We Were Chased By Thugs! RV Living Security, Safety, Protection!

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[Music] hello everybody hope you guys are doing great we are enjoying the secluded wilderness slash forest lifestyle it's just us no Wi-Fi signal and just that I mean I can't ask for any more I wanted there's something I want to discuss in this video and it's RV protection slash self-defense tools and weapons and what we use and what we have and why and so there's two parts to this video first part is going to be showing you a situation that we encountered as soon as we got to Colorado literally the first town that we arrived in Colorado we were right off of driving on the interstate and right off the interstate we could see a park and so we decided hey let's go pull over looks like a good part to pull over and so we did and we spent the day there and we needed to get some work done now I needed to go and run we were driving for a little while so we were kind of tired so we decided just to you know hang out there for the day and I got late so we decided to boondock and Walmart in that town and then the following day we decided to go back to that park to hang out and get more work done because we needed to catch up on some work well that second day is when Mike write I write at like 4 o'clock it started to get busy we were just noticing something fishy like all these cars driving around in circles like for like ever and since it was a daytime I ignored it I didn't really pay too much attention I was we're in the camper working and we're thought well maybe it's just really busy people were driving around you know just like trying to find a place to park well it got dark it was like and it got dark real fast it was like 6 p.m. and cars kept driving over and that you can hear like the loud like truck muffler and like the same like engine sounds that were passing I me and Kara were like what's going on like who is that we didn't really look out much we didn't really think anything of it we still ignored it even though we talked the body we're like wow like who keeps driving around circles like that and so I decided to go out and I'm looking and I'm seeing like I was probably outside for like five minutes ten minutes and I'm noticing love the same cars are driving around the whole park over and over and over and over and I'm noticing that like everyone in the park we're all together it's just so obvious you could tell like it was like they're trying to make it seem like they weren't together but it's so obvious that they were they look like young guys but it was so hard to tell because all of their windows were pretty much tinted and it was dark out too so I was like hey Carrie we're gonna leave okay because I don't feel safe I don't know what's going on here and so yeah so so there's two parts to this video the first part is that situation I don't I guess I got a little too much into it but I just wanted to kind of preface what you guys are about to watch you can understand what's going on the footage is like that very great lighting because it was dark and I didn't want to use the flash I didn't want to use a flash you pointed that thumb I don't want them you know I I just you'll see why I didn't use the flash but but you can hear what's going on you can kind of make out what what's going on and you can kind of see what's going on but so there's two parts to this video the first part is that clip and the second part is just gonna be me talking about what we have for self-defense so if you guys want to skip through that first section of the video just click I have I'll have a link somewhere in the screen so you can just click and just get right to the topic Oh what we have for self-defense in RV protection here's one car okay I don't want them to know that I'm recording obviously okay so there's one watch this they just and there's there's nothing in the side it's nothing it's just parking I'm gonna kind of hide the phone for a second all right so he drove by we see all those cars over there these are the guys that kept just driving right in front of us going in circles all these cars are just going in circles there's like seven of them right now watch this look at this slowly driving past us over and over and over it's been like this for about a few hours I just noticed it like this past 45 minutes when I stepped out I was like okay there's something wrong going on here we heard it for a few hours but we ignored it this guy's just pulled over here this guy's over here they're all in it together all these cars right here it's so dark but I'm not gonna turn the flash on this car here's all in it the only way to get out is to pass all these punks but can see the fakers and they all look kind of young all these cars over here there's all these cars one two three four five six seven eight vehicles nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen on that side this truck here keeps passing by I was gonna do the compost toilet because a compost toilet is full but that's tonight is not a good night for that I'm just gonna go to Walmart park hopefully that's a safety area got to do it tomorrow I guess now this car that passed me a few seconds ago is now trying to get right behind me so that's weird right oh there's more of them right here there's like a ton over there ton of punks literally there's a ton of punks in this town look at all these I don't know what they are they look like a whole bunch of Cowboys cowboy punks literally they're all driving around the one guy's still right behind me following me I don't know if they think they own this park I don't know if this is like like a cowboy gang dude he's like tailgating me now this others one truck is now they're following the one truck is following me what I'm gonna do is