An Honest Message To Our High School Teachers - IMPAULSIVE EP. 223

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in honesty you're rude to the lady she was rude okay to me do i need to sit down don't come okay we're gonna go we're gonna get into the debate guys you have a two-minute goal let me let me don't interrupt president yesterday i had a conversation with a rack and mac my two roommates and they go what's logan like versus now and and like today and i go bro so alive what's that for now today like like just so you know from now back in the day like when we're at uh uh the beverly center yeah i got judy's soul alive now yeah he's he's he looks at things in different ways if you sit there and then you're like i'm dead i was like yeah we're back welcome back to impulsive the number one podcast in the world yeah yeah yeah all right [ __ ] it uh hit that subscribe button if you guys haven't subscribed yet we got another great week coming up for you fire thursday we got dave portnoy on the show i [ __ ] that up who brings [ __ ] to eat to the actually hold on what do you mean you did what are you what are you doing why you stop bringing things i got you you guys have to eat this why because the show's a lemon wait are you insulting us no no no no no oh no you do this right you no you do this i eat lemons but you guys have to eat this first i'm not i'm not doing your [ __ ] weird drugs no no it says not drugs read or it says not thank you so first of all so don't do that okay i need you both to eat three while like well i get this is this some sort of syrian love potion why you cut up like seeds or no if it was a syrian love potion it'd be hummus carrots and a little hair in it phenomenal i didn't mind it yo i'm gonna tell you something so so we brought on pizza for dave portland don't take it personally no it's not that i want to finish because i actually defended you as you remember on the show i said a for effort so here's what happened right we can't really get into it because it's not it's not out there but but [ __ ] this we're not talking about it we're talking today yeah you'll see you'll see the episode moving on great great episode coming thursday great absolutely second or third favorite guest i've had you've only been on three shows that says a lot this is a lot only two would guess that's you're your last favorite i love that i already feel like this episode is going to be great it's it's it's sorry eat your [ __ ] berries but what are these don't worry about it are they those are the berries sure okay wait i have three have three mike actually you've had a pass had one dude i already know can i can i just be honest with you what if it was like this like i gotcha relapse throw my thing just [ __ ] leaf and these aren't some sort of psychedelics i don't know i'm not sure i'll [ __ ] are you [ __ ] with him no no no no rub it on your tongue rub it on your tongue you can't give it oh chew it but rub it around your tongue it was like scrape it around your tongue suck on it a little bit all stuck it's good was it dried cranberry no no no just keep all corners of your mouth what i'm doing powers you've done is before oh these are the things that change the way you taste yes you've done this before so they make sour things sweet and that's why i haven't seen it hey mike uh get somebody get him a mic but unplug it um uh okay give it 30 seconds what is this um what's actually called the seed uh i have no idea you just have them no no i got it in a jar i just forgot what they're called does your mouth have corners i never said that no danny said that you're asking a good question hey hey do i swallow i swallowed it am i so [ __ ] swallow it yes yes there's a [ __ ] quitter dude look at me in the eyes and swallow it the battle cry my girlfriends spitters are quitters all right here we go give it 10 seconds give it 10 seconds okay so you're telling me this sour lemon is going to be sweet when i eat it sweeter than any juice is this is this why you consume so many lemons no i actually i didn't eat any berries and i'll eat this with you no because i i've caught you eating ha ha lemon halves before for fun i love it fun fact lemons are not a natural diuretic they'll help you pee put it in water until it makes it a little bit better for you let's listen how crazy well that's fantastic it's great so that's fantastic so the reason why i wanted to bring it up because this is one of the topics i want to bring up look at the setup yeah i love this i'm a huge believer that the the planet will source you stuff that you need so people that are diabetic or people that can't have candy or people can't have anything you have some of these berries and you can enjoy sweet stuff in a healthy manner wait what that's what these are for these are for people that can't have high like sugar or stuff like that so like they can't go get a snickers bar or stuff like that or anything like that so people have these berries or put it in their their tea and stuff like that and it changes their uh okay taste palette i love i love what you're saying yeah but the fact that you don't know the name of these berries that you brought on the show [ __ ] elderberries what do you want from me i want you to give the audience some information they can actually use like that's my game bro i'll give you half the information you have to [ __ ] source it yourself all right what are you guys typing berries that changed things from i say i said i said berries that make sour sweet okay i get okay listen they dm'd it to me let me just look it up oh it's called it's called the miracle berry yup that's it it's called since a palem dukaku that's it oh i can actually pull this on the screen [ __ ] it's called the miracle berry or other people call it magic berry since a paleum uh nature's wild berries their instagram if you want to go and get it fantastic see look at that you could buy this at your local arowana did you get paid for that yes [ __ ] 170 thousand dollars i didn't even know you know how bad that brand awareness would be it was like yo go get it uh what's the name of it don't know look it's a big week the the berries were a great start it's monday uh as you guys know i am so excited to be to be announcing this i am opening up this right here this first edition booster box base set booster box pokemon cards my pokemon obsession is absolutely off the charts right now i've spent way too much money on pokemon but i've never been this excited about anything and when i open these packs when i open these packs because i've been cracking open some packs been drawn some pretty good cards drew a blastoise on this show obviously it's like a 5 000 card um nothing has made me feel more like a kid like a kid on christmas you remember when december first hit and you'd make those chain links and you'd rip one off each day count down to christmas right or there'd be something on tv they'd play uh the christmas story for 48 hours before christmas like like that sort of feeling where you're just so excited to crack open and see what you get underneath the gifts that's what i'm well that's what i'm chasing and and this friday october 9th 6 p.m pst will be opening up 36 packs inside this uh record-setting 200 000 box of pokemon cards 36 spots uh i think i believe the spots have all been sold yeah it's like it's like a yes and no because like the amount of people who inquired is in the thousands but it's just a matter of uh who completes the sales agreement first and then sends the wire it's it's been it's been like it's a tricky process because there's a bunch of cappers i'm sure that are like yeah i'll take that but they don't have for the the king cap yeah kaepernick yeah exactly so so it's it's it's been uh we're weeding out the people who are serious and those who aren't but yeah it's gonna be an absolute spectacle this friday on my youtube channel october 9th 6pm pst be prepared for a historical pokemon box break we're going for the 200 000 charizard we'll be raising money for charity and i'm going to make a little i'm going to make a little wager i'm going to make a a little agreement a little understood verbal agreement between me and the live viewers if hr's art is pulled i'm asking that everyone watching every live viewer donates to just two dollars to the charity that we're raising uh money for what is the charity the national alliance for mental illness not me uh uh on behalf of uh on behalf of leonhart who who i did a collab with great cause great cause he's literally one of the leaders in the mental health space exactly nami so bro if we if let's make this like really historical like really if we pull a charizard just just i'm asking two dollars from each viewer if there's 50 000 people watching that's 100k that's awesome and then i'll obviously be making a donation myself um and and yeah just we're going to make it respectable so what we got boys what else what else we got going on this week travis scott mcdonald's meal biggest news out there in the fast food i've only been hearing negative things about this well regardless i'm not the only one regardless of what you heard everybody's talking about it people are right i know it's just that it's just the mcdonald's they just slap the name on it it's not even that it's like nothing's changing well what did you expect you expected travis scott to get in the kitchen and and cook up a new ingredient you know i just expected like you know the like the big mac but it's it's like it's hot now and then the catchphrase is it's lit because it's fire do you go up to kids and tell them that santa claus doesn't exist like what i punch them first okay and then i say that punch them so that they know i'm in the room i punch them and then i go santa doesn't exist oh wow a lot of hypebeasts out there excited about the meal you ruined it for the ones who haven't had if anybody honestly god i you know a lot of people are gonna start hitting me on this podcast no they're not and they probably are because if anybody's excited to stand in line for a mcdonald's meal we gotta we gotta put some [ __ ] on your schedule you got you gotta do something it's an event it's exciting so assistant this is fantastic for both travis scott and mcdonald's like for traffic signs sick especially especially for travis scott i'm saying but like say if i'm hungry and i'm on the way home like you know what travis just dropped the thing let me grab it on the way to [ __ ] work then i'm like okay that's an exception but if it's a monday and you're sitting outside and you got nothing to do that day and you're just waiting in