Life Cycle of an Anime Fan

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As they have not seen anything, everything is good.

Describes me perfectly tbh.

👍︎︎ 918 👤︎︎ u/notathrowaway75 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2017 🗫︎ replies

guess i'm cancer

👍︎︎ 650 👤︎︎ u/fellarian 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2017 🗫︎ replies

This is surprisingly accurate especially the early stages (for me at least).

👍︎︎ 809 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2017 🗫︎ replies

"Before one can have shit taste, one must first have no taste"

That's poetic af.

If I were to say where I am, I would probably say I at the void. And I don't have time for anime anymore :((

👍︎︎ 597 👤︎︎ u/xamza1608 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2017 🗫︎ replies

Strong video by Gigguk with great pacing and an insightful narrative. Should give footing to a strong discourse on r/anime,

👍︎︎ 1260 👤︎︎ u/Martip95 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2017 🗫︎ replies

"Trux Fortuita" is a phrase I will be using now.

Also, if squeezed thighs are a drug, then I'm a fucking addict then.

👍︎︎ 493 👤︎︎ u/VoyeurTheNinja 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2017 🗫︎ replies

He implied one can understand Evangelion. What foolishness.

The last part of the cycle is learn how to distance yourself from anime, then come back in a different person, and experience the same thing with different eyes. Much of what was forgot will be relearnt, as well as much will be learnt for the first time. You become Gandalf the White essentially.

👍︎︎ 315 👤︎︎ u/De-Mattos 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2017 🗫︎ replies

Gigguk killing it with these Demo references.

