Newton County Chief Deputy Arrested by Arkansas State Police

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They allowed him to resign instead of firing him and consider the matter closed. The charge will be handled by the courts. Cannot find if he was found guilty or not anywhere.

Deputy arrested on suspicion of DWI resigns | KTLO

👍︎︎ 253 👤︎︎ u/yeahyeahiknow2 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Great example why cameras are important. I believe that officer actually felt bad but felt he had no choice camera or no, but at least with the camera even if he actually would have let him go, he could not.

I cannot help but feel he got treated a lot better than even a normal white guy, and maybe not white people might have had a different experience after the I have a gun statement.

👍︎︎ 272 👤︎︎ u/captaincarot 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

"You know better". Nope apparently that's not taught at their station.

👍︎︎ 68 👤︎︎ u/Mrfellout 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

9:30 in the morning. Not exactly prime drinking time.

Edit: I get that it's not unusual to find drunks at 9:30am - my point is that at that time of the morning you're much less likely to find a DWI than at 2:00am. 11pm to 2am is prime time for DWIs, not 9:30am.

If you're drunk at 9:30am, you don't have to say "I've got some things going on in my life." That's a given.

👍︎︎ 111 👤︎︎ u/Plethorian 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Everything wrong in law enforcement is clearly shown in this video, the favoritism between a civilian and other officers, the blatant request for leniency AND at around the 16:30 mark the officer clearly states that the judge favors officers in DWI cases by almost never seen him in court. I would definitely call the judges track record after that remark

👍︎︎ 156 👤︎︎ u/wolfwood51 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

That's the NICEST Arkansas SP...They are usually straight up dicks from the get go. Grew up here so I would know. I fully believe he would have let that dude go if there weren't cameras. Assholes, both of them.

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/litken_chitle 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Didn't even cuff him, and it was a state cop. What a fucking joke.

👍︎︎ 84 👤︎︎ u/lieferung 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Wow. The amount of privilege evident in this video. SMDH.

👍︎︎ 84 👤︎︎ u/_umm_0 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

A cop in my city was passed out drunk in his squad car on duty with his weapon on him in the middle of the day and he kept his fucking job. And every single one of the "good cops" on the scene helped cover it up. These are the same pigs that murdered Elijah McClain and are getting off scot free

