Young Nomadic Woman's Camping Horror Story

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someone was there with us and they shouldn't have been so I've got a story time to tell you guys as I promised in the last video traveling so far has been really great and it's still great but I definitely had an experience that shook me a little bit like don't even know how to start this story okay well I think the last we left off was Lake talkin in Florida and that was WMA land that we stayed on and it was down a sketchy Road but we got there had the campsite it was beautiful and then we moved on and the next day we headed to Panama City Beach Florida in order to meet up with my dad who was on his way to Louisiana I found this beautiful campsite that was free called Blue Springs we found where we're supposed to be and we drove down this dirt road I guess WMAR Bureau of Land Management areas they just have dirt roads that you have to go down in order to find your campgrounds just like the last one in Lake tallking we found our campground and it had like a gate a small gate and a padlock on it and they gave us the code and even though the campsites are free you still have to have a reservation so that the people know who's there there was this natural um spring out in the back of it and it was like crystal clear water and we were the only people at the campsite which was really cool we're like me and we have this whole place alone that's going to be awesome we unhitched we went and got dinner and we came back to the campsite and I had had a really bad headache that night so I went to bed kind of early fast forward at 1:00 in the morning my dog banks started wolfing a little bit not like super loud but like a little bit quiet she just started doing these little barks and I woke up and how's like man probably an animal or whatever I was trying to go back to sleep and then she got up and got off the bed and walked to the door and just face the door and started growling it was this really weird growl like never heard before and so I was like okay after she started doing this growl I was like no like this is ridiculous so I got freaked out and I woke him up and I was like hey listen like I don't know what she's working out or whatever he was like what you know what we do or whatever I was like we'll just listen just wait for her because if she goes and lays back down then everything's fine the animal probably passed or whatever it was so that's what she does she goes back onto the bed and she lays down and I'm doing okay so I like breathe a sigh of relief but then as soon as she lays down like plops down she stands right back up and she Wolf's again let me just explain really fast this is the front of my camper this is the side where it hitches up to the truck her to the car this over here is the front door that that way that I'm facing is the back of the camper as soon as she wolfed again when she stood up I heard a truck start out the front side of this camper right outside and I was like did you hear that it's almost like yeah I heard that oh my god we listened and I immediately got up and grabbed my can of bear mace because I had no what I didn't there was a person outside that wasn't supposed to be there at 1:00 in the morning and I'm going through these ideas in my head I'm like okay could this be a guy that's clearing out the porta-potties in this park like down the way or whatever no why would anyone clear out porta-potties at 1:00 in the morning you're going to get discussing like that's not going to work out I'm thinking like who is this and then every option that I went through it just was like no that doesn't make sense someone is here because they have bad intent and then we listened to the truck pull around from back here to the side to the door like right to the door and rev their engine and I'm like holy I'm so scared and my travel buddy is so scared and the adrenalin is just going and my dog is just standing there at the door like ready like whoever comes in the door first thing they're gonna see Doberman Pinscher like whatever you know but still I'm horrified because what if they don't open the door what this is the things that are going through my head what if they want that what if they don't even want to rob me what if they just want they're just someone like out of their mind and they just want to kill somebody like what if they could just shoot through the door they could shoot through the side of the camper like I have no idea what's about to go on but I'm horrified so I'm like holding the spear mace and trying to get the safety thing off of it or whatever and I listen to the truck pull away really slowly it pulls away and I look at my travel buddy and I say we're leaving I don't know if they are going to go get their friends and say yeah there's a camper here like let's rob like whatever let's rob them I don't know I don't know what they're thinking I don't know what their intent was it's not good because it's 1:00 in the morning at a place they don't have a reservation and they're inside the gate of this place and I'm down a sketchy road in the middle of nowhere so I'm that's not good I get things I get Dylan and we get in the car and we just start going and then we get to the gate and the gate is locked which means that they took the time to reel up the gate which just is so strange to me so we get out the gate I'm shining the headlights on Dylan I'm driving he gets out of the car and we're in the woods and he gets out to unlock the gate and I'm like dude I'll watch you in the headlights I've got your back don't worry like you do this so he unlocks the gate I Drive through he locks it back and he runs in the car and then we're hauling ass down this dirt road earlier that day when we were pulling in we our car got chased by dogs down this dirt road by the way like this is where I'm at it's just it's not a good neighborhood we found get to the main road and we're about eight miles away from the nearest gas station eight miles away from the nearest anything and I'm going it's you know like now 1:20 in the morning or something and I'm driving so fast I'm like I need to think I need to think we need to pull over I need to think and because our adrenaline is still like crazy so we left the camper we left everything because to me whatever is going to happen if that guy comes back is not worth my life to spend the next 20 minutes hitching up the camper just you know I don't know just to take it with me it's not worth my life so we leave everything here and we just have the dog me villain in the car and that's it and this huge can of beer mate and so we get to a gas station and I'm like I'm thinking I'm like okay we're not going back tonight so I'm I'm gonna get a hotel like that's how that's gonna go I don't care it's going to be the cheapest one and Panama City but we're