Causes of Satanic Delay

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she was born to do this one fashioned against us that shall be able to prosper and every tongue that shall rise against us in judgment the lord will condemn just travel far and wide to different parts of the world propagating the gospel of jesus christ romans 8 31 says what then shall we say of these things if god is for us who can be against us she's mandated by god to changing lives impacting generations and winning souls i think korean declare i stand as a generational evangelist ordained by god as an oracle ghost as the devil comes in like a flood the spirit of the lord shall lift up a standard in the name of jesus natasha oracle of god she was born to do this ecc as we are lifting up our hands and those that are joining us live from around the world father we honor you we've come at your feet to worship you we have come at your feet to obtain direction and inquire of you for our lives for our families i pray this moment let the prophetic mantle rest upon every person [Music] let our ears be anointed to hear your word lord i bring myself under the submission and under the subjection of the holy ghost le progrados use me to be a blessing to those in this auditorium and even to those that are watching us on youtube on facebook on oracle1 tv in their homes in their offices wherever they are in the nations of the world let the same unction let this empower that is on this altar touch them wherever they are let me speak as your oracle let me speak as your mouthpiece let your people live here blessed i decrease that you may increase i disappear that you may appear give me the unction to function in jesus name shout amen you may be seated in the presence of god let's appreciate the worshipped him in jesus name the ecc worshiped him may heaven honor you to the glory of god i want to take this opportunity once again and welcome all of you to ecc nairobi empowerment christian church nairobi the arena of miracles the home of miracles signs and wonders you are in the right place at the right time you know any time when god wants to profit you he sends a prophet when god wants to accelerate your destiny he also sends a prophet and i feel it in my heart and in my spirit that even in this season god has sent me with a timely word for somebody that is here and somebody that is watching us from around the world somebody say i am ready in the realm of the spirit in this service i'm going to be cancelling ten forms of delay in your life number one marital delay hallelujah so if you're here and you're watching live i want you to connect i want you to share the broadcast connect to collect in the name of jesus somebody say i am connected in jesus name so i saw in the realm of the spirit as i was in prayer in this service i saw financial delay being cancelled i saw physical delay spiritual delay i saw material delay academic delay i saw ministerial delay i saw professional delay i saw establishment delay i saw the fruit of the womb delay being cancelled and the lord spoke to me and he said this is a service of release i don't know who god has sent me here for but i know god has sent me here for somebody and this is a service of release in the name of jesus somebody said this is my service of release this is my service of release i want us to read daniel chapter 10 somebody say every cause of satanic delay in my life every cause of satire just lift up your hands wherever you are shall i bakadoska somebody say every every every satanic delay every satanic that is operating in my life that is operating in my life fire catch fire in the name of jesus in the name of jesus oh lord follow me have mercy on me and my family have mercy on me and me in the name of jesus in the name of le parragados somebody say any evil eye any evil art that is monitoring my life that is monitoring mine and causing delays and causing delay catch fire hatch fire catch fire hatch fire monitoring spirits monitoring monitoring my progress monitoring my large fire catch fire any obstacle any obstacle on my way to greatness on my way to greece by fire cutter by fire any coven any coffin that is working against me and my family that is working against me and my heart fire catch fire in the name of jesus in the name of jesus chain any satanic trick in this service any demonic power any demonic power that is manipulating my life for evil that is manipulating my life for evil catch fire catch fire somebody say i declare i declare my wasted ears will be restored my wasted years will be restored in the name of jesus in the name of jesus amen let's read daniel chapter 10 verse 12 to verse 13 daniel chapter 10 verse 12 to verse 13 then he said to me do not fear daniel from the first day that you set your heart to understand and to humble yourself before god your words were heard and i have come because of your words verse 13 but the prince of the kingdom of pashia my god which taught me 21 days my god and behold michael one of the chief princes came to help me for i for i had been left alone there with the kings of pashia listen to me and this will shock you some of you the answers to your prayers had already been released some of you your blessings were released a long time but there is a satanic delay there is a prince of pashia my god that has withstood your prayers and that is why the blessing has not manifested before i get there you are asking me oracle what is