"YOU'RE A 4 OUT OF 10" | Same advice, different messenger, the privilege of beauty

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tell me what you're doing here today today i'm going to determine who's going to be marketable for modeling in the fashion industry how do you measure someone's attractiveness i've been scouting models for several decades now i'm going to be looking at height first size second not are they good looking everybody's good looking in their own way everybody's good looking in their own way no that's the exact opposite get over there and hit your mark give us a spin nobody comes out wearing that outfit and isn't trying to show off and make sure that everybody sees her howdy tell me all about you i'm 37 i'm single currently i'm a bartender um but i've have like an extensive i.t background i like football i like beer he said it i was like yup you said barton i was like beer i know it's one of those things where it feels like one of the boring first date questions where he's like what else can i say uh i like beer i like nachos all of these things i probably would have guessed just by taking a look at him i would put him at a five with a little bit of work he might be able to get some background work yeah you'll never be a main character but as a secondary character maybe fodder someone who dies in the first chapter for sure would you like to work somebody's got to be an extra you're an extra you got the face of somebody that no one's ever going to remember but that's honest that is honest i wonder if people are going to be more receptive to this guy's advice than the black woman i think they're going to be receptive more receptive to his yeah because of the way he says it also how he looks yes you know a decent looking gay man who's all well-dressed and does that as this way gets a lot more reception than a older lady black woman who's just direct even though the advice is just as blunt who says it matters but i'm like if the advice works who cares how's it going that's a yes that works have you ever walked on a runway no now is a good time to start ready go excellent shoulders back that's fashion oh no no it's western is he trying to sell me a car oh my god show business i know what it was but that was that was crazy he's clearly a showman this is what he's used to doing he's used to having a public persona yeah that's fascinating yeah you know what makes me think of certain whackers who do these weird positions yes you know what i'm about yeah have you ever worked in the fashion industry nope never even tried not not not really that height that size the muscle tone broad shoulders small waist long legs because everything is pretty much symmetrical i wouldn't really lose any weight yeah i'd give him a 10. absolutely somebody would book him hi there hi how old are you 26. what's your name tyler he's talking to him like he's cute hi how are you what's your name oh you're so cute what's your name would you like lollipop tyler yeah black lives matter cool yeah that's what it really feels like you do have a great face those big giant brown eyes i like that you got the scruff going on i would say if you were going to get into this industry you would need to grow a little bit taller especially with the hair it's a little bit on the severe side the hair is a bit on the severe side that's harsh it's a very interesting use of severe side i mean you mean black hair is that what you're saying my hair is too coarse for you is that what you're saying my hair is too natural for your privilege white man is that what you're saying huh you probably want to touch my hair too huh yeah i think he's basically just saying that hairstyle she's not going to work in the fashion industry so i would say just because of the height book ability market factor is going to be at about a four what about appearance-wise appearance-wise with that smile that energetic laugh and just the magnetism yeah yeah i'm sure you're a magnet i'm sure you get some single married single not for long you'll be fine great not for that because why because why i'm here because you know that's show business you know what it's crazy how i got away that it's almost like you know when you reject a girl and she's like what's wrong it's like don't worry you're going to find someone soon girls hate this but because of his charisma it's just like you know it's like when you reject a girl like anyone would be so lucky to be with you but with him the way he says it sounds good i want to be able to say that you know i want to be able to say it's not you it's me and half people be like oh thank you that would be nice for once you know you just have to change one little thing you just have to say it it's absolutely i hi what's your name i'm joanna have you ever tried to get into this industry i have not no in this industry because of your hype that's going to be the first thing that's going to take you down but the size is great measurements look good you're petite we we don't say short she's fun-sized you know without a margie yeah but he knows how to say things in a way that you accept even though it's still harsh yeah no she's not small she's fun size you're fun i think if you were going to get into modeling sure change up the hair color can i see you without the eyeglasses excellent if i was going to rate her based on whether or not she would get booked in this industry it's going to be on the lower side yeah i'd probably put you at around a four on marketability for getting booked on jobs do i think she's adorable and pretty and has a great smile yeah when she smiles you definitely light up the room you seem like you're the girl that goes i like green hair i'm going to have it whether you like it or not yeah excellent hi she's one of those girls that when she walks into a room with a big old smile you automatically will like them not sure about the harajuku hair right on the money bee that was harajuku no little girl japanese girl you know and you know the