Alone in the Woods | My Scariest Moment Ever | Debris Shelter Overnight

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[Music] alright here we are getting dark fast so guys hey welcome to my channel I'm Brook Whipple girl in the woods it's gonna be a quick overnight tonight I just got a bug earlier today I just had to get outside I needed to sit around a fire I need to have an overnight and just barely before sunset here it's gonna get dark here really quick so I got to get a fire going fast and settle in for just a nice relaxing time around the fire and I kind of want to share a story with you guys so stick around [Music] it's good nice and dry I had the forethought last time I was here put my stump in the shelter so it's nice and dry like my zipper pull it's a most tooth this is an old backpack I've had for quite a while I got some cool little patches on it I like this like this most one got this a yard sale from an old guy who was in the military I thought that was pretty cool I got this pack for $2 a yard sale in Fairbanks and I just couldn't pass it up it was really gross I took a had aluminum stays in the back this is a this is an old camp Trails backpack and I took the aluminum stays out I didn't really like that washed it up and it just makes a nice kind of mid-sized like little day pack oh I don't know I like old stuff so it's got my goodies in it tonight nice and drying that shelter it is getting dark fast gotta go cut some wood small stuff good dry maple here I like it [Applause] Hollywood go in here oh we gotta get this fire going quick is it getting dark he might not be able to tell not by the camera but it's getting dark so I got to get this fire going ASAP for Claire all right let's turn a light on here so you can see what's going on go yeah light Daisy zap give us a little light to see by huh precarious little fire right now let's take it off now looks pretty good hello fire yeah there it goes yeah chilly winds picking up quite a bit I'll get my coat on that's nice when this fire gets going it's gonna be good cuz this is hard wood so it's gonna once it gets going it's gonna be pretty good it's cooling down boy Susie's just right up front here laying in the snow I got a nice spot for her back in the shelter lay down but she seems fine out here smoke is just swirling man it's coming at me it's going away it's coming at me time to have some beverages all right I think I'm gonna get set up in here for the night it's lights up get cozy my favorite lights we got plays lit up like crazy I love it [Music] it's like hey it's not too bad huh wait here we go well have fires getting nice now it's getting pretty cozy in here now ah kind of blinky yeah sleeping bag but I don't want to unfurl it until I'm set up because Maisie's gonna be in and out of here probably so I'm just gonna keep that over here for a minute I've got this nice ground pad here I got my fire going pretty good now the winds kind of picking up and uh it's just nice to be kind of in the shelter out of the wind it just feels more cozy in here I'm down by closer by the fire and it's just nice I feel that heat it's pretty nice coming back in here on the shelter it's gone good now it's supposed to really cool down tonight it got pretty warm today we're losing a lot of our snow again I really hate the back-and-forth we've been getting some really really good snow and then we'll get a couple of days that are like 30 35 40 and all of our snow goes away and it's such a bummer to me I've been bummed the last couple days just kind of been that wet come on in baby I got room for you lay down my leather run away for it lose it what you doing hey captain easy right here he's a good girl he's all laying down cozy we're sharing a blankie you guys see this you cozy girl you cozy yeah I think she hears I heard a mouse in the wall I think she's hearing it now too you hear something I was definitely hearing it might have visitors tonight huh you hear it too you bite them if it comes in okay mm-hmm yeah sitting here reading a spooky campfire story from these I got a couple books from the library just some campfire story books and uh I was sitting here it was all quiet and I'm reading kind of like this spooky story and I hear something in the wall here which you know it's not surprising it's uh it's a debris shelter there's gonna be animals in here but and she was way out here you know doing whatever she was doing like yeah yeah so kind of been having fun reading these stories yeah and I was thinking about the scariest thing that ever happened to me in the woods so I gotta share this story with you so you know I come out into the woods alone and sometimes you have to prepare yourself mentally for that so you don't psych yourself out you don't overthink things you're gonna be in the woods and you're gonna hear sounds that you don't know what it is and you can't let your mind you can't let your imagination run wild or you'll never be able to come out in the woods alone especially at night and I legitimately had a hair-raising experience one time I was in I was probably 17 and I was bow hunting all night I hadn't seen a deer had not seen anything and it starts to get to that twilight hour when it starts to get really hard to see anything like through your through your sights you pull your bow back and you're looking down and you really can't distinguish your your sights on anything in front of you it