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off topic but do you feel like yourself and other YouTubers are killing this business Hello everybody welcome back to Commonwealth flipper welcome to the Commonwealth cabin thank you for joining us as always we've got some really good sales today we've got uh maybe not a ton but we've got a 150 one in there that always makes me feel good and we've got some cool stuff to show you as well but I was sparked by a comment the other day that I thought was really really well put it's a question I get all the time but it is something that I feel like a lot of YouTubers kind of give a canned answer to to avoid it or to deflect a little bit and it's about YouTube and it's effect not just YouTube but social media in general reselling social media and its effect on reselling you know people say you know people like you like me have ruined the Goodwill have ruined thrift stores have ruined yard sales have ruined eBay in general and I want to look at it in a slightly different way than you're typically used to and really take a good look to see if that's true or not give you the negatives in my opinion of course and the positives for it and kind of the reality behind it and then I want to get your feedback in the comments below and you tell me what you think but we got some great sales let's take a look but pepper has been getting into stuff lately oh there's another one we'll trade I'll trade Pepper for one we are gonna hit three sales before we get into the topic almost tripped over that I've got a lot of folks sending this stuff lately I guess I should open it I didn't realize it when I was thinking about today's topic well that thing is crooked is all good on I need to fix that one anyway the ashtrays are in here I love selling ashtrays but they're not easy to sell and I sold I mean some of them are super long tail and they don't sell for a lot some of them are a little bit better just made in Japan they satisfy Chesterfield right there and I sold that with another one well it's been begging to get out now so you just beg to get in oh no name no trade that time as you can tell I took the ashtray out of there before I turned the camera off before I took the ashtray out of there because I didn't want to do that one-handed with all that heavy stuff and now I gotta climb up here my back is doing a little better by the way just for all those people who are so kind to say something it is still not perfect but it is way better and I better well let me see if I can do it there we go this ashtray and this one is super cool snap on ashtray Coronet right there and they sold together and I don't normally I'd see two ashtrays go on I'm like it's got to be a viewer but I don't see any messages no repeat buyer no nothing might just be an ashtray collector who knows I don't remember the name of the person it's James so James maybe you are a viewer if you are thank you 44.95 push it so we're gonna use ash trays in a minute because if you've been watching my channel for a long time I've been selling ashtrays for a super long time because of where I live and it's just one of the things you can pick up you know we're in tobacco country if you will not as much as it used to be I've been selling Rivier wear for a long long time long before I was on YouTube and I was selling it four years ago when we started this show and you haven't seen me sell of a lot of it lately and I think there is an effect for folks out there who see certain things and I try to give the perspective that's honest about it this used to be something I would sell all the time and I'm going to talk about that in just a second but this sale right here sold I bought it all for 20 bucks you might remember that video from the 100 mile yard sale not too long ago paid 20 bucks sold for 150 dollars plus shipping one more sale before we get into the topic and it's something we haven't sold for a long time we occasionally sell these keychains from time to time but we rarely sell the Scoobies it's probably been a month and a half since we sold one and these little Scooby-Doo keychains sell for 12 bucks free shipping let's get into this topic so this message was from from Ben so Ben thank you for sending this off topic but do you feel like yourself and other YouTubers are killing this business I hear this often and I have my own questions he says when I went to garage sales just a few years ago nobody mentioned eBay prices this summer nearly every yard sale I go to the person says well it sells for this much on eBay thrift stores in my area have also caught on and it's become pointless to visit one of my local honey hole churches for years I could always get several items now has resellers in the back taking stuff he says there's so many more people on phones looking up stuff at places as well it's pretty disappointing now I want to talk about this in a different way I'm sure if a lot of you watch live shows and stuff like that and you read comments you see this question a lot you see a lot of people who are just hateful and vengeful towards you know people on social media that's not at all the way that the tone of this question was this is a serious question and I think it deserves a serious answer so we're going to do this in three parts and keep picking but we're gonna do the first part now and that's looking at the negatives of it a lot of resellers look to like to look at the micro part of it right so here's an ashtray I used to sell ashtrays you know five ten years ago and it was a lot easier for me to sell ashtrays than it is now and somebody might look at that and said well you were the first one on YouTube to be buying up all these ashtrays and you ruined the