line to get this meal that's a normal meal it's fun we all want to try it we need to leave these kids alone and the reason i bring it up is not because uh you would go and get the travis scott one but maybe just maybe you'd prefer to get the jay balvin one it announced today jay balvin will now have his own mcdonald's meal what's happening what's happening well i'll tell you what george mcdonald's has smartened up to the fact that there's a thing called social media influencers yeah and they're uniting with them now to put a little bit of gas under you know what potentially could be a slowing business model for them which is [ __ ] that i'm not saying i love mcdonald's i love your comments there's a lot of people out there who are eating healthier food now george is what i'm getting into so i think what they're doing is they're trying to you know get a little bit of spunk back in their system and the reason i bring this up today is i want to ask you guys what if they approached you logan paul and said logan you could put together your own mcdonald's meal do you know what would be in it nothing because i wouldn't do it oh super different why why the [ __ ] would i stick my name on poison wow poison manager jeff ain't happy mcdonald's is poison fast food is we had an opportunity wendy's i remember oh i was there for that way back in the day it was a lot of money dance he was when we first said yo wendy's got a lot of money for you i was like that's great you want me to tell people to eat wendy's suck my dick bro we're in the age of information and health and wellness like why would we i i will say this i'll make an exception even personally sometimes if it's uh if it's convenient right necessity i'm starving we're on a road trip mcdonald's breakfast is so good because it's good like the food sometimes like pretty good especially when you're starving the hash browns don't even get me started you saw i tweeted about the other day god tear item they came up to me which by the way i've worked with them but i've done a brand new with them and the reason why is because i only and you guys know i've turned on a lot of brand deals the only thing i ever do is things i actually i do and i do like mcdonald's but but with moderation i don't think it's something you should have every single day like when i was growing up my mom cooked every single day and on the weekends she would get me mcdonald's so like i i do love mcdonald's would i put my name on it [ __ ] yeah so i could say i put my name on it off the bat when i would i like tell my fans to go stand outside [ __ ] yeah i gotta look good now but what i do it to wendy's [ __ ] yeah i would do it to everything one thing i've realized about mcdonald's personally is it's the only i told you this the other day it's the only thing in my life that makes me feel like a crackhead again when i think about mcdonald's late at night for some reason i my mouth waters i think they put something in the mcdonald's that keeps you wanting more of it i looked that up true i thought the answer was yes at first i thought there was some sort of property yeah coca-cola does that it's called cocaine no i don't know bro so i gave so this is the second or third month i haven't drink coke at all and it's by the way just an fyi people don't know this i would have drinking two liters a day without a problem drinking can't be a word yep i just made it drinking drinking it all day i drank it i drink it all the time drink a lot of coke i saw a lot and so i i was like okay i'm gonna stop i'd slap your wrist for that like i couldn't stop pop is it pops i'm from the midwest pop soda soda pop is is another thing that like to me in my eyes poison it's poison no no but it is so chicken poison i looked this [ __ ] up because everybody's like oh it cleans crime scenes and it does this and that and i was like what the [ __ ] what what and it's it's true man if there's blood on cement they put coca-cola on it and so i thought to myself go okay man they're getting rid of blood on concrete you're drinking chemicals oh so dude there is chemicals there's chemicals in there one literally if you remove this certain chemical fact check me if i'm wrong but if you remove one of these chemicals you'll vomit drinking it so they put this certain chemical in your body for you to suppress the coca-cola in your system if you would have drinking it without that special ingredient you would vomit it every time you drink coca-cola i don't not believe you but you say a lot of up yeah you're crazy do we need a i'm going to have to hire someone could you just look it up real quick no no i'm done looking things up i need something to look things up jamie please oh good help a good question about all this stuff whether it's addictive chemicals mcdonald's or stuff that cleans blood off crime season coca-cola the most important thing is the popularity of these things is indicative of the fact that nobody in this country gives a [ __ ] no one cares there's 15 people that care about the additives in coca-cola and they all go to the same heirloom in santa monica and get high on vibes everybody else don't give a [ __ ] bro now it looks like george is right 100 of the recommended daily intake you don't immediately vomit from the overwhelming sweetness because phosphoric acid cuts to flavor allowing you to keep it down wow thank you so so so apologize look me in the face and apologize back check correct i'm sorry for wanting to make sure my show has uh some it's called impulsive what the [ __ ] else i'm playing on my last name dude don't overthink it oh it's not exactly impulsive oh is that how you spell impulsive no i'm kidding all right now but check this out i have this i have yeah i implemented this in my life and like i'm aware that most people don't give a [ __ ] about and maybe yeah yeah alcohol issues cigarettes like they give you cancer i get it i just like your body is your temple sometimes i treat it like my temple sometimes i don't man i just went dude i just went from being an actual pothead smoking day night like pushing myself just to see just to see what it did to me just to see like if i had it in me you were so much more relaxed i know i know no i seriously like i'm on edge now because i i cut it cold turkey and entered training camp the first two weeks were hell i couldn't sleep every time i'd eat i want to throw up working out like my lung capacity felt small and now i'm finally getting back into the rhythm of it but like i get that no one really cares but here's my advice for the sliver of people that do care i have this like mindset that i employ in my life where i try to cut out the things that are actually easy to cut out pop is one of them it's it's easy to cut out it took me a month think think about how like like no no think about how much you don't need pop you don't need like just cuddly culture soda cut out faster i i'm sorry i'm not from i'm not from cleveland well how easy is it to not drink it you have to take an action to drink it you have to go it and what does it do for you no it does nothing for you it tastes good to me a little caffeine the more the more i looked into this because i was trying to figure out why why am i why do i ca i can't stop drinking this [ __ ] oh why they put [ __ ] in there to make you feel like you just want an award bro i don't care cut out the things that are killing you fast food i can't hang out with you anymore soda heroin heroin you know no no no i'll take this as far as activities dog you were with me five years ago yeah i had a honda ground little motorcycle you know little little tiny motorcycle i was thinking about that yeah i'd rip around the streets of l.a and my brother had a crotch rocket one day he got in an accident jake got an accident he was going like 45 and almost died he hit a car he slid on the ground and hit a car and i remember thinking like oh my god this is horrible is that worth it is it worth it to like drive a motorcycle and like risk dying i'm not sure what these statistics are but something tells me the statistics of people who die motorcycles is much higher than the people who die in motor vehicles so how how easy is it i i get i get it if it's your passion you love riding motorcycles but if you don't love riding motorcycles and you aren't literally prepared to die riding a motorcycle cut it out that's why i got it i'm exactly i'm not i'm no longer gambling with the things if i can cut something out of my life that will statistically increase my chances of living i'll go ahead and do that but the people riding the motorcycles might say but are you really living though like i'm just taking it i'm just taking up their side of it because listen i think there's a fine a balance between riding the motorcycle off a [ __ ] jump and and being a [ __ ] you got it you got to meet somewhere in the middle and you want but the big thing comes down to and georgie already hinted at it is moderation every i think pretty much everything can be done in moderation motorcycles are tough because some idiot ev there's not a single person right now who's driving and listening to this episode if you're listening to this in the car hey how you doing that isn't also texting someone every single person you see drive by the street they got their phone in their hands they do not pay attention they're not paying attention to anything the only thing people are paying attention to is instagram i mean there are whole trips that go by the people don't even touch the steering wheel they're just staring with their knees scrolling the gram swiping on tinder they don't look at the road and so if you're on a motorcycle they're going to run through you and then they're going to keep swiping right do we know the legality of texting and driving in a tesla where you don't with the car itself driving we've seen tesla accidents that have resulted in fatalities and far between very far between but we just saw the first ever guy get charged for neglige i think negligent homicide as a result of not being able to bring the tesla back under control i'll fact check myself be right back it's a dui now if you text and drive uh again i i don't know if that's true yeah i just looked this up what yep i just looked this up too does that make sense because there's more deaths now first off it's not even dui anymore i think it's ovi operating vehicle while impaired uh i believe but basically it's the same charge okay so like if you're drinking and driving and if you're on your phone driving it's the same thing because more people are killing people with texting and driving than drinking