delay to delay means to postpone to delay means to slow down to delay means to detain to delay means to linger some of you are saying oracle i feel like i am late because of delay so to delay means to slow something down longer than expected to delay means to be confined in the waiting room of life you know to delay means to arrest to delay means to detain to delay means to suspend it means to withhold to delay to delay means to stay in the waiting room of life but i have been sent by the lord with an assignment in this service to break every yoke and every chain of delay every yoke of delay in your life yes three yoke of delay in your family and bring your cup delay in your calling i commanded card fire catch fire somebody said yucks of delay yokes of delays chains of delays chains i saw withholding forces some of you your answers were released your blessings were released your job was released but there was a withholding force i want you to pray this prayer point every withholding force every withhold god has him that's the manifestation of my blessing that has hindered the manifestation of my god fire cast fire i am seeing angelic intervention yes i have seen divine intervention as the archangel michael was sent for daniel i decree and declare they are angels of money that have been released they are angels of favor they are ages of deliverance i want you to pray this prayer point every withholding power every withholding that has been hindering the manifestation of my blessing that has been hindering the manifesto so much fire begin to pray that prayer every withholding power the name of jesus in the name of jesus daniel's answer to his prayers was delayed for 21 days because of the prince of the kingdom of persia some of you you should you and where you are is not where you are supposed to be i'm looking for people in this service those that are here and those that are watching us live that are saying oracle enough is enough tell your neighbor enough is enough enough is enough i am tired of this level i am i am tired of this situation i am tired of what i am going through enough is enough enough is enough enough enough is enough some of you daniel was delayed for 21 days but there are people here you've been delayed for one year three years five years 20 years 20 years but i want you to declare my father my maker my father my maker every withholding force every withholding force that has hinted the manifestation of my blessing that has hindered the manifestation for 21 days for 21 days for one year for one year for five years or five years for 10 years for 10 years be destroyed in the name of jesus right in the name of somebody pray that prayer point out because god sent him the archangel michael to fight the battle for him somebody said my father my mecca my father send me an anchor send me a name that will fight my battle that will fight my back my father my mecca my father my man send me an angel i receive any power from the kingdom of darkness yes that has been withholding your prayers that has been withholding your destiny yes my god we command our release i want you to pray and speak a release anything that i should have i should have received by now but it was hinted i speak a release begin to speak a release a release of my breakthrough i release on my miracle a release [Applause] foreign i decree and declare anything that has tied you down in any area of your life yes i command you to let you go i received right now i command sickness to let you go i command puberty to oh yeah a release from oppression remember released from depression i received a release from opposition i received a release from satanic limitations i release from restriction i release a release from satanic manipulation somebody said lord release me lord lord release me some of you have been tight lord release me lord lord give me my release keep me lord i receive my release in lord release me lord release me lord release me lord in the name of jesus jesus sit down for one minute oh le bragadoska tell your neighbor enough is enough enough is enough satanic delays one of the causes of satanic delays number one the first cause of satanic delay is demonic activity there are demonic activities like this one that can cause satanic delay like in the cause of daniel from the first day he had from the first day he prayed his prayers were answered and there was a release but there was a prince of persia that came and withheld his answer for 21 days so demonic activity any form of demonic activity aida by witchcraft by satanic altars that has hindered the release of your miracle your blessing that has brought delay in your life we are dealing with it from the roots in the name of jesus tell your neighbor demonic activity demonic activity it can cause delay in your life it can cause delay in your life now when the devil brings satanic delay why does the devil bring satanic delay number one to kill to steal and to destroy according to john 10 10 so number one satanic delay which involves demonic activity it is to steal to kill and to destroy number two to destroy hope and expectation you know expectation is the matter of manifestation and the bible says hope default makes the heart grow weak so many of us it is like we feel like we are coming to an end we feel hopeless and helpless but i break that spirit of discouragement every weapon of hopelessness and helplessness every weapon of discouragement that the devil