market well that may be true that actually I think probably is a tiny part of it I don't think it's a huge part of it but I think that is true I certainly know that was true for the super shooter that I had talked about years ago there was a candy maker thing and I was getting like 80 90 a pop and of course it went up during the pandemic as do items like this because people were in their homes cooking and stuff like that I was selling this stuff years and years ago getting pretty solid money for it it was worth the time to clean them sell them individually getting okay money for it and I'm not saying I you know I ruined you know whatever I'm not giving myself too much credit that's not what I'm talking about because there's plenty of sellers that came into this Market selling much more high-end stuff than this this just happens to be what's around here right I don't find any of the really fancy stuff because we just don't have that much money around here but I can tell you right now before the panda it's tough to compare the pandemic era to this because people were buying stuff like that like crazy didn't matter you couldn't keep it on the shelves now it's a little bit different so I like to compare now to you know five years ago or so yeah I think it does have an effect it clearly has an effect it has an effect on thrift stores it has an effect but I'm not entirely convinced it's just because of social media influencers and I'm going to talk about that at the very end but I definitely think there are some negatives to this you know I pointed back there when I was talking about the super shooter I don't even have any back there if you've only been watching this show for a year you haven't even seen me sell one I used to sell them all the time I had tons of them in stock almost every time I would go out to garage sales there was one sitting there and I talked about them often because the price was really good I sold a brand new sealed one one time for 120 bucks I found them I felt I would find them all over the place and I just can't find them anymore and I think the part of the reason is because that stuff gets out there with social media it makes it harder to find that stuff I used to talk about the purple Ab Roller all the time I still talk about it but I haven't found one in a long time it's harder and harder to find so there are certainly some items out there that Pickers are watching people find and then they go find those things or when they stumble across it they pick them up so the competition is certainly getting tougher and yes when thrift stores see these things come in the door and then go out really quick every single time they're gonna get it two and it doesn't take much right people these are businesses and businesses that you know have heads corporations stuff they start to feed this information down to the individual stores and people start to catch on there's no doubt about it you all hear that rain it's raining hard out there today on that metal roof so sorry for the noise froggy flips drawer I do I'm not going to ignore the church part of it which you talked about but I am going to talk about that on another episode this is a vintage garlic press and I think I picked it up for like a buck at an estate sale or something out of some drawer and it's something for 38 13.86 plus shipping and it sold on Bonanza of all places which is pretty cool guess I'll talk about the church part of it really quick and then we'll do a couple more sales and talk about the negatives and then at the end I hope to give a Twist on this that is a little bit more macro instead of micro which is what we used to do studying history so I will say this I have seen this kind of thing too and I've talked about on the trash cash podcast there are these new ways of sourcing that some people think are fair game and some people don't think are fair game and I do think that this is going to be an increasingly important topic because all these things are true more competition higher prices people start to get desperate if I don't know if it's desperate it's the right word but they start to figure out new ways because this whole reselling thing online is in the scope of History relatively new man it is loud out there and I do think that you're seeing more and more of that and what you're also seeing I went to a church sale the other day that they had a pre-sale the night before but you had to pay 150 percent of the sticker price if you win in the night before I thought that was interesting you've heard me talking about bringing a card to a garage sale writing your phone number on something giving it to somebody so that maybe you can get to the stuff before it gets to a Marketplace that everybody's at and I'm not saying that what's going on at this this church or people behind the scenes or people working the sales on purpose working the sales so they can skim the stuff first at a lower price people who are resellers getting jobs at the Goodwill giving money to people behind the scenes I'm not saying all that's okay I'm not making any comment on it whatsoever I'm just saying that there are some new sourcing let's call them techniques tactics that I think are becoming increasingly important and it's because of everything we're talking about it's not one of these life straws I don't know as a sale there was two of them I went for a buck piece and I figured they'd sell and they did they're kind of cool I was going to give one of my dad actually and I think he already had one and there you go so you stick that in the water and you it filters the water for you I guess I don't know that seems a little odd to me anyway 10 bucks plus shipping let's grab one more item here