2016 Southwest Believers’ Convention: God Said, I’ll Be Your Two (7 p.m.)

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I want to before I get it my message I want to talk a little politically if I could for just a minute I have asked many people have asked me in the state Louisiana they said Jesse or to run for this run valera I said I'm not called to do that but I'm called to be a voter ladies and gentlemen people ask me all over the world and I have preached more churches than most people have ever been to me and Jerry probably well Jerry and three or four thousand different churches all over the world and and I'm in custody and some of them I've been preaching for 35 and 37 years every year preaching out that a great that great grandchildren and that amazin is amazing will it make a long story short you might have seen this program I was on TBN most the time I'm a host I love the host in them and I enjoy that but Matt and Laurie crowd suggested we need you as a guest I want you and Andrew Wommack I said okay so I walked in there me and Andrew and I we had no idea what we're going to talk about and Matt says do you believe in Greece I said I'm here didn't have grace in my life I wouldn't be here devil to kill me a long time ago you saved by grace and we just got to talking about that and it was a wonderful program you might have seen it was a few months back and it was just such a blessing of the Lord and I and several people there in the in the audience began to ask questions that what are you seeing up there let me tell you how to touch the world I want you to listen to me we fought a war in 1776 we declared independence from an empire that was the most powerful empire on the earth that was Great Britain most of the battles that George Washington fought he actually ran away from because he didn't have the ability to win them simply because the states would not support the Continental Army don't you listen to this one minute i'ma Paulus overhead that into the Christian world George Washington was a phenomenal man but you got to understand something the only footprint America could understand at that time was the footprint of Europe what they wanted was free and independent states nobody called themselves Americans there was 750,000 people in Virginia dicker the first five president were Virginians they called himself a genius Thomas Jefferson called himself a Virginia think about they're not so was George Washington he was from Virginia but see there was four men that God designed to see to make this nation what it is and that was George Washington Alexander Hamilton who wrote the Federalist Papers James Madison who wrote the Constitution of the United States and John Jay the first first Supreme Chief Justice of the Supreme Court the first one these four men understood what God wanted to do with this nation the others did not because we were under a thing called the Articles of Confederation and in the Articles of Confederation if you studied history and things of that nature they said that we became free and independent say so in 1776 we declared independence but we had to fight a war because you see freedom is not free and George Washington brilliant as he was and he was the most wealthiest president we've ever had even till today George Washington he married a very rich woman behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes and I don't doubt Martha did the same thing but anyway Great Scott if you understand him he had what I call a revelation from God and God gave it to those other for Alexander Hamilton was the first secretary treasurer of the United States John Jay was the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and James Madison was the fourth president of the United States to make a long story short these four men understood what God wanted to do with this nation no one else did because in the Articles of Confederation they would be free and independent states so I don't know how many times that George washing had said listen I can't fight a war of this magnitude without some finance to handle this thing because there were men with no shoes Valley Forge they were freezing I mean and that what happened is nobody wanted to pay the bill but God gave those four men to understand what we call a federal government so what James Madison is called the father of the Constitution they called the Constitution a living document my the Lord told me to say this since I under his direction otherwise I wouldn't in James Madison when he had the preamble wrote he was supposed to say this we the people of a free and independent states he said change that and they said there's we the people of the United States of America remember nobody called himself Americans even John Adams call himself a Bostonian Thomas Jefferson a Virginian but when that Constitution came out it made us form what God wanted a nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice fall not free independent States now let's get to the god part how do you touch the world for the Lord Jesus Christ on that program Matt crowd said what camp are you in brother Jesse and some of you may have seen that and I looked at him and I said Matt I have to rephrase your question there's only one camp of God but there's men different tents just like there's the nation of Israel back then but there was 12 different tribes if we're going to touch the world we're not going to do it by coming together on the same doctrine that some people don't believe in a rapture so let them stay here they're gonna wish their God there to go they're going to have to die for Jesus Christ in this day there's something never going to believe in speaking in tongues there's no use to try it but they are of one flock and I would say this to every denomination on denomination and in the denomination that calls themselves a Christian that we need to see Christianity the way God showed George Washington Alexander Hamilton John Jay and James Madison this nation one nation not free and independent states so you can still be a Baptist and the methods and the Pisgah pay in the Presbyterian a Church of God a Church of Christ a word of faith the Full Gospel Assemblies of God a United Pentecostal Amish Mennonite whatever but if we'll come together and the unity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ you see and we hold that banner up because you're not going to get everybody to bleed the same but we all believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead believe if you're Christian we could touch the world in a day but what has happened is is that Satan has made us free and independent churches until we come together under this united effort that Jesus Christ is Lord everywhere Baptist Methodist Catholic I mean when brother Copeland went to see Pope Francis I had more preachers eating my lunch well as Kenneth going Catholic I said won't you call KCM and ask him but my god man man believe in Jesus and I say and we believe everything the same that's not the issue but you see all these other people fought and it took so long that's why I took George Washington so long to win these battles God had to just intervene because he didn't have the money to help the governments didn't have the money up the army but they created a federal government and then one of the Virginians gave us our Bill of Rights and one of them is the Second Amendment and it's a wonderful thing because you see the right to bear arms is not to protect you from criminals or thieves is to protect you from the government and if you don't believe that just go read it to protect you from the government so that you wouldn't be