10 More Strangest National Park Disappearances - Volume 12

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[Music] if you enjoy the outdoors as much as I do then you'll find yourself fixing to spend some quality time relaxing and connecting with mother nature even if safety is your number-one priority it doesn't guarantee that things will go accordingly for the cases you're about to hear that's exactly what happened join me as I count down ten more of the strangest state in national park missing-person cases out there note that these are only a small number of cases available to the public while many others go under the radar are withheld and sometimes brushed aside [Music] number 10 in September of 2016 a 74 year old hiker named Peter Jackson disappeared inside the Yosemite National Park while out on a day hike from his campsite at White Wolf campground on September 17th the day before he was reported missing he had sent a text message to his son explaining his plans which Park officials were able to confirm his vehicle was found at the campground and camping fees were paid as far out as September 21st after two weeks of intense search efforts to search for Jackson was placed in continuous limited mode until the case went as cold as the approaching autumn chill that began to set in as far as we know Jackson was in excellent physical condition for his age with no medical issues he was well prepared for the hike into the area and the outdoor as well as mentioned in previous videos many folks have disappeared inside that park as well and have never been found [Music] number nine in January of 2017 a 35 year old woman whose name has not yet been released disappeared inside the broccoli beach area of the Prince Edward Island's national park police stated that Park officials discovered her abandoned vehicle inside the park with an expired permit all of her personal belongings were still inside the unlocked vehicle police dogs and helicopters were called in to join the search effort as well as dive teams and several dozen professional search and rescue office ten days after she went missing her body was discovered on the shore not far from her vehicle and in an area previously searched several times autopsy reports confirmed that she had not drowned and there was no physical signs of trauma on her body she was found without any shoes the identity of the woman's name is being kept private as requested by the family number eight on August 2nd 2014 a 59 year old Sonoma County man named Steve Morris disappeared on a hiking trip with friends in the Trinity Alps wilderness just north of Weaverville in eastern California Steve was the head of the group during the descent of Billy speak when he disappeared nobody thought twice about it because he was a very experienced hiker concern began to set in when the three friends returned to the campsite with no trace of after search-and-rescue teams spent a week of combing through treacherous terrain they called off the search all together that's when Steve's wife took over she took it upon herself to scour the 7,000 foot high mountains with a handful of volunteers that involved two professional trackers - helicopter crews relatives friends and parish honors from her church the expensive cost of the search effort lasted for nearly 12 weeks before resources ran dry and the search for Steve officially ended to this day no trace of them was ever found [Music] number seven [Music] in June of 2013 a 51 year old man named Dale staling disappeared inside the Mesa Verde National Park in southwestern Colorado Dale and his wife planned to stay at the park for a few weeks and were only four days into the trip when he disappeared on the day he disappeared he told his wife that he was heading off on a small hike to the spruce tree house ruin an attraction whose path is reportedly steep but only one quarter mile long and completely paved after two hours his wife became concerned and raised the alarm this set off a two-week search effort that included as many as 60 rescuers four helicopters two dog teams and rope teams that repelled off the clips in the area but despite these combined efforts no trace of any who was ever found [Music] number six [Music] in October of 2006 an 8 year old boy named Samuel beau ElkY vanished inside the crater lake national park while out on a camping trip with his father on the second day of the camping trip the two set off on a small day hike near the campsite when the two became separated the father stated that they were on the trail when he peered off to his left to look at a group of birds that were making sounds when he looked back the boy was gone horsemen Mountain rescue squads and hundreds of volunteers with search dogs combed the entire North Rim of Crater Lake for several days rescue specialists from as far as northern Washington in Southern California joined in the search effort but no trace of them was ever found despite some low level signs of autistic behavior samuel was not known to wander off by his lonesome to this day he remains missing number five in December of 1946 a 22 year old Bennington college student named Paula Weldon decided to go for a hike along the Long Trail which runs along the crooked spine of the Green Mountains in Vermont she informed her roommate of her hiking plans and said she would return shortly before she entered the park she had gotten directions from a newspaper delivery worker and said often to oblivion witnesses reported seeing her entered a long trail but she was never seen again the FBI got involved as did the state police from Vermont and Connecticut her case gained national attention within days of her disappearance and here's why starting in 1945 a string of strange disappearances occurred on the trail baffling experts for the next few years seven people would vanish on that trail as well never to be seen again including a man named Mitty rivers James Telford Paul Jepsen a woman named Freda Langer Martha Jones and Frances Krishnan a few theories surfaced and speculated that the disappearances were the work of a possible serial killer or a possible spike in animal attacks but despite these search-and-rescue efforts involved in each case no trace of these poor folks were ever found in 1992 a New England author named Joseph vase itro coined the term Bennington triangle in the area of where these people vanished and were never seen again as recent as 2017 people continue to disappear within the Green Mountains under mysterious circumstances number four in July of 1938 four-year-old