I don't want them to follow me straight to Walmart I am going to pull out a gas station they are cowards they will not face me in public where it is safe I can already tell they do things in the dark they can't see you can't see their faces they will never let you they will never do this during the day because they are a bunch of thugs and cowards I already know they are what I'm gonna do is pull over at a gas station right over here and see exactly what they're gonna do now well I turn it to this gas station but let's see if they follow me now they're pulling into they turn left so I pulled into here now they're over there they're literally straight over there see that red light that's them very soon yeah I'm gonna have to call the cops on them I'm gonna do is just park right over here they're right there see them so I was in the back and I was looking out the back door window and I could see the truck there was a truck that followed us out of the park and the way out of the park there's a long lane and the truck was staying back far so almost like it was trying to follow like it was going slow this was almost like he was trying to follow us about us knowing and then all the sudden it was like right behind us tailgating tailgating really really hard like it was literally right there I'd rather not like even stay here if there's gonna be punks like my Sarah I think I know I don't want to be like oh like I'm scared but at the same time I don't really want to mess around why even give them the pleasure like oh there's an outsider let's just [Applause] harass them the thing is that we do call cops like town technically like there's no signs of say tailgating there's nothing yeah what are they gonna do there's no laughs like yeah you can't be late oh they're driving around yeah they're driving around you can't they can do you can't see their I mean they don't even do anything when people are stalking people sure like you know exactly only if like somebody gets beat up for her that's when they'll come out yeah they're gonna be out all night they can be like hey you know let's go back and have some fun at that camper like I don't know what they're gonna do Bob retires I don't know it's like one of those people that like they literally just want to go to jail like pagers will insert her somebody because like they they just want to feel hi MIT I don't know what you know those people that just like they're just the time ticking bomb they live in a small town and they're bored and they're high and the big pickup trucks and they have these dumb mufflers and making fill top and so they're in a group so that's why they're all like tough and high and mighty but if it was just one of them alone they be little cowards they just want to pick the fight they want to aggravate us that were like you know you'll fight with that well obviously it's not gonna happen because they're messing with the wrong guy I'm the Punisher that night we decided to leave the town and continue down further west about 60 miles to the nearest to rest area that whole night like I could not sleep I was really upset of the situation I started like recapping like what I should have done and letting the anger get to me and it's not like I should have done something violent but like I should have maybe like confronted them or I should have just pulled over and hey what's up dude what are you guys doing you know and see fine and find out who it is you know but I did it and you know Carrie it was the middle of the night you know and I'm just like I woke up I'm just really angry of the situation and why people would do that why people are like that Terry woke up in middle of the night and she started praying for me and that really like helped a lot help me go to sleep she encouraged me she told me you know just move on it's just don't let don't let things like this affect our our journey our travels and it's not worth dwelling on it anymore the important part is that we made it out safe and that we are here now let's just get to the chase here and to the point so there's a few things that we have our self-protection okay this is my personal list and one being common sense not putting my start myself and kerri-anne days uncomfortable situation or in a situation that is dangerous and that can lead to harm and what that being said if we do end up in a bad situation we will always try to you know let's as an example right I could have when now and confronted these guys well instead I decided just to drive off you know I think for me that's a really effective way of of self-protection and self-defense it's just avoiding the conflict or even trying to even confrontation if you can avoid confrontation the second one is God like God has kept us safe through a lot of things a lot of dangerous situations driving breakdowns even you know when we parked certain areas that we're not familiar with ended up being bad parts of town you know but I put that second because I do believe that I have to put the action in first and I have to with my actions I have to avoid situations I can't just walk into a situation that's bad or an area that's bad and be like God's gonna protect me I do feel like I had to put the effort into that in order for God to actually you know protect us and his way so that's that's a point number two number three is we are armed we do have a gun and we got our concealed carry permits years ago I mean carry we did it together we did the courses we did went through all the training we we took you know training on how to how to use the pistol and the weapons and and we did the background checks and went to the sheriff's office to sign all these papers and you know it was a big process but we got it done and we could wear goodbye that we have that we're glad that we have our permit to