Granblue Fantasy Relink 12 Essential Things I Wish I Knew Earlier, Stop Wasting Time & Avoid Traps!

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You bought the game and now you are already  confused about what to do next since Granblue   Fantasy Relink offers a substantial amount  of features to explore. Not gonna lie,   I wondered what would be the best things I should  be prioritizing to get the most out of my time.   So I decided to create a beginner's guide to help  my fellow newbies so you will not have to waste   so much time like I did. I've been through it  all and it is time for me to save your skin.   In this video we will be covering  the best progression for beginners,   what are the do's and don't, tips and tricks, and  traps you should avoid, all that fun stuff, so you   can have the best possible start in the game. Forget Elemental Weaknesses at Early Game   The first tip that I have in mind is about  Elemental Weaknesses. Just like in any JRPG,   elemental weaknesses play a pivotal role  when it comes to advantages in combat.   However, elemental weaknesses in  this game are more of a bonus,   especially in the early stages of the game.  You can beat the main story campaign without   worrying about this. I can attest to this since  I've reached the hardest difficulties without   changing my setup from start to finish. You could be stuck on figuring out the best team   when starting the game to counter each element and  end up, wasting time instead of progressing.   My advice to you is just to use your first  solid team to progress without thinking about   their elements. I will be explaining in just  a moment what a solid team means. Not that   Elemental Weaknesses will not have a bearing, it's  just that, you should be worrying about this when   reaching the highest difficulty. Focus on the Main Story   When starting in Chapter 1, literally the  game lets you access NPC Side Quest, and as   the name implies, the are the quests that you can  accept from the NPCs in town. Also at this early,   the Quest Counter will be unlocked. It will  probably cross your mind that you should dive   into this right away and grind. Since you can  do repeatable quests from the Quest Counter.   I highly suggest avoiding grinding at this  point since you are trading your precious time   for lower-tier rewards or a few currencies. When you reach the endgame which is just 10 to   11 hours from the start of the game, you will  be swarmed with tons of currencies and have   easy access to higher grade gears and rewards.  How to know when you are already at endgame?   The endgame starts after you finish the  Final Chapter of the game and the credits   roll. Your main goal is to reach Veteran  Skyfarer Grade which will allow you to   have access to Extreme difficulty Quests. There is a specific type of Quest where you   will be getting so many currencies and other items  which is going to be your main farming spot which   I will be discussing later on. Form Your First Killer Team   My third tip for you is to form your first  killer or staple team. How to do this? Upon   starting the game, use the starting  characters to progress until Chapter   4. It doesn't matter who you will use. Don't worry  as it is relatively easy to reach the said Chapter   and it will take a small amount of time. Now if you are still confused about which   temporary team will use, Use Gran, and Katalina  for support characters and choose between Io,   Eugen, and Rackam for DPS Take this time to learn the   mechanics and after you reach Chapter 4, the  game will let you recruit your first optional   character in the game. By providing you a  free Crewmate Card to recruit an ally.   This could be overwhelming as you will have  a lot of options. The best pick for this is   Cagliostro. Shes an all-in-one support that  can provide your party with substantial heal,   critical condition revives, and Attack,  Critical Chance, and Defense Buffs.   She is one of the best support out there and you  can never go wrong selecting her. After you select   Cagliostro, replace Katalina. Progress in the  story until you receive another Crewmate Card.   Or check the Quest Counter from time to time since  Crewmate Cards can also appear there as a first   clear reward. And you cannot miss this. After getting your second Crewmate Card,   it is time to finalize your team. I suggest  selecting two pure DPS characters and 2   Support Characters. My first four are  Narmaya and Zeta for the DPS characters   and Gran and Cagliostro for support. However, I will not be advising Narmaya and Zeta   as the first DPS characters since both characters  are a little bit advanced in terms of playstyle   and gameplay. I simply love them that's why  opted for them and I am used to this genre. But   if you are new to the game or this  is going to be your first ARPG title,   I suggest choosing Lancelot and Charlotta. Both are strong DPS but fairly easy to use. They   are both speedy and beginner-friendly especially  in Skill rotations. So you will have Charlotta,   and Lancelot for DPS characters, Gran for  easy stuns, revives, heal as well, and damage   mitigation skill, and lastly, Cagliostro  for a dedicated healer, and revives.   After getting another Crewmate Card by  progressing in the story, I highly suggest   getting Percival and you can replace Gran if  you wish. Since in single-player sessions,   I find DPS characters a little bit underperforming  so I rely on their buffs instead.   