Creepy Guy Lurking on the Highway of Tears, BC, Canada

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okay it's not quite as pretty but this will do show you getting here it's just a weird little turnoff in um I forgot the name of the town of course there's a railroad track not too far away so I could hear that this is what home does every time we stop the head wine he already sniffed a spot and then we moved now he's got a sniff a new spot there's a creek over there I'm tired anxious to get out go for a walk okay and I think I'm just gonna settle in and catch up on Rachel Maddow GoPro stopped recording [Music] [Music] [Music] well I was just sitting here enjoying a lunch in a lovely spot with a view and something interesting happened so I just want to share with you there have been a ton of signs well okay uh a guy pulled up it kind of came over looking at my rig Capone ran over to him happy friendly like he always is almost always he didn't react to them weirdly and sometimes he does but he's just kind of like lurking in a weird way and he's like so you guys here from Nevada and I'm like yeah it's like um I don't know and then he was like oh whoa just want to let you know and then he's just like lurking and they just like well I just want to let you know we do tours of the area I'm like okay I just went to the museum oh and he's like you traveling alone my gut instinct I don't know nope I'm not I'm like yeah Penn to Alaska I gotta go I don't know it was just weird I'm seeing signs all over the place for missing girls and signs about don't hitchhike and something about the Trail of Tears and so I don't know if a lot of girls I think a lot of girls and women disappear in this area so I don't know it's just kind of giving me a little bit of a creepy feeling you know I'm not usually like paranoid or like overly concerned that something bad is gonna happen to me but that also means that I am on alert well that means that I trust my gut I guess I mean everybody's been really really friendly and outgoing and I felt really comfortable but when for some reason I don't feel comfortable and as soon as that guy came around my rig the way he was I was like I gotta get up and go and I don't know what it was I didn't question it I just picked up my stuff and and especially when he said are you alone I was just laying you know the door was open behind me and he was just kind of lurking and I came in and I shut the door and I looked out and he was just in a regular old car so I don't know what kind of tours he was doing right right like you come with me get in my car and do a tour yeah I don't know just another story of being on the road could have been harmless I could have been a face on a missing poster around here who knows but uh just another experience on the road and I think the lesson I think the reason I'm turning on the camera right now I mean it just happened the reason I'm turning on the camera right now and sharing it is because I want women who remember my shower story and how I was unprepared for that because I was so new on the road and I hadn't really had time to I hadn't experienced anything like that and I am pretty trusting um you know for everything that I've been through I'm a pretty trusting person and it's taken me a while to kinda hone and trust my gut instinct and now I just and actually it just took my therapist actually reminding me over and over and over again too that my gut is always right that my gut instinct is always right and it's taken that faith and that understanding and that trust in my own self and my own gut instinct and my own ability to take care of myself so the first you know this may be the shower story I don't know I mean maybe that was me knowing that it was harmless maybe my gut I I still believe that I believe that my gut said no this is harmless I actually got a knock on my door this morning the truck pulled up behind me and I noticed him kind of lurking and he knocked on my door and I thought oh I could just open my door but I didn't for some reason I didn't again maybe the Trail of Tears and all the missing posters you know are making me just a little more cautious than I normally am but back to why I'm sharing this just because I really just want to tell I can't tell women especially enough to trust your gut instinct oh just it doesn't matter like remember I was when I was telling the story I said when he came around the corner I don't know why something within me just said I have to go and I don't feel that way very often I mean I'm friendly outgoing when people are friendly outgoing something about his presence just made me feel like I needed to go and I just want to convey to you - if you ever feel that way don't doubt it don't don't be nice right oh my god I think that's one thing women fall in the trap of that we don't want to be rude we want to be nice and I think oftentimes that's why we're victimized because we're trying to be nice and we don't want to be rude do not do that though in life not only on the road but in life don't we I think we worry so much about hurting other people's feelings and at the expense of ourselves and our own comfort and our own safety and I think that I'm gonna go off on something that I didn't mean to when I turned on the camera because we're trained to just be nice smile oh it's not a big deal oh that's okay oh you grabbed my ass oh no it's not okay but we're trained to put other people's feelings ahead of our own and even though it might be uncomfortable for us if a man grabs our ass it's more uncomfortable because that's what we're trained it's more uncomfortable to say no don't do that because we're trained to not rock the boat to not upset other people and uh you can't do that on the road you can't do that oftentimes in different scenarios in life we can't continue to put other people's comfort ahead of our own we need to take care of ourselves we need to listen to our guts we need to if that means being rude if that means being abrupt if that means in the middle of a conversation saying no I have to go and going then so be it but that's what we need to do to take care of ourselves and so that's why I'm sharing this story something just wasn't right and I said I had to go and so I went and confirm that that's just um yeah weird who knows who knows could have been harmless but it could have not been okay I gotta go it's paralyzed lesson carolyn's yeah Carroll is lesson of the day or something I don't know I don't know have a great day though it's beautiful really relaxed mellow day and I was thinking I might spend the night around here but actually now I'm thinking I want to go are you traveling alone I don't know I mean he could have been coming on to me for all I know ya know you
Channel: Carolyn's RV Life
Views: 94,597
Rating: 4.6764932 out of 5
Keywords: Cheap RV Living, #FreeCapone, RVer, Off Grid Living, Carolyn's RV Life, Solo Female, #FREECAPONE, Motorhome Nomad, travel, Carolyn Higgins, full time RVing, RV Living, Solo RVing, traveling alone, highway of tears, creepy guy, scary guy, danger, Canada, British columbia, rving to Alaska, Rving British Columbia, Gut feeling
Id: 7wztU7Rl-rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 24 2018
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