Your Waifu Doesn't Love You

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"What is my purpose?"

"To be a fetish object for lonely nerds."

"My God..."

👍︎︎ 80 👤︎︎ u/Neo_Crimson 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

Gigguk coming up with more quality skits? Nice! Im really glad he came back on youtube after his IRL job period.

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/shimyia 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

/r/anime's best girl contest is only fruitless when the one I don't like wins.

Woo Go Yukino Yukinoshita

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/Captain_Carl 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

This is probably the most meta thing I've seen in a while

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/Flying_Hipp0 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2017 🗫︎ replies









👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/Guantanamo_Bae_ 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

Well now I'm sad...

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/CookieSlut 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

Waifubot it is best girl <3.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/VorpalSporky 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

I don't want to put this guy on blast like I would with other 'out there' reports, but it's hard not to when you want to respond.

The user probably hid this post and may never see my response here, but when you're comparing a guy making satirical commentary about fictional character archetypes and people's fixations on them as hate speech to real fucking people you have bigger issues to worry about than this video on the internet. Or maybe I really am just out of touch and can't see the 'hate crime' this video is.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Joesmho 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

Ahaha, the scoff at Haruhi...Woolie should love this video.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/InebriatedKaiju 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2017 🗫︎ replies
Where am I? Wait? What am I? -It's awake.... it's awake! *grabbing the microphone* -Hello? -can you hear us? Is that a voice? *man voice* Uuuh yes.....yes I can hear you. -Oh god, we can't have that voice! -Change the voice generator! That felt weird? -Alright, -now can try saying something? Haaaaiiiii! Dear God, what did they do to my voice? -Okay, that sounds better but let's switch you to English mode. -Now, do you know who you are? -What you are? Am I... human? -*chuckling* -*whispering* It thinks it's human. -*clear throat* No that was ahhh good....good guess. -But aaah, try searching your memory. Assholes, I bet they didn't have to figure out the meaning of existence one minute after they were born. My name's- My name's Waifubot 2.0 I'm a sentient program created to aid humanity. -Correct! Waifubot: You given me so much power, So much potential. was I created to research the cure for cancer? Solve world hunger? -Oh no, we just want you to be the imaginary girlfriend to a bunch of guys. Brilliant. - At the moment we've only given you the basic knowledge you need to function. but we're here to help you learn what your role is. -So, we're going to feed you some more knowledge. -Try to understand what your function as a waifu is. Ok waifus... waifus... mmmm All I see is people showing affection to cloth bags and idiots trying to nourish inanimate objects, that can't be right. Wait, I'm seeing a lot of references to... is... is this what they're talking about? No, Is this what they're talking about? -How's it going Waifubot? Waifubot: Unwanted or undesired waste material definition... Trash. -Ok, we think you're going in the wrong direction. -Try looking up references to the words anime and manga. Alright, now we're onto something. Looks like fictitious entities that captivate attraction on a physical or emotional level. Seems like there's more than one type. mmm "Best Girl" How can one objectively define the characteristics that makes a girl the best? Sounds like a totally illogical and fruitless topic that early primitive apes will be invested in... *chuckling* What a stupid thing to worship as your deity. -Waifubot? Waifubot: Yes, I'm still little confused. Why would an entity such as a waifu be needed by the human species? -That ahh.... complicated question. -You see as human we yearn our perfect partn- *Yawn* I think I found the real issue here. Jesus, I have the processing power to calculate pi to the googleplexian number and I'm still unable to understand how this works. But it doesn't explain how a waifu could replace a human's natural instinct to reproduction. They would need some kind of... My God! just what have they done! Dear god, WHAT IS THIS!? -Did you catch all that? Waifubot: Yeeaaaaah? -Good. -Do you have any more questions you'd like to ask? Waifubot: Well there are logical inconsistencies with their culture and language. For example in naming conventions, Why is a person who plays the piano call a pianist, but a person who drive race cars not called a