boy named Alfred Beale arts was on a hike with his family in the Fall River region of Rocky Mountains National Park when he vanished the boy fell behind on the trail and when the family turned to look for him a moment later he was gone the family then frantically searched the area before requesting assistance from Park Rangers initially the searchers and Rangers assumed the boy had gone into a nearby creek which paralleled the trail so they dammed the creek and dragged it for over six miles next they focused their efforts on land bringing in bloodhounds that were able to detect a sense to where the boy had disappeared and then they sat down at the time of the boy's disappearance a couple was hiking approximately 2,500 feet above the Fall River Trail when they heard a very strange sound coming from above them on a place called Devil's nest the witnesses were stunned to then see a small boy walk out onto a ridge pure out and walk out of sight again an elite team of climbers and rescuers were dispatched to the area after the couple reported the sighting but no trace of Alfred was ever seen again [Music] number three On January 6th 2010 a 37 year old Alameda woman named Katherine Truitt was reported missing by federal Park Rangers at Point Reyes National Seashore in Marin County California her pickup truck was found abandoned at the parking lot with two of her dogs still inside and she had a third dog that was found leased to a nearby rock prior to her disappearance Katherine sustained a neck injury which combined with a pre-existing spinal problem left her with chronic pain given this those who knew her stated that she wouldn't have wandered off very far let alone go anywhere without her dogs an extensive search of the park turned up no clues of Katherine but shortly after her disappearance another woman disappeared in that area as well a 77 year old woman named Sylvia Lange and experienced outdoor enthusiasts vanished just eight miles from the location Katherine did and was never found number two in March of 2002 people jogging on Mount Baker in Washington State spotted a thread of clothing hanging from a nearby tree upon further investigation they discovered an SUV plunged over a steep embankment but no sign of anybody was inside or nearby the vehicle was found close to an abandoned logging road and police were then able to identify the jeep belonging to a missing 23 year old college student named Leah Roberts just nine days earlier Leah left her home in Raleigh North Carolina and had mentioned her traveling plans to a friend stating that she hoped to make it to a place called desolation peak near Mount Baker she was inspired to travel to this area after reading a book called Dharma bunks that encourages the reader to leave behind the materialism of modern life she had secretly wanted to follow in the footsteps of the author of the book Jack heroic who had found peace and for quility on that peak so just three months shy of graduating from college she decided to turn her dream into reality she packed up all of her belongings and set off on the 3,000 mile journey across the country but before doing so she left a note for another friend stating that she was not suicidal but just quite the opposite when her SUV was examined it was full of Leah's belongings a large amount of cash an empty cat carrier and personal family heirlooms there are many interesting facts surrounding Leah's disappearance and I strongly encourage all of you to do in all a search of this [Music] number one [Music] in October of 2016 a 31 year old man named Melvin birch set out on a hike with his two dogs in the Columbia River Gorge in Washington state he had planned a day hike at the table mountain area north of Bonneville Dam when he went missing the day after Melvin disappeared employees at the Bonneville Hawk Springs Resort saw his dogs at his car which was parked at the trailhead deputy spoke with the dog's owner who was Melvin's friend and she stated that he had texted her a photo from what appeared to be the top of Table Mountain at 2:00 p.m. just the day before there were no text recalls after that she stated authorities were then able to pinpoint Melvin's cell phone location and his body was found a short time later within 50 yards of the phone those who knew Melvin were shocked to learn that he had fallen from the summit of the mountain to the base approximately 700 feet below he was found nearly naked and without shoes which baffled searchers considering how moderate the temperatures were during that time of year those who knew him stated that he was in excellent shape and very well experienced in the outdoors even though his body was eventually found I chose this case as number one due to the sheer number of cases that involve people being found without their shoes and clothing and sometimes at the base of the very steep cliff in fact you may remember the recent case of a young woman named Anna Schmidt mentioned in my previous video who went missing in that park as well and was found in a very similar situation just last year also in 2016 a 37 year old woman named ELISA McRae on vanished over not done yet in 2010 the body of a 24 year old missing hiker named California weather was found at the base of an 800 foot high cliff after she went missing for more than a week the Columbia River Gorge has claimed so many lives over the years that's just one more reason I chose to make this case number one [Music] and there you have it folks just ten more of the strangers to state in national park missing-person cases out there and the list goes on and on if you find yourself hitching and get outdoors there are measures you can take to minimize your chances of disappearing as well nothing's for certain but if you prepare yourself for emergencies carry protection travel and numbers and keep a level head and you just might ensure your chances of survival and a safe return back home I'm rusty West and thank you for watching subscribe for more videos [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Rusty West
Views: 508,626
Rating: 4.7854757 out of 5
Keywords: rusty west, national park disappearances, missing 411, missing people in national parks, missing hikers, missing campers, national parks, travel, state parks, david paulides, people disappearing, disappearances, strange disappearances, people vanishing, paranormal, ufo abductions, mysteries, strange mysteries, education
Id: Udu2t_wU7Wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2017
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