controlled like it was before we declared independence now I'm not trying to put political that point but I'm saying is this if we'll stay if the United States will stay united and if the churches will come together United even Jesus said that he was talking to the disciples he's talking about the Jewish and he said there's other people that I will call to my name which is us the Gentiles and there was a mist interpretation of the word foe he said it all shall be one fold he said he said I came to this fold which is the Jewish people he said but there's others that will come there would be one foe if you look at that in the original wasn't Foley meant one flock we may have different folds in the Christianity but there's only one flock we may have many different tents but there's only one camp so you know God is giving me the honor of preaching Catholic churches Presbyterian churches Methodist churches assembly God churches Word of Faith churches I've preached to the Amish I preached to the Mennonites yeah what did you do I just preached Jesus I preached to Jewish synagogues all over everywhere why to let my light shine because I believe that this church must be united so we can form a church of the people by the people for the people you know Abraham Lincoln at the Gettysburg Address he was right on the date with what really right when he said four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth really that's not true yeah that's when it started but they were free and independent states so thank God that James Madison made them change the wording that we the people of the United States the preamble to the Constitution well I will tell everybody this if we do this and all your different churches that call us up Jesus that you call yourself a Christian this Bible and this church don't need any amendments is actually not only a living document but a completely perfect document serum say so receive that so you passes when you go out talk to the Catholic priest and talk to the Methodists and say you don't have to be what I am in terms of a Baptist or a Pentecostal but we must come together because this nation needs it because we got the answer that stopping people from killing people in Chicago like crazy there is slaughter going on in Chicago children can't even play outside they get shot I'm talking six years old five years old it's almost in every state every city it's terrible but at this church the Christian Church but I trying to fight what we don't to be Sadducees a Pharisee I don't believe in a render reservation at all that stay dead if you don't believe in it that's not the issue but come together under the banner of Christianity and you know what will change the world I'm Jesse Duplantis and I approve this message okay I said what the Lord told me to say pray so if you got your Bibles with you turn with me to the book of Matthew chapter 18 the book of Matthew chapter 18 once again I was in my study and the spirit of the law was talking to the Lord about different things and I actually talked the Lord a lot about financial things and investments and talk to him about gifts of the Spirit and operations and I just have conversations as well as a reading and studying of the Word of God I'm a man that loves information I have a very lucrative library people that come to my home they can't get over my library especially ministers and it's truly amazing am i right fritz Browne my and my oldest employee here he's at mark God projected mile you know your house is beautiful but if you tear if you go by the way the grave whoever get your library Lord Jesus and it's full of every kind of subject because I like being in formed I like to talk intelligently about something and if you don't know much about the Jehovah Witness doctor how you going to talk intelligently about the Jehovah Witness or to a Jehovah Witness so you know I read things I may not believe they don't infect me so I can IntelliJ talk and form a case and I've had several people say you could be a lawyer you could litigate something I said well no I just love information I want to know so we can speak intelligently and revelation wise concerning things well I was in my study and I was just sittin lord and he said what I said you said in Matthew chapter 18 and the Lord always does this to me said what did I say Jesse tell me what I said he loves me to tell him what he says you don't say tell me what I said and I said you said that of - in Matthew 18 I believe 19 you said if two of you on earth agree as touching and before I could finish he said I'll be you - I say what he should I be you - he said Jesse you don't need to look for another person I'll be you - how many of you believe in God for something I beat you - you ain't got to look any further I beat you - man like God if two of us believe we can get anything you believe I want to talk about that tonight I'll be you - now think about if your whole church became a bunch of two's we'd be a bunch of - tools because all you got to do is get somebody to agree but not only agree touch see some ministers think that when they receive an offering into their marriage they go all glory to God make a regular and they go on to the next day they don't realize that that now you're taking on responsibility of what that person that sold into your ministry and into your life their belief or their dream and you have to keep your yourself holy and clean so that they can receive what they believe in just like that you receive what they gave you and I want to deal with that tonight and when the Lord Toby says I'll be you too I said by God man because I'm known for statements God gives me statements I didn't ask you to pay for it I ask you to believe for it all my meetings he said but just cost you something vision bring you something which one you want to deal with I said I'll deal with the vision he said good see I always deal with the vision because the best won't come to play that's why I was talking about be vov early because you see that's where you touch the world and you get things done quickly so when he said I'll be you - I just gotta shove it so I walked into I think Cathy was in the kitchen which was a miracle of God to start with them be in the kitchen I'm sorry I said hey we have a beautiful kitchen they don't you wouldn't use it but we got a beautiful get it now I give her a hard time she can't cook good memories but it was basically and I walked I said Cathy she goes what I mean you - she said - what I said if two of us on earth agreed God just told me he'd be my - how many I believe him for something come on how many all out there believe in something I'd be you - you don't need to look for another person but it would be nice to get a bunch of tools so I want to deal with that and I'm going to start in the King James Version Matthew chapter 18 we're gonna start with verse 18 now there's something really unique about this verse Jesus talking how many all believe the Word of God you believe what Jesus said let's see what it see if you do verse 18 says verily I say unto you that whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven now what does that tell you that tells you that you have power in two dimensions you have power on the earth - buying and you have power in heaven to buy in other words you can bind something here and an angel of God a syrup and the chair but our angel and if it's bound in heaven they can't loosen it until you do because you have power in two dimensions think about that here and there do you understand that and when it when it's that when it's bound that no one can loosen it unless you loosen it that tells you that you