getting a hotel I'm not going back to a campsite it's now 2:00 in the morning 2:30 in the morning by the time we get into the room okay I'm I'm so exhausted I would do have with Minar Leah's headache like and my adrenaline will not let me go back to sleep so we end up falling asleep at like 4:00 in the morning and the next day when I woke up um I called my dad who had made it to pee on my city tub that night and I was like hey this is what happened last night like I'm not going back there by myself can you escort me back to the campsite so he says yeah so I meet him at his hotel and then we drive the 45 minutes back to the campsite literally expecting my campsite to be trash I'm expecting the camper to be like up in flames and the door to be busted open and all my stuff gone like I'm I'm anticipating the worst but we get there and everything is in its place like even our chairs like our little wands ears and stuff are still like outside everything is fine the campsite looks beautiful again it's daytime there's one difference that wasn't there well the night before when we left there's a pair of dirty men's underwear on the ground and an empty pack of LM cigarettes just laying there so someone can someone was there and someone came and left that there for whatever reason I get the camber everything's fine I take it to the hotel and I'm just like what this is just how this is gonna be tonight we're at seeing it you know we didn't say at the campground I guess you're gonna have this from time to time the next day I called the people that I made a reservation with and I was like hey I just want you guys to be aware of an incident that happened they transfer me to the guy that like owns all the land who's like the head honcho guy so I explained it to him and you know he says to me he says yeah this isn't the first time we've had complaints okay and you couldn't put that on your website you can't warn people that someone will show up to your campsite at 1:00 in the morning and read their engine right outside your door are you kidding me he's like yeah we'll the people that live on that road they they've been known to try to intimidate the campers so that they don't come back so here's what I'm thinking first and foremost I don't know that whoever's camping there doesn't know that they don't know this person's intent I don't know if this is some 17 year old kid that's just trying to go skinny skinny dipping in the in the spring I don't know if this is someone that lives on the road trying to intimidate the campers that the guy said yeah they've had instances where they're like banging on the gates and rattling the chains and stuff I don't know if this is some dude out of his mind that is out to kill me or Rob me I don't know who they are at all but here's the other thing they don't know who I am either if that was a 17 year old kid just trying to go skinny-dipping and I'm some PTSD army vet like that's really trigger-happy or whatever I could have killed a 17 year old kid if I had been a camper and I'm like you know this really old couple I get scared I could have a heart attack or a stroke or something like I could have died and they were just trying to intimidate me know that all of this is unacceptable and I told the guy you need to put this on your website you need to warn people that these things occur because you have no idea someone could get killed like very easily like either the person that's outside or the person inside someone could die and since your campground is free you are not going to lose out on profits by putting a warning up there he's like yeah well we have a really hard time putting that kind of stuff on the internet I'm like yeah you know I bet you do it was by far one of the most horrifying moments of my life it's all fine and dandy now I can talk about now I can even make jokes about it now but at that time I can't express the amount of fear that was going through me and my mind was racing of what am I going to do like should I send banks out am I gonna have to bear mace this dude what is my travel buddy gonna do and I'll tell you what I've learned first of all I'm never staying somewhere where I'm the only camper ever again if I can help it it might be bound to happen at some point but let's talk more about that if I'm the only camper there I don't want to stay in places where there's not an actual gate that closes okay with a padlock that's been changed in the last 15 years like please Bureau of Land Management and wildlife management areas can be great but seriously consider the cost yes they might be free what is that worth another thing I won't go to sleep anymore without having everything ready to go I'm not leaving my chairs out I'm not you know I'm not having the car facing in I'm having the car facing out so it's quick to go I'm going to have my keys exactly where they need to be Bing says leash exactly where they need to be and I'm going to have my backpack packed with all my valuable stuff like my camera and my can be and my phone chargers I'm going to be ready because that taught me a lot but if that happens again I might not be as lucky it might not just be some local trying to say scare off campers that was my experience with Panama City Beach that campground was called blue springs and it was in the Eco FINA I don't know how to pronounce it it spelled EC o fi in a eco Fino Wildlife Management Area in Youngstown Florida do not go there I mean it's just not worth it because if they're in a bad mood one you don't know it's not worth it don't go there after that we left Florida all together and everything has been fine and dandy Simpson so I will you know my next video I'll show you guys I'll get back to all the adventures I'll get back to seeing all the cool stuff but I have to get that out there I also wanted to show you guys what I learned from that and hopefully this serves as a lesson that doesn't have to be learned through personal experience but can be learned through my experience for when you have instances like this think about your safety all the time know where everything is find your way around with your hands in the dark as practice because in those moments there's no time for questioning there's no time for stuttering and stammering around and trying to figure out where your keys are just be ready and stay safe out there thanks for watching thanks for listening to my story we'll move on from there
Channel: VICARI
Views: 700,832
Rating: 4.407289 out of 5
Keywords: camping, van life, horror story, scary, vicari, chelsea vicari, nomad, woman, female camper, camp, nature, road trip, united states, hobo, road life, living on the road
Id: yLSa6GNShec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2017
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BETTER TITLE!: I survived the ww2 camps

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