carry even though you know it's something that I don't do all the time but it's good to know that I have it just in case and I know every state is different the laws are different but I still have a permit to carry obviously with a gun I never want to use the gun ever okay that's the last thing I want to do is use it but in our situation like people know we're traveling you know people know that we're vulnerable even on YouTube we put ourselves out there and we are putting ourselves there to be vulnerable we're sharing emotions I'm showing more emotions as you know I'm not gonna run into some stranger's that at a store and they're not gonna know me because I'm not talking I'm not expressing emotion but in YouTube people can see your expressions your emotions and so I feel like that's a form of vulnerability especially as a man showing that stuff and so people you know I know a lot of people have watched us on YouTube and so we do have haters on YouTube as well so it's something that we need to watch how for so it feels good to know that we are armed just in case because I don't want to carry on just pepper spray or a pocketknife if a bad person has a gun like there's no way I'm gonna be able to defend carry and not if a bad guy has a gun and I don't doesn't make any logical sense to me and so do I want to use the gun ever no I never want to use it ever that's why my point number one defense is avoiding conflict even though I have a gun it doesn't mean that I should go out and like I don't feel like I'm high MIT I don't feel like I'm tough because I have a gun I don't feel like I should still confront people you know just because I have a gun in fact I want to avoid conflict as much as possible I want to avoid having to use any kind of lethal weapon or any kind of anything that could harm somebody I'd rather just walk away from the situation I know that last year we shared a video I think it was last year we had a weird boondocking experience at a Walmart where this guy was driving circles around us for like a little while really close to us and then he he pulled up next to us and just like parked there and just I don't know if he fell asleep I don't know what he was doing and I can put that video up here somewhere on the screen but in the comments there people were telling me that I'm a wussy that I'm not a man enough that should've gone now and just be a man and confront him and stuff well in that situation I have to be smart and so that's where my number-one self-defense weapon is avoiding conflict and just walking away okay some people were like you should have confronted him well I don't know if that person was I don't know if that person is a has risen drugs he came out of prison he's a killer I don't know if he's so if he has a group of guys are you know oh and throw out the parking lot and they're all like ganging up on us like I don't know I'm not gonna just go out there and knock the door and be like hey mister I see you're driving around us and you know um everything okay and I'm not gonna do that even if I have a gun because they could have a gun too and they could shoot first and even if I have a gun I can still get hurt so and if I'm hurt then what's gonna happen scary not you know I can't defend you know so there obviously something's gonna happen to them that's why I avoid conflict first so first its I'm gonna just kind of recap this first is avoiding conflict and using common sense and just avoiding conflict as much as possible whether it's confrontation or whatever it is like I'm just gonna just turn my back and just walk away okay that's my number 1 number 2's God number 3 is having a gun just in case I need to just in case there's bad guys that have guns or we're surrounded by a group of guys that even have knives you know with the situation that we experienced in the video you guys just watched the clip you guys just watched a lot of things are going through my head like what if these people have seen us on YouTube what if what if this is what if these people are bad people that have harmed people or what if it's a sex trafficking ring and they they know that there's a female in the camper and they're they want to take her we want to take Carrie you know I don't know these things I don't I don't know the situation and so I take it very very like I think about a lot especially that night I was thinking about every situation as to what could happen and so as soon as like they started following us I was like okay like something that's really oh this is this is like something's going down and so I finally was able to get away you know luckily but in that town is so small that we I could see all the people that were in that park were all like passing us on the streets on the roads and stuff like I couldn't get away from anyone like there were everywhere it was a group of I don't know if they're a gang I don't know if they're a drug cartel I don't know if it's a mafia III it's a couple of punks it's a couple of thugs it's a couple of lowlifes I do know that being that I have Carrie and Nala I have to be really smart I can't just be like oh I'm a tough guy I have a gun well let me go out there and like to handle this you know and I will do whatever it takes to put my I feel like my responsibility one big responsibilities to keep Carrie safe and not like but I will do whatever it takes okay - to protect her I don't care if it's a bear I don't care if it's a mountain lion I don't care if it's a Bigfoot I don't care if it's a dragon like I literally don't care if it's Goliath I don't care I'll do whatever it takes to protect her I do feel like God has given us the choice to walk away in situations and never in a situation we have never been a situation where like we've been trapped we've been surrounded and if it comes down to that