Attack on Titan IN 9 MINUTES

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Apparently I'm an idiot because I didn't realise Annie was the female titan immediately.

But then it also took me till the Konosuba LN so I'm probably just extra stupid.

👍︎︎ 214 👤︎︎ u/PureSmoulder 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2017 🗫︎ replies

How nice of Gigguk to release this at this time.

👍︎︎ 124 👤︎︎ u/PureSmoulder 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2017 🗫︎ replies

Trump leading the wall religion..... THEY MADE THE TITANS PAY FOR THAT WALL!

👍︎︎ 96 👤︎︎ u/vicwarrior 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2017 🗫︎ replies

Kaneki's brief cameo was glorious.

👍︎︎ 251 👤︎︎ u/BBallHunter 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2017 🗫︎ replies

"Quote from the video"

👍︎︎ 225 👤︎︎ u/TheDipsix 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2017 🗫︎ replies

And Gigguk still managed to fit in a Jojo reference. There's a Jojo reference for everything isn't there?

👍︎︎ 136 👤︎︎ u/Terranwaterbender 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2017 🗫︎ replies

That was fucking hilarious

👍︎︎ 60 👤︎︎ u/pattyboywales 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2017 🗫︎ replies

I just read the title and thought, "Shit, I thought it wasn't until Saturday!" Now I feel a bit silly.

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/EstrellaDeLaSuerte 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2017 🗫︎ replies

Holy shit that SAO abridged reference was too fucking perfect. Rip Klein Jean.

