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92 percent of all planets there will ever be have not even been formed yet what's an unbelievable space fact space welding in a vacuum you don't need welding materials to get two metals to fuse they will do it on their own if you place them close enough but they need to be the same material and the surface needs to be free of oxidation imagine having two blocks of pure aluminum or iron in a vacuum if you touch them together they'll get stuck and fuse like a weld why because the atoms each block is made out of don't know which block they belong to on earth this doesn't happen due to oxygen in the atmosphere if you scrub off the surface layer of a piece of metal the new surface comes into contact with oxygen and oxidizes pretty much instantly [Music] most of the visible stars in the night sky are binary stars two stars orbiting each other and most of the visible stars are unusual for one reason or another you can't see the vast majority of the stars in the sky because they aren't bright enough it's amazing how many dots pop up when you point a telescope at blackness after traveling since 1977 voyager 1 has now reached about 20 light hours distance from the sun voyager 1 travels at 38 000 miles per hour or about 17 kilometers per second it has taken 43 years to travel from earth to where it is now 21.2 billion kilometers away speed of light is about 1.07 billion kilometers per hour voyager 1 would then be approximately 22.1 billion kilometers from the sun 20.65 light hours away that's insane 17 kilometers per second and it is a tiny fraction of the speed of light if you were to scale the universe down so that the sun was the size of the period at the end of this sentence the nearest star would be four miles away also the big bang was not an explosion of matter rather it was an expansion of space itself everything is getting farther away from everything else as all space is expanding there is no center of the universe imagine this if you were to scale down the universe so that the distance between the star closest to our sun and the sun itself was the size of the period at the end of this sentence the nearest galaxy would be about five miles away you could probably scale this idea up many more times with galaxy clusters and stuff venus spins backward whatever the direction of the other planets when they are rotating venus rotates the exact opposite way we now theorize that mercury is actually the almost exposed metallic core of a planet that used to be about the size of mars which sort of begs the question what happened to the rest of it i've never heard this corroborated anywhere but it would be kind of a romantic idea if the planet we know this mercury is all that remains of the protoplanet that collided with earth when the solar system was forming ejecting the material that would become the moon and it then could have wandered to where it currently orbits the collision hypothesis for the moon is the likeliest one we know that the moon and earth have very similar compositions too similar for it to have come from anywhere else in any case we now think that the early solar system had several more planets than it has currently and there are several places they could have gone they could have been ejected from the solar system completely or their collisions may have formed the asteroid belt they could have been flung out to he kuiper belt or maybe they spiraled inward to be disintegrated by the sun or some of their mass may have been pulled into a disk around the gas giants to become a moon later being able to see a total solar eclipse is a sheer coincidence of timing the moon is just large enough and just far enough away from earth to appear to be the exact size of the sun during a total eclipse when it covers the entire disk of the sun since the moon is slowly moving away from earth one day it will no longer appear large enough to fully cover the sun and there will be no more total eclipses this won't happen for 600 million years though so don't panic i'm not religious but i've often wondered why religions don't use this as proof of a higher being i mean it's unlikely enough as it is that we're all even here but to have such a perfect moon to sun ratio at the time we're alive is crazily unlikely if the sun dies it'll take eight minutes for us to realize and yet it can take forty thousand years for a photon to travel from the center of the sun to the surface we always see an eight minutes old version of the sun what's interesting is that earth wouldn't be affected gravitationally and would still orbit an empty point of space for eight minutes either because gravity and gravitational waves of course travels at the speed of light too vsauce has a great video on what would happen if the sun disappeared long story short humans would not suddenly die off and go extinct there's lots of very plausible ways we could survive for a long long time even without the sun it would just suck and we also couldn't support the same population we do now neptune was discovered using math a man named alexis bouvard made some predictions on uranus's future position using newton's laws of gravity but when it was later observed it was found to be slightly off urban leveria found that if he assumed there was another planet further out the discrepancy would be explained and used math to predict where it could be found finally a man named johann gala looked in the spotlevarier specified and lo and behold there was neptune that there are 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe and that number is likely to at least double as hubble goes further and observes more of the universe it's insane to think that we live on a mere spec within the milky way galaxy and that there are possibly 199 billion 999 million 99999 99999 other galaxies out there each separated by millions of light years the enormity of the universe is mind-boggling it's nuts that there's that many galaxies out there and even in popular science fiction about exploring how vast and varied space is they still stay in their home galaxy even the douglas adams quote about how mind-bogglingly big space is is from his book the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy which really helps underscore the point it is literally impossible to understand in a way that can be meaningfully communicated to the masses even in fiction even in the specific corner of fiction that is designed to make it comprehensible it's real big nasa's protocol for an astronaut dying in space its return to earth pushing it out the airlock creates new debris that the station may have to avoid in the future every astronaut is aware of kessler syndrome and definitely wants to be a part of the solution not the problem according to chris hadfield every space agency accept nasa trains for this i guess nasa is as optimistic with life as they are with their mission target dates the official plan is that they would evaluate the specific situation if it ever arose but essentially they would likely store the body with the trash coldest part of the station until the next scheduled return trip and then give it one of the seats the universe is still in its very infancy in fact according to some studies despite