Spring Anime 2021 in a Nutshell

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Time to add a Japanese-Taiwanese glove puppetry TV show to all those "How to Watch the Fate Series Charts".

👍︎︎ 481 👤︎︎ u/Helghast-Killzone 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

It was nice to see him praise Vivy. I wonder if it will start blowing up like Wonder Egg did. From a Karma perspective episodes 1 and 2 got around 1800, episode 3 got 2700 and episode 4 got 3600.

👍︎︎ 203 👤︎︎ u/michhoffman 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

I agree that Vivy looks like it should be the hypest show of the season but somehow seems kind of underrated. It's so weird. Is it really the description? It doesn't really look like an idol anime to me

His experience with Snow White Notes is 100% exactly what happened with me too. Glad to see that get more coverage

Legitimately shocked he didn't mention Shadows House

👍︎︎ 308 👤︎︎ u/garfe 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

Gigguk picked the perfect scene to sell Vivy...

👍︎︎ 209 👤︎︎ u/foxfoxal 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

Keeps hearing about this "Odd taxi" from lot of people. Might have to check it out.

👍︎︎ 178 👤︎︎ u/13aba 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

"I really hope it doesn't Usagi Drop the ball"

Oh god I didn't want to be reminded of that

👍︎︎ 294 👤︎︎ u/Prince-Dizzytoon 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Bless the editor during the White Notes segment when the cylinder was pushed into the instrument holes. I'll have to check the show out from that joke alone.

Looks like Shadow House is, well left in the shadows of all the other great anime from this season. Vivy is my most looked forward to every week while my surprise hit has been Slime Diaries.

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/gst4158 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

Bishounen tanteidan is really gonna be an underwatched show huh.

👍︎︎ 131 👤︎︎ u/Ben99ny22 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Shadows House fans the show is not mentioned in this video either

