You WANT These 2 Powerhouses ASAP in Granblue Fantasy Relink!

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there are 19 characters available in Grand blue Fantasy relink 12 of which are recruitable with crewmate cards from the shop so who do you go for first realistically when looking for characters to play with for yourself you can't really go wrong with any of them the game has done a fabulous job of mixing and matching different play Styles while keeping each character feeling fresh and unique but if you're not sure who to unlock I do have two characters that I think will benefit you a great deal if you're not sure who to pick and you want glowing endorsement from some random stranger on the internet that people will inevitably disagree with when choosing a character to unlock it's wise to not only bear in mind your ability to play a particular character but also the CPUs because if you're playing through the game on your own then you have three CPU party members as well multiplayer obviously changes this so for the purpose of this video we're just talking about single player stuff as well as the role that that character actually brings to the table if you're playing through the story on any different including the hidden one it's also worth taking into account that the main character who I'm going to refer to as Grant is a mandatory addition to the team so we'll look at how we want to build him later Beyond picking a character for yourself to play which should always be the highest priority a strong second choice is always going to be somebody that can bring support capabilities to the table and nobody does that better than kagro now full disclosure I'm showing footage from my game here I've not leveled KAG Ostro all the way to the top but I wanted to showcase exactly which skills I feel really benefit the player in terms of support so if you want to CPU to take control of she's going to be really good and the first reason for this is going to be fantasmagoria the skill you can see on the screen here so fantasma goria is an attack defense and critical hit rate buff for the entire party and more importantly than that it's actually a singular buff which means it will stack with any other attack or defense or crit rate Buffs is also a really prominent healer as well so you have reinforce here which is a typical AOE HP heal but she also has a very unique healing capability in romata which ff14 that gave me the giggles just to think Sage for a second here but romata is actually an AOE re that she can cast at range so if you've got her in your party and she has this skill equipped if you get knocked down then you're going to find that you're getting up significantly quicker than you would would have done without her not only does kosto bring along the crazy powerful fantasma goria buff which honestly I would put her in my party just for that buff he actually has some really nice offensive support capabilities as well so disruption is a spell that dispels a buff from any foes in an AOE blast radius so if you find your up against bosses that like to buff themselves you might want to bring this ability along do also has the mayin Spear trap which is an attack down ranged attack that she can cast more than once because some abilities in grandly fantasy reing you can cast multiple times before they actually go on a cool down and this attack happens to be one of those so if you're struggling with taking too much damage or if there's a boss that particularly wants their attack lowered combining this with fantasma Gia's defense buff as well as perhaps another character who can reduce damage to the damage cut abilities you'll find you're taking a lot less damage as well if you wanted to build it that way kostra also has other attacks as well so she has mimik doll which is basically a Dodge attack that allows her to charge her triangle attack collapse which is a ranged attack quicker so actually the two cars I'm going to talk about today have very similar properties in that they both operate in that way with charge attack so the charge sigil might be something that you want to consider and as the game progresses into the end game you'll also potentially pick up sigil that makes it so that that particular attack actually in defense down as well so you find that she just kind of does everything from from a support capability perspective she does also have the ability to launch enemies in front of her and that allows her to charge her collapse triangle attack faster and then she also has Pain Train which is just typical Dash attack but I can't look at her and not see all of these amazing support capabilities resing healing buffing debuffing she just kind of has it all so it's hard to look at her and go yeah I can't not recommend her as an early choice so the next character I want to talk is persal now persal is actually the character I ended up playing through the majority of the story with as you can see by the fact that I've leveled him way higher than I have almost any other character except Sig freed as I've played him a lot in post game afterwards but personal I actually think is a fantastic early choice to pick up as well for numerous reasons the first of which is the rotor verbal which I'm sure I'm going to butcher some of these pronunciations so I apologize the damage that comes off of this ability is gargantuan when placed correctly so if you've got a break that's gone off or the enemy is stunned or trapped for whatever reason placing these fire coils in front of that enemy is going to do a crazy amount of damage so if you're playing as personal like I did I would absolutely bring this ability along but even if you don't play as him he has a lot to offer in conjunction with cagliostro that makes him a pretty great early pick as well so I can't talk about peral without discussing exala which is an extraordinary debuff so if you've played rblo at all you'll know that slow and status effects in this game are ridiculous if you want more information on why and other beginners tips as well I do already have a video out that explains a lot of why this is the case but if you know already petrified is not only a slow but it's also a defense drop as well and because like fantasmagoria it's a singular Deb buff it stacks on top of other defense drops as well so gagliostro is able to do it in the late game Gran is able to do it with armor break or miserable Mist you have loads of characters that have strong defense drops Zeta has her own unique one that's specific to her that you could then combine with this and just make your opponent's defense fall through the all while making it so that they can't move quick enough to stop you from absolutely wailing on them Cal also has the DC to carry multiple Buffs along with him as well one of which is an attack and defense boost to the entire party so these are generic Buffs so these won't stack with other attack and defense Buffs ordinarily but when you combine this and fantasmagoria you've gotten a massive offensive and defensive buff to your entire party with just two moves and then trumai is a ability that's restricted to personal himself and it has quite a long charge time like I used this a lot when I was playing him and it does take but if you start a fight with this he can boost his strength by up to 70% based on how high his HP is you played the demo and you saw how charlotta worked with 120% attack buff and how crazy that was this is just do crazy because you also get supplementary damage by making it so that all of hits hits do additional hits when you attack them so you get crazy amounts of damage off of peral in combination with all of his other abilities like road to verbal as well that triggers everything he has numerous different sort of charge attacks as well his triangle charge attack is really powerful if you allow it to charge similarly to cagliostro it will