is using against your life and destiny i cancel it in the name of jesus amen satanic delay how does it operate in a person's life you know and why does the devil cause satanic delay by demonic activity it is to attack a person it is to it is to attack a person through cases and covenants some of us you know the devil through through satanic activity we have we are under so much delay because of curses and covenants i want you to lift up your hand say every cast and every covenant of delay in my life somebody said catch fire the fourth one is to keep a person in one spot for a long time you know you are in the same spot you are not prospering you are not rewarded you are not favored somebody said the devil is a liar the devil is alive some of you because of satanic activity you are always on the same spot you are going through the same cycles of failure cycles of rejection cycles of defeat cycles of reproach because of the of these demonic altars of satanic delay the devil is a liar the fifth reason why the devil allows us to go through satanic delay is to arrest a person's destiny when the devil discovers he cannot stop you he tries to derail you hallelujah so it is to it is to arrest the destiny of a person to arrest their progress and to prevent the person from climbing the ladder of greatness but i decree and declare ecc you cannot be stopped in the name of jesus amen i see somebody gaining unstoppable momentum i declare you cannot be stopped in the name of jesus i cannot believe i said you cannot be stopped in the name of jesus beginning now you are unstoppable amen in the realm of the spirit yeah i am seeing you gaining unstoppable momentum somebody declared three times i cannot be stopped i cannot be stopped i cannot be stopped i cannot i cannot be stopped i cannot be stopped i decree and declare yes in the name of jesus you will climb the lander of greatness in the name of jesus i receive somebody say i receive i receive sit down i'm getting ready to close my father is an oracle we are dealing with all yoks of delay deal with it after this service you must step into your testimony i received that this service you must reach where god has so thank you after this service you will go where god wants you to go amen yeah you will accomplish what god wants you to accomplish i receive you will attain what god wants you to attain i receive receive in the name of jesus i receive receive in the name of jesus i receive everybody standing up why does the enemy through demonic activity cause satanic delay it is to divert your destiny tell your neighbor to divert your destiny to divert your destiny i pray for you as god's oracle yes sir your destiny will not be diverted i receive i said your destiny will not be diverted i received i said your destiny will not be diverted somebody said my father my maker my father my mate i decree and declare i decree and declare my destiny will not be diverted my destiny will not be divided in the name of jesus the name of jesus listen to this before we pray you know the devil can divert the destiny of a man how does the devil divert the destiny of a person for example the devil can make you marry the wrong person he automatically diverts your destiny he can make you pursue the wrong cause the wrong profession he diverts your destiny he can make you pick at the wrong job he can expose you to the wrong people and cause you to connect to the wrong people but i want us to pray our prayer point my father my maker my my destiny will not be diverted [Music] [Applause] i want you to pray that prayer point like you know what you're saying because i say the devil can divert the destiny of a person i want you to declare my father my maker my mother the name [Music] the lord gave me prophetic instruction to anoint everybody here with this oil of no more delay and divine acceleration and i'm going to give you prophetic direction ezekiel chapter 12 and verse 28. the bible says they are forsake to them thus say yet the lord god none of my words will be delayed anymore but the word which i speak will be done somebody say say there shall be no more delay there shall be no more delay prophesied to two people look at them and tell them there shall be no more delay there shall be no more dealing there shall be no more delay there shall be no more delay you know to be delayed means not to have any progress you have no movement there is no increase there is a hold down somebody say every satanic hold down every satanic holder release me now release me now release me now release me now release me now release me now release me now release me now stretch your hands before i anoint each one of you stretch your hands to the altar and even those that are connecting life from around the world viewers from around the world i'm seeing the chains of satanic delay and in today in particular i'm dealing with satanic activity because daniel my god his prayers were withheld by the prince of paschal and his satanic activity yeah every witchcraft manipulation yes i cancel it by fire in the name of jesus amen every evil power that is whole thing you are testing it down yes i command it cut fire catch fire catch fire catch fire catch in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i want you to mention those things that you know you should have received them by now but until now they have not manifested you know proverbs 18 21 says the power of life and death is in the tongue and they that