and driving now i mean that makes sense bro you look down for 30 seconds at 70 miles an hour you just went through a bunch of [ __ ] uh driver and fatal uber autonomous prototype crash charged with negligent homicide whoa ran over a cyclist whoa wasn't paying attention uh or or i don't i'm not going to read all of this but check it out when uber when when tesla when uber employs or partners with tesla to have automated driving cars yeah like this is maybe five ten years from now that's a hefty that's a nice partnership that's a big old business oh it's gonna happen yeah oh it's definitely gonna happen definitely i like that and you know it leads into another topic i've been thinking about a lot lately especially with the announcement of ryan reynolds new film coming out called i love free guy did you guys see this yet i'm assuming he's free in some capacity if i could just simply get back to my screen here because you made me take over here i could tell you about it ryan reynolds new movie free guy about a video game character who is suddenly bestowed with the nature of his existence what does that mean it means he's actually a video game character who finds out that he's in a video game so it's kind of like an updated truman show of sorts wait wait this commercial went out a long time ago i just saw it today so maybe you're right but i just saw it today but uh basically the movie industry is playing on this uptick in gaming they got they got ninja jacksepticeye pokemane and laser beam in it in the movie and it's and it's yeah it's about this ryan reynolds character who basically finds out he's a sim for for people in the real world ninja playing him like himself playing himself no it's ninja playing as ryan ryan now ryan reynolds is playing as some as a video game character yeah but who's who is controlling the sim uh i i don't know no no i don't believe ninja's playing as him but he might be you may have predicted that'll be a great champion but but i gotta give a shout out to hollywood for putting uh influencers in their movies for absolutely no reason other than to use them for for promo but 100 i mean dude i can't be be the only one and this is i've been in i've been using this before too but i can't believe the only one or could be the only one who like sees an influencer celebrity in movie or just like well all right easy because somebody somebody's the easy way these guys i saw rita ora in pokemon she actually did a good job that's what i'm saying i saw people i saw diplo and boogie some of these guys connect but but you're absolutely right i think just like mcdonald's they're smartening up to the power of influencer and saying yo if we put you know george janko in one of our films kid can't act but he could draw a crowd people would say it's number 11 in the world can we get a fact anyways the reason i bring it up good good good for them good good for good for both it's it's a little it's a little it's a little symbiotic i think that the employing influencers in your film favors hollywood a bit more than it does just because um influencers in traditional now is a is a bit it's not oversaturated but it's definitely way more saturated than it was back in the day you know when you first saw king batch in a movie right holy [ __ ] right remember that yeah oh my god king batches everybody would not keep matches in every movie but now he's a movie star what about the experience though for for like ninja pokemane to be able to say yeah i acted in a movie with ryan reynolds like regardless of the of um but but but just the experience of it just to be able to say they did it so i mean you know like yeah maybe they're not getting paid as much as they would be if they were doing a sponsorship on twitch or something like that but anyways the reason i brought this up and also you know kind of piggybacking off of the tesla uber collaboration do you think there's a chance that we might be living in a simulation man and i know we've talked about this on the show a little bit but do you think there's a a potential chance that we are sims we are sims and i and i and i've i've been down this rabbit hole before but we're on to the next topic no play regardless congratulations on your movie i was kidding and you're a great actor and i've said that to a million [ __ ] times 2020s here shit's stranger than it's ever been before have you ever lived a stranger year than 2020 never never before this doesn't seem real doesn't seem real almost seems like we could be living in a simulation man right the answer hold on let me give you a little bit more [ __ ] ammo yeah okay because i've been down this rabbit hole numerous times usually around 4 a.m on wikipedia i'll be scrolling trolling scrolling and and and there are some guys in this space one being this guy nick bostrom he is he's kind of the authority in this simulation argument or simulation uh theory and he's a swede and he's considered to be one of the main guys many works of science fiction as well as some forecast by serious technologists and futurologists predict that the that enormous amounts of computing power will be available in the future we know that computing power is growing by quadrillions of degrees at a time can you imagine where it's going to be in 5 000 years mr paul let us suppose for a moment that these predictions are correct one thing that later generations might do with their super powerful computers is run detailed simulations of their forebears or of people like their forebears because their computers would be so powerful they could run a great many such simulations suppose that these simulated people are conscious that would be then the case of the vast majority of minds like ours that do not belong to the original race but rather to the people simulated by the advanced descendants of the original race basically what nick is saying is that there could be some hyper intelligent community in our multi-you know thousand year future who just wants to see what it would be like to live life as one of their ancestors let's go back to 2020. see what it's like to be on the impulsive show with logan paul take over that idiot mike for a little while see what it feels like to be in a 35 year old youtuber's body can you [ __ ] a mat george look it you aren't real no you aren't really true no i'll tell you i'll tell you why i i think it's possible i tell you why i i i feel too autonomous for that to be 100 true could this be a simulation where what do we want to call them this hyper advanced race is throwing coronavirus at us to see what happens womp maybe like sims where you could start a house fire see what you're fit so they can't control the conscious being that is humanity and and the the species that are on this planet but they can control the circumstances in the environment and see how it reacts to further their knowledge of x y z like who knows what the what the pandemic looks like in the year 3000 that's a pandemic like yo i'm talking about a virus hops on your body and you die in a second type pandemic mask yeah right you're gonna need a full body suit a full body suit of armor but you hear what i'm saying i feel too autonomous and i know so i'm not religious it's gonna be interesting to hear your take on this but while we totally could be and possibly are living in a simulation i don't believe it really matters because this is still my life and i still feel very much in control there is another there's another part of it that i'm looking for i've been doing some studying on it this morning but basically that says you feel autonomous in a lot of ways you you are but if you do something that the simulation doesn't like they may just simply push you to the back of it no demonetize your youtube channel oh no start a little bit of a twitter rampage against you for something that you did so a lot of these people that you're seeing penalized in life pushed a little bit too hard against the simulation now you just let me i want to hear the religious guy i think this honestly for you to believe in a guy named jesus and a devil named like satan and like this whole back and forth of good and evil you're gonna have to have an open mind and so while people are freaking out you know i feel like i feel like people are just building their religion when stuff like this happens like the flat earth or like the uh the conspiracies that i always i see i'm like i feel like in my eyes i feel like these people are so much in a refusal to know who jesus is that they're just making this these like ideas up a lot of flat earthers are christian and actually yeah tribute to flat earth to the bible uh i mean i don't know anything about the flat earth to so they'll tell you the bible says it's flat it's wild children and and and there's there's verbiage in there that actually could possibly support that i mean regarding the shape of the planet we live on okay well i would have to i can't open my mouth about that because i know nothing i can't argue it but all i all i do know is that uh it's it don't don't get sucked in to something uh that's gonna throw you off in real life so my my like issue with it is so many people get so nervous over these like hypothesis that they're not even real they're just educated guesses that they ruin their whole life over it do you know what i'm saying like they're like they'll transfer their money to a different account or they'll they'll pick up another job or they'll quit their job to do this because they're like oh my god in 10 years this is going to happen relax relax i think it's what you're saying is i believe it's a good conversation don't let it control you don't let it go because because what i just said at the end of the day you know we could talk about this dude are we in a simulation does it [ __ ] matter this is still my life i'm still going to be nice to people i'm still going to try to accomplish my goals the best i can i'm still going to uh hang out with my friends so like what's the point is what you're saying because listen i i agree with you listen i did this for one morning there's people out there who spend their entire existence every day but those people george and listen i'm not one of these people but i got i got to bring this up those people those people might say look at this guy over here bringing up this jesus theory or whatever else just to uh uh push back on what is the truth which is the simulation theory so what you have to understand is that there are people as definitely 100 uh perfectly sure and positive as you are about jesus about the simulation can i ask you a question yes sir somebody was arguing