"SIR, UR SHORT, FAT & BROKE" - Kevin Samuels | A lot of yall want help but cant handle the truth.

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today's topic kevin samuels so we did a live stream with him recently and there was some really great moments a lot of people feel that kevin samuels really dislikes women all right and that he's he hates them so i did some research and i found a clip that i think you guys are going to enjoy and yeah oh and he is the hardest strong woman you are you living an interesting life i mean 34 working in the warehouse what are you doing is interesting i mean i like to work out okay i mean i like this so i like to go out you know places and visit places and stuff you know i don't know you doing this interesting see i didn't i didn't have none of that when i was a kid man i didn't go to my uh proms and nothing like that and what and at 34 years old that's your responsibility to address nobody's concern but your own no one cares what you did not have that's your problem that's it i didn't have a father that's my problem everybody got something how tall are you i'm only five five just turned around um i'm overweight working on it okay okay you got two struggles already you can't be short and fat yeah two strikes that's good i was trying to keep my straight face during the interview i could not you already got two struggles pick one two strikes about how much do you make a year um forty thousand how old are you for almost forty so you underemployed too yeah all right bro so you so short don't have to worry about that but your weight and your money with your confidence oh why would the female of the species want to take your genes and put them into the next generation that's correct sure i mean you're fat underemployed and unambitious okay the reason why i'm laughing is not because i want to ponder dude it's because of the way he says and how blunt it is it's true though he's not lying about what he's saying you know a lot of people put themselves in disadvantaged positions either because life is already dealt with by bad hand like being 5-2 as a man or whatever and then they don't do anything to compensate to help themselves so of course life is going to be cruel to you in some degrees and when he says it it's just like you're so not used to hearing that on open platforms that i could not help myself and i was dying what i believe he said is not what he thinks of the person he doesn't know the person but it's actually what is happening out there like when he says what makes a woman want to take your genes and put it out there at the end of the day it's time to see what he thinks but that's what the dating world is that's the whole purpose of the dating world yeah but you know you don't know if that person is nice know whatever i understand that i get that but all the people that's me i'm attracted by the smart smarts is not something that you see from afar you have to sit down to have a conversation and what attracted you to sit down was the looks of was what they saw and that's not something that's really going to be appealing to a certain degree ladies you guys are like employers that are really sought after all right men are the employees now if men doesn't have the criterias or the credentials the college level education you're not even going to give them an interview there's a lot of people who are fit for jobs but don't have the paperwork behind it but you're never going to know so are you saying they're like no we want the most competent people well based off the criteria that you have a lot of those people are going to get filtered out so that's what it comes down to when you are a ugly unattractive short whatever it might be if you don't have anything else to try to elevate your resume you're not even gonna get through the door should males like that in the in the animal world be able to mate no at 38 years old is this what you thought you'd be in life no and what are you doing about it um working out no you're looking at your fat that's true i'm sorry i'm sorry see this is why i have these conversations because a lot of this stuff gets lost in the sauce when women start talking about women in these red pills and those other kind of stuff this ain't got nothing to do with women see at five foot five five you should be you should be in shape for you you have zero confidence um and you're a quitter um you're underperforming and you lack ambition you need to go enroll in martial arts a boxing somewhere and let somebody knock the out of you because you don't know who you are people really translate that as oh you need to get beat is that what you're wishing hinting no but there's something that you have to understand about martial arts and taking a punch that teaches you about life about not quitting no matter what happened no matter about how you get rocked you get back on that's what he meant it's about adversity you live adult life and you lack ambition you know one thing good about martial arts like if you're a beginner you go in there and you spar or you do whatever you train you get humbled all the time you're getting constantly submitted you're constantly getting knocked on the floor like a safety you're constantly learning new techniques so it's good it's good for building character and i think that's what he's saying about this yeah but it's funny the fun of what he says is the delivery funny uh i kind of disagree with some of the things you're saying uh okay how old are you 20. okay why does your opinion matter uh everyone's opinion is valid no that doesn't twenty-year-old guy who's he's right you know when you're 19 and you got these super strong opinions it's like it's fine there's nothing wrong with that but experiences back it up exactly you know it was just funny the way he said it and i played this whole thing to one show you two things one that men do need a lot of this counseling and this kind of guidance and two that there isn't an uneven idea if you come to ask a man for advice and he talks to you the same way he talks to men if he talks to you ladies it doesn't mean he hates you guys you guys are so used to men talking to you with cushions a certain cell level of like tone policing that you assume direct honesty and bluntness is somehow an attack on you no this is how we talk to each other often times it's not for everyone but if you come to ask for advice that's what you're going to get the military and basic training and all these things it's not for everyone which is why they don't come in your bedroom and tell you to get up and do push-ups or run at five in the morning or to lock stuff around or to make sure that you're ready for inspection they don't come to your place you go to them how does it make sense for you to go to them and be like you're mean this is unnecessary why would you go suck this bus go ahead i got a story go ahead story time with freeze you're probably gonna see that one in the patreon subscribe yo i think what it really just comes down to is uh rather than reacting to these short clips and then trying to come to an understanding of who someone is accept the idea that yo maybe you don't know maybe these things are taken out of context you just seeing a bunch of clips of him talking to women maybe it's because that's just what seems to be the most polarizing that's what people gravitate to it doesn't mean that he doesn't talk to men it doesn't mean that he's not coaching me he's not telling them what to do you just haven't done the research to know so when you say he hates women based off of what limited information clips that were taken off of his two-hour livestream and you watched a two-minute clip so just be mindful of that if you're gonna look at this clip and tell me he's not being as savage to these men as he is the ladies i would question that so that's what i'm making this video for like i said man i think a lot of us could use some blunt honesty but if you ain't ready for it don't ask for it some of y'all are asking for you not ready for it and then crying victim afterwards no so that's all i'm going to say anything else you want to add all right tell us what you guys think in the comments below
Channel: Aba & Preach
Views: 557,470
Rating: 4.9443126 out of 5
Keywords: aba preach, reaction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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