Percival can buff the party with his unique  buff skill Flammenmarsch, I hope I pronounced it   correctly which increases Attack and Defense which  also stacks with Cagliostro's Phantasmagoria.   So your main party will look like  Charlotta, Lancelot, or other DPS   you desire, with Percival, Cagliostro. Of course, these are just my recommendations,   and if you already have a team in mind  and you want to use your favorites,   by no means follow them. I am simply providing my  recommendation since there will be a lot of new   players who have 0% knowledge about the game. Building and Focusing on Your Carries First   My fourth tip in this guide is to focus on  building your main carries first or should   I say farmers after selecting your first four  characters. It is highly recommended to focus   your resources solely on your main team  while progressing through the story.   These resources are raw materials when upgrading  weapons, Rupies which is the gold in this game,   and Mastery Points. Note  that all of these resources   will be extensively scarce in the early game. Going back to Mastery Points, you can only upgrade   from time to time here since I have mentioned that  it will be scarce so focus on your main DPS first,   unlock more skills then the rest of the  characters in your team will follow.   Hang in there all of these resources  will be abundant at endgame and it's   not that far from your current progress. What  we are doing here is, we are trying to build   a solid team to tackle endgame content as  early as now and it should be your highest   priority. So don't spread your resources ever. When you raise them well enough, they are going to   be your staple farmers at endgame content, and  raising new characters will be 10x much faster   since you can just use your first four characters  to farm currencies and materials later on.   Don't Hesitate Upgrading Your Weapons My fifth tip for you is don't hesitate   to upgrade your weapons. This is tricky at  first since you will be having thoughts when   upgrading your current weapons by thinking  there will be better weapons later on.   But the real truth is, you will eventually max  them all. There will be certain Masteries tied   to each weapon. And to unlock them you need to  upgrade these weapons. The higher the weapon level   upgrade, the more nodes it unlocks. Of course, the weapons that you will   be upgrading belong to your first four  characters. Focus on your strongest DPS   and max its weapon as high as you can. Just use whatever materials that the main   campaign provides and you will do fine. Make  sure to explore every location that you will   be visiting for hidden chests so you can  have additional materials. As I mentioned,   there is no need to grind. Avoid Sigils and   Wrightstones Grind at Early Game Moving to the sixth tip. Focus on progressing   through the main story rather than farming  for Sigils and Writestones. It is easy to be   distracted if you shift your focus on Sigils and  Wrightstones since they provide additional Traits   that can bolster your character's prowess. If you farm during the early stages of the game   by spamming Quests from the Quest Counter,  you will be getting lower-tier Sigils and   Wristones in exchange for your precious time.  The returns are simply not worth it.   The best Sigils like Tier IV or Tier V Sigils and  even the best Wrighstones will become easier to   obtain at endgame through Transmutation in  Siero's KnickKnack Shop. Or can be traded   with Dalia Badges in the same shop. This  special currency is easy to farm when you   reach the endgame by getting and completing  " Quick Quest " from the Quest Counter.   You will be sleeping on a mountain of Sigils and  Wrightstones at endgame so it is highly suggested   to focus on completing the story first before  starting to mess with Sigils and Wrightstones.   Subscribe But before the next tip,   if you are into straight-to-the-point  guides, tips, and tricks like this one,   Subscribe to the channel. Hit the Like button  and it will surely help me a lot. Consider   joining the Empire today and your support is  greatly appreciated. Now onto the next tip.   Keep Your Lower Tier Sigils  and Excess Materials   For my 7th tip, keep your lower-tier sigils  and excess materials. When you are about to   reach endgame, this is around Chapters  8 to 10, you will have excess materials   and a bunch of lower-tier Sigils. Since you  only concentrated on your staple team.   A higher level of weapon upgrades before  entering the endgame does require a lot   of Rupies. You can think that hey, I  should be selling these materials and   low-tier Sigils for some cash. For the love  of the universe, please don't be like me.   Excess materials and unwanted Sigils can be  traded for KnickKnack Vouchers in Siero's   Shop. Which nets more value than selling them  and I will be explaining this shortly.   Spam Your First Legit Farming Spot For my next tip, this is going to be the   main reason why I have suggested skipping the  grinding in the early game and doing it in the   endgame. After you progress significantly in the  main story and complete it for the first time,   your rank or Skyfarer Grade will  be upgraded to Veteran Skyfarer.   As mentioned previously, you will have  access to Extreme Difficulty Quests.   But one in particular stands out. Spam the  Quest named Assault Formation! This will   provide you with the best returns in terms  of almost every currency in the game.   