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/DSA_Cop_Caucus 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
so you're a deputy you're the chief okay well so you you know better [Music] swerving a little went way off the road back there touching the yellow line twice pushing the white line yellow line again zero four five young charles david [Music] [Music] get up on the driver's side see if i can smell something hello i'm trooper valentine arkansas state police stop because you look like you're having trouble controlling your vehicle all right what's going on your arm okay where is it huh it's on your chest huh been drinking a little yeah okay all right can i see your driver's license where you coming from um just over missouri okay how much have you had to drink okay well is your vehicle off turn it off for me all right go ahead and step out with me okay [Applause] [Music] so you got a gun on you it's off it's off of you is it in the vehicle yeah okay so you're a deputy you're the chief okay well so you you know better i've had some bad times okay well i understand that uh but i mean you know we can't be out driving if we've been drinking yeah and uh you know i caught you coming back onto the highway back there you almost hit a sign and then followed you for a little while and you touch the yellow line twice touch the white line twice okay okay all right so i'm gonna do some tests on you all right you know how all this is gonna go if you are impaired there's nothing i can do for you okay okay because it's not uh it wasn't my choice whatever you've done and you know my job's gonna be on the line just like yours is okay you got gum in your mouth okay go ahead and spit that out for me all right come back here toward my car okay so how much have you had you don't know you don't remember okay well pull your hands out of your pockets all right go ahead and stand all right you're gonna you're gonna be all right yeah all right go ahead and stand up for me right here okay and face my car you want to go through these tests or you just want me to take you in [Applause] i won't take it and we're in boone right now so i'd be taking you to boone okay i know it sucks all right but like i said it's not my choice you can't give me a break man you know i can't absolutely can't it's on camera i can't do anything about it i've got family out here on this highway i'm sure you do too i do smell i mean i could smell some odor than toxins all right of course you've admitted to me that you've had something to drink it's on camera you're driving so it's up to you if you want to take tests or if you just want to go on to jail [Applause] well i understand that but you i'm sure you understood that too when you decided to drive right so what do you want to do well we can't sit here all day i know i'm honest i'm on a stop just north of 206 on 7th south [Music] maybe simple all right so again it's up to you but like i said we can't sit here all day so either we can do some tests here i can pbt you we can see where you're at you know the law if you're under eight percent uh i mean it's still it's still up to me you know between four percent and eight percent whether i want to take you to jail or not i do have some bad driving if you're under eight percent i can work with you if you got somebody to come get you we can go that route okay if seriously i've i can't do that i can't without testing you yes you know that i have no discretion when it comes to dwi no it's not we've got cameras we've got everything else it's not like it used to be i do wish i could help you out but i don't i i do not have that discretion okay so you want to take a chance we can either like i said we can see where you're at or you can go to jail not have any uh any further evidence you know it's up to you now i guess i'll just a deal my shit but have you got somebody but close by and come get it within like five to ten minutes well she's gonna know she know where you're at right now [Applause] okay which i mean that's none of my personal business but i'm just you know just curious but uh like that if you've got somebody that can come get it again i can't leave it here okay because if someone comes by and knocks the window out of it it's going to be on me so we can't do that so just so i know right now when you're refusing all tests you're not going to take a test when we get down there or anything like that no no no okay so do you have someone you can call okay we'll go ahead and get them on the phone okay [Applause] i know you don't want to but like i said i mean i don't want to either but unfortunately i do not have a choice 15 years [Music] you're hanging out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] i guess so yeah [Applause] i wish [Applause] [Music] [Music] um how long will it take ask how long it'll take please okay [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah that'll work all right so we do need to get loaded up we can sit here and wait till she gets here is that your wife coming okay all right come on out you got anything on you anything in your pockets nothing at all [Applause] it's in your truck okay all right do me a favor walk up this way go ahead and put your hands on my car all right we're just gonna go through this like we normally do i just gotta follow policy man if i want them to back me up i gotta do what they want me to do all right go ahead and put your hands on there bring your feet back or toward me no put your hands on the car for me bring your feet all back so you don't have anything all right i will do the professional courtesy if you want we can uh i can just cuff you in the front sit you in the back of my car you wanna do that are you rather having behind your back seriously like i said it's policy yeah all right yeah you want me to follow policy i think it's bullshit by the way but okay yeah um yeah i'm gonna get my pills up there okay what are they for all right okay go ahead go ahead now let's go up there okay [Applause] so where's your bill okay there's guns in there okay should be all right with them in here yeah okay all right let's go we'll go on that side no go on there all right very good baby you gotta be welcome you wanna be welcome are you serious you know where we're going i mean that's up to you i guess man it's not my fault don't look at me like no no it's my fault okay like i said i i do not want to do this to another law enforcement officer i've always heard about it happening never wanted it to happen to me okay but like i said there's nothing i can do about it do you understand that no i don't know i know i know it's my own you if you or some other guy out here you know driving around suspended you know no job whatever i'd be doing the same thing pretty much lost my life i lost my career and probably lost my life well i hope not i mean i don't know what you guys uh you know how everything goes over there but you have a pretty good chance of