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I'll be comfortable at 25 [Music] how much on your hands okay both boxes okay I'll do that okay thank you thank you is it that lady sale how much on your camera night me enough $5.00 you'll go down look okay I'll do that hey your man thank you thank you I guarantee it to work okay see what you think honey you don't work Frankie well I'm get up today but I'm over at Crump every weekend you know with the krump flea market is no sir that's where I set up both hand back to be catchy that's all right the man OH yet how are you getting video games or video game consoles okay thank you they might have stepped inside for me I think I'll write up links sir yeah it's Maris [Music] you got 10 on your radio would you do 5 yeah yes sir thanks sir yes sir now it's $5 thank man does that work oh yeah yeah it works it you can put a blood pressure hold cut your arms in there and first down working around yes sir oh my I feel good grab that manual it fell out there yeah that's big best buy year later thanks sir get her you much on your calculators how much on your little electronics in this box over here how much fun you're about five bucks for Beth probably yeah hello are you I don't eat babe and did you use it very little okay are you firm on that price I'd go down to 40 me think about that for me saying what else you got over here thousands of look at the price on the back of that yeah now those we got here one go load up stuff he was checking out on eBay what it's worth yeah and I mean I don't Blanco Viper do it all right I'll take these right here with the DVD now I believe I'll pass on I mean Howard how big comfortable it 25 I'm sorry how much did you say okay I'll play the woman do 30 I'll do 30 Emily 44 dog okay yeah we'll do 45 and just make it even 45 thanks sir hello yeah it's in there I think oh there's another man she used in my daughter saying that she moved okay and she's trying to just get rid of me okay and these are all these years amber five a that's thirteen important the 21 there you are thank you good how are you how much on your okay I like that that looks interesting [Applause] I don't know what that is but I'm going to get it how much on your Cologne be right back okay okay okay Lloyd there's some money on our how much for the green okay [Music] how much I'm a little keypad thing okay what about this camera yeah I ain't dumb okay seven hey team 12 I think that's where we go yeah better keep at five six seven eight nine ten eleven for you thank you you know what this come off okay there you go thank you [Music] yeah are you you [Music] there's like blue Interpol I just don't sell for me thank you thank you please today oh my goodness oh man by your Sperrys here thank you thank you all right guys we have made it back from highway 70 cell and I got everything pulled out the car and I have it put out on these tables here and I'm gonna show you what all I picked up while we were out there start down here on this end sorry for the air conditioner running there I had it off picked up this DVD recorder with TiVo he wanted fifty dollars for and it's in really good shape now but when I looked up to the comps is about 50 to 60 bucks for so I you know took my time around the sale and he told me you know everything about it and then by the time we've got done I got it down to either 25 or 30 bucks so it's not gonna be a big moneymaker but you know there they were slim pickings out here so got this mouse and keyboard here for three bucks don't really know that name-brand but when you look it up it's over 20 bucks for that I've got this Toyota Tundra mirror for five dollars I'm not sure what that's worth but I'll do pretty good last year I got a Camaro mirror that I sold for 50 or 60 bucks so about this Radio Shack answering machine about a season of Futurama and bought a new season the complete third season of flash sounds brand-new here's an ergonomic Mouse pay two bucks for it when I look up the the number on it it's about 18 to 20 dollars for this particular Mouse it's not really a name-brand picked up this brick heads and the Scarlet Witch at the same cell usually wouldn't buy I've been to this sale before and they have a ton of these figures they're 80 bucks apiece I wouldn't have paid it but Scarlet Witch is actually worth about 35 bucks so I picked her up and this was five bucks the Batman the first Batman and brick heads it's worth about thirty so I grabbed Aquaman he's only worth about 15 or so got these two Sega Genesis games Toy Story and Power Rangers for $2 I got these two figures from the movie the masks for $3 they're from 1994 I picked up this Sony dream machine I actually just picked on these up last weekend got it listed for 24 bucks paid the $3 as there was a new hat there I don't know what citywide touring is but basically after I cleaned it up a little bit it's a pretty nice hat so I think it was 50 Cent's got this ray Maxo tuned for five bucks and I take a chance on some older equipment like this and the chance did not pay off so it's only worth like 12 or 13 bucks the same seller got the DVD recorder I got this no Rocco chick some of these are valuable this one is not that babe what's under 20 bucks but I got it I got a bundle deal with the DVD recorder this and a couple other things I think this was actually part of it as well it's a prediction for Halloween of ghosts and things who leave I bought that at the same sell one cell I got these rollerblades here these are dbx reaction and they were in pretty good shape they want a 10 I paid five for those got this ducktail figure DuckTales figure four or $2 see ever find a date on this don't think I did anyway I think it's fairly new but yeah pay two bucks for that I've got these two cables here for 50 cents each the same cell that I got Oh No let's stay here do that now this was a different sale got these five Pokemon figures paid the five bucks each Charles a couple of them are worth about 30 32 35 found this camera here not super high value to kodak easyshare Z 7:30 I don't know what the megapixel is but pay three dollars for that with a case and it has everything with it the manual I need to clean that nastiness up I found this Panasonic handheld camcorder or Palm quarter I'm paid three dollars for that or it could have been five I don't remember honestly I was going through there so if I picked up this Hermione Granger Harry Potter wand it is used but it was $2.00 and I think we can still get about 25 or 30 for it picked up this old AT&T phone for 25 cents found another Jurassic world Indo Raptor paid two dollars for it and two dollars for that for this is barricade I believe here's a cannon this is an a 540 paid either $1 or $2 for that this is a cincy cupcake mid-sized warmer paid five bucks for that I think it's worth about 25 pre-owned gun an exit sign I don't know why either I pay two bucks for it got this this is for a Honda Accord he said this is a OAM radio that he wanted ten I gave five for that Doug these three things out of a bin of wires and stuff here's a Cobra this is a cobra xrs nine three four five radar detector and got a Garmin Nuvi here and this 3-foot cable here all for four dollars four or five dollars I've got these 2 Omega gear foam rollers at those for three dollars apiece I think they're worth about 20 each I've got this info small massager it's locked the shoulder neck massager that you pull around your shoulders got it for 5 bucks I got this Guardian alert this isn't the older version of the Life Alert I believe it works for the your landline or whatever but I looked at those up before I got it I paid 3 bucks and looks like they're around 30 picked up these Sperrys for 5 bucks they're in pretty good shape this fire alarm I don't know if I paid the five bucks or not but it's not worth much more than that I usually get them just in cases the I never know which one of the fire alarms are the ones of the the there's a few of my third that are super expensive the very first sale went to the lady I was looking through these hats and she basically was like you can have it the whole box of hats for 5 bucks so I don't know really what's in here it's a lot of like co-op stuff so I don't know I think I saw some decent ones in there somewhere and I'm not sure sure where anyway I don't know how many is in here there's quite a bit there's probably 30 or 40 hats in there for five bucks I took a chance and then the best I believe the best pic of the Friday or the whole time I was out there is this game pad this is a a Fang kayuu - zero five three six gaming pad I paid two dollars for this so anytime I see a weird-looking game pad or any type of accessory to a keyboard it's either for a gamer or an engineer and those things are usually pretty expensive so I took a chance on this it was only two dollars and there's some comps on there from anywhere from pre-owned of $40 all the way up to $175 so that might have made the whole trip worth it but I got a pretty good decent amount that is it for this video guys thanks so much for watching [Music]
Channel: Tennessee Picker
Views: 27,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 84a-dzXxaJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 56sec (1796 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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