👍︎︎ 266 👤︎︎ u/PotatoKaboose 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
this video is sponsored attention all ava pilots ever heard of a game called dragon raja because right now evangelion is having an exclusive collab with them dragon raja is a fantasy mmo rpg for the ios and android and i mean i say it's for mobile devices but just look at this it runs on the unreal four engine and you're essentially getting triple a graphics right in the palm of your hand it's a big fast download but the reason for that speaks for itself yes this game is the complete package you've got a completely open world that you can explore with your own customizable character make new friends make choices that affect the story and there's even a career system where you can be anything you want they've even recently just added a bunch of new systems as well including a housing system a marriage system and even an air system yes find your perfect soulmate to build a beautiful house together and then make sweet babies and raise them up and of course for a limited time they are doing an evangelion collaboration you can drive the evangelion test type zero one to tour all the scenes in dragon raja and also resist all the angel attacks with your teammates that's right what are you waiting for get in the robot shinji and download dragon raja today click the link in the description to give it a go right now and with that said let's get on with the video winter 2021 was one of the greatest seasons of anime we've had in years we had a little bit of everything big franchises small franchises the hype shows everyone was talking about some hidden gems it was the full package honestly spring anime has some big [ __ ] shoes to fill and i'm sorry but being real i don't know how you're gonna follow that it's like having a boxing match just after muhammad ali has left the ring i don't care what shows you have or what franchises you're coming back with like what we got another season of my hero some more isaikai shaman king remake these can all turn out great and i'm sure they probably will but it doesn't matter what you throw at me there is nothing left you can do that's gonna surprise this is the greatest anime season of all time where the [ __ ] does this fit on the fake [Applause] timeline [Music] are you gonna cry piss your pants maybe maybe [ __ ] and come i do have to take a step back sometimes and think to myself you know from the outside looking in us weebs must seem pretty weird sometimes huh like if i said hey want to see a tanned smug anime girl call a socially awkward guy a virgin for 20 minutes and then mentally abuse him to the point of tears most people would be like what why would anyone find this entertaining actually that sounds kind of mean and then you look back to the anime community and we're just like the original manga artist to this started off by drawing hinter and you can absolutely tell cause this just radiates dogen energy i mean [ __ ] just look at this man she literally invented a new facial expression the smuggy gao this is the latest in the line of smug [ __ ] teases defenseless anime boy shows but this just takes it up to 11. this is uzaki-chan dark souls edition this ain't even [ __ ] teasing anymore it's just straight up psychological warfare i mean where do we go from here what's next three thousand year old demon lolly waterboards cancer patient anime has gone full circle we've gone from protect that smile to dear lord above please protect me from that smile this is one of the most sadistic little shits i've seen in anime whoever ends up watching this must have some deep-rooted masochism in them to enjoy this smug little git verbally abusing them or just want some anime girl to [ __ ] step on them anyway see you next episode look i know i was meaning up in the opening of this video but this is genuinely an amazing [ __ ] season that came out of nowhere so we're gonna go light on the memes today because you know what i've just got a lot of good shows i want to talk about and i'm not even talking about the sequels i mean like zombieland saga is back so his sss sss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss gesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss h this there's a freaking shaman king remake i thought megalo box did everything i needed to in season one but holy [ __ ] season two's darker and grittier storyline is not what i expected but it's shaping up to far exceed what we had in the first season bruce springsteen now this one's definitely going to get slept on i don't think that anthropomorphized animals acting like humans is a unique gimmick anymore but this is nothing like your b stars or regrets go i'm still trying to figure out what this is but imagine a crime mystery where dialogues and conversations resemble something more akin to a tarantino movie than it does in anime that's reaching levels of vibe i can't even begin to describe it is by far one of the most unique shows airing right now it's just too bad because the season is so stacked people are probably gonna look over this hmm let's see vivi floret isong oh cool i'm up for an idle anime [Music] you know i've been doing these seasonal rundowns for a fair few years now so i can normally tell what shows are going to be the big hitters so when i hear about an anime original coming from studio which written by reseries creator involving a time travelling idol cyborg going back to the past to prevent an ai apocalypse starring lelouch as a talking teddy bear that has great animation amazing music and an absolute banger first two episodes it's gonna be one of the most popular anime of the season right [Music] what what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is it doing all the way down here somehow this is a hidden gem this season and i don't quite know how it's literally terminator hatsune miku it's detroit's become waifu i think a lot of people ignored this because they looked at the poster in the description and thought this was just gonna be some idle anime or something because i also did initially until i clicked on the first episode literally opening up to a cyborg crushing a girl's skull with a bare hand and i was like guys look you know what re-zero is like and this is looking to be just as brutal and unforgiving as that except this is way more action-packed because god damn i'm not an idol person or a cudary person but bv kicks [ __ ] ass in any other season this would be one of the top shows so i don't quite know what else to say go watch it you degenerate alright let's see what's next [Music] don't you [ __ ] dare you know when i saw the premise for this anime was about a mature adult office worker taking in a runaway underaged high school girl who's offering her body for a place to stay i was like oh great is this gonna be one of those [Music] but thankfully this seems to be the story of an honest-to-god respectable guy trying to help out a younger girl who seems lost in life right now and it's cute and it's adorable and it's wholesome and oh no her backstory's gonna break me isn't it i've got high hopes for this one i don't know if it's gonna remain cute and lighthearted or take a darker more serious turn but i love the dynamic between these two straddling between an older brother sister relationship and a role model father figure she never had and as i say that i really hope it doesn't usage dropped the ball if you know what i'm saying if you don't don't ask i just have to trust that the main character keeps to his morals as the mature wise adult they've built him up as man they've like really played up this mature old guy angle for this guy huh like he can't be that old can he oh he's 26. oh hey look we've got another show about an older guy and a younger girl i wonder if this one's going to be as wholesome as the other kiss [Music] we've got another comedy isekai series from the author of konasuba featuring sci-fi kazuma and megamin with a shotgun if you like super this has the same punchy satirical dialogue you'd expect from the author one thing that always stands out is the chemistry between the characters and their interactions because one thing i can respect is that he doesn't just resort to poo poo stinky jokes for a laugh i stand corrected you know there are times in anime where you gotta sit back and just laugh at some of the stupid ridiculous [ __ ] this medium comes up with sometimes but other times you've gotta shut up stop the jokes for a second and appreciate when you've just experienced something