you know judge find you not guilty he does that quite a bit i don't know how i've never seen him in court with another officer with a i don't know if being charged with it is enough for you to get fired or i don't have to be convicted a couple things to think about maybe no sure all right i'm gonna shut this door oh good and again that's not typically me i i don't i don't feel like i'm drunk enough to you know be you know yes well like i said you know you i mean i gave you the choice if you wanted to take this and see where you're at or you know just going down with uh with no tests hello hey uh i am 1015 with a white male yep like i said just north of 206 here waiting on someone to come get his vehicle and then we'll be going to bed all right should be here about 10 minutes maybe but i'll let you know when i'm headed out yep it's good okay any more on the couch okay i got you all right well let me know uh if anything else happened all right thanks so what do i do now what do you think well uh 15 years of law enforcement i mean like i said uh you know i've i've got just what was on the camera there a little bit of your driving so if you're refusing all other tests and that's going to be the only evidence we have so you're kind of taking a chance on what the judge wants to do but yeah you know i mean obviously i can't give you any legal advice but uh you know you may have a shot doing that or you know if you took a portable and you were under then you know you did that's just another chance you could take on that too so i feel like i'm under to be honest with you i don't drink much but but i know how it goes you know back in the day in the course of a long time an officer could just take him home yeah i know i've heard about that but you know i mean just because that's what they used to do it doesn't mean that was right you know you're right we also used to slap people around just for back talking you can't do that anymore either well i used should do that too but fuck 122 124 oh i got that you wonder do you want any of that um you got coffee up there don't you yeah yeah i tell you what if you open that tailgate i got water in there oh nothing back there i want you to vaccinate uh look back and see five oh ugh okay so i'm trying to figure out what to do now i don't know i mean what do you mean what i do for like a career i mean it's something well like i said i mean i don't know what you guys policy is like with that i don't even know if i was to be uh charged with the dwi i don't think that'd be enough to get me fired i think you'd probably have to be convicted of a dwi so i wouldn't even i mean i know it's on your mind but you know i probably wouldn't be too worried at this point you wouldn't be worried i mean i'm not worried about you know what i mean he's not been fired yet so um what's wrong okay so you're taking me to boone county right yep so got my phones your phone yeah it's up there in your truck i guess i think you put it on the dash when you got off of it yeah i got your phone you might grabbing that do you mind grabbing that no i'll go get it okay uh happy wednesday hey i'm sitting in the back of the police car with valentin the other valentine he says i'm drunk so anyways he helped me over drunk driving yes seriously i met almost 206. well i was uh southbound on seven here uh actually going out to the daisy queen but i saw this tacoma in front of me get quite a bit off the road kind of into the grass on the right side and come back over under the highway and watch them for a little bit hit the yellow line at the white line at the yellow line at the white line so i pulled them over just north of 206 here and it's your chief deputy well he's refused any tests so i don't know where he's at you know as far as bac so uh all right no problem thank you well just go and fire me i think but i had a incident last night anyways um i guess he's taking me to boone county can you can you bomb me out can you get me out of there good all right thanks all right bro do you want to see how much longer your ride's gonna be i'm sitting here at this church that rpm or whatever oh what was your pc by the way you're driving i was gonna go off into the ditch and then come back hit the yellow line twice at the white line twice okay so [Music] yeah well i got him in the back seat there i guess you guys are taking the truck yeah who's driving it okay have you got your driver's license on you i just gotta run it and make sure everybody knows who i'm releasing the vehicle too okay you want to talk to her you can talk to him if you want can you let me out man i mean well i don't want to do that and i'm not saying you can run or do anything this is ridiculous and you are no better than jamie ralston and she all she wants to say to you is for you to come get your stuff because if you cared about her you wouldn't do [Music] [Music] yep hmm is there's i attend county open teleport please [Music] still got your feels on what [Music] um time did you arrest him uh i'll have to check it was about 10 a little before 10 o'clock it's bad yeah well that's what i told him i said man i said i've always heard about this so i hope it never happened to me did you have a copy of my traffic yeah there's nothing i can do negative all i heard was you call for me can i get a thrill no i have to quit holding sell one please huh what's his name michael doug michael dunn he's the chief chief part chief jeff sorry i worked with him on uh that deal out at newton county uh they're still not working western grove that guy that had the baby on wasn't that thanksgiving holidays last year yeah i think it was thanksgiving because i was headed out to my mom and dad's house oh yeah that sucks he's like man you can't just i'm like i can't do anything so it's all on camera i mean i can't just let you go let somebody come pick you up i mean they have preached that to us and preached that to us i said yeah i said well he kept looking at me and said don't look at me like that so it's not my fault it wasn't my choice i know oh well not a lot yeah but not enough okay he refused the bac and that's typically foreign yeah yeah he's refused any tests i didn't oh i hadn't okay well then that's that's the real that's the rules i told him i mean of course he knows i was like well you know the drill i said you can either take a test or not take a test if you're under you know i can help you out if you're if you decide not to do anything then it's up to the judge whatever he decides to do i'm not going to give him that time that's what you want to do that's okay so i told a while ago i said you know as soon as we get you processed in if sheriff comes up here we'll release
Channel: Real World Police
Views: 4,061,290
Rating: 4.7391357 out of 5
Keywords: RWP
Id: 4eg3p94Qxyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 5sec (2405 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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