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well i just got pulled over police officer here in my rearview mirror i have no idea what for cause i have a radar detector i knew where he was the second he pulled out from the starbucks did the speed limit all the way here cruising with my buddy ahead anthony in the porsche and uh yeah he like followed us off the highway and pulled us over so i am curious to know why hey how's it going good how are you good thank you thank you for having lights of your frustrations yeah that guy is your friend right you're good to go yeah he's a friend of mine we're just cruising why did you pull us over somebody call out saying you're coming by because you have any calls you know that right i have many what calls many people calling about you for what just the way you drive another well it's impossible i just left my house and i've done the speed limit all the way here not too late like before so so what's that oh yeah 30 seconds all right all right so is this yours yeah okay so what's your first name there you go damon double yeah damon fryer okay what's recording address uh i have an address here there you go that's the one on there and hocomo is you still having alberta place oh this is a corporate vehicle it's not personal use yet so do you drive back and forward or is that how it works yeah okay oh this cop said somebody apparently called us in not today but apparently some other day he's saying that we got called in another day this one calling helping you because we get reports about you guys yeah okay did you know that no i didn't we always get complaints because these cars look like this so we're kind of used to it are you okay you're probably listening absolutely beautiful out today isn't it look at the snow i love driving this car in the snow by the way it's such a good car if you just put snow tires on a supercar it handles like amazing perfectly just like any other vehicle yeah this guy's super chill he's asking me for my driver's license he hasn't even asked me for registration he did ask about the uh if you didn't hear him the alberta plates so that is a different province this is the promise next to british columbia where we're currently in and um if you are driving a vehicle for personal use and you move to bc you have a certain time limit before you're allowed to or actually allowed i should say that you're allowed to keep the plates on but then eventually you do need to change the registration to the province you're currently living in this vehicle is registered as a commercial vehicle no different than like uh a big 18 wheeler rig you'd say see on the on a highway so my car is used for business use uh it's leased to the corporation in alberta so i legally never have to change it it can stay like this the car goes back and forth between alberta several times a year okay so is ontario are you like no i live in toronto this is my address oh okay i'm just visiting how long you been here before uh since christmas okay i think i'll go home today none well it's last time uh martini three nights ago okay so are you the owner yes okay when you have nice cars like this you want to show up sometimes it's normal do we want to what show up like show off a little bit no blowout not really that's mostly the kind of complaints yeah i mean when people see these cars in a small town they usually get jealous and they usually report us is that right yeah okay um would you spare with me for a sec okay sure what's your first name again oh right here damon d-a-m-o answer okay hey mom bear with me for a second here all right okay sure interesting i don't know what he's gonna do can't really do anything so he said that someone reported my driving the funny thing is this car sits in my garage i don't even really drive it i fly to vancouver to film on my videos i've taken this car out twice and neither time uh twice in like the last two and a half three weeks and neither time have i been out like doing anything that would even remotely cause someone to call me in so if someone's called me in i'm gonna go with someone has a problem with the fact that i drive a supercar or whatever you know a lot of people have problems with the fact that these cars are really expensive or they're too flashy and people just have a negative condensation around them however uh i have not done anything illegal i'm very careful here because my license is from here so i don't want any tickets my insurance for the fleet by the way for the commercial insurance is based off of my driver's abstract every year so if i have to hand in my driver's abstract if i have one ticket that increases the insurance on every vehicle in my fleet which i don't want it's not even the cost of the ticket it would be the cost of my insurance going up which would be thousands and thousands of dollars so it's interesting he's like people called you in well people call us in or people calling people all the time for non-legitimate reasons i'll have to hang this one out and see what happens well he's probably just running our licenses making sure everything's on the up and up let's see what he said to anthony hey anthony what do you say to you yo he just said that uh they received complaints about cars driving fast and i said well we get complaints every time we take these cars out because they look and sound a little aggressive and people aren't used to it in the small towns yeah what's funny is i've literally like i've only i've only taken this car out what two times in the last three weeks and we went out and drove around town to do some errands the other night and stopped at august and then came out just literally right now from my house and we were driving the speed limit all the way here so yep exactly we were going with the flow of traffic so he's got nothing to be able to give us a ticket or anything oh we got we got back up now well i've just been told that we've got backup an extra vehicle just uh just appeared out of nowhere here so i don't know must be coming in hot here for the dd crew all right so i don't know if you can help it or not well keep the no put that camera on my face you put that somewhere but don't don't do that it's just i'm just holding it right here okay keep the noise down if that's something you can manage yourself right well the car is not that loud we get we're getting uh the force of that so reports of of what though loud i turned it off but you hear like listen to it that's not that's completely legal though yeah it's illegal to have your fog lamps uncovered they're not they're just running lights yeah it's illegal to have them uncovered no it's not actually you're allowed to have any number of running lights above 30 centimeters and below three meters man it's okay for you to use the camera just don't put it on my face just put it somewhere sure you know what i mean yeah all right this is something you can control just keep the noise yeah that's why we came out here we were going for a little drive out in the country yeah we we know to obey the laws in the city sure we get pulled over every time we take these cars out so we're very conscious of you know not doing anything in the city dude pushing the window it's snowing you know we will both grow up in the snow we know to drive in the snow other people don't so when they see our cars they think we're you know driving dangerously which we're definitely not keep the car down my car is completely legal still has catalytic converters if they were to have a decibel meter and to hold it at the right angle uh a few feet away from the exhaust system wouldn't be illegal at all but you don't have to pull the camera you come to the camera somewhere else i'm holding it within i'm not holding it in your face i know it's just if at the end of the day i mean i do this just because you know like just like you some people you know get pulled over and then the stuff that they're being told is illegal we ask police officers we need to see hands we don't want secrets in your hands so you can put it somewhere while you do that and it's safer for us and for you right yeah but you've been here okay have a good day all right [Music] he didn't really want to talk anymore he probably just doesn't want to be on camera i was holding the camera in the window perfectly still he saw both my hands the whole time i'm zero threat he would have ran my plates and everything before he pulled me over there's nothing on these plates saying that these cars were stolen or there's anybody dangerous potentially driving him i get he's taking his precautions but still hey you know what what did you notice the cops didn't have masks on it first and then when they saw us filming they went and got their masks and put them on yep i don't think they're supposed to do that i don't think so either not by the orders of dr bonnie henry yeah huh funny rcmp maybe should tighten things up a little yeah i think so pulling over a couple of guys casually driving because he said my exhaust was a bit loud i was like i got catalytic converters cars completely like legal it's completely stock and second of all we're in bc yeah these my cars are just here in alberta and this one's from ontario so technically not breaking any loss right [Music] you
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 3,146,705
Rating: 4.8679705 out of 5
Keywords: Cops, Police, Pulled over, Supercar, Ferrari, Porsche, Daily Driven Exotics, DDE, Daily Driven Exotics Stories
Id: s4fXpgTKtg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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