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one reason i'm not kicking you out today is it looks like you're trying i'm trying hard digging for diamonds at the crater of diamond state park that's right a state park that's some good stuff nice and yellow extra crunchy pulled some jasper out we're going to see if it's going to bleach out so far it's not bleaching that's a good indicator there's a yellow container somewhere in this area the crater diamonds has it marked down on the map to where you can go look for those containers in certain areas so they've got it narrowed down that's what adam scott dave anderson and myself are doing we have a little bit of help from the dozer hope we can get that yellow container guys that'd be so cool [Music] what's up everybody i'm at the crater diamond state park i'm going to dig a deep hole get the gravel out and get some diamonds last time i was down here i dug a hole and i removed 18 buckets and i got zero diamonds but i found some gravel over here that's got some really crunchy material a lot more smaller rocks so that's what i'm going to go for and hopefully it'll pay out and if you'd like to see more videos of me digging holes out here at the crater diamonds digging for real diamonds be sure and hit that like button don't forget to subscribe i can't thank you all for the support let's get down here and start digging this is where i'm at on my whole been digging all morning i'm making this one extra wide off finding gravel all around this and i'm pretty much at the gravel in some spots it was only two and a half feet down the other gravel i'm gonna try to get is about three foot down that's over here we are almost at the gravel the first layer the second layer is a lot more compact and crunchy and that's what i really want to get all right time to probe and find out exactly how much further i have to go before i reach the first layer of gravel oh right there i just heard a crunch right there oh i can't go through it there's more over this side let's come over here yep what that is it's all gravel oh that's a crunch that's the stuff we want about another two feet over here better get the digging we're not gonna make it huh i've been digging away i found this piece of wood like a big log maybe somebody's slap board that they threw in here to help fill in the hole and it looks like beside it we have another can but this isn't a coke can looks like we've had some beer drinkers out here drink a little cold beer dig for some diamonds and just so you all know that is illegal out here you're not supposed to bring alcohol into the state park or drugs so let that be a reminder yeah it's not good to bring out here but somebody was out here drinking some cold beer in the 90s and we all know who that regular was i won't say any names but if you're a regular you know who's drinking the beer out here okay i'm about oh i would say three and a half feet down time to probe and see where that gravel's at oh about a foot down and i felt something oh right there yep come over here right there's some good stuff i can't go through this stuff guys and that beer can was awesome to find that gave me motivation when we find cans and syrup cans it's not just a coke can but when you find a certain coke can or a beer can there's only really one person out here drinking beer and that man alone found over a thousand diamonds one year getting drunk finding diamonds must be the way to do it now i don't recommend that at all there's gravel all around this spot oh kind of disappeared right there let me come towards the camera oh that's even crunchier now there's a lot of gravel that way there's a lot this way this way it kind of thins out there could be gravel but it's about another two three foot down maybe because this gravel is very wavy all right looks like we have about a foot and a half to go and i'll be at the lair that i've been working so hard to get to sweet all right we all know what time it is it's definitely time for a safety meeting oh hey matt hey how you doing how are you kind of slope it like you want it i don't think i'm four feet yet emma jason i've already went over this with you it doesn't matter if it's a foot it's got to be sloped i've already told you that oh i was just going by what i see everybody else out here doing if everybody else is speeding does that mean you speed in dallas fort worth you better you're going to get ran over here you're going to get ran over if you don't once it's four feet no jason i've already went over that with you underfoot you dig down you got to dig a foot and a half out i've already told you that okay it come out some more what about up to here how deep how further you want me to go i'm here this is the gravel probably about a foot down get a few buckets see here i'm one of my three foot one two three so i need to go what i'm not good at math i suck at math that's the problem all right how deep you're planning on going four feet okay what's happening okay what's four plus two four plus two is what oh okay from the center of that hole in all directions it needs to be six foot six which means all the way across the hole should be twelve foot okay oh so basically it's impossible what do you mean what's that what's in that bottle right there oh it's a tonic with the tonic water alcoholic no no it's just the water spinach water cramps helpful no i don't drink alcohol okay jason you're you're iffy you look like you're trying on that side come on we're trying a little bit on that side but these two sides here no good okay i don't see what we do make the right sir i'm going to tell you one more time how you dig a proper hole find out how deep you want to dig do your measurements and start on the outside and dig and work your way in don't start from the middle and work the same way out go out and work your way in that way you got the slope going one reason i'm not kicking you out today is it looks like you're trying i'm trying hard but here's the deal you can try a lot better than that i need to bring a tape measure oh exactly i know this is about five now jason look here i'm not going to go down to the inch okay i'm not going to go down to the end you understand you can see for you give me something to work with yes sir this is a little bit it could be better but it's something but from here on out i expect hope to be better than this yes sir look look out knock the bottle over okay i'm not gonna i'm not gonna go to the end no all right have a good time [Music] all right i made it to the gravel and some good stuff nice and yellow there's a baby deer sitting right over here it's right there see it right there in the middle of the frame newborn i better leave him alone i'm doing everything i can to just get at least 12 buckets out of this hole it's some really compact gravel this is the good stuff this is the yellow crunch down the hole i've got about nine buckets out or eight and this gravel is amazing look at all that gravel all this this crunchy and it's just not lighting up at all all right jesse took over it's hot out here once again i'm cramping up real bad