was definitely time stop hunting and it always freaked me out getting out of the stand after a night of bow hunting like when it's starting to get dark it's just kind of unnerving you know I was way up in a tree stand and you just feel safe up there and then you have to like descend into the the ground floor of the forest and I don't know you just feel so vulnerable so what I would do is I would take my arrows and I would kind of bang them on my boat just make lots of noise I would just make noise up there before I came down so that there was deer in the area that I didn't know about there was something there you know the animals would go away I would alert them that there is a human coming out of the tree you know get out of my way I don't want to be scared when I get down to me you don't have you ever deer do this you'll be walking through somewhere and then all of a sudden here's my scared Maisie I'm sorry honey you know they make that that sound and it scares the daylights out of you when you don't know you know they may have been watching you the whole time walking through the forest you know they deer in the headlights it's you know the deer standing still and you don't know what they're there and then suddenly they give you that alarm you know they make the the noise through their nose you know it's just it's unnerving it just startles you you know deer aren't scary but that being scared being startled it's just you know pheasants do it Grouse do it you'll be walking along well gives you a heart attack for a brief second you know I hated that I hate that so I was like okay a hello everybody in the forest you know I'm coming down so I did that I listen didn't hear anything so I hook up my bow to the rope and I I bend over and start low lowering my bow down to the ground cuz you know it's not very great to climb down to the bow so I do that it reaches the ground then I climb down on the ground and I'm looking for that watch that fell out of my pocket when I was bending over so I'm on the ground you know kind of looking for my watch and I hear this that sounded so otherworldly and it sounded like this I'm bent over looking for my watch and I hear yeah just like that not joking that's what I heard and I I I stood I stood up and my eyes giving me goosebumps right now just remembering it and it's giving me goosebumps and I just stood there like a statue I was so scared like what was that you know my hearing things and I stood there for maybe a minute and I didn't move and then I heard it again just like that like a like a moan of a dead person oh my goodness at that second moan I just dropped everything and I started running across the field because I was on the edge of a forest and a field and I I don't know I was just running like I'm just getting out of here and about that time I see the headlights of my boyfriend coming across the field to pick me up in the truck because he was hunting at a different location he's like what are you doing I'm like there is something in those woods I'm not going back in there like there's something in there jumped in the truck we drove over there and you know he showed shown the headlights in there and I went and picked up my bow and and everything but I never hunted there again I called it the Haunted Woods and to this day I don't know what that sound was I mean I hadn't seen anything all night it was a very very quiet night there was no wind and to hear that sound like that it was terrifying you know some people said well maybe I rattled in a buck you know by by moving my arrows across my bow like that maybe I rattled in a buck and but you know I never heard any other noise and deer can sneak up on you but that was insanely crazy sound like nothing I'd ever heard of you know I know what what a buck snort sounds like and it didn't sound like that so I'm like a moan anyways yeah you can really screw yourself over letting your mind get the best of you when you're out alone no matter what you're doing um I tell you what really helps me is the lights here help me a lot having my dog helps a lot it's just comforting to have somebody else with you and all those I've been alone a lot of nights in the woods and the first nights always the worse the second nights not so bad and it it gets easier and it definitely definitely gets easier the more you do it but there is still an unnerving factor about being out in the woods alone you know there's just there's been a lot of horror movies and a lot of stories written around things that happen in the woods at nighttime and usually somebody's alone and man you got to steal yourself away in some most crazy thoughts and Here I am reading like campfire stories out here tonight but like I said I feel a little better I got my dog got these lights and uh it's a little bit different than being completely alone and it's kind of more for entertainment at this point but you know somebody I really like to read a lot of his Robert service and he's got some great they can be spooky story poem kind of things and highly recommend you pick up some Roberts service and read like cremation of Dan McGee and some of those stories he's got I mean he's wonderful he was in the gold rush era and spent a lot of time in Yukon in Alaska and yeah just great stuff but yeah reading some spooky stories before I go to bed and thinking about spooky stories completely owned yeah I wonder what do you have any spooky