love you shall eat the fruit they are off and there are things you know in your heart by now you should have accomplished them they are things that god laid in your heart their prophetic words that were spoken over your life and you know by now this should have happened but it has not happened i want you under this atmosphere under this anointing begin to declare them begin to declare them shallow [Music] auditorium and even those that are watching us from around the world i hear the lord say every satanic delay is over amen the pain the heartaches the hard times the top situation [Music] that satanic delay my god it is over in in in your part of the story libra gado say man when satanic delay is over he crowns you with glory when satanic delay is over the lord puts you in the rightful place when satanic delay is over the lord exalts you honors you and restores you le parragadoska the very bless you suffered the most as the very place you will shine the brightest i receive the very blessed you are despised yes is the very place you shall be raised i receive the selfless you are disgraced yes sorry is the place you shall receive grace i receive god bless you what disappointed oh yes is the place he shall give you appointment i received i received i can't saw the yokes of delays yes in the name of the father the son and of the holy spirit everybody i want you to hold the prophetic seed of no more delay sit down i want you to hold the prophetic seed of no more delay as you will be coming to give that seed and touch the altar i'm going to put this oil this is the first day we have launched the oil of no more delay and divine acceleration this is the first day that we have launched the oil of no more delay we believe in prophetic tools and i'm going to be putting this oil in your hands so for those that are here whatever seed that god is laying in your heart to sow as your seed of no more delay and divine acceleration i want you to prepare that seed i want you to prepare that seed to those that are here also if you're here you can also give that seed via pdq machine so if you have your card you will come the kingdom will stay on your right or on your left and they will be able to facilitate that for you and you can still sow your seed in jesus name to those that would like to sow their seed on uh on on the details are on the screen i believe they are putting the details on the screen in the name of jesus to those that are watching us online distance is not a barrier i may not be able to anoint you physically but i lay my hands on you in the realm of the spirit i want you to connect with this altar with your seed right now of no more delay and especially the delay that god told me to deal with in the service is delay from satanic activity satanic manipulation delay from witchcraft manipulation just as the prayers of daniel were hindered there are people here whose release has been hindered but i declare after this service you are walking into your destiny because what is going to happen as i put this oil on your hand you will go back to your seat and anoint your feet in the name of jesus i speak i speak favor on your head increase on your hands speed on your feet in the name of jesus we are saying no more delay and divine acceleration hallelujah no more delay so to those that are watching us live that seed that god is laying in your heart sons and daughters from around the world partners of this ministry you that is watching you are not watching by chance by accident or by coincidence but by divine appointment also oracle one tv media team is on standby as you comment how you want to so they will put the details below your comment uh and so you can be able to also so on paypal on wave on m-pesa the details are there i want you to begin to get ready begin to speak over that scene les pragados camagades those that are giving online begin to comment how you want to give the link will be put below your comment or you can check your screen the details are there some of you are here and you're saying oracle when am i going to receive my breakthrough oracle when am i going to conceive oracle when am i going to receive my employment when am i going to start my business when am i going to build my house you know you you have been going through so much so many delays but the lord tells me to tell you to be delayed is not to be denied delays gods to be delayed [Music] to be delayed is not to be denied i want you to speak about that seed powers of delay by the power of your seed we break them we can never buy a miracle but we can enter into covenant with god by our giving because our finances represent us they represent our job they represent our our sweat our sweat is our blood we can give to god uh as a sacrifice le bragadoska every power of delay at work in your life i destroy it in the name of jesus i see many people that are watching online on facebook and youtube that have been delayed my god some of you are supposed to to be living in your own house but you are delayed you are supposed to be having your own business you are delayed you are supposed to be working in your own company but you are delayed you are supposed to be promoted but you are delayed you are supposed to be married but you are delayed you are supposed to be helping your citizenship in that country but you are delayed you are supposed to have furthered your education but you are the later le padra godot but in the realm of the spirit