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warning this content may be upsetting or disturbing to some audiences he just ate a dead pigeon full of maggots what have you seen and immediately regretted seeing it walking home during the middle of the day I notice a car with its emergency flashers on parked in an alley I look and see this old dude squatting next to the car at that very moment I saw the turd plop out I should have minded my own business a guy on Twitter who had fun with his vacuum cleaner and a woman eating a mouse alive while being dressed like a cat this is her fetish the crunches slurps and squeals never left me that gif of the baby stroller rolling onto the subway tracks that haunted me for a year until I read the story of the baby miraculously surviving it unharmed it has happened in Melbourne a dude putting on goggles saying he's diving into that female body part then proceeded to shove his entire head into someone's genital I saw my wife's blown out benjin my peripheral vision while walking around the hospital bed took quite a while for them to stop having an effect on our fun times I was shown a video of a woman stretching out her a-hole filling it with cereal and milk and another girl eating it with a spoon there this whole website for it called butt smoothies girl puts milk and stuff up there some fruit then jumps around has fun with a dude for a bit she then proceeds to empty herself in some cups and they drink it together during the birth of my first son the doctor relieved my wife by taking a scalpel and cutting from her vag to anus I wish I hadn't seen that I don't think she expected to need an episiotomy when she had them put the mirrors up and I'll say she claims the actual act of the cut involved seriously my skin is on edge even typing that she said she hardly felt it because of everything else in the moment and that the only bad thing about it was the healing to me the entire thing was horrific second to that was watching a [ __ ] huge blood clot giant bag of blood get pushed out of her afterward that was insane again she said it was fine women are made of tougher stuff than me when I was younger my mom had the stomach flu I was the only one at home and she yelled for me to bring her a barf bucket I came into her bedroom as she was trying to make it to the toilet I passed her the barf bucket she bent over to hurl and machine-gunned sprayed poop all over her white bedspread my mom is a large woman and it was very unpleasant three men one hammer it's got to be in the top five worst videos I've ever seen the psychos are even on Wikipedia do not Google my daughter showed me a pic and before I could look away it was burned into my memory I cringed and shuddered for two weeks after seeing it it was a pic of a bald man's head he had had hair plugs put in all of the plugs became infected in the hair fell out rows and rows of tiny pustules all over his head don't google it a few years ago in New York City a cyclist got sideswiped by a taxi we pedestrians walked over to help him out and I looked down at his leg only to see a bloody stub his foot was severed from his ankle down and was a good 10 feet away another time I watched a homeless man stand up from a dead sleep walk over to the corner of the Train near the doors and pee in the crack his pants fell and it was covered in poop mind you this was a packed train another time a woman who looked somewhat homeless was sitting stone-faced there was a foul odor in the air but at first no one knew where it was coming from when the train stopped she darted off into the night I looked where she was sitting in there was a poop smearer that was probably the worst smell I've ever had the displeasure of inhaling watched a co-worker get hit in the head from a 25 pound piece of metal moving way too quickly and the first taters trying to give him CPR never saw death before that had hope to never see it again watching someone die in their 20s is something I wouldn't want anyone else to experience either I borrowed my parents pickup last weekend it is a new truck I have never driven before I went to sync my phone to it it connects to one of their phones and says video Big D for Grandma i sat there staring at it for a minute confused by what I was seeing wondering if it was my phone but no I don't like that kind of adult video that means when my wife gave birth to our first child it was an emergency c-section after 32 hours of labor while the surgery was going on they put up this curtain between her top half and her bottom half and although I was scrubbed down to be in the room with her they advised me to not peek over the curtain it wouldn't hurt if I did it just wasn't a good idea to I decided to take a look right before they got our son out it was likely the most horrific thing I've ever seen in my life they take the entire uterus out take the baby out of the uterus and then put the uterus back in holy hell it was like looking into the mouth of madness my brother as a little kid decided that he wanted to stump nail in the ground he smashed it in it wasn't a very pleasant experience someone relied having shot a nail into my knee this post reminds me of the feeling of pulling it out and man does it make me pucker someone else replied reminds me of the time I saw a video of someone putting toothpicks under their big toe and kicking a wall there was no toothpick visible past the nail all went in seeing my cat with an infected gaping hole in her stomach and a chunk of the side of her tail gone after having been missing for three weeks she just walked in the back door looking all starved and dehydrated like there was nothing wrong but she kept lying down to lick herself and I saw crusted blood on her tail we took her to the vet she somehow completely recovered and is doing really well surprisingly when I was 13 me and some friends witnessed a homicide at the end of the street we heard three shots and a car running right after it as people start to show in the local we went to and the guy who was shot was still alive in the floor three shots in the chest what I totally regret is to see that man slowly dying before the ambulance arrives watching him suffer to breathe and just stop breathing at all messed me up this scene comes back to me sometimes I was ignorant of what happened to the Bulls after bullfighting now even the thought of it makes me sick to my stomach seriously if you have any empathy for animals don't look for videos I've seen footage where after all of the above has happened and the beast is nearly but not quite dead the matador stabs it in the back of the head and neck repeatedly infuriated beast to thrash around and wail it makes me sick to even describe it earthlings the documentary narrated by Joaquin Phoenix not that I disagree with the point of the documentary but what a horrendous watch I had to watch it in multiple sittings to get through it in the first time I only made it about 14 minutes in it's the absolute worst documentary