jesse came in to help me i told her she could have a bucket of this material all right that's it once again i'm the last one walking out of the field i dug a deep hole i got 16 buckets i believe out of that hole next step is to get back out here and get the buckets washed get all the material washed broken down through my classifiers and get our diamonds i pulled some jasper out we're going to see if it's going to bleach out so far it's not bleaching that's a good indicator you definitely don't want your jaspers to bleach when they dry meaning turn white you're gonna you're gonna want it bucket number one i cannot believe how much gravel down there look at all that we're gonna see some diamonds for sure last hole we removed 18 buckets and got zero diamonds and we're about three feet from that hole and the gravel layer completely changed to this i'm already seeing agate conglomerate on the first bucket look at this agate beautiful piece of agate got a little warm but i found a beautiful piece of agate down in the hole oh my gosh look at that wow got big chunks of pork showing up that's always good man i may want to test that it'd be a big ugly diamond yeah guys we're seeing all kinds of jasper red jasper i did it i found the good stuff this time that's the first bucket wow this is some conglomerate here here's a piece of conglomerate got some red jasper that's good conglomerate with red jasper oh man these little rocks man that's a good indicator for big diamonds when you have all these little rocks that aren't going through your number four top screen that's where the four carrots are at five it's like two carrots here's one of the buckets top classifier and i am finding amazing indicators on top screen check those out this gravel is amazing i will be seeing diamonds no doubt about it check those out oh my god looks like a diamond test that one here's all my concentrate material so far out of three buckets amazing gravel and of course the bigger rocks are not bleaching out we got one bleaching that's pretty good one out of all of these none of these all right all the buckets are washed got one more jesse's got one more to go from the east drain let's take a look at my concentrated material from the hole working on getting it into my bucket so i can wheel it out the door get back to texas and get centers made to get our diamonds we are running out of time on this trip time to pack it up and head back to texas and right here i have a conglomerate that i pulled out this one is covered in just red jasper this is so much heavier than this one and it's almost twice the size and there's no red jasper that's how much heavier this red jasper is this material isn't bleaching out which is really good some agate and a really beautiful piece that i found i didn't even see it in my buckets that's why i'm saving all of my larger rocks so i get my agate and plus all my smaller rocks i'll classify this this is off my top screen this is where i'll be getting my four carrots and up definitely want to make centers with that it's hard to even see those big diamonds with all that larger gravel all right we found some amazing gravel in the hole it's time to head back to texas make centers and get the diamonds now there's all types of ways to do this the most important thing is to bounce it that's getting all the heavy minerals to the bottom like diamonds now some people do it like this and then they grab it and turn it and then they do it again okay and then they bounce it and they repeat that step you pile it up and you grab you turn it and you bounce it and when you do that the most important thing is to give it a final bounce it's ready to flip throw how you want to call it let's take a look at some other ways you can do this you bounce it and you shake it and then you bounce it and spin the gemstone concentrator and you pile it up and you bounce it and you spin it pile it up bounce it and spin it pile it up bounce it and spin it pile it up bounce it and spin it and once again the most important thing is to give it a good bounce at the end liquefied so everything goes to the bottom let's take a look at another way you can make centers you bounce it get everything in the bottom and you just kind of it's really hard to see i'm not rocking it like this okay all i'm doing is shaking it bounce it and shake it now i like to spin it and shake it and then bounce it shake it shake it bounce it shake it shake it bounce it that's getting everything to the center shake it shake it bounce it and remember you want to give it a good bounce no matter which way you do it the most important step is bouncing it liquefied so all the heavy minerals will work the way to the bottom all right so we've worked all the heavy minerals to the bottom using water now we just flip it over and our heavy minerals like diamonds will be on top a piece of quartz possibly right there but right here is my center it's a little bit off centered i didn't do that final the way i was just shaking it i didn't do that enough if you're going to do it the shaking myth method you have to do it quite a bit [Music] all right just made the next four flips we just got a small diamond i'm gonna test it anyways but i can tell it's a diamond it's a small one a three point four point who knows it could be a seven or an eight point but it's small i'm seeing tons of spinel you can see how these centers are pretty nicely in the center of my whole pie and this one's off to the side that's not good because my diamond could be out here on the edge you always want to try to make sure your gemstone concentrator is not leaning in the water if it's leaning your center is going to move over here off centered and that's what you don't want all right turns out those were diamonds there's the proof cards that are proving it's a real diamond and here they are on the big screen really nice all right when you find your first time and you can come in here and get your picture okay well that's going to wrap it up here at the crater diamond state park i can't thank you all enough for watching thank you all so much for the support until next time take care everybody that's how you got your 238 diamond that's how i did it we just pulled out another bucket out of a hole and i believe that's going to be the end of the buckets and we've got a beautiful diamond on the center dead center what do you think of that diamond i think it's beautiful it is beautiful all right let's get down here and check it out flip number three and we could have more you
Channel: Diamond Miner Ivins
Views: 39,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diamond, quartz, gold, silver, opal, amethyst, aquamarine, gemstone, lamproite, matrix, ore, gravel, ranger, police, harassed, dig, hole, proper, park, rules, viral, video, new, age, miner, mining, prospecting, rockhounding, searching diamonds, find diamonds, yellow diamonds, diamond mining, digging diamonds, big diamonds, natural diamonds, arkansas diamonds, deep hole, park ranger
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2022
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