charge quicker if you do it at the end of a combo he's just got a lot of damage capabilities he's very much an offensive support based character but if you want to play as him and I do you'll get a lot of damage from doing it that way too so given that Gra or Jeter or whoever you've named the main character is a mandatory addition to the team I feel that we should talk about him them as well and unfortunately I really don't enjoy playing as the MC in this game I think that they are very good at teaching you the mechanics of the game and they're certainly not bad by any means in fact they've got such a wide array of skills more than any other character in the game that you can play them pretty much however you want my issue with them is that I find them extremely boring to play as but if you have to have them in your team you may as well make them useful and there's plenty of reasons to do that so the first thing I want to talk about here is the fact that he's actually very good at debuffing so you have miserable Mist here which is an attack and defense drop on any enemies that get caught within the Spell's radius you do also have access to armor break which is a singular kind of attack that does a defense drop and the defense drop is bigger depending on what your Arts level is when you activate it it's a a thing that's specific to Gran andeta they just have an Arts level that is as you're attacking it gets higher level then you spend that level on your skill so you want to wait till you've hit the enemy a few times before you do it if you're playing yourself but if the CPU is doing it the AI is actually good enough that it will probably try and make sure it's got a high AR level before it starts using these abilities see your defense drops which obviously stack with uh with which stack with xala from peral if you want to use that he does actually also have his own slow ability as well so if you want to use that then you can compound that with peral he has a dispel which like hag Ostro if you're up against enemies that like to buff themselves a lot you can double up on that he does also have just healing abilities as well like Panacea is one that you start the game with very early on also a healing skill so you can compound that basically what I'm saying is you can really kind of build Gran to complement whatever fight is going on you've got your offensive support with peral you've got your more kind of of allrounder support with kagi Ostro between those two and Gran you're pretty set for anything rage is a 30% attack boost to the entire party if use correctly you may not need this if you want to have it alongside peral's attack and defense buff but having more up time on all of your Buffs is never going to be a bad thing and you could even choose to take fail lanks which is a damage cut so you take less damage from the party if you're struggling or you can just take more just attack debuffs or just attacks in general that deal high amounts of stun that allow you to get more link attacks off so that you can get to the point where personal can deal crazy amounts of damage honestly all that stuff I've just said is why I'm really enjoying this game because the level of customization party building Theory crafting that goes into this I want to just keep playing around with all of these characters and the abilities they bring for ages if you want to talk more gbr feel free to click the link to my Discord server in the description box below and come and chat to us on there I'd love to play more with you guys or if you want to you can come and follow me on Twitch where you can find me playing gbr a bug a ton as much as other games that are coming out as well but what about a fourth character I mean honestly you could have those other three all be your CPUs and you just play whoever you want and that's why I really like that particular setup because you play as any any of anyone alongside those three but what if you want to play kagi Ostro persal or gran who's the best fourth character to take along to be honest with you anyone anyone kind of works your damage output's already pretty good but if you wanted to you could take somebody like Sig freed who is just there to hit hard and fast and just do big numbers or you could take along somebody like Catalina who has the ability to glaciate the enemy while also providing like extra damage extra kind of healing if you really want it or invulnerability through her light wall abilities she's pretty solid but not my first choice Rosetta is is also very unique in bringing poison to the party as well or you could just take again raw damage more like somebody like Naya or charlotta I actually quite like vain as a choice for a fourth party member as a tank because he has abilities like Rampart which is like a bubble that grants invincibility to the entire party and can be built very much to be a tank so if you've got cars that don't particularly get attacked then you could bring him along to kind of make the enemies focus on him EO is also a really strong choice if you just want somebody that's going to do crazy amounts of damage to the star fall ability I play online with a friend who plays EO a lot and the Damage that she can churn out is ridiculous as well as having access to paralysis so you can double up on the slow if you wanted to go that way honestly you can do whatever you want those recommendations so particularly l or just pille and KAG Ostro are purely on the basis of playing on your own and getting to a point where you're comfortable enough with the game that you can make these experimentations for yourself what combination of characters are you playing with at the moment who are you Ming I'm currently a Sig freed slers main but I'm experimenting with some other characters as well comment down below with your favorite character in gbly fantasy reeling if you're not entirely sure what to comment then just type the word algorithm into the comments because it helps me as a content creator and I'm really trying to push Grand blue Fantasy reink on everyone because I need people to see how amazing this game is so that's going to be all for today's video as you can see I've not even hit endgame yet in gbr and I know that sigils are going to play a massive part in the game going forward so as I get to play more I'll probably make a proper sigils guide more tips for like intermediate and advanced play sort like endgame stuff as well but I have to get to that point and I just kind of am talking about the discoveries I'm making with gbr as I'm making them so hopefully you've enjoyed this video if you did consider subscribe to the channel clicking the like button for notifications or or the bell for notifications on any future videos I'm making on gbr or grand Fantasy Versus Rising I know I talk about making fighting game videos a lot but I'm a little scared too because it's not what I'm known for as well as ff7 rebirth Persona 3 reload yakaza infinite wealth there's so many amazing games coming out that I really wanted to focus on gbr because I really think that people need to play this game it's fantastic and if you'd like to support the channel further please do consider joining up on my patreon where you can get title cards and all sorts of extra benefits for you just like the lovely people see on the screen thank you once again for watching and hopefully I shall see you next time take care everybody byebye
Channel: Joesephyr
Views: 39,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Granblue, Fantasy, Relink, Versus, Rising, CyGames, GBVS, GBR, PS5, PS4, Final Fantasy, JRPG, JRPGs, Monster Hunter, Re:Link, Ranking, Tier List, Charlotta, Narmaya, Siegfried, Rackam, Gran, Gameplay, Tips, Guide, Hints, Beginners, Tutorial, Cagliostro, Percival, 1st Pick
Id: g2uaSPjbKls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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