Stop Making These MISTAKES In Granblue Fantasy Relink

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I've grinded all the way to Proud Mode and looking back on it I've made several mistakes along the way I don't want to see you make these same mistakes and so to make your journey smoother I've compiled a list of five common mistakes I'm seeing players making Grand blue fantasy relink we're going to open up with the biggest mistake that I see players making and that's not using and taking advantage of the Guard button unlike other games guard and Grand blue fantasy relink is insanely broken and so in other games you can guard and then you know if it's a big attack it's going to break your guard you're probably going to take damage or die but with grand blue fantasy relink for most of the attacks within the game you can guard at least once without having to worry about anything and it's kind of a get out of jail free card I don't know about you but I feel like by other games I've been conditioned to just dodge constantly run and dodge run and Dodge or maybe try and get a perfect Dodge in but that's because how lackluster the guard is in other games which isn't the case here and so knowing when and when not to use your guard and perfect uh Dodge is going to be essential to clearing some of this harder content and so when I'm going with the guard option it's going to be if it's a one-time attack and not a ticking attack because if it's a powerful two attack or multi-part hit it's going to block the first one probably break your guard on the second one and dish out the damage and so that might be when I opt to go for a perfect Dodge and in an ideal situation you just wouldn't be in there in the first place you know you're going to avoid everything but we know that that's not the case all the time instead of having to worry about getting the exact timing right to get the perfect Dodge and the invincibility frames I'm going to just sit there and hold my guard and hope that it's one of those attacks that doesn't instantly kill through the guard which like I said this guard is going to cover most of the things within the game the next mistake that I'm seeing is going to be ignoring sigil slots that are easy to get and so I see a lot of players with you know maybe six or seven sigil slots sit in mid maxing trying to figure out how to raise their power level and get stronger and in the early game that's not as important and so ignore the sigils that I have on both of these characters I was testing them but I was initially playing faery and I was working on trying to find the perfect build for whatever sigil slots I have open right now and we can see that my power is sitting at 6,000 almost and level 75 so about 25 levels off but we can see that having these sigil slots all of them open is giving me like 11,000 maybe 10,000 more power then my fairy as well as the stats that I'm able to build off of stacking the trait levels on all of these sigils so I think if you're looking for a surey way to get stronger yes a weapon's a good place to start to make sure that you have all of that maxed out but the next thing to do is going to be looking to unlock the sigils and so I'm just going to briefly go over where all of the sigils are for you to unlock just in case you haven't progressed as far within the game yet by far the easiest ones are going to be within the Fate episodes which you can get at the quest counter but we can see going through these I got a Sigil slot here and a Sigil slot here that's two easy sigils and the only requirement is you need to be at least level 50 and then the rest of the sigil slots are going to be within your masteries and so we can see at the end of it and this is going to unlock when you get Maniac you have another section four sigils um Beyond wherever the Mastery treat ends prior to Maniac but we can see along the way I'm giving several positions or opportunities to get additional sigils and so what I did is I kind of grinded a little bit whenever I could when I was getting my levels and powered through a lot of the masteries to unlock the sigil slots uh just to get the extra stats and then I came back and kind of filled the rest of the Mastery tree but it's important to also not ignore defense which was something that I see people doing I did a little bit just because I was like you know I want to do DPS who cares about defense but then I found out within the defense tree there's also sigils in here as well which also might be more efficient to get earlier just because the investment to get some of these earlier sigils is going to be lower than the investment on offense uh to get one of the late endgame sigils I know that when it came to defense though uh towards the end they took me about 7,000 8,000 like from this stretch to get this last sigil slot was a decent bit of grinding to get it but once you have it you're done with it you don't have to worry about it anymore and you can start using your Mastery points for other characters or overmy that's going to conclude our second common mistake and this video is going to be one guide of many as I take you from beginner to expert in Grand blue fantasy relink so do me a huge favor and subscribe to the channel and help me get this video to 100 likes but I apologize for that Interruption let's get into the third mistake the next mistake that I'm seeing is going to be not taking advantage of the quality of life sigils I know that a lot of these tips are revolved around sigils but they're important so you want to make sure that you are paying attention and when I started the game a lot of the early game content was easy and I was able to clear most of it until I got to the last few Quest on maniac and that's when I had to sit up start paying attention and making sure that I'm on my and taking advantage of these quality of life sigils made it so much easier uh so to name a few and there are a lot more within the game uh but the ones that I've been utilizing have been improved Dodge which I plan to Max this out eventually but it's going to give you enhanced dodging abilities and this is something that'll be Universal as well as it'll give you more Dodges before you hit that cool down um and then potion hoarder which is going to give you additional potions as well as allow you to revive yourself um more than the one time that you get which when you get the proud you're going to be dying a lot and similarly in that vein we have Auto revive which does exactly how it sounds it revives you when you die and so I use this a lot to make me not feel incompetent and make my team lose as I was clearing the mission that you have to do to go for maniac act to Proud this was key and so I definitely recommend taking advantage of these and then we have steady Focus which is more character specific and you're also when you get to the maniac tier if you go to the knickknack shop there's going to be character specific sigils mint and design specifically for every character I'll show you it in a second but this is the one for gandang goza and yeah we already hit on all of these so let me hop out of here and go to the sigil shop so it's going to be right here at the knickknack Shack knickknack scwack give a dog a bone we're going to be trade treasure and sigils so we have stouted heart which is just a generic one but then after that