the different airlines saw that they're like hey you want to fly on our plane i was like i do then elon musk saw that and he was like would you want to go to mars like i'm out of planes but as long as they keep inviting me i'll keep making that same video over and over and over it's so exciting for me yeah like when i was like for the first ever up until like two years ago flying coach you just fantasize what's it like up there they must get all the people you know you dream about that so yeah no dream realize where am i going next i don't know just yell airlines here airlines call me hit him up coca-cola makes it difficult i haven't gotten on the plane since go get started i'm terrified i don't think we have either maybe i haven't gotten off i've been i've been had to go to a few places and go into a bunch of works i wanted to but america airlines july first started filling flights again no middle seats it's a little it's a little delta keeps the middle of it yeah they leave the middle of the event we're going on a flight on wednesday to colorado to give a challenge okay joseph who won my dodge challenger uh but yeah it'll be the first time i've been on a flight in a while too yeah i miss i miss traveling i'm excited i'm excited for the world to get back to normal great time sorry about the technical difficulties today i i i weathered through it but this has been tough it's pretty nasty is it gnarly over there and those headphones i i i i couldn't do it it's really throwing first podcast i've done uh no headphones the entire time i literally couldn't do it i don't know what's happening really bad you can see a little cauliflower here in that one that one a little bit from wrestling this is all i got and i never wore headgear so i don't know how i don't how i came out with that's it uh but that doesn't have anything to do with anything casey thanks for coming on paul so brother thanks for having me this is great of course of course where can they uh find you on instagram casey neistat i think so yeah all right pretty self-explanatory guys hit casey up on instagram let us know what you thought of the episode hit that subscribe button we fricking love you guys thank you for watching impulsive factually the number one podcast in the world we'll see you next time peace
Views: 1,098,961
Rating: 4.8498282 out of 5
Keywords: podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, impaulsive, impaulsive podcast, logan paul podcast, maverick, casey neistat, casey neistat impaulsive, casey neistat podcast, casey neistat vlogs, youtuber, david blaine, david blaine and casey neistat, surfing, casey neistat surfing, dolphins, penguins, jeff wittek, election 2020, election 2016, democratic debate, casey neistat family, candy
Id: dXU70gsZ6BM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 48sec (5808 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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