as i anoint you i decree and declare go and receive your miracle your breakthrough your victory you are healing your employment in the name of jesus christ i declare a release of answered prayers right now wherever you are i release of answered prayers up i am hearing the lord say magadesh caleb lord speak your sermon is listening liberacados i'm hearing the lord say your long-awaited prayers will be answered up you are long-awaited prayers will be answered is every satanic interference with your destiny i come against it in the name of jesus satanic interception to the manifestation of your blessing i cancel it in the name of jesus lord i bless your people those that are giving online continue to give connect to collect in jesus right now as i was anointing you here the lord told me to tell you le bragadoska there will be no more delay in your life and i'm seeing it is like your heart is bleeding i was seeing like your heart like there was a crack in your heart and it was bleeding as i was as i was anointing you it is like there was a crack in your heart and your heart was bleeding and i was asking the lord what is this and i'm counting like one two and the lord is taking me to two years ago two years ago two years ago you went through a heartbreak that almost killed you you went through a heartbreak and i'm seeing that you're still carrying that heart le para gados i'm seen two years ago and it was about a relationship it was about a relationship le pragados can we have another microphone my god go deeper oracle oh my amazing mother is a general i'm seeing i'm seeing like a heartbreak [Music] two two years ago yes it's two years ago stretch your hands towards him the lord is saying let it go you know sometimes god will make you lose the good so that you can get the best tell your neighbor sometimes god will make you lose the good so that you can get the best so tell your neighbor don't kill yourself oh don't kill yourself are you listening to me the bible says they why they went out from us because they were not for us for if they would have been for us they would have continued with us but they left so that it could be made manifest they were not for us are you listening to me so the lord is telling me he has great plans that relationship broke and even right now you lost your faith in women because of what you went through true or not true very sure stretch your hands towards you the lord is opening a new chapter in your life he's healing your heart and anybody here that has bitterness from past relationship you are harboring bitterness and hunger i speak peace in your heart peace in your mind peace in your spirit and the lord is saying release those people you know they went from you because they were not for us if they would have been for us they would have continued with us and listen to me when toxic people live your life toxic things stop happening when wrong people live your life wrong things stop happening and when right people come into your life right things begin to happen so don't worry about the people that god is taking out of your life are you listening to me because some of us are so much tied to our past just because you have history with somebody doesn't mean you have destiny with somebody so the lord is healing your heart and i am seeing the lord is going to orchestrate a relationship my god that will be filled le bragados ka legraska magadeshka zipa ragadoska legraska that will be healed that will be filled with joy but the lord says you cannot look back and look forward at the same time and the lord tells me tell him henry let it go henry let it go henry let it go henry let it go what is your name henry can i prophesy are you sure you are ready for me we are ready can i prophesy you are too much the lord is going to lift you stretch your hands towards this young man the lord is going to lift you i you will remember today in the chronicles of your life because there is a chapter that god is opening i'm seeing three things that will happen in your life and please mock him because he will come back to testify three things that will happen number one god will give you a good wife every good and perfect gift comes from the lord including the gift of a good wife number two i am seeing open doors i am seeing open doors before you because it is like there was so much delays in your life nothing was working nothing was moving god has graced you i am seeing the grace i am seeing the grace on your life but you are gifted yet stranded i am saying you are gifted yet stranded but the lord is saying he's going to send you help us he's going to open doors for you the favor of god is coming upon your life number three i am seeing like like like an institute the lord is saying that this it may have become small but the lord says do not be do not despise the days of humble beginnings then i'm seeing this institute and it's like i'm asking the lord what is this i'm seeing because this is a man that is standing here but i'm seeing like a beauty institute what is this that i'm seeing i'm seeing like a beauty institute i have opened a beauty institute that is training shampoo girls can i go deeper go the lord says do not despise the days of humble beginnings god is going to send you investors and partners i bless you i open a new chapter the grace i have carried over the nations yes let it be impacted upon your life amen go and exhale it is done please as you come touch the altar