ought to know something about heaven or the universe because you have power there you're the only species that he gave that power to everyone else's servants you are sons that serve did you see that let me read that again he said just in Jesus talking he says well I say unto you whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven then he says in verse 19 again I say unto you seek is he had to say it again because you don't get it the first time so G said again I say unto so he said this before verse 19 again I say unto you that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching the word touching is the most important part because now you're getting involved in someone's dream and someone's belief and that means a lot to God it means a lot to the person that you agree with now watch this again I'm saying to you they if two of you agree on earth as touching how many things how many things how many things how many things how many things so I don't care what the church world's is we're the only spiritual know anything is spiritual physical and financial what part of that you don't understand because he said anything did he say it don't look at me look at the scripture did he say anything did he say that I beat you too so it's not greed to believe God for finances because finances is anything it's not agreed to believe her husband or wife God say anything I see so many people missing each other see so many young beautiful women said if I could just find a glorious man a man that loves God and got a little money ain't nothing wrong with that isn't anything and yet the case seen them and I see them all over the place I see young ladies looking I see young looking you know in fact a man asking how many women you think are in the world I know he had a little lust on his mind and you can see it how many men how many women you figure in the world I said I know exactly how many women in the way you do I said yeah one her that's it that's all I see right there one did like that Cathy did you like I had to repent for the last thing I said I just want my children again I said I got to read again again I say them to you that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask now you got to get involved in askin not it might be not this if it be his will know when are we gonna take God at God's Word verbatim exactly the way you said it if you should ask anything it shall be done watch this for them on my father which is in heaven for where two or three oh now we just been introduced to the three I'll beat you two now that we got a three for where two or three are gathered together in my name or what name the name of Jesus there am I in the midst of them now let me take you back in time let's go way back before this planet was created before you were created some people don't believe in the triune God but it's true how do I know that because I made in His image I'm a spirit housing a soul and clothing about it so I am a triune being myself God the Father who's number one because everything Jesus did he came that I might you might know the father everything he does is to please the father the father had a business meeting for lack of a better way to say it and most people think Jesus died two thousand years ago Gong golfer and that's not true that's his physical death the Bible said he was a lamb led to the slaughter before the foundations of the earth you know where the scripture is you looking turn to it if you want God the Father said something that was phenomenal he had a business meeting number one he said you know I want to create a species and number two Jesus number three holy gold said okay and I'm a creative species like I've never created before where all these species that you see in the scripture the wheel within the wheel that creature with all the eyes the Sarah pens the cheiron's their ark angels I mean my god God got a vivid mind of creation he's still created right now the universe is expanding faster than the speed of light the speed of light can't catch it think about that at 186,000 miles a second it can't catch it what's this he said I want to create a species and I'm gonna give them my power oh I'm gonna give them dominion over all the works of my hand what does that mean Sarah ppens Chairman's Archangels the wheel within the wheel the creatures different things of God through this universe now we believe in there such thing as multiple universes I can understand that with God but they're gonna mess up they're gonna mess up they're gonna disappoint me and they're gonna sin and I need someone to help them and Jesus said I beat you too this is Voight over here I need you to I'll take on flesh what you create I will call myself the son of man and I'll let you call me the son of God and I'll get him back and showing up we know the story of Jesus Christ he was the - boy I mean he said I came that you might know the father I only say what my father says I only do what my father says to do what's it so something is happening here that's why Satan hates you because you were created or higher order on a higher creation than him that's why you have dominion over him that's why he would not bow down the atom I will not not yes you will see some more people love the first atom more than they like the second atom but watch what Jesus did he said I'd be you - so we know about the death the bearer of the Resurrection and the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ so when Jesus ascended into heaven do you know it's possible to be captive in paradise it's very possible you to be in captivity right in the blessing of God a lot of people don't even realize that well I mean my god you can be going to the most Bible believing Church sitting in it with the photos of the Holy Ghost and still be in captivity Jesus had to go to Paradise to set the captive free you would think it'd be pretty good brother a neighbor him Musa bright they were in captivity how many people have I seen Jerry how many you see in churches that are in captivity and we're sent to set the captive free to do the work of number two Jesus but when Jesus ascended we lost our - and the whole ago said I'm changing my number I'll be the two so now the Holy Spirit is the two and you got to understand it this way that the heart of God look at me the heart of God is the Father the face of God is the son Jesus Christ the voice of God is the Holy Ghost but the hands of God is the church number one number two number three in me and you number four do you see that you have a number Jesus was the first begotten of the Dead what number you you have a number do you understand that so when Jesus ascended Holy Ghost said we need a to someone to believe with us and to only Swiss it does the same thing Jesus only say what I hear the father say it - exactly the same thing so when you understand that I'll be you - I don't care what you believe in for all you need is one and God is all you already got that with God but it's good to get another and get a whole church believe it in - well my whole church Cathy built the church called covenant sure everybody's twos why we need to develop that in every area so not long ago I was I was outside and the Methodist minister walked by and he said you Reverend just to the plan I said yes I am he said I'm the Methodist pastor I said how you doing I said how things are going he said well you know we believe him for some things I said I'll be you - he said - what I said - Oh on earth come on give me my hat give me your hand I'll touch it I believe God wants you man I can do that he should with you not Methodist I said do man finish believe in Jesus said yes I said