There's always time for a JoJo's reference


👍︎︎ 143 👤︎︎ u/Nico9lives 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2017 🗫︎ replies
On that day... humanity received a grim reminder... That this scene has been parodied so much that no one can take it seriously anymore. *GASP!* Eren: The titans are gonna eat us cause we're cattle! Mikasa: But we have walls. Hannes: And there's NO way they can break through the front door! *panicked screaming* *panicked screaming in the distance* Hannes: Probably. Eren: Oh god, We've gotta save Mom! Carla: Eren, put your back into it! Hannes: Have no fear, I'm 'ere to save the day! Carla: Hans! Thank God! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ Carla: Alright... I need you to help Eren- Hannes: FUCKING RUUUUUUN. ರ_ರ Carla: Hans, what the FUCK? ¬_¬ Eren: HANNES, MY MOM. 。゜(`Д´)゜。 Hannes: Fuck yo mom! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Carla: Fuck YOU, Hans! ಠ╭╮ಠ Eren: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) Gigguk: Oh GOD, this is not what I thought when I clicked this link! *Gigguk nanananas Guren no Yumiya until...* Gigguk: Nailed it (☞゚∀゚)☞. Mikasa: Eren, how are you feeling? Eren: From this day I swear, I'm gonna kill every last TITAN. 。゜(`Д´)゜。 Eren: But NOT before I dance on their graves. Eren: When I'm SHOWERING in the blood of ALL the titans I've massacred... THEY WILL KNOW THE NAME. Eren: Every last damn one out of their FUCKING demise, I will... Mikasa: Is he still going? Armin: Yup. Eren: EVERY TITAN WILL DIE AT MY HAND. Armin: JESUS, EREN, IT'S BEEN TWO FUCKING YEARS; Armin: SHUT THE FUCK UP. Thomas: So... do you like titans? Mikasa: Oh my god. Eren: ...ALL. FUCK THEM ALL. I WILL NEVER SUBMIT. Keith: Welcome to Military School! Keith: All this training will probably be useless because 90% of you will die anyway! Keith: Side characters, introduce yourselves! Sasha: I'm an internet meme! Annie: I've a GREAT ass when it's Titanic. Connie: I'm gonna be forgotten! Marco: I'm going to be alive! (ಥ﹏ಥ) Gigguk: TOO SOON! Jean: Well, I'M going to be an actual interesting character- Eren: Shut up Gene, or JEAN! Eren: Come back when you're a main character! *sad music* Jean: Hey! Hold on a second! Jean: I have screen time! Marco: Don't listen to him! Marco: You're MY main character. Jean: Shut up, Marco! Jean: Come back when you're not a disposable character. *sad music from earlier* Gigguk: TOO SOON! Keith: Congratulations on graduating, you're now officially certified cannon fodder! Eren: I now have ALL the weapons I need to kill the titans. Mikasa: Actually, last time I checked, Edge isn't actually a weapon. Eren: Don't listen to her! Those stupid titans don't stand a chance against me. Brock Lesnar Titan: Why don't you say that again to my face, you little BITCH? Kitz: The titans have INVADED! Eren: LOOKS LIKE WE GET TO FIGHT TITANS. Jean: I AM SLIGHTLY FRIGHTFUL AT THE THOUGHT OF FIGHTING TITANS. Eren: I STRONGLY DISAGREE WITH YOUR SENTIMENT THERE. Mikasa: WHY ARE WE ALL SHOUTING? Eren: I DUNNO. ISN'T THIS HOW WERE SUPPOSED TO COMMUNICATE ON THIS SHOW? Mikasa: WHAAAT? *music drowns out the shouting* Mikasa: WHAAAT? Armin: GUYS, I JUST PISSED MYSELF. (simultaenous screaming, baby) POTATOE Armin: What the FUCK? Everyone is DEAD! Eren: Except for ME! Cause I'm the main- Armin: Yeah, your boyfriend/brother is dead. Mikasa: HEY. He's not my boyfriend! Mikasa: ( ° ʖ °) Yet. ( ° ʖ °) Armin: Gross. Mikasa: Do you even know why he means so much to me? Eren: Here, Mikasa. Have this dumb scarf! Mikasa: OmigodIcantbelievehegavemeaSCARF! Mikasa: Itsmellssogood! Mikasa: AndmaybeifIwearitlongenoughhe'llnoticemeandonedaywe'llstartdating andthengetmarriedandhaveabunchakidsand-- (squeal) Eren: Do you like it? Mikasa: Eh. It's alright. Mikasa: That's right! What's the point of LIVING anymore? Mikasa: Guys, did you see that titan? What do you think it could possibly be? Connie: Eren. Jean: Eren Annie: Probably Eren. Armin: Seriously, who else is it gonna be? Mikasa: Oh, come on! That's way too obvi- Armin: Oh, look. It's actually Eren. Everyone: (dull surprise) Mikasa: Fuck you all. Kitz: YOU HAVE EXACTLY FIVE MINUTES TO EXPLAIN YOURSELF BEFORE WE BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT. Eren: Armin, everyone thinks I'm now a threat to humanity. It's up to YOU to convince them. I trust you'll know how to. *Armin clears throat* Armin: DON'T SHOOT, DICKHEAD. Pixis: Maybe instead of KILLING our only hope, we should use him to plug up the wall! Mikasa: That's a great plan, sir. You should probably tell everyone. Pixis: RIGHTO, LISTEN UP. Pixis: WE ARE GOING TO TAKE BACK THE WALL FROM THE TITANS... Pixis: SO HEAR THIS PLAN. Pixis: WHAT WE'RE GOING TO DO... IS... *inaudible shit* Featured Extra: He does realize he's like 200 feet up now, right? Pixis: TAKE THEIR LIVES... AND TURN IT UPSIDE DOWN... Pixis: PRINCE OF BEL AIR STYLE. (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ) Featured Extra: Nope, he has absolutely no idea... Pixis: BUT THAT IS THE PLAN. Pixis: DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY QUESTIONS? ...( ⚆ _ ⚆ )... whaaaat? Pixis: Alright, did you catch all that? Mikasa: Get Eren so triggered by his titan-self, that he punches himself in the face. Pixis: Yes! Mikasa: Hey Eren, guess what... Mikasa: YOU'RE A TITAN. *Eren stupidly punches himself in the face* *mock laughter* Featured Extra #2: Do it... Do it again! Ian: Ah wait, we should probably get him to carry the boulder. Titan Eren (lifting): Out of the way, guys... thing is QUITE heavy... ~Unravel playing~ Titan Eren (lifting): Excuse me, I'm... walking here. Eren: *pant* Where am I? Eren: Wait a minute... You're the...! Erwin: Survey Corps. Levi: Scouting Regimen. Erwin: Scouting Legion. Levi: Recon Corps. Erwin: Whatever. Levi: Yes, and I'm Captain Levi. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ *fangirls screaming and jizzing in pleasure* (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Eren: Uh, what was that? Levi: Ignore that. Erwin: So, Eren. Remember this key which opens your basement that's gonna be a huuuuge plot point now? Erwin: Wouldja mind telling us what's in it? Eren: Yeah, I remember. My dad told me before. Eren: Hey, dad! What's in our basement? Grisha: Ah, sure thing son, it's called... Grisha: GO READ THE FUCKING MANGA. Levi: God dammit. Erwin: Every bloody time. Darius/The Godfather: Alright, in the trial of whether or not we should execute Eren Jaeger, will both sides please state their cases? Nile: Kill him! Erwin: Don't fucking kill him. Please. The Godfather: Compelling arguments! The Godfather: How does the wall religion view this? Nick: As a follower of the wall... it is our believe that any foreign object will pose a great threat to us! Nick: As foretold long ago by our founder and supreme prophet, (^̮^) Lord Trump! ಠ_ಠ The Modfather: Does the defendant have anything to say? Eren (thinking): Okay, Eren. You can get through this the best way you know how. Eren: DOES SHOUTING REALLY LOUD SOLVE MY PROBLEMS? Eren: Yeah! (^̮^) Levi: Stop. (;一_一) Eren: Again! (~˘▾˘)~ Levi: Stop. ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ Eren: oh baby yeah ლ(´ڡ`ლ) Levi: STOP. ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) - Eren: oh that's so good (っ˘ڡ˘ς) - Levi: STOP. Levi: Captain... Eren's enjoying it! Erwin: Eren. Stop enjoying it. Eren: ah! more, yeah! ♥‿♥ Levi: STAHP. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ Levi: EREN. ಠ~ಠ Eren: oh!! ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ The Goodfather: Is this REALLY how the Fujoshis saw this scene? Levi: Look, enough of this. I propose that from now on that Eren will be supervised by me privately, at all times. Eren: OH GOD YES. ♥‿♥ Levi: God dammit. ب_ب The Godfather: Sustained. The Godfather: Under the notion that all fangirls now think that you have this weird dominatrix thing going on with each other. Levi: Now that that's over, allow me to introduce my crew: Dead 1 Dead 2 Dead 3 ...and Petra. Petra: I'm the only one everyone cares about because I'm a cute girl! Eren: What about her? Hange: TitAnS maKE mE HOrNy Eren: Did I just hear that correctly? Hange: Yes... Levi: No. Erwin: Enough of this! Erwin: Survey Corps, head out! Levi: But first.... WE CLEAN~ Eren: Oh god, seeing you clean makes me so wet~ Levi: What? Eren: What? *cue Indiana Jones