👍︎︎ 204 👤︎︎ u/xNOOBinTRAINING 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2017 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 178 👤︎︎ u/GoodMorningFuckCub 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2017 🗫︎ replies
Hello and welcome to advanced nerd life study syllabus 3 In today's class we'll be studying the life cycle of a peculiar specimen, the anime fan Alternate names you may have heard can include otaku, weeaboo, and dirty chinese cartoons loving fucks Yes this will be on your final exam The anime fan originates from homo sapiens evolved from ancient primates who stood up on two legs to become man Who then de-evolved back into primates flinging shit at each other for not liking the same 2d girl they can be recognized by their unique culture Distinct language and bizarre love for trash bins many anime fans can look similar to regular humans, though So the industry-standard litmus test is to utter the exact phrase smile sweet sister sadistic surprise Service, and if the specimen is an anime fan They will have to follow up with a word beginning with S otherwise their heads will implode All anime fans start their life of from their chrysalis ready to Metamorphosize into they're fully grown form at this point they may or may not be aware of what anime is perhaps They only saw Dragon Ball Z and Pokemon as a kid or maybe they've attempted to watch Attack on Titan and have even said that they "like anime" But at this point they still lump shows like avatar and Ruby into the same category without batting an eye Signifying the lesser developed brain of this early phase the scientific name for this stage is referred to as Trux Fortuita a latin phrase which in modern english translates approximately to Filthy Casual they will remain in this form until they stumble upon one show that lights their desire to actively seek out more anime This will mark The Awakening this lesser developed mind of an infant anime fan causes a period of blissful ignorance in which every anime they watch is immediately a Ten out of ten as they have not seen anything Everything is good and this triggers a desire to consume as much anime as they can Awakening the temporary power of time dilation where they can seemingly consume 150 episodes of anime a day with ease even though it Literally shouldn't be physically possible Once an individual grows out of this phase they will lose this power indefinitely and consuming anime will never be as easy It is at this point they will feel the phenomenon that will truly cement their transformation The Void after watching an exceptional anime a fan will experience a sensation of emptiness that cannot be filled with the only known remedy being To keep watching anime. While not exactly a pleasant feeling It's a signifier that the anime just watch connected deeply in some way the bigger the void the bigger the effect the anime had on the individual Though it is a pretty common feeling to feel The Void during the early stages of an anime fans life as they age it gets increasingly Harder to find a series that evokes that same feeling and fans may spend the whole life chasing that same first void It is for this reason that in 1995 the World Health Organization officially classified anime as a class A drug Joining the likes of cocaine heroin and that little piece of meat that gets pinched in at the top of a girl's thigh highs At some point during or just after their awakening they may reach a stage called hentai puberty at this stage there is a small realization that they can find anime characters Attractive settle down settle down all those scenes of sexualized anime girls They used to find kind of weird slowly start becoming acceptable then commonplace Then celebrated then the next thing they know they're claiming that Kill la Kill was truly revolutionary as a self-aware statement of this genre for using half-naked girls battling in kinky attire even though all it did was give them an excuse to watch half-naked girls battling in kinky attire Did I mention that anime fans like watching half-naked girls battling in kinky attire? Specimens of the female gender may go through an extra stage here known as Yaoi Menstruation a sudden awakening of a sixth sense causing them to gravitate towards any and all sources of male homosexuality Once finished with adolescence subjects will start developing this thing called "Taste" This will signify a maturity in the life cycle Allowing for interactions within their kind as the comparable level of one's taste excrements is the main form of communication Within the species. This is when they start understanding What appeals to them and started lining themselves with certain factions. If they find that there like a lot of shows in the shounen genre for example they are known as Shounen Tards. Gundam fans are known as Gundam Tards. Moe fans are known as Moe Tards and Idol fans are known as Cancer. They may even find that a show causes them to have such a deep-rooted Appreciation that they want to show their appreciation in another way than simply just watching it Which unavoidably leads to merchandise Well the idea of spending money on anime trinkets may have seemed alien before once their merchandise virginity is taken There is no looking back. What starts as a small purchase of a cool poster gradually leads to bigger bigger purchases before eventually They are selling their left kidney to the black market to pre-order that limited-edition Jabami Yumeko figure that goes on sale next year. If they ever reach this stage it is highly advised that they stay away From anime conventions as this rare event allows the user to temporarily break their limiters to become an unstoppable spending machine bypassing any form of logic and reason Coming out the steep drawback of not having any money to cover the cost of existing for a while at some point the individual may Find that a character makes them feel something special. Something that's not sexual mostly not entirely Okay, so there's another emotion aside from popping a bone... this is The First Love the species themselves refer to this special character as a waifu or husbando. There is not any concrete pattern in What constitutes an anime fan to have a high affinity towards a certain character But in-depth research suggests that more often than not it was a blush or smile They would literally sell their left testicle to protect as with love within the human species the first love for an anime fan Will rarely be their last some may find one They stick with forever and some will just jump ship every season depending on which girl is most moe like the unfaithful gits that They are but they will for the most part stick to one Waifu or husbando at the same time as anyone who doesn't is publicly ousted tortured then sentenced to death by stoning Which is totally reasonable. Eventually the anime fan may feel the urge to discuss anime with others But finds that people only want to discuss shows that have aired recently This is the time where they can find themselves entering "The Seasonal Anime Arms Race" here They enter a perpetual cycle of consumption where the main objective is to spend every waking hour farming as much anime as humanly possible for that current season under the pretense that they just need to keep up to date with the Current overall conversation surrounding anime at this stage They are truly tested on their mental fortitude memory of anime watch is restricted to the past three months They become a devout follower of the religion known as the three Episode rule and any title older than two years get Transported to a separate realm unreachable by a current knowledge of physics also known as "The Plan To Watch List" Unfortunately as they have lost the power of time dilation They had during their awakening keeping up with that much anime is infinitely harder And when they inevitably fall off their schedule by milliseconds this starts a domino effect Which they can recover from and transforms into a permanent state of always being behind this comes with a high risk of burnouts the Unfortunate number one cause of death within the species. This leap can only be broken once the subject comes to realize that they are essentially Grinding for XP to reach an indistinct uncapped level of anime consumption where the only rewards are their own self-loathing Once enough anime has been watched many can begin to feel knowledgeable enough to start understanding Anime on a deeper level which is when they enter what they perceive to be "The Higher State of Being" when referring to shows they start using words like "pacing" and "narrative" And if they're feeling really spicy "Discourse" even if no one in the world really knows how to use those words correctly their Archenemy becomes their former selves the tasteless casual and things start surprising them less and less eventually they don't even know if they enjoy anime anymore But what they do know is everyone else is enjoying it wrong some spiral downwards on a journey to refine their taste in anime. A fruitless journey as not many know the Sacrifices that have to be made to achieve the perfect taste in anime. For once one achieves the perfect taste in anime Anime becomes shit only once they have cycled through all these stages where they reach their final stage True Acceptance at this most mature points in their lifecycle an anime fan will come to accept who they really are and enter a rebirth having Achieved oneness with their self identity. Sure they could watch every show in the season sure they could break down why the works of Masaaki Yuasa are revolutionary to the medium sure they've seen the obscure shows that go under appreciated by everyone but sometimes you just got to watch some stupid harem fanservice trash with a tsundere love interest that you grew up loving and Enjoy the hell out of it because you know what That's completely okay while we refer to this final stage as true acceptance anime fans may know it as a better term No longer giving a fuck This is when they finally realize they have ended up exactly on the path they began Back at their awakening with the same shitty taste as the final revolution is to regress back to their infancy though They have learned one important thing that separates them from the same bright-eyed kid that first discovered anime Before one can have shit taste. One must first have no taste and thus the cycle of the anime fan is complete Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed the video. Thank you very much this month to Lee Watts, Toon Grim, Robert Harnborg, Kmustlive and everyone else on Patreon for helping to support me for this month and making this video possible well It is December now So you know that means it's time for me to lock myself up in my room and work on the year on end review I'm taking bets now will I be able to post both parts before the end of the year or will it come out in March? Knowing you guys. I'm sure you still probably gonna say I upload in March I love you guys Anyway, that's it from me. No further updates to date. I've been Gigguk and I will see you all next time
Channel: Gigguk
Views: 5,722,596
Rating: 4.935936 out of 5
Keywords: Anime Zone, Gigguk, Top Anime, OP, ED, Otaku, Weeaboo, Anime Fan, Nerd, Otaku Cringe, Weeaboo Cringe, Otaku Guide, Stages of being an Anime Fan, Types of Anime Fan, Types of Otaku, 7 Types of Anime Fa
Id: 4VCkq0e2920
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2017
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