I'm a Methodist how you doing I believe one camp right I'm not gonna be a free independent Christian I will be a United Christian that call anybody that calls themselves that Jesus is Lord of their life you see what I'm saying so write this down if you're taking notes when you understand this method what method if Q and Earth disagree is touching what happens doubt loses its power number one ready done that loses its power and your soul enlarges it its capacity when doubt is no longer a part of your life it's amazing what will come in your life remember years ago if you learn to doubt your doubts you won't be a dot on the mukajee thousand doubt because you learn to doubt your doubts that the only thing the devil got is doubt so when the devil throws doubt in your mind say devil I doubt that and the devil said you can't doubt that I'm the one with the doubt yeah but I doubt your doubt no no I'm the one that dot yeah but I doubt it now the devil gets easily confused because he's the author of confusion he don't know what to do because he's decaying he's not as smart today as it was yesterday he's on the limits of retardation did you understand that you've got to be a complete idiot to think you're gonna win a battle against God see so all Sun Devils start talking to judge listen I put doubt in the man my knee died but you just I put doubt in his mind and he doubt you mean to tell me you put doubt in his mind any doubt that's exactly what he did what should I do I don't know I doubt it myself he's only one seem to know what's going on ask him let me slow down if you learn to doubt your doubts it won't be a doubt learn more your doubts have been doubted because you've learned to doubt your doubts so when God gives me something unbelievable and impossible I hear another word coming in doable so when he somebody said Jesse believe me from for that Falcon 7x I said okay Lord he's out to you too let's go for the God glory to God baka and I went to a church to Sacramento bill calls it he's around here somewhere he said Josh I beat you two people just became a twos we're a bunch of to twos and the Holy Ghost is our to remember you buying something in heaven an angel can't loosen it if your mama's in Heaven's you can loosen it you're the only one you do that because you working in two different dimensions when you understand that and Satan is the Prince of the power of the air that's why he hates television we have to go through his living room to preach the gospel he hears more religiously he hears his preaching more than anybody else you know he buys a lot of my tapes I call it tape CDs and stuff I had a lady one time she ran horses she ordered member that Fred $5,000 way back when and bought the whole series and she played him four horses in the stalls God is my I said are you sure she say run better yeah well the dogs ran for oral and the horses are running for me but Scott and my time the truth you filled the order them horses don't doubt they just run seed out loses his power and your soul is enlarged is enlarges because of its capacity to receive what God is saying I'll be you too so everything I'm believing for right now I cannot do and if you believe it for something you can't do that you can do you're not walking by faith you got to get out to go where no man has gone before you got to get out where no one can help you other than the Lord Jesus Christ because he's your first - but boy if you got someone that's understanding you said I'll agree with it I'll touch it with you Bridget who now I got two tools and you get a whole church believing that you'll get your church out of debt like that you'll get everybody in your church out of debt like that why because agreement has great power listen you can't express wants that you do not feel write that down you can't express once I talk about needs you can't express wants that you do not feel a war is way greater than a need a war will move you more emotionally than a need will because see a war will make you happy and I need to make you sad but if you get what you want instead of what you need you will destroy what you need because your war is way more powerful than your need but you can't express or want that you do not feel but just I want to I want to pray right he who wants of God will always pray right if two of you again I send you if two of you shall agree on earth as touching right this now when you come together something happens 1:1 unity of spirit number two unity of mind and number three unity of purpose what does those three do they produce agreement they produce reaction you understand I want you to listen to me I know what I'm talking about here I'll be your - in every area you see when I go to a doctor and I don't like doctor I mean I like doctors personally I just like what they do and they start telling me about what can happen bad that's whoa whoa whoa I didn't come here for us on it I just came here to see how good you are now you can you diagnose something well you got to tell me your symptoms I'm kind of like Nebuchadnezzar I tell you nothing tell me the dream man I never forget I never forget one time I went cathing want me to get a you know they don't even they just do things I don't like colonoscopies look God put it in the back ain't never seen it I don't want to talk about my colon and they get so excited you know how clean you're calling it now but I looked at him and I told Lyle if that night I never forget it was at home a medical and surgical clinic I looked at him the Holy Ghost came on me I thought would Jesus I looked at was how you doing doc he said I'm doing fine make you sit on that paper you know you move that's not hit I don't like that people I looked at him I said you're sick he's got his he got his glasses like this look what I said you need me more than I need you you're sick he just looked at my skin me your hand up he say excuse me I said give me your hand I'm a doctor too he said you are I'm a doctor of divinity I got it on the wall I wouldn't lie I got it on the wall I prayed my grab him boy he didn't know what to do when's the last time you pray for your doctor I said Jesus touch him it habit bless him he go who he look he says I'm Catholic cuz that's okay Jesus touch it he said can I can I make the sign of the Cross yeah use your other hand because I had his hand I ain't turn to Lucy's head if two of you agree on earth as touching God told me to pray for that man I don't know that man he know more about me he's seen things about me I ain't never sleep he asked me said how's your prostate I said where is it he told method it's fine that's all I'll say about that out of sight I'm not no no you need to get checked out sports that's there I prayed for him he forgot to do but they call it a electrocardiogram it had to go through he forgot because I shook him up so I went back the next day I had to go back to finish this thing you know and I'm standing there people standing everywhere and the guy said you mean you yeah it's gonna take a long time to get in there I said I don't think so what makes you say that I said I prayed for him yesterday pray for who pray for the doctor you did I said yeah I did all of a sudden the little lady sliders and she said Reverend the planets are you out there now I mean in an hour I just got in there maybe two minutes I said yes the doctor like to speak to you I looked at the medicine you see I walked in he said referee takes me out the room what it did he said you know what I did after you prayed for me he said I finished my practice and I went home Ivan won't eat red beans and rice for a long time I couldn't eat my stomach he said I hate