and I hope not I prayed never I will do whatever it takes to protect my family I care about the life of Kari of my dog believe it or not and even if it's somebody out on the street and they're in danger you know I I'm not gonna just watch them be in danger I'm gonna help them there's some people out there were some of you guys might you know you might have different views and guns or bad guns were good it's all whatever you guys want to think this is the beautiful part of this country's that we can respect each other's decisions and we can choose what we want to do obviously hurting people with the because you have a gun doesn't mean you go out shooting people and harm people but most good people with guns all right like that most go people are guns that I know when my experience are like me the last thing they want to do is use a gun the last thing they want to do is have to kill somebody or hurt somebody you know so those are the main top three things some of you guys might think what about your dog isn't she isn't she a self-defense tool well no my dogs my companion Nala is my best friend I've had that little pup since she was a puppy and come come here no there's bears here you have to come with Daddy they're gonna eat you real fast yeah even a wolf I will really eat you in Colorado right Nava I know now I was so loving she's so friendly but I know if it comes down to it if it really comes down to it and if she sees that we are in danger she will do something I think she will and I think this goes to most of every dog I think any dog if they see their owner in danger I think they will do they were saved they were risk their lives to save yours to save ours and that's the beautiful thing about having having a dog is that but I don't keep that in mind I don't think like she's she's a protection dog no she's not she's a companion and she's a friend now she doesn't bark now is not a Barker but she will occasionally when we're boondocking she has bark like she hears everything her hearing is like super amazing and even if someone like is like 20 feet out walking past our camper in the middle of the night she will hear it and she will like give me a like a little bark kind of like a very soft bark she doesn't want to bark but she'll do it if there's people outside talking in the dark you know she'll like let me know you know this this all happens while we're sleeping and when she does when she does alarm me I do take it serious and I do go out and I look you know I'm prepared because she does not bark so her barks I take very seriously other than that you know what matters is that we're life everyday and we're here you know we're living life and ultimately like regardless of like the evil that goes on in this world and like having to think about that this topic here there's so much good to throughout our travels you know we've met awesome people experienced awesome things but at the same time I do feel like we have to have a balance because there's good and evil and so it's always good to have just all these self-defense tools and just in case a couple things I do want to get though is bear spray I don't have bear spray that's in the market and we have pepper spray but bear spray and a 12-gauge I do want to get a 12-gauge because it's a versatile tool weapon it's good for self-defense it's good for out when you're out here in the middle of the wilderness and there's maybe a bear it's good for hunting just in case you got oh you guys are probably like hunting Joe what yeah I thought you were vegan first of all I'm not vegan I'm plant-based mostly vegan I hardly ever eat meat for many reasons don't want to get into this topic now but I do feel like you know we've this country has experienced economy collapses or in the past and it could happen again and so I do feel like having a 12-gauge if we if I need to hunt for food for survival I will so I feel like a 12-gauge is very multi-purpose very versatile but for the most part I enjoy being point-based this is not even part of the topic but just something to you know it's kind of connected to why I want to get a 12-gauge to but so yeah those are the two extra things I want to get so recap again common sense God weapons and tools that we have and then in the market of getting 12-gauge and bear spray and I'm not including my dog okay she's not she's not like I don't I don't I see her as my friend so if you guys have any like recommendations or like suggestions as to like what else I could use maybe something that isn't like as lethal besides bear spray and I mean first present that people but like other tools that are weapons that are out there that you guys have that you guys recommend please share them with me and any other ideas that you guys have but that's all I want to say and hope you guys enjoyed this last clip it was a little it's a little creepy not a good experience but it's done it's over with and we can move on and now we have beautiful sunshine nature and fresh air and I mean I can't I can't complain right so we'll catch you guys later [Music]
Channel: The Mobile Hobos
Views: 260,829
Rating: 4.5900078 out of 5
Keywords: rv living, rv life, full time rv living, living in an rv, rv living full time, full time rv, full time rv life, rv safety, rv security, urban camping, rv safety tips, full time rving, rv security tips, full time rving with dogs, rv security system, rv protection, van life, living in a van, rv full time, living in an rv full time, rv fulltime living, living in a rv, truck camper living, truck camper, chased, thugs, protection, security, secure, scary moments caught on camera
Id: hz2i9FAqo1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 45sec (1605 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 25 2018
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