that everyone needs to watch I'm not a vegan by any stretch but it sure as hell changed my buying and eating habits a lot video of a guy cutting down a branch on a ladder and getting clubbed by said branch as it fell immediately cuts to the dudes face being wide open being moved around by the doctor examining it the face split video is put at the end of many different forms of facial trauma videos I read the most disturbing story somewhere deep into reddit it was about a girl putting rotting meat and maggots inside herself yeah I really regret reading it there's a channel on YouTube of a guy doing disgusting stuff eating it from what I know of four clicks and I guess Fame which is probably nothing short of actual self harm I have no idea what the channel's name is I had a stream of dead wing dork on on the side while playing something on my other monitor the video he watched first was the guy eating a dead pigeon full of maggots that he cooked I looked away for the most part because food gore is one of my hard limits had to minimize the window to after a couple seconds and a second bite then the guy inevitably throwing up because he just ate a dead pigeon full of maggots I turned the audio down and waited for this channel segment to end it felt like hours he also watched a second video where the guy ate what's apparently stuff owls or some other birds throw up because they can digest it mostly hair and bone pieces of mice guy also eats it throws it back up Yatta Yatta my mother used to have a locked filing cabinet in her room growing up that's one of the places my Christmas or birthday gifts were hidden also when I was on restriction that's where she would lock up my Nintendo since I was a latchkey kid maad sense for me to learn to pick locks no more restriction for me as a teen I was feeling nostalgic and realized I hadn't picked that lock in years I found this on canvas wrapped object unwrapped it and it was a penis sleeve so that's the day I learned my mom was a size Queen in my freshman biology class of high school we had some pet gerbils out for some class event thing and as I was petting one it fell to the floor he seemed a little shocked from the fall but looked alright in fact he started to move around as I bent down to pick him up again he even was able to run right under my knee crunch pop I lifted my knee to have it jettison a spray of blood into my face out of its mouth as its final [ __ ] convulsions had arrived as its last nerves fired off wheezing the gasping squeals as its lungs only attempted to do what it had done all this time but each gasped gurgled is it cleared to spray another font of blood after a few sprays total it was only writing and then silence I don't remember who was in that class with me but to this day I feel like a murderer from all the screaming of the other teens I know I couldn't hunt if I needed to I would die in the wild it was small but that moment alone solidified my distaste in particularly gruesome movies or shows I watched a man fall 200 feet I was 11 at a paragliding cop with my dad he was coming in to land in his own in his canopy collapsed he dropped like a brick in front of everyone including his dad it took an hour for the ambulance to arrive when people called for the paramedics they specifically asked for a helicopter as we were in a remote location and it would take too long for an ambulance to get there a woman and two men kept him alive whilst he was laying in his dad's lap he died two minutes before the ambulance arrived it was my 11th birthday a video of a guy's genitals been eaten by a dog he's alive his hands are tied behind his back two guys are stepping on each of his legs to keep them apart another guy is trying to put a cloth in his mouth I assume to keep him from making too much noise I wonder what he did to deserve that funeral director here in Germany some funeral homes get coroner Duty which means they come in and do everything that needs to be done to get every necessary bit of body and information from the scene to the medical examiner this includes all decomp accidents crimes suicides and whatever else the police finds naturally I have seen a lot of this in the past eight years doing my job at this particular home a couple of things stayed with me but this one stuck out guys raising his five-year-old daughter alone due to her mother's death a year prior one Wednesday night he takes a shower bath tub with include shower so slipping hazard already built in slips and breaks his neck water still running etc his daughter who didn't know by then what death actually is thought daddy was just asleep and proceeded to go about her stuff for four days straight eating whatever she could find in the kitchen dressing herself in the whole shebang all while her father under constantly running warm water slowly begins to develop a quiet heavy smell in a good handful of maggots eventually she ran out of food made her way out of the apartment and knocked on the neighbor's door asking them to wake up daddy the neighbors a really sweet and rather lonely elderly couple took her into their apartment and the husband went over to check from the smell he instantly knew what was up after turning off the shower he called the police and they had us coming not the nastiest job ever but certainly not the nicest my mom having sex with one of her clients on the couch and the dude had asked her if I wanted to join five-year-old me ran back to bed this happened thirty years ago it was a regular occurrence at my house since my mom was a prostitute and stripper to bring random men back home she finally stopped after she got arrested for prostitution when I was seven and went to jail for a month I knew about sex and what my mom did when I was five so it wasn't so much as a shock but to see particular dudes take an interest in me was pretty shocking some were nice about it wanted to buy me toys etc it's all in the past now my mom is long gone and my stepdad E's are non-existent except one he was the one that saved me from my mom thanks for allowing radio TTS to brighten your day hit the subscribe button and please don't Google any of these things click the right box for a video about what not to Google let us know in the comments what you can't unsee ever and stay off the nasty websites [Music]
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 152,094
Rating: 4.9189901 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit best, reddit stories, reddit story, reddit top post, reddit stories 2019, reddit comments, reddit funny, askreddit funny, best of reddit, reddit creepy, reddit cringe, radio tts regret seeing, most disturbing things on the internet, most disturbing things, reddit disturbing posts, reddit disturbing stories, disturbing stories from reddit, most disturbing reddit posts, disturbing true stories reddit, regret seeing, things i regret seeing
Id: NdER1-g0fDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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