he knows is is no more oh the lord is telling me every form of ministerial delay it is breaking in the name of jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] because the lord has anointed you but there is so much delay in your life so much delay it is breaking in the name of jesus and i want to sow a seed into your life i want to sow a seed into your life and this seed let it mark the beginning of a new season amen that the anointing that attracts help us yes it will rest on you in the name of jesus amen princess give him ten thousand go and receive that seed and go and connect just direct him to my pa i want him also i want him to be given that seed is a seed to unlock your financial dose the lord has told me to sow that seed into your life delays and denials are broken in the name of jesus somebody said no more [Music] god bless you what is your name where are you from so you have you have you came you are in nairobi or you came all the way from yahoo today i came all the way from yahoo this morning my god can you just appreciate can you imagine just to attend this service this marks the turning point of your life i declare your story will change your life will change every form of ministerial delay i can't sell it in the name of jesus call and succeed it is done in jesus name somebody give the lord glory to jesus thank you jesus those that are giving their seeds online on facebook on youtube on paypal on wave on world remit on empress lord i declare as they are giving their seeds from around the world from north america south america australia germany uk as they are giving their seat from italy as they are giving their sick from russia jamaica as they are giving their seats from different parts of the world lord in east africa tanzania rwanda lord we declare south africa wherever they may be that they are sowing this seed we decree and we declare open heavens in the name of jesus we declare no more delay no more delay no more delay every satanic interference every satanic interception to your destiny will cancel it in the name of jesus as you have released what is in your hand may god release what is in his hand i'm just seeing a divine exchange in the realm of the spirit that as you have released what is in your hand as a seed god is releasing what is in his hands thank you holy ghost i want to pray for tigers and partners you are there you are a tiger you are a partner our kingdom hostesses are standing with some envelopes in their hands we believe in the power of tithing and ecc we believe that tight is the foundation of prosperity we believe that tithe is the connection to the protection of our finances we believe that tight is what rebukes the devourer devourers are it has our finances we believe either brings judgment to the enemy of our prosperity the survivor of the 90 is determined by the 10 hallelujah and you are here you are a tiger you are a partner and all the sons and daughters globally we're tight on the altar of ecc so i always tell people where you are fed spiritually that is where you pay your tithe you cannot have lunch at hilton and go and pay at serena hallelujah they are all equally good restaurants but where you are fed is where you pay your tithe so if you are part of ecc you are a son or daughter of this ministry this is the place to pay your tithe this is the altar to lay your tithes in jesus name so sons and daughters partners from around the world partners are people some of you are asking who are partners these are people that have the agenda of god in their finances people that have chosen to partner with god people that have kingdom concern people that have a heart for the loss and i can assure you that many businessmen many politicians many companies will be investing heavily to further the political agenda of various politicians and political parties and i was saying lord as people have the burden to support political parties and politicians just to further an agenda of a political party somebody can sow millions i said lord raise millionaires and billionaires that will also give millions for the sake of the gospel i was given a prophetic word while i was uh the last day when i was ministering uh together with senior prophet ed citronelli in arlington texas and he said to me ecc nairobi that was passed in february this is just a branch church tell your neighbor this is a branch [Music] he said to me god is giving you the anointing and the grace to build a sanctuary for god and i cannot wait to see what god is about to do and the people that will build are here and they are watching the millionaires and the billionaires we will build in record time god will give us land in the right place we will build without delay hey the anointing of acceleration is upon this ministry somebody said we receive and i received that prophetic word i claimed it and i said so shall it be so i know it is happening and that is why i'm praying for you that god will raise you as a millionaire and as a billionaire so that we can also be able to spread the gospel we can build churches we can send out missionaries for evangelism we can establish branches of ecc across the nations of the world we can do crusades revivals and seminars across the nations of the world somebody say it is possible and it will be done it is possible that it when i was given that prophetic word because every prophet needs a prophet when the servant of god senior prophet ed citronelli gave me