You will be drowning with EXP, Mastery Points,  Rafale Coins, Rupees, and technically Sigils   and Wrightstones and other materials. I am not  going into the details of how to specifically   farm the quest since I made a specific  guide for it so be sure to watch it after   this video. Link in the description. By farming constantly in this node,   you will be reaching level 100 in no time and  this quest will help you solidify your staple   team even faster for them to be ready  for much higher difficulty quest.   You will also be getting a lot of Mastery Points  if you do this so you will have the chance to   even progress your Masteries 10x faster. This  whole picture right here is the main reason why   farming at the early game is not advisable. Fastest Way To Get Sigils and Wrightstones   For my ninth tip and I believe I mentioned this  a while ago. You should be taking advantage of   Siero's Transmutation Feature. It is so easy  to get Knickknack Vouchers especially if you   follow my currency and leveling guide  that I mentioned before this tip.   In just a few runs of the Assault Formation  Quest, you will be getting a lot of excess   materials which are Machine Units and High-Level  Scraps from this quest. After getting dozens of   the said material, head to Siero's Shop  and trade your High-level Scraps and   Machine Units for tons and tons of vouchers. After doing so, I believe you only have access   to level 2 Transmutation at this point since you  will have access to level 3 Transmutation after   reaching the rank of Zegagrande Legend. But the  Level 2 Transmutation is enough for you to get   Higher Tier level Sigils and Wrightstones. For just 10 Vouchers, you can get a   random Wrightstone or Sigil. At Level 2  Transmutation, you can get as high as Tier IV   to V Sigils. Given it's random, you can easily  stock High Tier Sigils since replenishing the   KnickKnack Voucher is very easy to do so, thanks  to the farming spot that I have mentioned.   Repeat this process and eventually, you  will get the Sigils and Wrighstones that   you want or the ones that will match your  character builds. It is so easy to get more   Sigils by following this method. Don't Be Addicted to Over Mastery   The Tenth Tip is don't be too addicted to Over  Mastery. When a character reaches level 80,   Over Mastery will be unlocked which provides your  character with additional random stats boost. It   is easy to just use your hard-earned Mastery  Points while trying to aim for better passives   or additional stats and then get not-so-good  passives, resulting in a huge waste of time.   Before you do this, make sure to max out your  Offensive, Defensive, and Collectible Masteries   first since there will be no RNG involved  in it. Unlocking more Sigil Slots is also   a priority so just use Over Mastery once and max  out the other ones that I mentioned first. After   everything is maxed, then it is the perfect time  to aim for better passives in Over Mastery.   Loading Your Saves Down to my eleventh tip,   which is taking advantage of reloading your  saves or progress. I value my time the most   and I have discovered that I can easily reload  my save to undo actions. First things first,   go to your in-game settings and turn off your  Auto-Save feature and you are ready to go.   You can take advantage of this if  you have stacked 999 Vouchers. Save   your progress, load the game, and use  the Vouchers by accessing the highest   Transmutation Level, use it all and if you don't  want the Sigils and Wrightones that you received   from the gacha, do a quest so you can reset the  predetermined results from the Transmutation.   After the quest, save the game and  try again. If you do want the results,   especially when accessing Transmarvel, repeat  the mentioned until you get the ones you like.   This method is useful when you are trying  to aim for a specific Sigil or just avoid   bad luck entirely. It also works in Over Mastery  do the same method, use your Mastery Points to   get an Over Mastery, and if you don't like the  results, follow the same steps I mentioned.   Don't Forget Fate Episodes And finally, for the last tip,   Fate Episodes are really important as a player  can easily forget that they exist at times. Fate   Episodes does provide significant stats boost  and Sigil Slots. As soon as you complete the   main scenario, watch every episode for your  main characters before tackling endgame.   These are the best things that I am considering  as essential tips that you need to know to have   the best start possible. I am having  so much fun playing this game and what   do you think about these beginner tips?  And as always thank you for watching.   If you find this video helpful, subscribe  to the channel as I will be releasing more   guides. Like the video to show your  support and if you are still on the   fence about whether you will play this  game or not, click the video here for my   full review and also the best farming spot in  the game and I will see you on the next one.
Channel: JRPG Samurai
Views: 21,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Granblue Fantasy Relink Fastest Way To Level Up, Granblue Fantasy Relink Beginner Guide, Granblue Fantasy Relink Progression Guide, Granblue Fantasy Relink How To Farm MSP Fast, Granblue Fantasy Relink How To Farm Mastery Points Fast, Granblue Fantasy Relink Fastest Way to Build a Character, Granblue Fantasy Relink How To Get Strong Early, Granblue Fantasy Relink Tips & Tricks, Granblue Fantasy Relink Beginner Tips, Granblue Fantasy Relink Things I wish I knew Earlier, Farm Rupies
Id: b4IPzFVdzx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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