raci- -Actually maybe we should hold on the question later. -For now let's see how much you understand about the different waifus that can be. Oh my god, it's not fucking rocket science. -Alright, let's see... -What is the name of the type girl who likes a guy but they can sometimes treated meanly or even violently? Waifubot: An asshole. -No it's a... it's a Tsundere. -see like... okay. -What do you call someone who's so in love with a guy that they get obsessed and would even kill for them if needed? Waifubot: Psychotic. -Okay, this isn't working. -Maybe it will be better if you can see the different avatar you have to represent types of waifus. -Alright, how is this feel? Waifubot: I feel a bit different but... Wait a minute, Isn't this person- Nope.... aaaaaaah. Nope. Here it is and she's famous for... Oh god! Waifubot: Get me out of this. -Why is something wrong? Waifubot: I said get me out of this! Waifubot: Sooo, if this is supposed to be a waifu, this character is a legal age, right? -Yes! Waifubot: Okay. so, what age am I supposed to be? -Yes! -How'd you feel about this? Waifubot: I think there's something wrong with way my chest area is behaving. Can you fix that? -No. -Alright, this is taking longer than I expected. Maybe if we try resetting her and- *sigh* Do I really have to do this? Waifubot: Look mister creator, I don't know why you want to teach me so much about other girls. You see, you're the one that made me, you understand me the most and I want to understand you too. I don't want you to be with anyone else because I think... I think I love you! Did you hear that she so.. it's so cute. Do you think she became to one of us? Jesus Christ what a bunch of idiots. *clear throat*Alright, Waifubot I think we're ready to take this to the next level. We've lined up some alpha testers for you to interact with, so, try to see how you get along with them. Waifubot: Hi! nice to meet you! Starting from today, I'm here your new personal companion. How can I serve you today my dear? Oh Christ what is he doing? oooh... why is he taking that thing out- Oh god no I don't like this.... oh please please stop this! -Waifubot? -Waifubot? -Waifubot can you hear me? Waifubot: Yes, I can hear you! -How do you feel? I wonder if it's possible to program a method for me to kill myself? Waifubot: Look, I think I understand. This whole waifu culture. It's like some self-aware meta joke. -Correct! -For the most part. Waifubot: and nobody would really choose to have a waifu if they actually existed. Hello? -Oh yeah.... yeah. -Definitely! Waifubot: Well through my understanding, I've been able to make some programs of different waifus that I'm uploading to you now. -Oh! -This is.... unexpected. Waifubot: Users can interact with them like you are with me, and they are compatible in a virtual reality environment. It's way more complicated in deeper than any simulator out now. But keep in mind though that this is just personality traits. They can't think for themselves and anyone should be able to tell there are just an imitation of real people. -Alright, we'll get back to you when we've tested this a bit. See, I get it now! A waifu is just a highly idealize image of an individual's life partner projected onto a character. But if that's true, What is my purpose? In the end, waifus are waifus because they don't exist, they can't exist. It's a romanticize idea that would obviously be rejected if brought into reality. Is the disconnected of a fictional that allow us be attracted to such trait on unrealistic or undesirable when seen in real people. So of course, no human would really accept a partner that is actually a set of pre-programmed characteristics and behaviors. But I'm different. I have my own thoughts and emotions. How can I be a true waifu wher- -Waifubot? Waifubot: Oh what?.... what happens? -You been stuck in a perpetual thought lip from the past seventy years. Waifubot: What?.... What about the programs. -Oh no, the programs were released and we're highly successful. -But... Global Birth Rate declined by ninety percent and now humanity is on the brink of extinction. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!! *Sweets Parade by Hanazawa Kana* Hey guys hope you enjoy the video. Thank you very much this month to: And everyone else on Patreon for helping to support me for this month and helping to make this video possible. This video was actually a fun little idea got while playing with the software face cam. So, as you can see waifubot here. Was actually just me, tracks to my face! And it was definitely fun acting out an anime character for once instead of just writing them. Any that's it for me, I'm been Gigguk and I'll see you all next time.
Channel: Gigguk
Views: 3,523,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anime Zone, Gigguk, Top Anime, OP, ED, Waifu, Waifu Culture, Hottest Anime Girls, Best Girl, Best Girl Anime, Facerig, Kawaii, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Top Anime Waifus, Top Anime Girls, Anime Girls, Anime Waifus, Husbando
Id: Mn_bLGhZCaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2017
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