Dirty Secret of Religious Private Schools - AskReddit

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my Catholic school made sure I learned to write with my right hand because the devil uses the left people who went to private religious schools what are your horror stories I attended Catholic school from kindergarten through high school then went back and taught in both a Catholic elementary school in high school and let me tell you that rules and punishments are far more rigid and ridiculous for employees than they are for students you sign a contract stating that not only will you conduct yourself by the rules and standards of the church one at work but also outside of the workplace it was when a fellow teacher had become pregnant out of wedlock and was thus terminated losing her income and insurance when she needed it most that I decided to quit I learned later that my officious and ultra-conservative principal was addicted to quaaludes the hypocrisy in those places never ceases to astound me I got two weeks detention for bringing a kids book on evolution to school and asking if evolution made it possible for all the animals to fit on the ark my thinking was that back in Noah's day there was only one species of elephant horse land etc so there wouldn't be the problem of fitting multiple species of one family into the ark then after the ark evolution kicked in and we got different species after they repopulated the world to my mind this was a perfectly fine way to resolve the young earth equals evolution bad plus Sciences cool conflict I was having nope apparently I was thinking too much and needed to be punished for not believing what the Bible said principal who was known for grabbing students by the neck and slamming them against a wall having to attend church every Sunday or else you would be expelled from school after three strikes per year I was not being allowed to use the bathroom during class only two 5-minute break periods outside of the 15-minute lunch period every day no recess periods not allowed to talk to classmates after the final class every day on school grounds were on a bus I was not allowed to wear shirts that have designs on them mandatory after-school study hall if any grade was below a C I went to a Lutheran school from K 8th grade my parents loved to tell a story about what a difficult student I was the story as they tell it is that I once accused my math teacher of being a Nazi because I don't like math what actually happened was that my math teacher spent an entire period fantasizing outloud about the day when God would ordain good Christians rounding up and killing all the gays I called him a Nazi because he was standing there daydreaming about committing genocide to a class full of sixteen year olds my best friend growing up went to one for a year he was in public school with me till he had a health problem his parents were scared the kids would make fun of him so they transferred him the next year he showed back up at the school and told us there was nothing actually Christian about the Christian school which seemed really poignant coming from a 12 year old his stories showed those kids were much crueler than any I ever encountered at school I was in Catholic school from kindergarten to college grade school was tough not because of the teachers but because it was the same 35 kids for nine years any horror stories I have were from the other kids not faculty my high school math teacher was expelled from the school and was defrocked from being a priest after he had a same-sex relationship with a student that he claimed started on the kids 18th birthday he avoided jail time but all references to him he was president of the school for a while have been scrubbed with bleach from the school college was Catholic but just like there was a priest or nun here and there for all intents and purposes it was just a secular liberal arts school parents forced me to enroll in a private Pentecostal college before I turned 18 semester one 18 years old and a stricter curfew than I had growing up campus would look down at 1:30 if you showed up late you had to check in with security and be escorted back into the dorm after three strikes you got fined for every tardy or the other option was to not have anywhere to go I guess it's better that you don't have a place to sleep than if you're allowed to be a dumb 19 year old I eventually figured out that if I show me down the freight elevator to the basement I could unlock the old storm door that led outside never saw fine again mandatory Chapel five days a week let me rephrase that mandatory evangelical Chapel if you miss six or more in the semester you got fined for each one a lot of the good Christian kids going to be pastors and they would scan their card and just go back to the dorm for Halo or naptime I never liked lying so I felt worse for scanning and leaving than just not wanting to go so I got more finds a kid got asbestos poisoning from the wall it's not like it happened because of us but we probably made it worse there was a super bad patch job for a piece of sheetrock they installed no money or taping around the patch just for easily accessible screws in the corners so naturally we unscrewed it to find out that the inside of it was big enough to get inside and climb up the studs or braces in the wall made it to the fifth floor the top floor and found all this old medical device equipment and x-rays roof access etc the kid that slept on the bunk literally the floor next to where are we removed the sheetrock patch went home a year later with three million dollar settlement and asbestos poisoning instead of updating the building and fixing the problems the university spent millions of dollars on a new chapel building finally one more a handful of the gays banded together to demand a real conversation respect better treatment and acceptance a kid I grew up seeing in Bible camps was part of it I was super happy he just finally came out and accepted himself that was the last day I saw him the school kicked all the gays out and I never heard from him again super nice dude and he had it so hard growing up in the state we lived in he finally escaped and made it to the city only to have these zealous pieces of poop threw him out on the street the only good thing about this experience was that it started me on a real journey to find God that led me to atheism life is much better these days total fines for 1.5 years of church college $6,000 my card apparently scanned but didn't record all the chapel visits I worked overnight security on the weekends instead of giving me an exclusion like they said they would they find me also I failed English one-zero-one because I said five million dollars on a new chapel wouldn't make it a better place to worship and that if that was true God must not care about an African believer praying on a dirt floor so that was another wasted $2,800 when I was in first grade I went to Catholic school honestly it was so long ago I remember little here we go uniforms girls had to wear skirts dresses and knee-highs boys wore slacks and collared shirts it got cold and I asked my mom to buy me a pair of the boys pants she did the teasing was awful every day it was something they started calling me a boy equivalent to my name pushed me off playground equipment and would peek through the stall gaps while I was in the bathroom and say see you or a girl or if they didn't do that there would definitely be an you know boys in the girls room another thing I was a good kid and student I never disobeyed and I always did my work on time I was that kid we had massed in the gym every Friday one of those Fridays I sat with my friend and we got bored as seven-year-old children being forced to go to Mass - we made things interesting and played TV show this comprised us making cameras with our hands like a viewfinder or square shape and filming everything we saw we got hauled out of mass into the office for shooting guns at the crucifix I cried hysterically when they didn't believe me