a whole plate of red beans and rice I said did you eat the sausage with you he said yeah I said cholesterol and all he said yeah I said how you feel he said he said you have never had and I'm in practicing 40 years and I've never had anyone pray for me I beat you too I said dr. Lord sent me here and told me you were saying he said you know I have I've never felt this good in years he said I think I'm gonna eat some more red beans and rice I said you need to lay off that sausage today a little bit there that's a true story you see doubt loses its power I got together with God and unity of spirit unity of mind and unity of purpose which produced agreement and reaction and the man received this healing see when you understand that you see this should be happening all the time now ladies in my want to ask you a question what's the difference since we have power in two dimensions I'll be you - come on since we got power dude what's the difference between us here and the people in heaven there's only one word that describe it all discord there's no discord in heaven this discord in here now if you got the power to bind on earth and you got the power to bind in heaven why are you having discord here disagreement when God said have two of you agree on earth as touching anything there anything that's why people in heaven are not struggling because there's no discord God the Father is not fighting God the Son and God the Son is not trying to help God the Holy Ghost but your spirit is trying to get your soul to get right so your body will get an effect see if we fighting each other there's no discord that's why you see in heaven people said the law is my shepherd I shall not want everybody's got what they want and my father's house are many mansions spiritually physically financially and there's an economy going on out there my lord and the universe is our street you understand I'm saying and God is doing so many wonderful things but because there's no discord and he said you got to agree to disagree by being agreeable I wish everybody spoke in tongues i'ma say so I'm gonna make people mad I wish everybody was rich as me I'm not bragging about that idea it's just the fact J Robinson said to me I sure wish I had Jessie money but you've said that whew yes I wish you were I would love it but you see you think oh that just that just happens once in life what that would make God a respect to a person so I disagree with you on that but I do it agreeably now you got to understand it I don't try to prove nothing to nobody I live in a beautiful home Lord Jesus my god and I'm telling you what and but I heard Cathy said Jessie could live in a tree huh I don't get I'm not out to prove nothing to nobody in any way shape or form I'm just going to please God so I've had people say I don't believe in speaking in tongues I said in you never will I don't believe in healing you hadn't got sick enough but okay I don't believe in are falling down stuff all right you see I don't preach what's wrong I preach what's right if I preach enough right the right will change the wrong do you understand yeah I just preached what's right at first people you know I just keep a smiling it's amazing what a smile will do it's amazing what you just don't give up you just keep believing the AMA - and then out of time I do that if I'm in a restaurant I said so what are you gonna do while I'm going to collagen and and you know I gotta I gotta pay all these bills I said I'll beat you - you been - what well I should I agree with you oh you will well thank you let me pray here oh yeah I've done it at funerals right at the casket I mean I've had people say he looks good no he looked dead he's dead he don't look good he's dead but God's sake man quit being a fool don't start lying right in front of the dead corpse he's dead uh where would you pray for me I said we're bout you right here with the guy in a coffin ain't gonna hear us I just pray why that sounds here no because see sometimes you need a two in the place you never thought you needed a to Jesus if you agree on earth what's this he's given you power to bind things that are in a dimension that Satan cannot touch one time I prayed for God to do something and the Lord and the Lord the angel of the Lord said to God I can't loose it unless he loosens it oh this is good when I thought minute I got why I'm made in His image when I go to the throne of God angels broken one of the sons of God is coming before the father shut up hello him and his name is Jesse meant him doors fly open people said that's arrogant no that's position that's position because jesus said that so the reason why I haven't is so different from Earth is because of discord city glasses they cost about 20 bucks I think I bought them out of their gonna let drugstore a man criticize me the other day about this he said you know are you believing healing no which I said yes sir why do you wear them glasses I said there's some things I don't want to see and just some things I don't want to see bill and one of them was him he didn't know what to say some things I just rather not discuss I don't get in discord with people I've had the media come and say we heard you're head of jet I said you heard wrong I've had three of them oh they just freak out well you know the Bible said I said now don't get on the Bible because you look like an idiot you're getting on my territory man standard journalistic a you get on the Bible I'm will eat your lunch you don't even know what the Bible is write this down never come to church without consideration why goes read the scripture consider the Apostle and high priest of your profession Christ Jesus what is the ideal church what most people think it's the Lord's Church no most people think it's a middle sized Church no then some people don't want a large Church of it they want to go to a small Turkey they like know everybody business Christians are knows it Lord Jesus is that the ideal Church know what is the ideal church let me show you the christ-like church there are a lot of people in hell that went to church there are a lot of people go to church that don't know nothing about the scripture I love what Joel Osteen says go to a Bible believing Church I love that the other day Catholic suggests I want to show you something and I don't know where she got this and it was somebody I don't if they put it on Facebook I don't exact what it and it was John old steam preaching and brother was he shucking corn pour out our God you know he kind of stand like a alright I mean he just preached I said man John Osteen is Pentecostal boy he was just going at it what a blessing yet I've had some people and I love I love those things am I knew him very well well you know Joel's not like John he ain't supposed to be as he Sun seekers God the Father is totally different God the Son God the sons totally different God the Holy Ghost yet they three-in-one you think get out because God the Father still number one Jesus and humble too and the Holy Ghost number three but here he's number two but they don't argue with each other there's no discord you never heard Jesus say now father father father no yeah for y'all don't know what that is like whether Keith Moore was preaching on that this week oh you don't hear that before that slap thing got my rib I got a revelation because I say Kathleen she go like that they ain't doing that [Applause] we got an argument not too long ago we every once a while were getting one I look at someone tell you someone to calm you a woman well I mean she was I mean I mean the fur was up the claws without I ain't the same dumb stupid girl you married 46 years ago