an almost infinite number of planets 92 of all planets there will ever be have not even been formed yet the universe is in fact so young relatively speaking that several types of stars have have not even had enough time to exist yet blue dwarfs red dwarfs that have started spending the last of its hydrogen the first of this kind of star is not expected to exist until a trillion years in the future considering our universe is only around 13 billion years it is going to take some time until we spot the first blue dwarf the blue dwarf will eventually turn into a white dwarf black dwarfs a white dwarf can be formed any number of ways and we have observed a lot of them but when a white dwarf star cools down it starts the process of becoming a black dwarf this process can theoretically take as little as a quadrillion years or or as much as 37 quadrillion years this is the ultimate fate of our sun and the process is going to take thousands of times longer than the universe has even existed so far people on average vastly underestimate how far away the moon is you could fit all the planets in the solar system in the space between earth and the moon if you could drive your car to the moon at an average speed of 60 miles per hour without stopping it would take six months to get there another way to think about this scale is if the earth was the size of a soccer ball then the moon would be the size of a racquetball and they'd be 22 feet apart [Music] the sun loses about 5.5 million tons of mass every second or about 174 trillion tons of mass every year the sun has five billion more years or so to live in one billion years its luminosity and temperature will rise so much that all life on earth will die near the end of its lifespan the sun begins fusing helium instead of hydrogen resulting in it expanding beyond the orbits of mercury and venus and then releasing its outer layers leaving behind only a small white dwarf star [Music] due to gravitational time dilation from the perspective of a black hole's event horizon the event that created it only happened moments prior but from our perspective black holes are some of the oldest and longest living objects in the universe and because a singularity is believed to be a point of infinite density time is infinitely dilated at that point so from the perspective of the singularity it exists at only one infinitely small amount of time with this in mind a black hole would not be an object it would be an event more specifically it'd be an explosion with such a high energy density that it warped the space and time around it and slowed it down from our perspective [Music] even though there is no air space stinks various astronauts have described it as metallic sweet welding fumes burnt brake pads walnuts and gunpowder a light year is 6 trillion miles a light year refers to the distance that light travels in one standard earth year there is also light seconds light minutes and light hours respectively but for astronomic distances we use light years partly because the number in kilometers or miles get mind-numbingly long we could actually move the sun with a giant mirror the way this would work is building a giant half sphere of a mirror that has a greater circumference than the sun the light would shine into the mirror moving the sun closer to the mirror but if i remember correctly the mirror wouldn't run into the sun because of radiation it would be slow very slow but it would be possible to move the sun's entire orbit in our galaxy by about 100 light years up or down it takes the light from stars so long to reach us that we are technically looking millions of years into the past chances are that many of the stars that you see are dead just like your dreams one of my favorite facts as well i always come back to this when people talk about looking for extraterrestrial life like even if we saw a planet it'd be decades or centuries in the past and if you could land on an object 65 million light years away and looked at the earth you could see dinosaurs in the asteroid that wiped them out most of what hollywood portrays about the vacuum of space is just plain wrong space isn't cold nor is it hot by definition of a vacuum it's neither there's three ways something cools or warms conduction convection and radiation in space the first two are not applicable because there's nothing to conduct so the only way something can heat up is by absorbing radiation like sunlight and the only way it can cool is by radiating its own heat which is a very slow process cooling is actually a much bigger problem for astronauts than heating hollywood also loves to portray the explosive nature of space open a hatch and your whole body explodes and again that's not true again by definition space is zero atmospheres of pressure here on earth we are under one atmosphere the difference is enough to kill you but not very dramatically a hole in a space station could literally be patched with duct tape or by placing a hand over it if there was air in space that sound was able to travel through at the sun's surface it would emit a deafening 290 db which is so loud that it pretty much transcends sound and just turns into a pressure wave but at the earth's surface it would be about 120 db which is about as loud as standing a couple meters away from an active jackhammer where it gets spooky though is that if the sun were to suddenly disappear not only would it take a full eight minutes for us to notice the lack of sunshine or gravity but because the speed of sound is so comparatively slow we would still hear the sun for another 13.8 years saturn's tiny moon enceladus has volcanoes that spew ice particles at speeds faster than the escape velocity the particles leave enceladus atmosphere and get pulled into saturn's ring system forming the e-ring while the particles being spat out originate from within the moon so while enceladus loses mass every time this occurs it would not be shrinking in size in addition to the above the amount of material the moon loses every eruption is negligent compared to the overall material the moon is made of neutron stars are so dense that a teaspoon of material from one would weigh around 10 million tons but that's nothing the deeper you get into a neutron star the stranger the matter becomes you end up with layers of in order nuclear spaghetti nuclear lasagna nuclear bucatini and then a nuclear swiss cheese based on the compression of neutrons from a quasi-liquid state into a solid forms by superlative pressures near the heart of the star just outside the point where they would be pressed into a singularity black holes are dense enough to collapse into a singularity meaning they occupy an infinitesimal volume if you had a singularity it wouldn't fill a teaspoon yet all known black holes are heavier than the sun thanks for listening to radio tts hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for more videos click the right box for the facts playlist let us know in the comments what you think about these facts you
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Id: 9dez-6larm0
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Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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