ones that cry like this yeah the little dolls yeah yeah that's what it is under all these layers she thick she looks like a kind of girl who's never been to a library but dresses like a librarian yeah i never understood those people you know those people who like i love chai latte and keep lots of plants in their place but you know they got plan b beside the drawer like it's an interesting combination [Laughter] you know what i mean i like it safe but adventurous yeah but other than that she's got a good little look to her hi hi there if he came into the agency on a scouting day chances are i would select him this is a guy that you would see in a calvin klein fashion show walking down the runway and nothing more than just a speedo let's take a look and see how your walk is and then we can determine whether or not maybe a runway might be a good thing for you can you smile okay there's a lot of work to be done you know what it reminds me of it's the first day of military when people have to march and there's always that one [ __ ] that bear marching the one yeah with the same harmony same arm say like bear marching that's what they called it private atlas stop bear marching you always hear something like that yeah that's what he looked like seeing that as well and then he told his smile and he smiles like can you smile peter it's it's a school photo shoot please can you smile peter your family's gonna see this peter are you [ __ ] [Laughter] i remember school photo shoots there's always that one kid who knows i used to like looking back at those photo albums because there's always kids who just didn't listen yeah there was always girls who were like ready to do it but there was always a couple of voices like already they got the ponyta yeah they got the you know taking pictures was not they think no the girls ponytails like smile they were all night long you know these they spend their time tomorrow it's picture day it's gonna be awesome oh sorry and you spent the whole night okay i'm gonna look like this but guys that's not her thing super scary with it that it it and it it transpires whenever you have dating lamps dating apps the guys they look the same that they did no but the bathroom selfie instead so they got the dirty ass mirror update picture let's take a look and see how your walk is and then we can determine whether or not maybe a runway might be a good thing for you can you smile okay a lot of work to do on him for a runway i mean listen if we lost the pajama pants and the extra large jacket on him he could absolutely go out to clients with a good haircut what you heard was i i i could get some work he's going to hire me what i heard was your haircut's trash your pants got to go and you need to do a lot of work in order to walk to walk but that's my drip and i love it so what you think and that's fashion [Laughter] i love myself so it doesn't matter yeah i can tell you love yourself i don't care what anyone thinks it shows her roasts were way better a1 yeah yeah but he's not trying to roast no he's trying to be nice you're going to be an easy one because you're already adorable high cheekbones nice good skin smile for me yeah great teeth you're definitely curvy in the hips measurement okay can you go ahead and spin around for me some people have those curves and they're not quite sure what to do with them okay if i was going to get you into modeling i would say let's take out the piercing go for the big curls keep everything great on the face i don't mind the scar everything can be taken care of through photoshop but you want a number of what's marketable i'd easily just say five it's not too high it's not too low you would definitely be able to work in the petit market in a certain city but no piercing yo same advice as the other girl she said the same thing everyone got so defensive when she said you notice a difference maybe it's delivery maybe it's who it says it but i did like the interesting uh differences and some people think like these people are being [ __ ] it's just like no it's it's an industry they're making money so they have to be super objective it's not about everyone looks beautiful no objectively when it comes to this kind of work some people are just better suited good yeah yeah but yeah it is what it is it's also the appearance if you judge me and i know that you should it's not it matters for you who says it not let me rephrase that yeah if most people would get judged yeah it wouldn't matter okay it wouldn't matter because people would look at yeah but okay who the [ __ ] are you to judge me yeah what are you yeah yeah your car is trash what's your car all right you take the bus all right deuces you know what i mean that kind of so yeah people judging is like but you know i get it but you know like it's like this let's say if you worked in the fitness industry or you're trying to get in shape maybe an old man comes to you like hey you're doing the deadlift rock you might like you talk about old man but who knows what he used to do old man could have been a bodybuilder back in the day right so it's important not to just throw out the source just because they don't appear to have the success that you think that you'd want but it's also okay to be skeptical they did this test whether it was someone i was doing fitness i was deeming fitness classes but that person was not fit right and people had opinions right yeah they had opinions you don't know who the person is right right right so that's just something to keep in mind but uh but yeah that's pretty much all i had in terms of thoughts funny video and uh yeah tell us what you guys think what do you guys rate yourselves let's see if you're going to be honest yeah where my fixes at where am i six at from the front to back [Music] oh
Channel: Aba & Preach
Views: 363,993
Rating: 4.968946 out of 5
Keywords: aba preach, reaction
Id: u81fYv_EXHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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