with this yeah and there's people that are above us and they control the situation and uh they dictate how you're living your life like oh because like there's times i joke around i go man life's so good i wouldn't be shocked first of all they're not people they're beings you can't even imagine what they can look like perfect so if they have that much capability over our lives you don't think for a second that if somebody came up with the idea of like oh we're all in about they would just delete that person bro they would wipe them clean well that's what i'm saying happens do you know one of the last things no jeffrey epstein said before he was killed hey that kid looks cute that was the second to last thing he said the very last thing he said was don't touch me there that was the third to last the very last thing he said was i have evidence that we are living in a simulated reality next thing you know gone gone light's turned off that is that you should probably fact check that that's probably also like do we have a video evidence of him saying that was he gonna put the evidence he's like getting it i say something where's the evidence and then i go hey where's ever it went off with the evidence it's all hypothetical listen do you think us trying to sell that half drink gatorade was was incredible because because that felt something like we wanted to i felt like we wanted to do that this was at the pumpkin patch we're good at this brother those are the things that make my life you know who else you're talking about what are you doing let me just preface this there are people out there who save for retirement there are people out there who care about marriage and falling in love sorry amara and other people that are invested in my life in some way the things that truly excite me is trying to sell half drank in gatorades with my best friend to passerbys and cars yeah it just makes me happy please explain the story we're sitting in traffic at this [ __ ] pumpkin patch this is before after you try to beat up the old lady sure first off she beat me up and verbally assaulted me all i was doing was standing my ground and i don't think i should get chastised for that honestly she she tried to carry me i stood my ground and my friends got mad at me she did have a weapon but from an outside point of view but from an outside point of view i see logan paul stepping out of his car picking on an old lady and then after that selling him change the drink the brother change your narrative because also we stole the drink first yes did you sell it what do you mean picking up bro picking on an old lady i was standing outside bro this guy's being an exaggeration he was a little forceful with grandma karen this this she wasn't a grandmother she was a prime rib character plus this is coming out in the in the portnoy episode on thursday long story short i'm not gonna i'm not gonna say something that didn't happen and speak for the kid logan assaulted an old woman it happened it 100 happened she came at me with a weapon and said you need to get in your car i said i looked around i'm like this i'm 20 feet away from everyone who's in no and then she goes oh yeah and i was like yeah do you have some sort of signage some sort of verbage that says i need to get get in my car and she didn't and so i was like okay so i'm going to probably just stand here and breathe the fresh air because i'm bored and i paid 100 to sit in traffic at a pumpkin patch yo sorry for standing my ground like being a [ __ ] man you were just me all jokes aside you were just kind of rude to her i'm sorry somebody was rude to me no no no you don't want me to talk about the seriousness the serious path you you like in honesty you're rude to the lady she was rude okay to me do i need to go listen to me listen no don't come okay we're gonna go [ __ ] you we're gonna get into the debate guys do you have a two-minute goal let me let me go well no he already won president i already went how do you have two minutes all i want to say is this the way i am uh for for the most part is if an older person and i mean at least two decades older than me or especially three decades older than me says anything whether it's yo sorry you can't cross the street here yo sorry you have to get back in your car yo sorry you have to sit down on the ride you can't stand on the roller coaster i'm just gonna simply say okay no problem my bad she was a woman who was controlling the traffic in a very strict rigid coveted environment where people are not allowed to get out of their cars and talk to other people we shouldn't have been out of the car when i when she said i got right back in the car or maybe i was already in the car but i had been out there with you you she said sir i'm sorry but she's hurt she said you're right so what did she say you said this came up to me with her wand and said you need to get in your car ma'am i said this in the portland would you stay back i said no i don't no i said uh no i don't i don't need it again is there any sort of signage that says i can't get out of my car is there any am i bothering anyone i'm standing here if anything i'm selling half drink gatorades to people i'm i'm hydrating folks right yeah so but no i just like bro i i'm not with the um i'm not with the i i get to be i get her i get to be an [ __ ] because i have a wand type is you were in her house in a way you were in her house we were we were there for the show i get it i get it but they she probably had she probably is getting paid twelve dollars an hour and has very specific rules as well so what i'm saying is if somebody came in here and did something on the line you're like yo you can't do that and they were like yeah i can like you would be like how [ __ ] dare you bro this is my space you're in myspace follow my we technically since she's a proprietor of the business or or an employee there we have to follow her rules michael i'm sorry it's just a factual matter danny i don't like what's going on mel what the [ __ ] is this what's going on i'm scalding my friend what's going on what's going on milton came with like nine people that look like they're related time wavers mask cover tests everything they look cool cool all right why does that look like a young milton oh my god that looks like a young milton well definitely isn't him all right guys welcome welcome to impulsive i hope you enjoyed the show you're in a heated moment the gatorade no i was just saying like i don't i don't like authorities trying to abuse their authority i agree with you i don't like number one pet peeve the security guard comes up to and like sir you need to do this i'm like why are you saying that because you just want to make me do something or are you actually like trying to get me to do something for a rule that you made up do you think that i don't make the rule up i do i do that people are like i said because i said because i said it's crazy how you guys are pushing back on this i said i said i said wait wait why we i ain't doing [ __ ] i said do you have is there any signage literally anywhere show me show me signage that says you have to be in your car and she didn't because she couldn't well she didn't have let me let me explain this quickly as my last point something tells me that at a drive-through pumpkin viewing event where people are not allowed to walk through it because of covid and that is a fear that is why every other year it was a walk through this year it's a drive-through there is a high probability that the owners of the event and the people who put the event on have a written rule that says bystanders or people enjoying this event cannot get out of there why did she come up to me waving her wand and no one else i wasn't no one else was outside of the car you're not one that that i won't agree with you not one i personally no i'm not lying i personally did not see one other person out of the car i did it i saw you one was smoking a cigarette okay and one was just hanging out fair so bro again like authorities abusing their authority because they have a wand i hate it i i i just won't i'm not the guy to to bend over because you have a stick like a regardless that's not true i hate to say this but if you had respected authority a little bit more when jack reese told you the first time to stop breaking the rules in the boxing fight what do you mean he might not have taken off the two points he only told me once oh no warning no warning that's that's the problem with it there's no [ __ ] warning he just took off two points all right well kids out there respect authority or even if you don't respect authority no [ __ ] don't do whatever you want no listen to logan no no no respect authority authority respect the people that you're supposed to be controlling that's my ask i bro i reciprocate energy if you come in guns of blazing you're going to be met with guns what if a cop comes at you guns are blazing and says cops authority cops an actual authority why is the security lady at the event she she's hired to do a job she has a wand and said security i get that but cops hold on no stop cops are hired to do a job okay security guards at malls are hired to do a job cops are public servants just and great and i appreciate them they're fantastic but just like other security guards let's not put them on one that has a bit more merit than the other one according to according to society one upholds the laws in society one is at a pumpkin patch someone would say a security guard at a mall upholds the laws of society small is a private establishment if i'm on a 100 acre farm that isn't a private establishment that i paid to be there and sit in traffic and i'm upset because i am sitting in traffic and i paid 100 to do so i've been sitting there for an hour and i want to get some fresh air and stand outside my car i don't think that's a problem who decides that the rules as upheld by police are more important than the rules that are upheld by securities the supreme court justice of the united states i don't know that that's the one has a gun one has a wand like a huge difference bro like people i don't think that matters yes it does common sense my dad taught me that since i was a kid what you're telling me to do is buckle what you're telling me to do is buckle word for words like word for word you're telling me to buckle what i'm telling you is if an old woman approaches you and says sir get back in the car just get back in the [ __ ] car why are you arguing with an old woman everybody else in the car was embarrassed having been there josie spoke up amaris woke up i spoke up we're