before we get into the positive sides of YouTube resellers reselling and resellers as it relates to resellers and you guys chime in below both on the negative sides and the positive sides and then what we're going to talk about at the end as well so another one of these we have sold out of the Hulk Hogan skull caps now we've sold another one of these red ones we put them out there super cheap because the demand for these aren't nearly as high as the Hogan ones of course and these are only going for 10 bucks but like you said there's so many of them so easy to ship listings are all done forever we'll just sell them off Forever at you know a five dollar profit every time we sell them I'll take that so let's take a look at the positives here you know I've been reselling for 22 years now and I gotta tell you my what I was looking for for the first 15 years of that was I mean not 15 years 13 years whatever was very limited it basically revolved around what I thought was cool and I thought would sell and then it would occasionally go into things that I didn't know about that I would start to research and educate myself on now what I'm looking for to pick is stuff that I have learned since I've started watching YouTube I mean I've been watching you I've been on YouTube for four years but I've been watching YouTube for eight years seven I don't know a long time matter of fact some of the things that I've sold over the years like I used to sell lawn chairs like crazy and it was something I saw on Craigslist Hunter's Channel a long time ago and he talked about that and the big lounge chairs I started to find and the jelly chairs and all that stuff and I was I'd sell them like that I'd find them sell them find them sell them now I don't pick them up as much because that's out there and there's so many folks who know about it but if it wasn't for YouTube to begin with I would have never sold any of them ever so there's a give and take with it I have learned so much from so many people on YouTube about items I never knew about before and so you know there are some definite positives learning about different things changes not not about items per se but certain things with eBay or online selling platforms or all these different techniques learning about how to do pictures differently but all these things I've learned from YouTube and so there's a huge huge benefit to watching content like that that makes us better at you hear me say it all the time is iron sharpens iron one so one man sharpens another it's how we get better but at the same time a lot of folks are getting better and the competition seems harder and for some people that brings them down a little bit had to run in real quick because it was raining out there probably got a little rain on this rarely do I get so happy for a small sail like this but I am super happy because this shirt was in the store for a long time and it sold on mercari these aren't stains this raindrop shell and sold on mercari it's just a size large Plain Jane Vineyard Vines I probably picked it up for a buck and it was listed on eBay forever and a day and my wife cross-posted it and I've been turning around a lot of turning down a lot of offers on my car lately because they are super low ball but this one I decided to take because of how long it's been in the store I took ten dollars plus shipping only paid a buck so I'm like yeah just get rid of it it's been a long time happy about that sale Shadow Blue Ridge Mama shout out list perfectly which we're headed to their event in Phoenix here y'all can't wait to give a little talk there it's gonna be exciting can't wait to meet some of you next week over there in Phoenix 10 bucks plus shipping if you're interested in the list perfectly code Commonwealth in the comments it is not right for everybody if you have a small store and you're you know there's plenty of reasons I'm not going to go into all of them today it is the right thing at the right time for some people so I don't encourage everybody to do it do your research but if and when you decide to and if and when you decide to go with list perfectly we'd appreciate it if you'd use our link code Commonwealth does get you 30 off I think they also have a like a trial period where if you don't like it you can get your money back so anyway and I've got to tell you about hmm do I want to let the no maybe I'll do it on the next video I think it's important I will definitely do it on the next video for sure but that's something else out there right these new changes there's a ton of changes coming one of them I just want to tell you so bad but I'm going to wait one more I might wait a couple more videos but the AI stuff and all of the different things that are changing YouTube keeps me up to date about them I would say 95 90 of the things I learned that are new that I didn't know before come from YouTube and maybe 10 come from other resellers that I know personally and so I think there are some massive benefits to YouTube and social media in general whether it's Facebook or you know I wouldn't say there's too much value on Tick Tock but there is a little bit I suppose and let me know your stories about it you know do you appreciate it do you think it's a threat is are both of those things correct that's where I look at it but I want to talk about the realities of it in a little different light for those of you out there because I know there's a bunch that hate it and hate people like me because you think we're ruining everything I want to talk about that in a second I looked for this earlier so I wouldn't take forever to look for it and I put it in the middle in case you were wondering how I found it so quick sea breeze this Avon Avon