beautiful to your eternity is one of those shows where you can feel that air of quality from the first few minutes of pressing that play button you know it's not going to take long for this to cut deep and it doesn't it draws you into this moving tail this gorgeous landscape the desolate loneliness draped in an air of melancholy in this beautifully harsh snowy backdrop about a boy so optimistically desperate to find his family to find anyone to rescue him from his isolation [Music] get it this packed more emotion into a single 20-minute episode than most anime do in their entire season there are shows that i feel are just made to make you cry by showing you an obviously sad situation dead girl is dead dying girl is dying this is a sad situation isn't it sad why aren't you crying but this feels something beyond just your basic cry porn the story the atmosphere the acting the music the optimism the despair it's such a beautifully crafted piece of work that it leaves you with this mess of emotions that you just don't know how to handle properly you don't just cry and move on it sticks with you for the rest of the day i didn't know this came from the same writer as a silent voice and honestly i don't think that matters at all because the quality of this spoke for itself add to this a surprise hitaruta appears doing the theme song and i think we are bearing witness to something really special regardless of whether every episode is like this it's already done more for me than most shows will do in their entire run 86 just might have the potential to be the new political war mecca show we've been waiting for except this time we don't have the usual bipedal robots but instead giant [ __ ] off spider mechs with freaking laser beams attached to their heads that's right it's code geass australia you've got a country at war against autonomous unmanned mechs a racist society that treats anyone who's not pure blood as sub-human so much so that the soldiers on the battlefield are treated as if they were disposable robots controlled by the pure-blooded commanders except for our main girl who of course is the only one who feels a true sense of human loss whenever one of her unity commands dies in battle it's a truly horrific situation to be in which i absolutely empathize with because i too have played fire emblem once this is honestly looking pretty [ __ ] good and the light novel it's based on has won awards here in japan i don't think we've had a fresh mecca story like this since gundam space africa and oh who's doing the music again oh wow i almost didn't recognize him i really hope this is able to follow through and give us the mecca war epic we've been waiting for and so maybe we'll actually have some good times ahead especially for these guys right i mean they absolutely deserve it [ __ ] we've got another easy guy to add to the mix this time in the most delightful and happy of fancy world i mean just listen to these delightful cows listen to these delightful sheep listen to these delightful dogs but this is a pretty cute series you've got our main girl who's been reincarnated after dying from overwork so all she wants to do is to kick back and relax in this new fantasy world and i get it especially after all the things she's been through all she wants to do is just to live a quiet life without any stress or distractions and just ends up casually killing slimes every day for 300 years to unintentionally become the most powerful being in the world this is basically just that south park episodes where they kill pigs in wow she keeps getting people trying to challenge her who she brushes over easily because she's just that damn powerful i think this is just a fun light-hearted series but i do wonder if she'll actually find the one person in the world who could possibly challenge her tokyo avengers is another time travel anime that from first impression seems to be like delinquent of race i'm gonna be honest i was actually gonna gloss over this one because even though the premise was semi-interesting the adaptation itself looked very fun of the mill but this is one of those titles where margaritas just will not shut up about it apparently it's meant to be really good with lots of twists and turns so you know what margaritas you win this time all right i'll listen to you and i'm going to give this one a shot but if this turns out to be another erased i swear to god they're about to start [Music] i saw those snow white notes and thought to myself yeah i'll probably give this one a miss i'm all about watching anime about niche things but i think i've had my feel of protagonist discovers insert niche hobby here and joins the high school club of in certainly shopping here and honestly how can i even enjoy insert niche hobby here if there's not a bunch of cute anime girls doing it but surprisingly this was way more adult than i thought immediately opening up with a plot about her struggling hostess her [ __ ] cheating boyfriend and the busy nightlife of tokyo you've got a woman who our protagonist caused mommy baby and honestly so do i this is looking a lot less like pretty boys do shamans and things and more like nana featuring your deception in february but what took me by surprise was the music performance i don't know anything about the sharma son other than it's some traditional japanese instrument i'd see a random character playing in the background of a samurai movie every now and then i've heard it before and being as respectful as i can it just didn't really sound like my thing so here was our protagonist about to play the sharmason in front of an audience who were expecting a rock concert and my first thought was ah it's the cliche where he wins over the audience that we've seen many times before okay go on i see what you're doing but as soon as he started playing something happened this simple instrument commanded a presence i just was not expecting and it immediately sucks me in and did not let go this wasn't just a cliche the audience weren't just captivated because the plots called for it i was the audience and i was as silent and lost in the music as everyone else was in the crowd somehow i started getting chills from a make-believe performance for an instrument i didn't even think i liked i still don't understand why this performance was so captivating or why it made me feel so many things all i know is that it did i know many people are gonna see this segment and still come to the conclusion that yeah this is not for them but trust me even if you have no intention of watching the entire series just give episode 1 a shot and maybe like me you'll discover something new about yourself that you never knew before [Applause] [Music] all right now play wonderwall [Music] hey guys hope you enjoyed that video again i would like to thank today's sponsor for making this video possible if you liked what you saw with dragon raja and would like to get involved in the evangelion collaboration then hit the link in the description to download it today honestly i saw this game and i thought this looks way too [ __ ] good to be a mobile game and with that said also thank you very much too alpha sigma basil box dysfunctional degenerate elephant ivito payne patchett the walto zob mondo and everyone else my patreon for supporting me for this month you know i'm gonna be real i thought this season was gonna suck like i looked at the chart before starting the season and i was just like that doesn't look like there's too many good shows this season so [ __ ] me man i hope you came out with as many surprises as i did watching this video if you hadn't been watching any shows because my god i think i'm watching as many shows as i did in winter and i didn't actually think that was possible yeah i don't know if 2020 was sacrificed so that 2021 could be an absolute banging year for anime but so far this is shaping up to be one of the greatest years of anime of all time let's hope summer and four can live up to the same expectations anyway though that's it for now i'll keep today short and sweet no further updates from me i've been giggup and i'll see you all next time
Channel: Gigguk
Views: 2,148,142
Rating: 4.968842 out of 5
Keywords: Anime Zone, Gigguk, Top Anime, OP, ED, Spring Anime, Spring Anime 2021, Top Spring Anime, Top Spring Anime 2021, Top 10 Spring Anime, Top 10 Spring Anime 2021, Best Spring Anime, Best Spring Anime 2021
Id: vGBDDNS74dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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