like logan please get back because you guys buckle you don't stand up you don't stand up for what you want you're standing up against an old lady if she's old then why is she coming at me guns are blazing i'm telling you prime ripe karen wanted to wave her wand and tell someone to do something so she could what was the actual age no exaggeration probably i would say in her early sixties no not would be my guess she's younger than milton and milton's in the 60s i think she's probably she's probably she's probably like 50. i do think i was resembling greg this is this is me being like really adulting here and being the 35 year old guy you expelled a little bit of energy not a lot you expel a little bit of energy and then you got back in the car anyways so in the at the end of the day who really won did it was it worth it for you to say no i don't i'm not doing anything you can't tell me what to do and then you just got in the car i'll tell you why i'll tell you why we both won i'll tell you why we both won at the end of the day yeah i told this lady i said i don't see signage and i disagree with what you're saying i'm gonna get in my car cause you're right she's an older woman at the end of the day right like what does it mean to me to stand up i saw my car not that much i didn't buckle but if you noticed she got nicer we made amends and she was i was she talked to her and i was like ma'am i'm so sorry my friend has a mental illness i said you remember you didn't hear me say that i did i said my friend has a mental illness he's there's something wrong with him but he's he's better now i said that to him no no because she no she got nicer her delivery got nicer at the end all she needed was a little like hey ma'am i don't know if the way you're controlling traffic is the most appropriate way to do that okay that i have to agree with okay so that is that's part of this she could have she got what she wanted i got in my car and she got a little bit better and nicer about doing her job okay i like that that i like can can people in authority definitely improve on how things are worded and and and learn that it is not what you say but is how you say it just a little bit more yes what you're doing is the exact issue yes police what is it called police brutality in america because what it is and and you know how vocal i am and how i feel about all that and maybe maybe i was trying bro i'm like like again authorities abusing their power [ __ ] upsets me absolutely it hits a chord that i do not like and maybe that's what the reaction that you were feeling i was already a little peeved we were sitting in traffic and fight camp yeah blue gatorade are we able to go quick yeah let's switch quickly well mrs maybe this this is why she came up bro because this was your [ __ ] idea it definitely was mine you're the reason why that's what i'm saying he's 100 he was got me in trouble and then buckled like a [ __ ] bro you're that guy he's not you're that guy oh he's snitched on me no he he was out of the car first taking pumpkins off the pumpkin patch and putting him in that car no you weren't which we no no i wasn't i gave them to people who were sitting there who said logan can i get a pumpkin i was like sure thank you yo long story short logan was being a troublemaker he was mad that we were in traffic and he was being a troublemaker which was fine life is so much better when you don't take it seriously i say that all the time you should have seen the smile on these people's faces when i gave them a pumpkin they put me on their instagram story he said he said is there anything you want to say to my followers i said happy halloween here's a pumpkin and they just laughed about it almost brought tears in my eyes and this karen wanted to ruin them ruin my life and then and then we were like you agreed we're both like yo we're bored this is like low-key [ __ ] because we're in traffic for this event they made us wait for an hour whose idea was it to go to the tomorrow she bought all the children so mike's like bro you want to go like i have this half drink gatorade do you want to try to sell it i go this seems impossible it's a half joint gatorade who's gonna buy this [ __ ] gatorade but yeah i mean let's see what did you guys sell it yeah we saw that how much crazy guys 20 bucks 10 10 bucks we gave him the money back of course oh i forgot it was half okay we went up and we went up to four cars the first car basically just laughed at it social distance of course so very social like first car laughs second car not much energy not much energy just didn't understand what we were doing and rightfully so but like we used why are you taking life so seriously we're just like [ __ ] around you know and then either third or fourth card we go up and we've got this whole sales plan down excuse me guys don't wanna don't bother you we know you're in traffic just like us it's like the 405 we paid to be on the 405. small talk hey uh we're just wondering anybody in this car thirsty right now we got this half drink gatorade we're just curious if you guys would want to you look a little thirsty in the back a little parched in the back there i know this isn't normally something you'd buy but we do it is a half joint gatorade hey man uh do you think i could film you guys sure thing yeah man uh as long as you're choosing gatorade and then the girl's like 10 bucks and we're like sold boom gave him the gatorade took the 10 bucks then we gave it back because we don't need ten dollars you gave it back of course we don't know that they gave you back the gate right no they kept the gatorade well you gave it for free yeah basically yeah he's wrong we're just doing to see if we could do it and we did you did give it back give it back why why [ __ ] we keep ten dollars from we don't need ten dollars so you just got up just an experience he's gonna respond we're having fun no no no no no it was pointless no the lady came after this and that that's when like ratted me out i did not because remember with the sarcasm stuff on this channel there's a lot of people who watch this channel that don't understand that we're [ __ ] around oh yeah mike texted me stop you don't want to say this george stop uh fifth vital it's out now audiobook it's killing right now and uh thanks bro this means a lot that's it speaking of oh another another important thing besides just authority which is great because i this is from someone who's always respected authority oh cap it's so cow yo you have no idea you if you've read the fifth vital you know the kinds of things this dude has done stop they don't need to read it anymore they can listen to it i'm not saying this they're saying it okay but another authority that is well loved today is national teacher's day oh my god dude like uh speak of a an incredible part of society underpaid i feel strongly about about teachers i feel v dude the the [ __ ] they go through teaching little [ __ ] like how does like us how to be good people and how to learn so they can achieve their goals and the uh the amount that they get is is i'm emotional i'm on the opposite side of you guys don't you even sarcastically say something i did not like my teachers growing up they're very mean to me hold on a second hold on a second that's not not true a lot of teachers are like sour but a lot of them are awesome and a lot of them attribute like bro everyone has that one feature so i know you had one so the reason i brought it up is because i wanted to ask you guys if there was a a teacher in your life life life that you wanted to acknowledge that i don't know i had a short circuit are you okay uh yes oh my god this is it is a simulation just glitched out because you talked about the simulation right and they're putting me to the back that you wanted to acknowledge on the show today what did they do for you uh just i just wanted to give a little shout out to all the teachers professors i'd love to uh shout out to miss ross uh physics class it was great i don't like where this is going i was uh oh i was sitting in there and i'm uh just you know pinnacle high school not trying to point out where she works uh but yeah i was sitting there and i was making music and she goes hey like you know like i like your music and i was like oh thanks she's gonna you mind if i play for the whole class i'll go yeah oh no and i was like shocked because this teacher genuinely didn't like me as a human being and she played it and then immediately paused it 30 seconds in and then played pots and pans and then had the class vote which one was better george please tell me who won and everybody voted pots and pins and you know i could fact check this because cave was in the class and i could face that one right now i'll tell you exactly how that happened and still it took you 20 years for logan later for logan to tell you that music wasn't your [ __ ] way you couldn't have just listened to the thoughts and see now you're telling me that teacher was ineffective she was spot on well she was bought on dude why didn't you just listen to her bro right there dude that you have a chance to just switch to acting right there and you just kept making music you had a group survey the whole class told you i will have you guys know thanks to milt where'd he go oh you just dropped off kids and left us at a daycare he found out as soon as we found out what the [ __ ] happened hey guys nice to meet you uh okay uh well [ __ ] i guess you're right well my songs hit the radio stations and they're doing pretty good yeah maybe i should have listened i get what you're saying physically and and yo this story is not too unfamiliar for a lot of kids a lot of kids develop some sort of resentment from their teachers because the teachers some are good some aren't yep you know what i'm saying but it's usually okay then how about this we meet in the middle a teacher appreciation day and then we [ __ ] hate teachers there not teachers spreading positivity it's a joke man [ __ ] your joke i'm sorry did you have i know you have i do from the book but i i'm sure the audience would rather hear you say but mine quickly was a guy named mr zubati i know he was uh a pudgy gentleman in his in his mid 50s we were at this school called foreign high school in milford connecticut and all the other classes were normal classes we had english we had phys ed we did have some like audio video classes like that kind of stuff in high school but then our high school had something that a lot of high schools didn't which was a planetarium a what we had a planetarium for astrology astronomy forgive my ignorance stars oh okay