doesn't sell for a bunch of money but I got so much of it so cheap it became worth it to me eight dollars plus shipping we're gonna do the American Bubble Boy 700 feet of bubble wrap giveaway we've got this one on this video and one more so comment in this video any comment below will get you we'll get you entered into the chance to get 700 feet of bubble wrap and this one is going to Joe Panico I think I pronounced that right p-a-n-i-c-o send me an email come with picker and I'll verify to you and I'll send you a link and a code and you can only get one thing using that code it'll be free it'll be from the link it'll be 700 feet above wrap it'll be headed your way thank you to Joel but speaking of bubble wrap look what we learned about Bubble Wrap right and that was because of YouTube there's a lot of benefits like that let's go pick a few more items here and then get to the reality of it and look at it from a different point of view than a resell point of view let's pick one more really quick here it's in the Toy Bin I almost went the wrong way and then look at it from the last perspective then we'll get Turner in here and then I think I got another sailor too as well all right it took me a minute to find those but we got them these are McDonald's toys I don't suggest there are a few good ones out there I'm not going to get into it I might do a video about it top 10 McDonald's toys because there's not a ton of them but these I got for free so I'm like well let's list them and these together because they're all Spider-Man Green Goblin and they're not any of them worth listing independently but all together so for 9.46 I should I lied to you we're gonna do one more and then we're gonna get to it so those are from 1995 with that with that new Miles Morales movie that came out spider-verse the other day or a couple weeks ago is probably an uptick in Spider-Man type sales because I know my boy has been on there and he's not just watching the new ones but the older ones as well and now he wants to watch Indiana Jones because those are coming maybe I should sell my Indiana Jones VHS this might be a good time I'm gonna find this I don't know if it's down here I think it's in this one hold on I'll put the camera down it's been a while but I found it dug it out this is this is a custom piece I believe it's the god figure on top of the tap for Patriot Ale for Family Guy and they're put together so I think it's 18 plus shipping on that one I think that's probably right let me look yep 18 plus shipping on God as a beer chap on top of Patriots ale when I hear other YouTubers talk about this topic I I feel like sometimes not everyone but sometimes people are trying to deflect because they don't want to be blamed for something look I mean just face it the way it is right so the one of the good answers I hear often and I think this is true as well is what's the solution to this right the Genies out of the bottle so what am I going to do am I just gonna quit doing you know not just me but all these are you just gonna quit doing it and if that's the case there's a vacuum for that information and if you know what a vacuum is we talk about power Vacuums in history all the time they draw things to it so if there's a space that nobody's fulfilling the content that people want somebody else just gonna fill the space so if every YouTuber out there right now that was doing this content quit there would just be a massive influx of new people to take their place but I think that's a slight deflection of the of the actual problem here if you want to call it a problem I don't see it as a problem I see it as complex like everything so I would say this looking at it from a macro lens we're most of us are resellers and then when this technology of a phone and internet all this stuff started coming out it took a while but we started to incorporate it into our business like every business has and what we don't remember sometimes because we see them as the enemy is that Goodwill or these thrift stores or people selling at their own homes they're resellers too all of them Goodwill is a reseller all the thrift stores are resellers people putting stuff in their yards to sell they're all resellers and they're not dumb they're going to use the same technology that we use and so I think you could remove everybody off of social media who's a reseller and you'd still have 90 of the problem that's the way I view it people are going to use the tools at their disposal you didn't hear people looking it up on eBay 10 20 30 you didn't hear that as much because not as many people were using those platforms it's a double-edged sword because people are doing that they also are buying more on that platform so yes there are there is more competition there are people who watch shows like this and be like oh I could do that and so there's more competition but at the same time there are more and more people buying online let me give you one example that people don't think about very often just the very fact that social media is out there in general I was watching something the other day and I saw a toy that I used to play was a board game that I used to play when I was a kid hadn't seen it in Forever and it sparked my interest and you know what I wanted to go on and buy it and so social media and shows like this even increase the buyer pull most of the people who watch this on Facebook are not resellers absolutely not resellers so does that mean that they understand the value of something more and maybe if they have it they won't get it let it go for more yes it's true but there's also or they won't let it go for as less as they you know as little as they would have beforehand that's true but you're