I said I miss her I liked her a lot she said I got a revelation for you she's dead I said what she's dead [Applause] how's that okay I need some agreement here I be - good good never go to church without consideration the ideal Church is the christ-like church not the Lord's Church what does I'll be your two means two words Jerry presence and power you got to have presence and you got to have power that's what the two does you come with your present cuz you touching and believe him with this person and then power to produce what they believe in God for you and I'm saying and when the Lord just interrupts me I'll beat you - so now I'm preaching that all over America my god they got to share people I mean they said good god I liked it it's just a simple statement but it has a revelation truth in it and when brother Copeland was praying for your healing he was a - he was getting to get listen I'm with you man I'm with you so when you understand I be your - means presence and power then you got to understand God just doesn't count heads when people pray and agree he counts hearts out of the bundles of the heart the mouth speaketh right what's not people think he's counting here no he's counting heart remember brother Hagin said he laid hands on empty heads I think how he said that years and years ago there are some people with dumb spirits and then I possessed then I possessed they just flat down just some of the most stupidest things you ever heard of in your life I want God to give me a million uh listen man you can't even believe for five dollars how you gonna get a million dollars you got to start where you can believe but something start to work with you see prayer always depends upon your manner of life people ask me all the time how long do you pray I never tell them because to me prayer is when you're asking God things you're coming forward the petition and supplication with Thanksgiving to me that's prayer I don't do that very often I shocked you than that but I have conversations with God on a daily basis I get up in the morning I say that hello Jesus you say hi Jesse I see what you're doing he said watching you sleep then I've had God so many times say what we're gonna do today remember where his hands and I've had in wake me and said listen I want you to be very aware there will be an opportunity that will come by very quickly if you don't seize it it will never come again and it could be spiritual it could be physical it could be financial it could be me walking in a parking lot at an individual and it coming in something happens be very aware I never get years and years ago he suggested the devil could try to kill you three times this year as a what you gonna do about it you know what God says I'm not gonna gay try gay it's gonna rise my back he said no what are you gonna do about it because death and life said about your tongue I said I'm gonna live and not die he said to be careful man I've been shot at people tried the knife man they put 240 votes on my microphone if I had touch that I it had told me just killed I've had some crazy things happen I'm still here but I knew it right before it happened bend down in three airplane crashes that's the most amazing thing and I ain't you don't want to believe for that it's amazing how people I ain't never I've heard people literally scream enough to break glass and I ain't never heard anybody say Buddha or Muhammad I've heard people just scream the name of Jesus I have and I never forget with me one time Cathy we were flying back from Dallas going to New Orleans he said ladies and gentlemen fasten your seat belts there's a lot of thunderstorms in the New Orleans and this is a Delta flight it's in their records so okay Cathy was with me that time make a long story short man I knew cuz I've flown so much and cuz yeah there's a lot of water around New Orleans I said man but there was some fungus I mean I mean some bad black thunderous clouds and on a wind shear and that's something you don't want to get involved in if you're in an aircraft because it pushes you down all of us said I mean I we were 10 minutes away from landing I mean I knew where I was I could see barely see down they said lazy now we got to turn around we cannot land this yet we're gonna try to go back to Shreveport stead of going back the devil I thought laughs good yeah but I said okay all of us are believable but Oklahoma I mean it I'm talking turbulence that uh that makes you you speak in tongues because there's rattling your job I mean bad turbulence and then the pilot comes on or captain says we were not can't we can't it this stuff is in circles we cannot make it back to Shreveport we're gonna have to land in Lake Charles I said several years ago he said the runway is not long enough for this jet I'm gonna burn the tires off I thought to myself well here we go and the Lord said didn't I tell you I said yeah all of a sudden they say lightning doesn't affect the plane because it's not grounded yo mama this was some powerful like I'm sitting in the aisle seat bulkhead 10 B I heard this o1 a lot of boom I did this and all of a sudden water hitting me in my neck and I look up and blew a hole in the fuselage this big right above me people are screaming the flight attendant died we're gonna die you don't like a delta person telling you you're gonna die am I telling Trinket we're gonna die we're going to unbuckle my seatbelt and I grabbed her and I shook her remember your training that's what I said remember your training she goes yeah she freaked everybody crying screaming I can't sit down again I'm getting soaking wet she said you have to sit down well I said I'm on when they said him I said well if you wouldn't be going Gray's out of side down but I did boy she buck Alyssa I'm dead when we hit I mean that I'm Danny well you can smell blue smoke CBC blue smoke smoke I mean burning the eyes and as these ambulances and fire trucks waiting for you remember Nick ever Kathy was with my saket are you okay oh yeah I'm fine I'm with you Jesse you said you'd always take care of me and I thought well if the rapture come down how we gonna fill out that little hole but we're gonna do that over there but let them handle this thing it was bad son and all of a sudden the trucks there going down the runway behind us you could see I mean it someone going in I'm a foreigner you could and I thought oh Jesus because I know once that that's that gear hits that mud something gonna break son because they're not designed for that we stopped about one foot from the end of the runway tada now that was scary and then the back door flew up and Hickam a fireman with an axe in his hand not telling the truth got it I'm not running with an axe I thought if he trips somebody will be beheaded [Applause] running like it with that axe [Applause] now the funny part was this captain Kemal said want to thank you for flying Delta in the future dear for me I'm not telling the truth my telling to Ken [Applause] i bill it was it was Herod and I said you know Kathy we got stopped believing for this airplane yeah we need to leave with this airplane I said cuz I ain't gone another letter fireman with ax get on it well they shut everything down I mean people are mad but it gladly on the ground on the konsta so it's gonna take three hours to get buses to come to Lake Charles pick people up try to get them you know all kinds of stuff I'm standing I say well gonna be here a long time and Delta captain said I said yes sir he said I want to thank you for helping my flight attendant compose herself I said listen I don't know why I said that he said I'm glad you did he said she should not have