that word i said oh yes lord i can i will and i must hallelujah this is a monday that god has given us and the will of god anytime god tells you to do something there is grace to do it hallelujah the will of god will never take to where the grace will not protect you so i can't wait to see what god is about to do and the person that will sign the one million dollar check for this ministry let the manifest in the name of jesus somebody say it is possible ah look at your neighbor tell them it is possible and you are the millionaires the billionaires that god is going to raise the lord said to me when he was sending me to this city i had prayed for many years for god to show me the city of divine assignment because i had troubled extensively in over 50 nations around the world different continents and countries preaching the gospel from when i was 19 years you can imagine for many years i traveled across the nations of the world ministering to the body of christ and it's until last 2017 when i was in the u.s for four months as i was ending that global tour i was moving from state to state that god said nairobi as the city of divine assignment but still i had never had the clarity of establishing a church hallelujah it is until last year when we finished at when we finished up what we were doing with the natasha hands of compassion you know during that season that god spoke to me and he said my daughter you have successfully finished the first phase of your ministry and now you are entering into the next season of raising sons and daughters hallelujah and i want to thank god for this next face and the people that god has assigned for this next face i believe together we will populate heaven and depopulate hell i see a revival that is coming around the nations of the world and you will be the servants of god that will be ministering in london some of you will be in america in australia in canada in dubai in qatar in bahrain in kuwait and in different parts of the world somebody say i receive i so there is a wind of revival and there is an end time army that god is raising of men and women that we have never heard of that god is raising across the nations of the world that will carry a revival hallelujah there is a transfer of mantles that is happening in the realm of the spirit hallelujah so i sense it in my heart and that is why god is going to raise you because of the kingdom so the question is god is ready to bless you but can god trust you to be a blessing i want you to be faithful from this level begin to tithe even if you are tightening a thousand if your salary is ten thousand if your salary is twenty thousand it's two thousand if you earn a hundred thousand your tithe is ten thousand begin to be faithful from this level and he will take you from glory to glory power to power strength to strength begin to partner with the work of the lord the gospel is free but the means of taking it is expensive are you listening to me we want to be in all the media houses but it takes resources to do that so i want you to have that mind lord bless me not only to lift my standard of living but bless me to lift my standard of giving i want you to have that heart for the gospel i have a heart from the gospel when i came from the us the first thing i was doing i bought a new camera for oracle one media team almost four thousand dollars hallelujah the media team yesterday when we had the global zoo meeting they were saying to me mama or god this camera is a is like a beast in comparison to the other cameras that we had because my heart is in the kingdom when i came we also where is the new screen behind there i also brought that screen to the glory of god hallelujah so i'm not just telling you to give i'm also a leader that knows the way it goes the way and shows the way are you listening to me and i release the giving mantle if your mother is a giver receive the giving mantra receive the giving anointing you will never lack and your pockets will never go dry amen in the name of jesus the grace i have of attracting resources may that grace also come into your life in the name of jesus i received i said may that grace come into your life in the name of jesus i said may that christ come into your life in the name of jesus i receive you will attract resources you will not beg in the name of jesus yes your children will never beg for bread your grandchildren will never be homeless he shall be well with you and your family to the tenth generation amen the god in whom i saw bless you god in whom i self-establish you i respect you jesus mighty name shall keep me amen sit down so if you are a tiger come i've invested millions in the gospel are you listening to me i want you to have that heart for the gospel that i will partner with god i will have the agenda of god in my finances i will serve god with the resources he gives me i want you to have that heart for the gospel any time god blesses me i always ask myself what can i do for the house of the lord and for the kingdom are you listening to me have a heart for the kingdom so you are a tither you are a partner i want you to come and even those that are watching us live media director can you just give us direction to the sons and daughters ecc members that are online that are giving their tithes and their partnership on the altar of this ministry sons and daughters of the oracle globally you can send your tithe to the mpesa number 0710 84 2121 alternatively you