seeing so many put more people being exposed to the marketplace to the market places and the reselling platforms out there and you're seeing more and more buyers as well and the popularization Tupperware is not one of those things Tupperware actually has seen an increase in sales over the last I don't know five years let's say now it's not easy to sell Tupperware it never has been but it is something that is more and more popular as opposed to less and less popular all right y'all we don't have a jokes and in from a viewer I thought this was but this is actually from retro toy Envy which I'm going to show you in just a second and Turner does have a joke and Turner doesn't even really get the joke but he's going to read it anyways because we're going to go watch Indiana Jones tonight huh pretty cool we're gonna watch the older ones first for the next few days and then we're gonna go watch the new one that comes out all right what do you got what's your joke all right what is Indiana Jones least favorite band what is Indiana Jones least favorite band you tell us Rolling Stones very good buddy thank you bye before rain comes out here we're gonna do one more sale and I've got to show you this retro toy Envy he's all over all kinds of social media platforms super good super good guy just really appreciate you and your friendship man you're awesome I just wanted to show you these awesome stickers I mean how cool are these stickers I mean just awesome I love that one right there that is really super cool that one is really awesome they're all awesome they're so cool so thank you very very much all right I was gonna do one more item and then in this video with one more thing to say about the topic but Reagan's here first so we're gonna do that Diana uh Josh Cash Cash new trash yep they sure did and actually a lot more than that are sold I haven't counted last count I think it was around 22 right after that last video was done I haven't looked back on there so we're gonna do those and there are only a hundred I don't know how long they'll last but there are only 100 of them and you got some work with uh Bub's girlfriend to do in the next few days get these all shipped out don't you thank you baby bye and don't forget to get your sticker at last sale I'm gonna wipe my feet because so what out there last sale of the day this is a I got this I think last year at the 301 sale for a buck and it finally sold long long time a little Pearl snap you know what I might have got this at the Hillsville sale Labor Day sale and if I got it up there I think I might have paid 50 cents either way it's sold didn't sell for a bunch so 13.50 for that Eli planes I don't know Western Pearl snap shirt with some sweet colors plus shipping I just want to add a couple of last last words about this topic so one of them is this for those of you who do think like this what would be the solution to this problem because I've heard this one before just stop watching YouTube resellers so if that applies to you and that's your practice I think that's probably in remove me from the equation because I'm a YouTube eBay reseller right I'm not saying this to get people to keep watching people like me that's got nothing to do with it but if you stop watching that doesn't mean everybody else is gonna stop watching and that certainly doesn't mean that competition is going to stop watching if you truly believe that that's an issue so I don't think that's a solution to the perceived problem I actually think it's a detriment because then all those positives we talked about you wouldn't get the benefit of and all the people you're competing against would get the benefit of I was just walking in here from the cabin and I thought to myself you know what are the things since I've started YouTube that I've learned and I have learned so much from the folk I talk about you know reseller Information Network and all those guys they're constantly teaching each other they're constantly teaching me tons of YouTubers out there I know so much more about hats and t-shirts and swung vases and car parts and you know every imaginable tool because I've kept learning and I've kept watching I think that is far far more valuable than any detriment that people who are resellers are putting on YouTube so just my two cents but I do appreciate the question and I do think it's going to lead to more and more changes that we can all adapt to and change because of and I told you this before I hate change I did not want to start cross-posting I still don't want to do cross posting but if you don't stay up with the game if you're not in the loop if you're not constantly changing little by little and keeping up then you'll get left behind and I think even though it might not be something that's appealing to everybody something like that when I look back three four years from now I think I'll be very very happy that I've done it matter of fact I hope in just a couple of weeks I'll be really really happy that I've done it hopefully you'll know what I'm talking about by then but I want to say thank you for joining us we really appreciate it I can't wait to see you next [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Commonwealth Flipper
Views: 21,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reselling, ebay, flipping on ebay, reselling on ebay, ebay business, part time income, Vintage 80's, shipping on ebay, how to ebay, ebay shipping, how to ship on ebay, reselling business, selling on ebay, full time reseller, part time reseller, side hustle, ebay side hustle, depop, mercari, poshmark, ebay shipping video
Id: SvSGSlAqAdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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