so you go in and they could project any kind of you know consolation or uh configuration of the constellations cool and this guy man teachers hated me dude i was the worst ever i caused more trouble in school than anyone you've ever met i got expelled constantly suspended constantly i got in fights all the time greg miller if you're watching this i still remember the first time he punched me in the face in the lunchroom and my nose sprayed arterial spray all over the lunchroom and i got suspended for five days for that one i used to fight off suspended for getting your ass kicked well i got him good too he came back with a a well because the nose heels but the bruises don't it's all about aesthetics ever looks more beat up lost and he def and he definitely got me better than i got him but he had a big bruise five days but nonetheless all the other teachers like yo this is a lost cause this kid is a lost cause put him in the school where the uh uh the lost causes go that's bad school right yeah but i feel like all of hopefully at every school there's one teacher that says yeah i believe in this kid has to i i i something about this kid or something about every kid [ __ ] this kid something about every kid has merit you just have to dig into it and that was my guy mr zoo baby and i would go into his class and for whatever reason i had this very uh big interest in astronomy interesting and and i would go to his class and he would play pink floyd he would play the doors and we would be high as [ __ ] in class like we were smoking weed before we would go into astronomy and he like maybe knew maybe didn't know yeah he did he turned on star food you guys they gave him exactly exactly he's like i know today is stars guys and [ __ ] he was probably high as [ __ ] too that's why you guys got along the astronomy teachers are all definitely yeah so so long story short uh at the end of my at the end of my junior year i get uh expelled for my senior year because i was selling drugs in school and i got expelled for the first half of my senior year and so i wasn't going to graduate high school i wasn't going to make it through and i met with a tutor who got me through all my classes but they were like but unfortunately you won't be able to pass your astronomy class because you won't be able to be there i met with this tutor and then every day i met with mr zubati at dunkin donuts at 4 p.m after school no he would get out of his class from teaching all day he would come meet me at 4 pm at dunkin donuts go over everything they went over in the astronomy class that day and i graduated high school because of his dedication to me dude as a as a person have you reached out to him since um i talked about him in the book i've tried to contact him in connecticut if someone's watching this and you know where he is comment message me on instagram i would love to to talk to him because he's at home he's like i got away with it i don't want to [ __ ] see this guy i don't care how successful [ __ ] his book i don't care actually i i'm actually happy bro that's really cool it was awesome and so shout out to the teachers like mr zubati and anybody else who who stands by when kids are going through a tough time parental divorce problems at home all the things that feed into trouble in school the teachers that stick by those kids and push them the rest of the way to get to get school done i think this conversation is so subjective yeah well because i had a very blessed uh very well-funded school district i i also was a good student i wasn't like either of you guys like i i paid the [ __ ] attention i worked really hard i was conv i i was convinced cause i knew my parents didn't we had money we were like bottom of the middle class and i knew they weren't going to pay for my college because they couldn't pay for my college so i was like yo i got to make something happen here i got to pay attention so i was blessed with a lot of really good teachers why i say it's subjective is the one who comes to mind and then i'll move on to a second thing the one who comes to mind i'll use a arbitrary name because i know she kind of uh didn't want to be involved with social media let's say like let's say miss apple okay her name was miss apple where'd you get that from uh i just thought of the first fruit that came to my mind miss apple um she was the one who would talk to me about conversations and subjects that weren't necessarily academic-based curriculum she got me thinking she got me thinking about about life and just like processing and i i was always a late bro bloomer so i wasn't really thinking outside the box until like halfway through what would have been uh college but she would just have conversations that stimulated me in a way that i liked she's responsible for my vocabulary she's responsible for my my syntax and sentences the way i speak uh pathos egos ethos logos and and whether i'm conversing with people or trying to win an argument or persuade someone of something like which in turn translated to my marketing like phenomenal teacher took the time right jake's number one enemy jake jake wrote diss tracks on this teacher type [ __ ] jake publicly called out this like this is why i say it's subjective to me this girl was a godsend and then when i saw little brother jakey was having problems with all of his teachers by the way but this one in particular he swears that she singled him out and i and i just couldn't i was like yo to me she was awesome like this girl this is i love this teacher and to jake he'll tell you that she was the devil which is so interesting to me but the the ones that truly changed my life the coaches dude for my athletes out there you got that one or two coaches who just who believe in you more than you believe in yourself i gotta give a shout out to [ __ ] mike anthony dude co-champ coach coach yeah he is he the one from the video yeah from the homecoming video yep yep yeah oh he's the guy where'd you get that shiner he's the where'd you keep going yeah coach mike anthony my wrestling coach and also uh coach de luca they were and percival my whole wrestling thing and jed like my whole my whole uh wrestling coach team was was fantastic but anthony you know i still i still keep in touch with to this day just a just a jolly old fellow who wants to employ kids to be their best and i remember one day i was a freshman hang or i was yeah yeah oh yeah you have to use this yeah pardon the feedback sorry about that yep good uh one day i fast forward to the part yeah and maybe put it on the screen uh aunt or the shiner coach coach ant yeah yeah well oh cause they have to live up to the expectation almost jake didn't employ himself in school school school was not the way to activate jake paul like many kids it's just he didn't he didn't click in that way i wanted to uh to play a little bit more of the video because jason is jake should we should we should we just play a little more of it i just see him he's cheerleaders and plenty of support from schoolmates for the senior who's making his second trip in two years to compete at the state wrestling tournament obviously extremely excited um the state send-off is the highlight of my year every year because it's it's fun to see all your students before you go and they get they get you really excited and this proves you can do anything i was 18 years old like i wasn't like a kid anyway i was 18 years old i could barely [ __ ] speak on camera acne black eye uh had no idea how to form thoughts i didn't know how to form thought it looks like a thumb a thumb full-on thumb and and and i made it happen like yo kids be a [ __ ] maverick like a [ __ ] and i'm just happy that i could do it again without any injuries or anything sure logan his schoolmates and coaches are excited but we wanted to no wait hold on there's jake not very good but the question that's coming right now is the fact that you're doing low vibes by the way not high fives low fives how the [ __ ] you consider that a a low five we'll play it again play excited but we wanted to know low five but this i start high suck a dick all right this is the question of the day though logan his schoolmates and coaches are excited but we wanted to know where to get that shiner we got outboard in the semifinals and uh the guy wrestling the championship knew it was bad and i'm i'm guessing he pushed on it which you know a smart wrestling move but it made it a lot worse and so it got extremely bloody and black and it looks good though here we go his coach has high praise for logan who carries a 4.7 gpa intense uh very very aggressive he's co he's very coachable he's a leader he's tenacious he just doesn't stop he's very very smart wrestler very aggressive that's my guy in the sport that's what we need that's my guy right there so yeah he believed in me more than i believe in myself i was a freshman training with the senior wrestlers and i remember doing hang cleans in the workout room one day and the seniors were doing the hang cleans with these the big weights the yellow weights like 45 pounds dude and i walked up and little scrawny freshman probably i was 119. and you know it was my turn to to do the thing and the whole team was watching i was like you know [ __ ] i can't i can't do this i haven't hit puberty yet what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] am i gonna do coaches coaching goes now you can do this i go yeah i could do this and then i did and it was the first time someone besides my dad like believed in me more than i believed in myself and got me to a level i couldn't think i didn't think i could accomplish and those are the people to this day like i stay in touch with him because he just activated me in a way that i didn't know i could and now as an adult i'm aware like i have it in me i i really do have it in me i was at a dinner the other day uh we were talking about just like influence and the proper way to to to use it for good and my message was this and i've said it before i i want to expand people's mindset everyone is caught in in their own little bubble not to anyone's fault but it's hard to think outside of it and i'm here to tell you and even like that video is a good example it's all possible it's all possible if you would have told that kid i was gonna be where i was today with the things i have on my horizon i would have laughed at you i said what are you talking about bro i'm going to school for industrial systems engineering i'm gonna go work in a factory and like work like marry a beautiful wife and have kids by 25. and now i'm just i'm just i'm really really blessed that i did