My Biggest Montana Agate, Found and Slabbed

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hey it's my last day in Montana and uh Kate and I weren't going to go out today because it was raining as usual I think it always rains in Montana no it almost never rains in Montana and I I never grow it in the rain but I am now because I just wanted to go out one more time with Rob so I'm glad to be out and about so we're we're heading to the hills looking for agates we're gonna find some Montana agates today I promised Rob he's gonna get some agates all right I'm gonna hold you to that well Cava what do you think okay being from Michigan and not being from here I have this growing in my garden I just bent down and picked a little piece and smelled it and yep it's Sage just growing wild all over the place here something I didn't expect or didn't know about it's not only Sage here there's cacti I was getting a little shot of this plant and right next to it it was a little tiny egg it my first one first one here there's another one it's a few feet away is that one I think that's quartz have been picking up lots of quartz thinking that it's agate keep looking or quartz are an agate not an egg I don't think how about that one I think that's quartz also just found another little cactus that I find interesting almost looks like eyeballs a cluster of eyeballs and right next to it I found that rock and then this one that kind of raggedy but it has like a heart in the middle of it backside's white all right it says Kate if this is an agate and she said I think it is I think it is so let's see pocket in it it's got those lumpy bumpy outside that's a big one I told you you're gonna find an egg you're happy am I happy yes I am happy yay all right biggest one of the trip here it is all cleaned up we'll probably take a look inside there don't look like there's too much going on inside all right I think I found another one okay you got a little little Dart a little waiter in the middle there yeah on the edges when you get it cleaned up lots of rocks all of a suddenly sticky it is no complaints for me though a couple colorful things here just this yellow kind of caught my eye it's not a nagged is it no and I always like the red ones here for some reason I'm more focused today than I was in my last hunt when I picked up everything red and hardly any agates see how focused I am look at that cool rock it's quartz but it looks bigger I thought look at the stripes it's awesome and dirty but awesome rocks rocks everywhere [Music] [Laughter] Kate just yelled out so many beautiful rocks in case you didn't hear that from afar all right Kate's teaching me things okay so I learned this actually from a YouTuber named thirst fast you know thirst fast yes I haven't seen him for a while but anyway this is called stock work these crisscross things and it happens when the thing cracks apart and then is filled in with other pieces um usually I see like in mud but uh this is this is different this is kind of a Jasper you kind of thing so that is really cool Rob I think that's going to look cool sliced oh yeah I would slice it that way yeah exactly yep that's how I'm gonna do it very cool foreign here looks exactly like you'd expect looks awesome just the same as on the outside I believe that's uh just quartz but it's kind of a pretty color it is a pretty color I even take that one home and Tumble it I think I can see the color through the mud at least a lot of mud I almost fell on my butt a little while ago I was coming down the hill over there and it was slimy clay and I just uh came about as close to falling down as you could without actually falling down don't think this is an agate but it's the closest thing I've seen lately so I'm picking it up I think no wish I could rinse that off for you I don't have any water but it's a pretty little Little Rock Kate's over here looking at a little nodule is what she said and I thought well why isn't she picking up this Whopper oh that's a beautiful one it's got beautiful dendrites and everything else on it oh this isn't a Whopper by your standards but it is by mine very cool yeah you can see the dendrites in there really well fun fun jealous [Laughter] this one cleaned up nicely see lots of little inclusions in there take a look at it with the light pretty cool here's a red rack down here that I said I wasn't looking for today but you can't help yourself I can't leave that one there we were just over there but now we're in this ditch that looks relatively fresh not completely fresh but with it raining the rocks are washed off maybe we'll find something somebody else has missed and I might go sliding down the hill who knows it'll be exciting now the dirt pal has not disappointed look at that it's a big one Kate's complaining that I'm picking up all agates she shouldn't have brought me here what she thinking yeah the bucket's not full yet but it's Fuller you can see some of the agony goodness right there in that little chip that's called a concoidal fracture it's got that kind of rounded shape to it I always think it looks a little bit like a seashell that's gonna be cool cut I cut some Thin slices and some thick slices out of this one the thin ones I'll use for guitar picks I'm not sure what I'll do with the thicker ones but there's one of the thin ones foreign on both sides you can see through them really well this is one of the thicker ones here these are about a quarter inch thick not sure how how big the other ones are I didn't really measure them this is another thin one I haven't found any petrified wood today but I think I just changed that looked like a clam shell at first that's really cool gotta see how this Clay is here my foot's heavier than my bucket I think Kick It Off trying really hard to keep my feet dry but I can't stay away from the bottom of the ditch because it seems promising I like that I haven't found an egg in a while though that's a pretty one actually rinse them off down here a little bit hey pile of rocks here and I think I just found some petrified wood I just stepped over they did so very quickly so I can't find it oh there it is that one I think that one might be too this one definitely is this is not fun walking down here at all but I think it just paid off with a another little egg it maybe oh maybe not shoot I thought that was one but now I think not oh well that was fun so uh we got to get people to see a few more of your videos because we're missing out so what one are we linking here I gotta tell you about this one that I cut a seven pound Agate like you found ones that are maybe a pound so yeah make fun of me cut this seven pound incredible insides and it's it's really fun to watch so you should go check that one out okay go go see Kate over there all right see you later
Channel: Michigan Rocks
Views: 14,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Michigan Rocks, montana agates, montana
Id: 1JRfU1qlpWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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