done that I said well you know there's pretty hair-raising I said what was you doing he said hollering just like you were he said God he's oz praying I'm doing everything I knew the wrong camera we had to come down fast and we were coming down there that he had everything think of wind chip you name it man hail every I mean this was bad stuff and he's just come with me in and that's I went in there and I don't know how he did it but he got us a car and I met him we left no more than what 10 minutes after walked in it was like an FBO and people said where are you going I went home he said I thanked you for helping my flight attendant they called him Stuart stewardesses muthi and I thought I was her too and God I said and he said Reverend I tell you what he told me he said I'd be more people pray doing we going on i text we're going down that runway I said yeah I should have took an offer and I bet I got a bunch of back tithe people give [Applause] see prayer always depends on your manner of life I didn't say that Jesus I'm a no-good but no I just prayed I said with long life with God satisfied us and show us his salvation I ain't satisfied and Lord I don't want my wife experiencing this ever again and Cathy has it I don't think well one time it over the water in Honolulu there was a Maui that's another one along with Jesus so you know what within six months we had aircraft it was a great day and you know what God did Kenneth and Gloria Copeland call me up and see it Jessica's coming I say brother cool how fast you can get up here I said what he said how fast you can get up he's 12 o'clock I said what there's a delta flight that flies out in New Orleans to Dallas at 105 he said come now I'll have someone pick you up on my mission at the airport and Kathy was hitting it off and said Kelly we're going to Dallas what side shut up woman calm down come on we got time so she this year we were going I said I don't know welcome to be up there he said I think we found your plane and I'm gonna fly you up on my plane member that it was me and Gloria at Kenneth's at glory in Canada nunca and and that daran daran of the mechanic daryl and showing them and I walk in the hangar and that was my first plane he should just I believe this is it I said I think so too he said yes Burke home said if you don't buy this I'm about myself I said you ain't getting my plane he said well I'm setting myself on the green but with and brother with him what I don't know an hour so like that talking to people we cut the deal walked out and it was a wonderful time and that was the third time that Deborah tried to kill me and I said no more this I will determine my destiny from now on because I'm all set myself an agreement with the Word of God says not some of the time but all the time and the Lord said I beat you too he always says tell me what I said Jesse go ahead and say tell me what I said and I love telling the Lord what he said let me close with this when you understand this promise what promise that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they ask it shall be done of them by my father for things happen write it down a new dawn lights up in your understanding a new dawn I mean I'm telling it's like the Sun comes lights up in your understanding a new warmth glows in your heart you begin to feel not only know it spiritually but it's physically a warmth that are coming to your heart number three a new power is given to your will a new power I'm gonna go over it again so you get if I'm talking too fast a new power is given to your will and then number four I love this a new tenderness is given to your conscience so let me say it again number one a new dawn lights up in your understanding a new warmth glows in your heart a new power is given to your will and a new tenderness is given to your conscious and I want to close with this one story on the tenderness of conscience 1980 me a cafe decided to go buy some furniture watch this a new tenderness is given to your conscience so we knew this story had some nice furniture who we drove over there walked in to the store in the manager that said sir I said me and my wife come to buy some bedroom furniture he said well let me take you upstairs and introduce you to our sales representative I said okay walked up there he said uh what is your name I said I'm jest offense you a preacher aren't you I said yes he said well Reverend the plans I'd like you to meet Raymond there was a little black man about this big he says hello can I help you I said Raymond we want to buy some furniture for that bedroom and I said y'all have such a wonderful selection he said Reverend I will show you exactly what to get he said today is a good day because things are on sale and this man was phenomenal I have never had an experienced sense like Raymond did when he sold us that furniture so we were looking at this particular bedroom set over here he said no it looks good but it's not very good it won't last he said not this one over here I said well we saw that it was Drexel heritage I know if you know what that is he said now this in here I said well yeah and that's a lot more expensive well today it's not it's actually cheaper than this one because they just they just called us Drexel people and put to put it on sale he said I promise you you'll have this as long as you want he said I'll make sure if you decide to buy it I will be with the delivery people to make sure they don't waddle out the screws and do all that kind of stuff and put it all together I have never had a salesman do that this man knew his business about furniture it was such a delight I said Raymond III never I've never been so happy in my life he said I want I'm gonna make sure that you're totally completely pleased in your purchase so we sat then wrote the contract up blah blah this and that and did it show it up man we wouldn't want and those a they delivered it pretty fast it was like two days and they were there and Raymond was there he said now he said we have these men you want to move it around as many times as you want see so you can see different things I mean this it just don't get no better than this so we bought it fine he says if you ever need my sister's anymore you know I'm at the store we can help it we said thank you it was one of the most pleasant a contractual agreements that we ever did in my life I mean the furniture was just dutiful nice it was a rice bed y'all know what a rice bed is not like I said you know anyway to make a long story short about three and a half four years later me and Kathy decided we got to get some more furniture not change that one just we got to buy some other things I said Kathy I wonder if that guy Raymond is still working at that store watch this a new tenderness is given to your conscience so we went to the store different manager I said hello I'm Reverend Jesse Duplantis sir can I help you I said we want to buy some one about two or three sets of furniture oh good thank you I said up is Raymond still working here he goes so I waited for him to clear his throat I thought something's wrong with him you know I I didn't know I said maybe didn't I said we had such delightful experience with a young man named Raymond when we bought I said this he still work here I thought what's wrong with this guy you know he said well let me take you upstairs he didn't answer the question so up the same escalators we went now I know exactly what Raymond looked like because it was such a pleasant experience so he says Raymond is no longer here but we have a person in Desiree Desiree so Desiree turn around and look just like Raymond what a hair flip like this [Applause] so I look at cafe she look at me she goes Oh Reverend Reverend is so wonderful to see Oh Reverend I want to say what happened Raymond what he says my name is now Desiree and I'm a woman I've always felt like a woman about you know I bet I feel like a woman I want to tell you I feel like Hercules from II don't know one remedy but the reason why Hercules I ain't got the equipment now I don't want to see this I'm not interested in it I'm trying to buy some furniture Oh Reverend it's so wonderful to see you okay I'd read there's a raise your neck yes Hale flipped up false eyelashes lipstick [Applause] sounds like today don't it sounds like today darn it I look at Kath and she said you owned your own Jetta I said well I said Desiree let me show you what you need [Applause] so I thought maybe I do a little Lido and Hachi I ain't coming for this I'm just trying to get some furniture yes there Desiree is just this good and Raymond Desiree knows furniture remember a new tenderness is given to your conscience shows is the pieces I'm telling you what know that business like the back of your hand this person was amazing and I just didn't know what the call at sorry rare that you said Desiree right yes I don't care that I'm having a hard time kind of hitting on a fantasy she says you do you can pick the furniture I'm just gonna stay here and watch you he says let me have your hand hey man I'll show you okay here's a preacher walking with Desiree Lord Jesus I don't know what to do but I ain't going there for that I'm going to buy French had the most pleasant experience in terms of the friendship Newt I will go to your house that's okay I said that's okay you've done so we can figure this our selves I'm not really rhyming I just want to be a blessing to you I said okay there's a way I just appreciate that then I started acting like that crazy manager I'm freaking out here you understand when you're raising a man's man's world Desiree don't fit [Applause] so we're riding up the contract contractual agreement stuff like that and I said hi how you doing there there's a ray I mean how did this all happen Huckabee's luckily luckily and then there's ray stop crying Oh Reverend I'm so confused I've always felt like a woman and I am a woman you're looking woman I was gonna Bella guys it cuz you look you look at it Raven do you do it does the ring I thought like say but I'm talking perfect in terms of that furniture then the ministry kicks in and the Lord said appeal to the sensibilities appeal to the sensibilities why don't you talk to Desiree brevet others don't know what to do I'm so confused I said what's the problem Desiree I wanted to say you think you're a woman if you want to know check your equipment it tell you what y'all but I don't feel I don't feel like Hercules why well you might never do it you gotta have the equipment unit she said watch I'm so just disappointed in this store I said you are they won't let me use the woman's bathroom it's not right cuz I am a woman whether I'm not a woman I go okay there's a ring so you want to use the woman's bathroom yeah and the ploys are just having fits about there this is years ago the Lord said appeal to the sensibilities I looked at Desiree sir Desiree let me just say this when you were dreaming we never forgot you and we will never forget that's right I said you made our shopping experience one of the greatest pleasures I think I've ever had when I went to buy anything you know you're so competent in your work ethic Thank You rep just thank you I said let me ask you a question if they would let you go in that woman's bathroom would you ever touch a child Reverend I would never do that or maybe some I guess no I'm not that kind of person I said Desiree if you push this you gonna open up a door for sexual predators to get in a place they should not be in I said I don't think you're that kind of person she said I have to say she she said I know I would never do that it would be so wrong and you know most transgender people are not like that they just confused they're just trying to find themselves they don't know they're all they're all messed up that was done everything he could to destroy these people I said and if you open that door I said somebody could be hurt that make me not not by you I said but there's some people they'll do anything to get in it and I saw when it hit you know Reverend you're right I never thought of that you know I'm a withdraw my request cuz I would never want anyone hurt you know that's really true I said yes it is I said Desiree I'm gonna pray for you Lord said hold the hand both of them.we I felt funny people I'm not going to lie I felt funny but you're not moved by your feeling you're moved by your faith and I prayed for Desiree I said Lord in the name of Jesus help Desiree find herself by finding you because it doesn't really find you I didn't say there's Raymond gon show up I said and blessed this person because they have been such a wonderful blessing to me and Cathy in Jesus me pray I mean digit paulina squad now you know that's many years ago and I walked out of there I could have hurt Desiree terribly I could eat her heat her her he she whatever you want her lunch his lunch but I decided to let I decided become a to with God to help someone who desperately needs help not that I'm better in any way shape or form now I don't know if Desiree arraignment is still living today that's been so many years ago do you know that bedroom said I still have it and happy Carl well and Gina call well slip in at miles we call it the English room and every time I walk it now I think about that that's a little Lord help that person because you see if you rejoice in things like that something's wrong and I close with this statement consulting together brings intelligence an agreement get God's attention so I can accept it with the Lord ha will handle this so when those things come up and they do come up now quite a bit because the world's change so much I appeal to the sensibilities of that person because the minute you say we hate the sin and love the center you even messed up there that may be true in one sense but you got to understand then they're not under God's law because they don't even believe in God's law and you're trying to make them understand the spiritual concept when the Bible says the natural man receiveth not the things of God because they foolishness unto them and neither can he know them because they spiritually discerned go find that scripture you can put that it in the notes so I just appeal to their sensibilities I let my light shine bill now am i comfortable around that concept no I'm not I'm not going to lie I'm not but you know what they don't know it and I just pray God helped me so I see one on alcoholic I pray God help I see a drug addict I pray God help I see someone struggling financially I pray God help you know I ain't telling everybody what's wrong I'm just going to preach what's right and if I preacher never right it will change what's wrong not some of the time but all the time did you enjoy it tonight I'll be you - I'll be your - you don't have to look you don't have to look any further I'll be you - but if you can get your whole church to become tubes you can get every but it's amazing what will happen you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 180,584
Rating: 4.7880511 out of 5
Keywords: 5026358035001, confidence, faith, jesse duplantis, truth, wisdom, word of god
Id: fdc2z0UnK8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 50sec (4430 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2017
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