have the right uh two as teachers and coaches in my life and people to inspire me um to to be this thing that i became and i i really i really love the version of myself that's walking around today i'm proud of you bro that's deep i love this this podcast went on a roller coaster you know what i'll share a good moment oh there we go i remember uh when i was in high school i had this teacher i'm obviously not gonna mention his name because me and him uh did talk stuff probably you shouldn't be talking about in in high school you know i mean like he saw me as very adult and so he touched your pee-pee twice no i'm just kidding that's so dark you probably probably got that whatever you want george that stays in okay that's what he said um anyway so i'm having this uh this moment and everybody is uh is like studying for this test and it's that you know where back in the day we didn't have like laptops right we did i came from a very very rich school but at this moment he wanted us to write down because he says that it's better for you to write so everybody's like writing down stuff for the next test and i'm just sitting there watching and i'm not doing anything and he goes george and by the way he comes from a good place because he liked to push me a lot and he knew that i had a strong heart so he didn't he looked at me he goes george you're going to end up being a loser one day because of your actions in front of everyone and i go i'm sorry wha wha in what way is my actions i'm like i don't do drugs i don't drink i don't go to these parties like i i i know what i'm doing he goes now why look around he goes look around every single student here is taking notes besides you you think you're greater than them he's like but at the end of the day you fail you have the lowest grade in the class you're behind them and you think you're greater than them and i go i am greater than them and he goes in what way i go how about this i will place a bet with you and if you could beat me i will study for every single test of yours and he goes of course remind you this is in front of everyone i go do you have the first test you gave us in like the first semester and he goes yeah i go if anybody gets a c on that not a b not an a if anybody gets a c on that i will study for the rest of your tests my my point giving to you is you cram all this crap that nobody's going to remember next year let alone next month i was like i'm not doing it i'm not a sheep i'm not going to see here and write and [ __ ] cram all this [ __ ] in and then forget about it later give the test and he goes i let's do it and so everybody put their [ __ ] away and they took the test everybody got an f every single person one kid not even that genius kid and what i look i remember her name i don't remember her name actually i remember i remember what you look like what class i bet this is history i had to be history yeah no history is tough right history is one of those things i looked and i was seeing her smiling in and out i'll study for a test in and out in and out i remember spencer spencer will tell you that's the number one pro he's on his education documentary we spoke with him when he came here and he's like yo the number one first thing that i want to do is get rid of standardized testing in and [ __ ] out right why are we wasting our time studying for the these there's got to be a better way to retain information it's why i have a problem reading books i don't retain the information i can process the words i can understand them i'll finish a chapter i have no [ __ ] idea what i just read listen i'm not an audio guy either i need i need to see i need to see it i'm visualized i'm visually almost damn near photographic memory type visual like if i see it there's a good chance it's going to stick in my brain it's why i like to direct i can see the i can see the final product before a camera's even picked up there was only one kid in that class that did better that time around and it was me i went from like 47 to like 52. you were over motivated no i was sitting there like well let's go plus also you you had a and many kids uh suffered this as well you are dyslexic dude you know what's great you know i didn't know that i i i tru and i i really want people to understand that this is a serious thing that people deal with i i'm gonna be i'm gonna be quite honest i cried a lot in the bathroom because i thought i was really dumb but it was crazy because i knew i was smart but i there were so many times i would just i'll be in the class and everybody would be doing things and it was the times that i tried and then i'd just go into the bathroom and i'd close the stall and i would just sit there and i'll just cry because it's like i can't do this it's not sticking with me not until i was almost gonna go to college that it was another school that i got transferred in by the way because i got kicked out of that school for being made fun of so much i literally got removed from that school because people hated me and i sat at another school called horizon which was the greatest experience of my life and i thank everybody that was in that school but i was sitting there one of the one of the [ __ ] teachers are sitting and looking at me they go georgie he's dyslexic and i was like the [ __ ] is that and she's like are you dyslexic i don't know that is she goes come with me we did a test i was so [ __ ] dyslexic she goes i can't believe you did not know this so she taught me a different way like i would put like things on books bro i started doing so good in school like i was like barely trying i was like oh my god i got this and it's so sad that they just pinned me as a [ __ ] idiot they're like this guy's an idiot and i'm like okay humans are too dynamic humans are too complex to try to to force into the same system it's it's i had this conversation with mr beast we uh we spoke on the phone and the education system i think when it's upended and and changed in a way that maximizes the effectiveness of young people i think that's when we'll really start to see change in society like from from the [ __ ] grassroots from the day you were you you enter school proper as proper schooling and learning system i think people are just going to be so much more optimized and effective i mean i mean people go through years and years of schooling on stuff that we you know as we all know you're just not gonna [ __ ] use like what are you gonna use this stuff i mean i'll i'll think about american exceptionalism sometimes but like do i need to know who you know theorized american exceptionalism how it led to the expansion of the western like no who gives a [ __ ] about that that's crazy i still i'm very back and forth of it like i i'm i'm very against people that are like [ __ ] school i i don't i think i think okay relax because you're going to lead people that are good at school not to be wanting to be in school i agree i never say that yeah it's so wrong and honestly i encourage people to try their best in school and i'm going to tell my kid this i'm like listen i sucked in school but give it your go because i got super fortunate i hit the lottery from my life if this was a different universe and i didn't i would be very much struggling right now because i don't have an education behind me i don't know what i'm going to do for work so please guys don't look at youtubers and tick-tockers their life and then be like well i don't need school i could just go don't do that i i don't like i don't like when uh young internet stars say you know [ __ ] school [ __ ] college it's just not the case we said this on the show it's not the case for the majority of people i'm gonna screen grab any of those social media stars that say that because they're stupid punch in the face not even that i'm gonna i'm gonna replay what they said and i want to see where they're at in 10 years dead ass i'm going to be like look what you just led [ __ ] children across america in the world to do and where you at in 10 years my biggest thing with it is if i said to you yo you're gonna play a game of blackjack and however close you get to 21 is gonna decide the outcome of your life would you rather have one hand to play or fifteen hands to play fifteen school is a hand of blackjack for your life if all else fails if you don't become a musician if you don't become a youtuber if you don't become a a titan of business if you don't become a sign language expert like logan was just showing sometimes you need that bachelor's degree or master's degree or what like take knowledge out no experience well well that too and the experience is something completely different the friends you make and all that stuff but what i'm saying is looking at it from an angle of pure def diversification if you remove the qualification to succeed in the in the normal world from your portfolio you've already you're already in a way behind the [ __ ] eight ball so i've always said if you simply look at school as a backup as a diversification device then you're then you're thinking about it the right way i like that school above all taught me how to learn exactly it taught me how to learn the three things that i mean the three people in this room that are talking the one thing that we have in common and i and i really need people to let this sink in we will never ever ever ever put pride over progress so if you're good at school stay good at school don't worry about everybody around you just stick to what you're doing do not be blinded by people around you don't because i'm telling you super discouraged when you open up your report card and you have a d and the person next to you has an a and you're like oh man like maybe this is it and just rip it up and then give it up and just throw it away it's not it's not a timed race it's a marathon just relax just chill because none of you guys i've never seen you guys make a career move where you're like oh this would look better for me it's more this is better for me you get what i'm saying the pride over progress situation and they're calculated they're calculated every i i've talked about this a million times on this show every decision i make when it with regards to career or life path is always calculated calculated risk hold on a second which one have you calculated the risk of moving out of this house and in your girlfriend's did you make your decision no i haven't because i'm calculating it and what what's the calculation wow by the way i'm still i'm still calculating it i'm i got a calculator okay well then give us your pros and cons are we really doing this yes right absolutely