theme* Eren: Wait, how long are we gonna be riding on these horses? Levi: Oh about 5 episodes or so. Eren: WHAT. Eren: How have we gone from years passing in a single episode... to spending half an arc on a FUCKING horse? Eren: What is this arc even about? Titan Chow: That titan's got a nice ass... *dies* Eren: Aw, what the FUCK is that?! Levi: Don't worry, Eren. Levi: It's all part of Erwin's fail-safe plan. Erwin: It's all part of Erwin's fail-safe plan. Erwin: Mission success! Erwin: Mission failed! (We'll get 'em next time!) Erwin: Levi Squad, get 'er! *cue A-Team theme* *bodies hit the floor* Eren: Oh no. Levi Squad. They're dead. *screams horrified* *dies* Eren: PETRA, NO. Gigguk: Nice punch, jackass! Mikasa: Oh my god. Eren, can you STOP GETTING EATEN ALREADY? Levi: Jesus Christ, do I have to do everything myself? ♥‿♥ *FANGIRL BERGINAS EXPLODE WHILE LEVI BEYBLADES* ♥‿♥ Levi: Well, I don't know about you, but I'd call this mission a complete bust. Erwin: Just another day for the Survey Corps! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ *Seinfeld theme* ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Erwin: ehehehehe Levi: MY ENTIRE TEAM IS DEAD. Erwin: I know we're all feeling a little bit down... but we've figured out Annie is the female titan, even though it was blindingly obvious to everyone watching. Even for blind people. And I have an absolutely fool-proof plan to lure her into a trap. Eren: What's the plan? Eren: Annie, come with us, PLEASE PLEASE PLEEEASE. Annie: No. Eren: IT DIDN'T WORK. Erwin: God... FUCKING dammit. Armin: Eren, now would be a great time to get angry. Eren (as Bruce Banner): That's my secret, Cap. I'm always angry. Eren: *bites thumb* Agghhh... GOD, IT HURTS SO MUCH. Armin: Was something supposed to happen? Eren: I dunno, it just... sounded really cool in my head... Eren: I'll give another shot... Eren: *bites thumb again then sobs* ACK! IT HURTS EVEN MORE THIS TIME. Armin: Eren, turn into a titan... Eren: I'M TRYING, OKAY? Armin: You're not trying HARD ENUFF... Eren: WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?! Armin: OH GOD, EREN. Armin: JUST SHUT UP AND GET IN THE GODDAMN TITAN. *cue insert song* Armin: Is it just me or does this looks like very forceful titan sex? (ง>ヮ<)ง Jean: God, don't make it weird, Armin! Titan Eren: Alright, Annie. I have you JUST you right where I want you! Titan Eren: OH WTF IS THIS BULLSHIT. (◥▶Ĺ̯◀◤) Titan Eren: HACKS. 乁(◥▶Д◀◤)ㄏ Titan Eren: THAT'S FUCKING HAX. ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻ Mayor: Well, Erwin... In a few days, you've cost hundred of lives, years worth of collateral damage and all you can show for is a prisoner we can't even touch now? Mayor: Do you have anything to say? Erwin: Just another day for the Survey Corps! *Seinfeld theme, cast laughs* ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Eren: WHY DID YOU LET MY MOM DIE, YOU BASTARD? Hannes: I'M SORRY, OKAY? Hannes: I ONLY KNOW MY SECRET TECHNIQUE OF RUNNING AWAY. Eren: DID YOU JUST MAKE A JOJOS REFERENCE? Hannes: EREN, WHAT'RE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Hannes: YOUR MOM JUST DIED. THIS IS NO TIME FOR A JOJOS REFERENCE. Eren: THERE'S ALWAYS TIME FOR A JOJOS REFERENCE. Hannes: ALRIGHT, OKAY? Hannes: I WAS MAKING A JOJOS REFERENCE. *BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN* Eren (as Old Joe Joestar): OHHH NOOO. ¬_¬ Hannes (as Old Joe Joestar): OH! MY GOD! (>ლ) *BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN* Mikasa (thinking): What the FUCK is going on? --__--
Channel: Gigguk
Views: 26,070,210
Rating: 4.9545083 out of 5
Keywords: Anime Zone, Gigguk, Top Anime, OP, ED, Attack on Titan, Shingeki no Kyojin, Anime in Minutes, Attack on Titan Abridged, Attack on Titan Season 2, Attack on Titan S2, Shingeki no Kyojin Season 2, Attack on Titan Crack, AOT, Attack on Titan Parody, Attack on Titan AMV, Attack on Titan OP, Attack on Titan ED, Attack on Titan Vines, Attack on Titan in a Nutshell, Anime Parody, Attack on Titan Episode 1, Attack On Titan Season 2 Episode 1
Id: VXCaPR0exE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2017
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