can give via pay bill the business number is triple two one one eight and the account number is empower hash you can also comment on this live broadcast comment paypal comment wave comment world remit and you will be directed towards your giving to all our francophone countries water contribution numero zero sets on zero wheat cattle [Music] amen amen stretch your hands towards the tides those that are here those that are giving their tight globally and if you are giving via pdq machines they are on your right and on your left you can see one of our kingdom hostesses on the right or on the left lord i thank you in the name of jesus les pragados for all the tithers that are standing on this altar to honor you with their substance i speak the tithes blessing upon your life i bless you with the blessings of abel may your sacrifice find favor with god i bless you with the blessings of noah you shall be delivered from calamities i bless you with the blessings of abraham your seed will become great in the land i bless you with the blessings of sarah you shall bear fruit in your old age i bless you with the blessings of isaac that when you saw in the day of famine you will receive a hundredfold i bless you with the blessing of jacob the lord will change your name and transfer the wealth of the wicked to you i bless you with the blessing of joseph you shall come out of the pit and out of the prison and sit on the throne i bless you with the blessing of moses that god will lead you through the sea and feed you in the wilderness i bless you with the blessing of david you will bring down your goliath and every giant that stands against you to threaten you shall fall before you i bless you with the blessing of elijah the lord will answer you by fire he will vindicate your course i bless you with the blessing of daniel may god shut the mouth of every lion that rises up against you i bless you with the blessing of mary the mother of jesus that you shall be blessed and highly favored i bless you with the blessing of our lord jesus christ the blessing of salvation healing deliverance life more abundantly the blessing of righteousness peace joy wisdom might power and glory all this blessing shall pursue you and your family to the tenth generation in the name of the father the son and of the holy spirit amen you may lay your tight on the altar and may the lord bless you tigers go and prosper tied us globally tigers in america tigers in the uk in germany in italy in australia in switzerland wherever you are in tanzania in uganda indifferent in jamaica wherever you are i speak the tigers blessing upon your life distance is not a barrier in the realm of the spirit may this altar speak on your behalf partners of this ministry as you have stood with the work of god may god stand with you may god establish you may god prosper you we bless you in the name of the father in the name of the son in the name of the holy spirit shout amen father every document that is lifted up chandra bragadoska zipa regardless [Music] [Applause] every satanic interception and satanic interference that has altered the destinies and the affairs of men i can't sell it in the name of jesus amen i can't sell it in the name of jesus amen i can't sell it in the name of jesus amen i decree and i declare paraguatos good news on your phone i received as you are leaving this service yes sir every blessing that god has ordained for you yes it will not pass you by amen it will not pass you by i received anywhere you expecting good news it will not fail amen i speak good news from the north from the south from the east and from the west in the name of jesus every document that is lifted up yes i lay my hands on it in the realm of the spirit i speak favor i receive favor my favor i respect every picture of your loved one that is lifted up yes i use that picture as a point of contact yes so whether they need salvation healing deliverance open doors i declare so shall it be so shall in the name of jesus amen i bless your lives i cover you with the blood of jesus lord of jesus i decree and declare you will come back to this altar with a testimony somebody begin to declare i am coming back to this altar with my miracle with my job with my promotion with my husband with my wife with my children i'm coming back with my testimony i'm coming back even those in america those in europe both in in the middle east i see you coming to this altar to testify wherever you are watching me from receive your miracle receive your breakthrough i receive your deliverance receive your visitation receive your joy receive in the name of jesus i declare you are ending this month with a blessing amen as this month comes to an end your misery is coming to an end are you your hardships are coming to an end yes uh your fruitless slipper is coming to an end i declare you shall be well with you receive the joy of god everything that has been stealing your choice yes i silence it in the name of jesus silence the yucks of delay will be broken and destroyed from the roots so shall it be signs at ecc you
Channel: Rev Lucy Natasha
Views: 9,313
Rating: 4.804348 out of 5
Keywords: Rev Lucy Natasha, lucy natasha sermons, pastor natasha, lucy natasha preaching, kenyan pastor, Miracle monday, the oracle
Id: pcCcpM9kJC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 19sec (3679 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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