we have the rest of them for the rest of the crew and so we have Fearless Drive which is going to be for the captain and I'm not going to go through all of these but you can see that for any character you can think of I know nay is a popular character so I'll click here we see that it's going to give additional Buffs for that specific character and for most of you guys it's going to be best in slot and you want to make sure that you are getting one of these and having it in your sigil slots the next common mistake that I see is going to be grinding way too early because you're going to unlock better grinding spots as you progress within the game I know it can be tempting everyone when you start the game you want to grind for mats you want to grind for Mastery points you want to hit max level but you want to make sure that you're being efficient with your time and if there's an easier way to do it why not take advantage of it and so the main things that I did was I did the Explorer uh to get a few levels to get me to the next tier just because you're sliding around collecting coins but you're probably going to get past that and get the stuff you need pretty quick and then as we get here into survival we can see that there are several other difficulties to do to get more exp I really didn't do any grinding until I got to this quest uh which is going to unlock on the extreme mode and I sat here and grinded pretty much from like level 60 to 95 and one thing that you guys can do is if you get a good party with this at the end of the screen if you press square you can select it and that's going to allow you to repeat the quest and so I found a party that was down to repeat this Quest over and over and over threw on some ESPN in the background and sat there and grinded for maybe about an hour for all of this and I was able to progress relatively far unlike other jrpgs it doesn't take very long to level up within this game if you can sit down lock in for a few sessions especially on this difficulty or if you decide to wait to Maniac this difficulty it's going to go by significantly quicker and so I didn't really mess with any of the other types of quests I just did survival to level up and then I got my Mastery points as well as my sigil slots from those Mastery points came to boss cleared whatever it took to get to the next difficulty I didn't dive into Conquest I didn't dive into defend I didn't dive into horde anytime at all I was getting the mats that I needed to get stronger from the boss fights and then I'd hop back in here into leveling and just while we're discussing resources another quick tip is that if you come in here to the blacksmith shop and you go to sell maybe you are you know feing for money as you're progressing through the story it's actually going to sell glitter Stones which only purposes is meant to be sold and so this is something I didn't do the entire story or as I progress and so I'm hitting cell now and I just made a a crap ton of rupees that would have helped me a lot during the story and then another thing since we're getting into it that I didn't check is going to be in L's journal and these are just extra bonus tips uh that I wanted to give you guys just in case um we can see under the trophy section if you haven't collected these you can hit claim all and we can see all of these resources that I'm going to get just for clearing whatever trophies they had that I didn't do throughout the entire story as you know leveling up your sigils is going to build that tradeit level so that way you can Max it out at whatever it is but you're not going to want to start doing these on sigils that aren't worth your time and so I it's it's very resource intensive to begin with which is why you don't want to do it look at all these resources it's going to take me I wouldn't level up an attack but let's say for instance my damage cap it's it's going to take all of these resources to level it up and you don't want to do that for things that you're not planning to use long term because of how intensive it is I really would recommend only leveling up uh level five sigils and I don't want to say level five cuz that could be confusing uh the tier five sigils where it'll say you know combo finisher V or uh the sigils that are tier 4 plus which is going to say skill power IV plus because these are going to be the ones that are going to Grant you two traits so we can see that with this sigil I'm going to be getting stun power and Garrison to level seven and so that makes it worth it for me to invest in pushing this to 10 because I'm hitting two birds with one stone since we've talked about sigil so much in this video I'll give you my quick early Impressions on what I think of the sigils which ones I think are good and worth investing in just to help you out and give a little bit more value within this video the main thing that I want to point out though is going to be that the sigils that give flat stats generally aren't good to invest in so what I mean by that is that with the tack we can see with the level four sigil I'm getting just plus 10 attack when in the grand scheme of things plus 10 when we're talking about you know 12,000 is nothing the stats that you really want to focus on that are going to be worth investing in are going to be ones that give you a percentage because that's going to scale off of a percent which means all of my attack instead of just giving you hey here's 10 so we can see that with this trade level four I'm able to get up to 26% attack boost when my health is low which that isn't the greatest example for attack I think tyranny is a really great example um so with this we can see that with no conditions well the condition is going to be to reduce your max Health by 20% I'm getting a 41% attack increase and so once we start maxing these out I can get up to a 50% attack increase which is going to be better than if I were to go with the attack and get a what's that max level a 2,000 attack increase now this is just regarding attack but this is pretty standard across the board so for instance with Aegis uh I can get a percentage base same percentage as uh like View and concept as tyranny but this is going to be with HP and as I build my level I get you know all of my just base stats up this is going to grant me way more than the generic uh HP sigil would as I mentioned earlier though this is one part of a multi-part series designed to elevate your proficiency and Grand blue fantasy reeling from beginner to expert and so here I'll have link the beginner guide and the rest of the playlist for you to check out thank you guys for your time and I'll catch you in the next [Music] one
Channel: TagTheLegend
Views: 27,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JRPG, granblue fantasy relink guide, Granblue Fantasy relink beginner's guide, granblue fantasy relink before you buy, GBFR guide, guide granblue fantasy relink, Granblue fantasy relink tips and tricks, GBFR tips and tricks, Granblue fantasy relink review, granblue fantasy relink gameplay, granblue fantasy relink 2024, new granblue fantasy relink, granblue fantasy relink ps5 gameplay, GBFR News, GBFR 2024, Granblue Fantasy relink update, granblue fantasy relink common mistakes
Id: qNb62Ort4WA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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