then my mom showed up I think they believed her as I was sent back to class I think the teacher must have told everyone about it because my whole class was like why did you shoot at Jesus I was home-schooled after that until college I now go to a public Community College and I'm generally happy there we had a priest who turned out to be a pedo I know he tried to groom me at one point but turns out I was too depressed to buy any of that stuff only time depression was a good thing he was convicted a year or a bit after I left for offenses against at least three boys and spent the rest of his life in prison I went to a Catholic school I am from a Protestant background so a lot of things in school confused me for example why pray to Saints aren't they just human and they can't hear us why do we have to learn prayers by heart prayer is how we talk to God so it doesn't need to be scripted I ask these questions and the only answer I ever got was that's just how we do things here I was unconvinced and left catechism class when I was 7 fast forward a couple years and it's time for my sister to get into school they denied her admission and refused to tell us why my maternal uncle is a Catholic priest so we got him to ask the bishop to find out why they didn't let her get an admission it was because I hated on the Catholic faith and opposed it when she was seven I didn't I just respectfully requested to not follow those traditions for myself and never stopped anyone else from doing it their way never hated on anyone never opposed people in that way I was also a generally very good student and all my teachers like me I'm still sour about this so essentially we do not want critical thinkers in school grew up Catholic went to private school for two years some fun things that happened some kids are sent there as rehab thinking that their children will learn turns out a kid I knew was involved with drugs from an early age and dealt them and all throughout high school class got yelled at for not sounding enthusiastic enough when we prayed no one cared because we cared about actual school work mostly still got punishment but nothing changes detentions and in-school suspension is s's galore for incomplete homework or general mischievousness a racist teachers who had no credentials being allowed to work there my parents were told that me learning or even speaking Spanish would cause me to be held back mentally by an equally mental teacher my mom brought my dad and both asked the teacher to explain herself to the principal whose eyes were apparently wide as dinner plates when she found out principal apparently didn't fire her that day but later she did two unrelated reasons the same teacher put me across the same table as this piece of who was the worst bully in the school not sure if it was revenge for what my parents did but it's likely knowing her I was good at school but at same teacher's class I would struggle to keep up I almost got held back a year because I nearly failed that class my parents transferred me to a different school because this was the last straw I wound up excelling at this school and got a really high GPA the highest I had ever gotten at that time there were a few positive experiences I had with other students the most memorable being that I made my entire class left for a solid 15 minutes for an or book report that I did including my crush best feeling ever I went to a state funded nominally Church of England school for two hours every weekday afternoon I was sent to a madrasah which is customary among Muslim families say sat and read the Quran and did nothing else the teacher liked groping women on buses but he kept that part of himself away from the madrasa he subjected us to a lot though he had a piece of wood from a chair that he used to hit us with if we pronounced anything wrong sometimes he used a piece of hose he'd hit us on the backs of our hands and the soles of our feet he'd make us stand like a chair against a wall for ages or give us the chicken punishment where we'd have to hold our ears with our arms passed around our legs sometimes when someone was in that position he'd beat them across the back with timber I went to the same Christian school from kindergarten through 11th grade I learned very quickly that my school experience was very different from kids that went to public schools up until 8th grade I actually didn't have many issues there I wasn't a great student because I don't learn the way they taught and there was no help or understanding for that kind of thing I had one principal for one year that understood me very well and he would give me verbal tests that I did fine with he unfortunately passed away the next year I grew up with most of the people in the school so teasing wasn't really a thing there were only 10 to 18 people in my class each year things got weird in high school because they got stricter about male/female interactions girls couldn't sit next to boys on the floor dating was strongly discouraged our school dances generally didn't have any slow songs because they didn't want to encourage boys and girls getting that close my junior year we spent every weekly Chapel listening to our principal read a book about courting for marriage a kiss dating goodbye the author has actually publicly spoken against his own book now we never had sex ed because the only option was abstinence I know a kid that was asked to leave because he was openly gay I know a girl that was asked to leave because they found out she drank on weekends they didn't expel kids just requested they leave I know another kid that was suspended for six weeks when they found out he was sexually active which would effectively make him fail that year due to so much miss time after his parents went to the headmaster guidance on the situation after I left I know other kids were asked to leave due to becoming pregnant and the guys that got them pregnant were also asked to leave the whole abstinence thing clearly failed since I wasn't a good student I literally did not matter to the teachers or principal my best friend had a lot of mental health problems so I was put in charge of her because no knew how to deal with it however the principal basically tried to blackmail my best friend and said for her to go to our formal our version of prom with her boyfriend she needed to make me get my grades up my parents even had meetings with the principal to specifically request that if I fell behind in my classes that they'd be contacted to intervene they called my parents in May and told them I would be failing my entire year dropping out and getting my GED was the easiest and best decision I've ever made for myself I started college before the rest of my peers and have a bachelor's degree now my friends from that school are either atheists or special holiday church goers now I'd recommend the grade school for a solid education but junior high through high school I'd say run as far away as you can it was a terrible school but I have lifelong friends we're in our 30s now from there with a pretty unique bond yes corporal punishment was a thing yes I got paddled yes we wore uniforms and yes we said the Pledge of Allegiance every day and yes we attended a mass once a week while I really can't complain too much different time and era early 1970s I started out left-handed but my Catholic school made sure I learned to write with my right hand because the devil uses the left that said my high school is phenomenal while without a doubt a Catholic high school it had a highly demanding very secular and fairly progressive in our curriculum thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell if you don't want it to get peddled click the right box for the cult playlist let us know in the comments about your school experience [Music]
Channel: Radio TTS
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Id: jBXLzknZ_EE
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Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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