this affects me you can't just come up to me one day and go dog yo best friend known him for five six years lived in this house two years comes up to me one day he's like yeah mara was looking at this house down the street thinking about getting it with her right i wasn't a second i said well you wha what do you mean down the street like like down the street he goes yeah you know it's like 14 minutes away that's not down the street that's what i said george down the street is like and so now now i'm sitting here going where is this coming from what has amara said yo she guilt him dude she says the following i feel like i don't know for sure but i feel like she says something like this you're 35 years old and you live with your 25 year old youtuber friend and amara you know i love you but that's my guy and it's so much deeper than the simplicity that you're putting in there anybody understands like nobody knows like yo michael what the [ __ ] are you doing i get it what are you gonna do with this room i'm gonna replace and put someone else in it immediately so it has to be my mic it has so he knows when it doesn't work out he can't come back sorry we got a new mic mike it's gonna be small mike we're gonna get a guy who's small his name's mike milton says him you're not loud enough and your name's not mike i'm listen i'm still calculating bro i i you you're you're right you're right but but as you know i don't i don't play by those [ __ ] rules i don't play by the rules of like age unless of course when it involves legality or compliance of some sort of somebody's case in which case of course i'm playing by those rules but when it involves like oh by that age you should by that age you should does not exist anymore no that shit's gone homie yeah that's what they said to [ __ ] uh the tolkien lady gary vaynerchuk's big on who wrote harry potter when she was homeless jk rowling by this point you should no [ __ ] that [ __ ] dude that does nothing like age is nothing nothing at all except of course when it involves legality or compliance of course we follow that rule but when it comes to this situation yes you're exactly right that has been a conversation player 35 by choice [ __ ] by choice by choice don't make me bring my i'm not to say it but yes by choice i could obviously get a i already own in connecticut but i can get another place here if i'd like to i like being here these are my friends this is my best friend more so it's an escape michael you've only been doing this you know i love amara but it's six months in you're [ __ ] kidding me okay i've been saying this to her george w i already know where you're standing you could you should repeat it here i'll be frank dumbest [ __ ] i've ever heard in my entire life ever bro bro come talk to me in like four years when we're like okay we've only had three verbal arguments in the past month only one physical violation in the last month where you punched me in the face right i'll take one a month yeah but dude like eight seven eight months in dude she could have a uh a barrage of bodies buried under her apartment she lives on the top floor so that would be weird yeah but but i mean who knows what this girl has skeletons hiding in her closet i mean we know a lot of them obviously they're on the internet but what i'm getting at is this he's making his mind as he's talking no i'm not who knows what's gonna happen over the next you know several months and that scares the [ __ ] out of me what's that what's the issue why can't you just put a pin in it and be like we'll come back no [ __ ] that let him let him they already put the down payment on that house well she did no she didn't yet either nothing's nothing signed just been talking to the people here here are the here are the pros the pros are she decided on a place that is like four plus bedrooms dead dead computers i know that's what i'm saying oh switch it back over yours yeah sorry about now you're fine feedback [ __ ] sorry [ __ ] sorry sorry house has four four plus bedrooms so much better one of which would become a streaming room for me because obviously as you guys know i'm a huge streamer a massive video game stream i'm gonna tell you the same thing i told logan don't do it you're not good he's convinced that his and he might be right his comedic skills is going to be good it's not good enough it's not they're not bro i need him no no actually i do need him for this just to back me up perfect talk to us talk to us perfect timing hop hop in you you can i can hear him without you all right no no why don't you keep him on george okay he yeah he doesn't need him he's talking together so what does it take to be a good streamer because i'm mike isn't that good he's not bad but he's also not that good he's actually below average yeah but he's convinced his verbal comedic diarrhea will propel him to the top or have success in some capacity is he right yeah because i mean when we me and him streamed uh what was it like last week and my viewership was actually like when he came on my viewership was going up but did it stay up yeah because they kept saying in my chat yo you guys are [ __ ] hilarious i don't even like i would even like call of duty but you guys are making it fun for me like i was seeing that in the chat and it's like here's my rebuttal would be i tried this i thought i could do it so a my mistake is i'm not nearly as funny as mike b my verbal diarrhea is not nearly as is as funny as myself i don't have the energy like i get bored after two hours yo i hear that y'all both we have comedic voices though that's why people love it because like they have my scream and you have like sandler raspy i did walk in one time and i thought they were [ __ ] i was like what not that way not that way yes yes yes go go go go go he's coming he's coming fire ah he got me in the face but that's but that's why i'm so happy [Music] so maybe you could but that's why i'm so happy evan came in right now because i don't remember what streamer said it that i don't remember if it was nate or courage or whoever but it's either you're really good at gaming or you're really [ __ ] entertaining at streaming and so if you can keep the energy we had the other night which was probably the highest bro the people in the audience were going nah it was no it not because think about the best duo ever like this is hilarious like you guys need to stream because think about it what's funnier this adds right into it what's funnier than someone who's bad at the game that they're streaming like think about how bro like and you can play that into the comedy like evan's yelling at me why the [ __ ] chopper and i'm sitting there i'm like i didn't know i was driving literally in the storm dying losing health not moving on we're sitting there like this i was like mike what the [ __ ] you doing and he's like i'm like mike what the [ __ ] you don't gotta go he's like oh yeah i'm the pilot oh and we made it out with a scrap of health there's much health left all right so okay so it could be entertaining i just there's probably a stat you should ask your professional gamer friends right how many people on twitch are watching to see good people play versus just to be entertained and have something in the background of their day tim the tattoo it's a great example isn't he great he could play he's good he can play he's not like crazy not [ __ ] anything that's crazy crazy but he's like okay but he's very [ __ ] entertaining he's very hilarious he's like he's seeing me as you he's hope he's not that old is he old i think it's god for videos no i'm not the same age as you it's not it's not old you're not old you're just older than that it depends when you start the game do you start it like this [Music] yes and then put it in yeah and i say i choose yoshi i want yoshi they're like it's not this game but but yo we had a [ __ ] great time and so and so i would have a streaming room there i would have a bunch of other things but listen dude listen wait yeah we're having we're having a conversation about me moving he's moving having this conversation it's just a conversation look at which look at the visceral reaction i know you're causing from all your friends how okay how old is too old for me to say 40. okay i agree with this i agree with that 40. i agree with that forty do you remember when i first joined team maverick do you remember when i first joined team maverick and you said to me do you know what jeff said to me he goes we're really excited to have you as part of the team but i'm going to be honest with you i don't think you should live in the house ever you should get your own place man he did say that he's like he's like it's just you know with the constant drinking and the sex he's like you might not be the best fit for the house and then i came in and the concert drinking and the sex was the perfect yeah we'll see what happens man but it's not like that anymore no we don't do anything we're [ __ ] the biggest [ __ ] in the city or yes we're locked in but i won't i won't step outside my house i won't step outside you just dealt with this just wait till corrupt covet ends we're all like hey so that was fun uh uh warwick just opened up again so we're gonna see you guys later i have no energy for people energy is your currency by the time apm hits uh my currency is low i got nothing left to give i'm the stump at the end of the [ __ ] giving tree this has been a fantastic episode of impulsive [ __ ] evan dude evan we love evan guys thanks for listening uh do not forget this friday october 9th 6 p.m pst live in logan paul vlogs channel we'll be unboxing this world record setting 200 000 box of pokemon cards we're still processing the wires and sales agreement it might be closed it might not if you're a buyer you want to buy a packer eleven thousand one hundred eleven dollars go to logos sign up submit the forum all that good stuff we love you hit that subscribe button we'll see you next time take it easy event peace
Views: 1,118,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, impaulsive, impaulsive podcast, logan paul podcast, maverick, are we living in a simulation, simulated reality, karens, mike majlak, george janko, pumpkin patch, president, high school teachers, moving out of the maverick house, maverick house, moving out, travis scott meal, tesla, dyslexic, national teacher day, streaming, streamers, gamers, dwarf mamba, ninja, courage, tim the tatman
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 48sec (4848 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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