stories something weird that happened to you in the woods if you do leave it in the comments below I'd kind of like to like to know what you think so I'm just gonna read another story I just read a story about an old trapper who went out with a part a new partner and then settled in here are you going there you go you bobbled it good girl you cozy no don't get up don't get up get up [Music] [Music] [Music] your Cordy I'm pretty cozy get up my sleeping bag here pretty soon I need to get scared a little bit more if I go to bed go back there okay reading scary stories my dog goes off and starts barking not good I think I need to stop reading these books right now I think it's time to get ready for bed really nice down bag here and it does keep me warm it's supposed to get down to maybe 17 degrees Fahrenheit tonight had a nice warm day but it's cooling right down right now without their baby was out there you got stay on this side let's be on this side lay down lay down mazie lay down lay down lay down lay down lay down lay down well guys I'm gonna watch this fire died down a little bit more and I'm going to bed enough scary thoughts in my head for one night right you gonna protect me are ya give me kisses give me kisses give me kisses thank you ha see you guys in the morning [Music] [Music] my blankie [Music] all right guys hi okay go go go go okay I'm getting up Oh nope go Maisy go Oh morning guys no no no let me get my boots on let me get my boots this your first good morning guys no boogeyman it is getting chilly and windy let's see if we can get a fire going these Go Go it is a pretty day we got any cold oh I don't think so no cold they're cold there's my Ferro rod hi hey try you time I try to tie my hat get back baby can't do it you in my face oh you goofball get back get some water boiling breakfast cooking haha here it is [Applause] boy ooh hands are cold she's all the way I can tie this okay I'm ready for coffee ready for breakfast birch bark having a nice piece of ground pad to sit on is so like a lifesaver it's so great look a few flakes of snow coming down Coffee and grits today I absolutely love grits you're gonna make enough for me and Maisie he's cookin oh it feels good waters getting there it's so nice to be in a shelter that's not flapping around and win like this you just get in here and it's just totally like quiet and secure feels great out of the wind this might be a while but fires just slow to get going just like last night it just took a while I bought a new gadget though you guys check it out it's a collapsible coffee filter because my other drip filter you know it's just hard plastic and it's just this one it just folds up to nothing so I'm gonna give that a try today get ready for coffee oh man I just singed myself cinch my coat got a watch it leather gloves one of the most essential things I bring on trips for handling stuff on the fire and cutting wood and stuff just kind of protects your hands sunshine bring it it's just in this little sliver of sky and that wind is just howling I think I think it's time for coffee it's all cookin YUM coffee huh this is a pretty awesome way to start here your day there's no doubt about it I mean it's chilly out here but I don't know wake up to the smell of coffee and a campfire warm you up from the inside out mmm I like it he's watching over the place first sip of coffee oh it's so good it's really getting close looking good [Applause] what you doing baby I'll come in I'm making us breakfast these are about done hungry I got a lick and a sneeze at the same time ah you'd be on cozy you feeling cuddly good girl should we check our food looking good let's get yours in here and get it cooling down alright I got some little mini creamers and some maple syrup to pour in here it's gonna be awesome yeah player good one maple syrup all right here's the moment of truth breakfast hmm oh that's so good delicious I love grits little more syrup shot coffee well my hands are cold every time I get up and move the camera I gotta touch that tripod it's just freezing it's really good I'll let that cool down just a minute more for her wind is just howling bird I think it's gonna start snowing pretty good here tonight fires just moved right out come on fire hazy you want some want some grits girl well guys that's gonna do it for me if you liked this video give it a thumbs up I'd love to hear your comments below on what your scariest moment in the woods has ever been and as always if this is your first time here I'd love to have you subscribe hit that button alright guys that's gonna do it for me this is girl in the woods until next time she gone don't forget to get outside and get happy
Channel: Girl in the Woods
Views: 535,800
Rating: 4.8230114 out of 5
Keywords: spooky stories, campfire story, alone in the woods, alone, camping alone, girl in the woods, bushcraft, survival, girl in the wild, brooke whipple, alone season 4, alone on history, scared in the woods, scary woods, haunted woods, alone at dark, campfire stories, camping solo, solo camping overnight, camping with my dog, bushcraft camping overnight, debris shelter overnight, woman solo camping, solo woman overnight, outdoors girl, outdoors woman, winter camping solo
Id: BnEimXnYw0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 26sec (2306 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2018
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