The ONLY stat That Matters in GranBlue Fantasy Relink

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so I'm hitting Proud Mode now and my stride is Right in Grand blue fantasy relink and I'm learning some stuff about damage calculation in this game that I'm sure you guys would want to know too so stick around welcome back to the channel everybody my name is josepher and in today's Grand blue fantasy relink video we're going to be discussing the one stat that sticks out when it comes to end game in the game and that's going to be damage cap so in most RPGs you increase your damage you deal more damage you increase your attack stat it all equates into good stuff but when it comes to the higher difficulties in gbr you might notice pretty quickly that you're getting a lot of diminishing returns from sigils that you're using so first of all I'm going to actually showcase what this represents in terms of how the sigils kind of translate in terms of damage and then we're going to discuss after that why there's a bit of discourse about how this is calculated so allow me to demonstrate with some various experiment ation with my current favorite character in the game peral so first things first we're going to start with peral with his level 150 low and grin weapon which is a decent attack stat he's got 9k attack no sigils whatsoever this will give us a baseline of what we can go with or what we can work with when it terms when it comes to damage calculation so we're just going to do a very basic combo here which is just going to be one two three four followed by a charge attack and then that's 274,000 damage so from that we can gather how much damage we can get from Attack sigils crit create sigils and critical damage sigils cuz yeah that's the kind of thing you normally go for in a game like this right okay so if you've equipped personal with all of these sigils you would think that this is the way to go right now I don't have his Ascension weapon fully ascended yet and you'd think yeah let's max out your attack your crit damage and your crit rate that's good right but if we go into the practice mode here and attack the dummy and we're going to do the same combo as we did before 1 2 3 four followed by a charge attack so that's 441,000 and you could very clearly see with the damage numbers that they were hitting a cap like there was definitely a maximum number no variation on that number in this third experiment what we have here is a completely different set of sigils where the primary focus is damage cap so damage cap can go up to a full 250% damage cap increase which I've overleveled slightly because I haven't got all of my sigils to max level you'd only really need four of these normally or if you have an Ascension weapon that's completely maxed out that will also help you get to your damage cap even quicker but I don't have that for personal just yet because I haven't farmed enough to do it but what I've instead set here is I've actually not really messed about out with the attack power at all instead I've got an 100% crit rate so that we can keep up with the crit rate in general and then critical damage just because we need to fill it out somehow but obviously as you level these up and you get higher levels you'll need to equip less of these so that you can hit with other stuff so now if we go into the dummy training you'll see that the damage increase that we get from just in like focusing on damage cap is exponential so we'll do the same combo as we've done in the other two experiments and now we've gotten a 50% increase in damage in over 50% damage increase and we weren't hitting the damage cap numbers just because we've got the cap as high as it can go so while you still need the stats in order to meet that cap you don't necessarily have to focus on any other stat other than getting damage cap so getting that stat as high as it can go should be your absolute first priority when it comes to Proud Mode or difficult content while the damage cap stat that you can put into sigils Etc is one way to increase your damage cap there are actually other ways that you can do it as well so if you go into being Beyond level 70 80 rather you can get over masteries which give you a plethora of bonuses and the first thought you'd think is oh I want attack power up oh I want crit rate up things like that and crit rate up is still very important important if you can get your crit rate to 100% then it's going to help you to mitigate the different sigils that You' need in order to maximize on your damage caps but you have damage caps that are more specific within this particular range so normal attack damage cap up skill damage cap up Etc and that's going to be one way that you can increase your damage cap as well as by doing it through your various sigils and there are other sigils that can do it as well so glass Cannon is a Sigil that increases your attack and your damage cap but you get dizzied after every time you get hit which you can actually mitigate with Dizzy resistance so that opens that up to another way in which you can increase your damage in a fun and unique way Elemental weakness damage is also a way that goes beyond the damage cap so if you have a way of dealing Elemental weakness damage like you've got various characters built up or better yet you happen to have the war Elemental sigil which I do not have yet and I'm very jealous of those that do you always hit for weakness damage so it's another way in which you can increase your damage cap and I'm sure I'm probably forgetting other methods in which you do so as well so if you have more methods of doing so then definitely leave a comment down below now I just want to showcase before we go into the discussion around the damage cap sigil and how that translates to damage in gbr I do want to point out that a lot of the information that I get when it comes to this game and I'm extremely grateful for actually comes from the subreddit for gbr there's a lot of really wonderful information here and this particular thread here about talking about the damage cap situation is what inspired me to make this particular video so if you're not on the subreddit already definitely go and check it out so why is there discourse around this damage cap situation I for one can say with some confidence that I feel that it should be better indicated that you are hitting damage cap numbers like a different color on the damage numbers the numbers are big enough we should be able to see them but as it stands I actually don't think that damage app is a problem as a mechanic I think it's a good thing if anything because it allows the developers to kind of play around with the harder level content whilst not interrupting the content up until the story like the story mode or even going up to maniac and proud difficulty everything I've talked about in previous videos is still relevant to those difficulties but when you get to maniac and proud difficulty everything kind of gets thrown out the window and I actually think that that's a really really cool thing thing what people are upset about is the idea that because damage cap is such a big factor when it comes to capitalizing and maximizing your damage in the end game that it invalidates a lot of other sigils so all the ones that I basically showed you because if you have a maxed out Ascension weapon you'll get damage cap attack up HP up high damage numbers so stuff like combo finisher you know ranged attack skill damage does it all just not mean anything and I don't think that that's true so once you get to a certain point you definitely will have to play around with your sigils and bear in mind obviously with the footage I showed you just now my sigils are not maxed out in any way and it's going to require a lot of grinding to get them to that point so to have a Sigil in which you can kind of Base a lot of what you're doing around and it not taking up all of the space that you have available to you in sigils and a lot of the raw damage coming from your weapon it actually proves to kind of be quite cohesive in order to kind of address that particular worry when it comes to damage cap invalidates everything else you don't have any other ways of dealing damage obviously my stuff isn't optimized yet but there's plenty of other ways in which you can do so stun power is another stat that's really important for breaking obviously stunning bringing enemies out of overdrive Etc allowing you more openings in order to deal damage and that's really important there is another very interesting application that I really find fun as well which is supplementary damage this is a buff that allows you to deal additional hits on top of your damage cap so if you have the space for it supplementary damage can actually be really really strong because it gives extra hits on top of everything else that you already doing and if you Max this out you have 100% chance of doing it there are some characters that Grant this to themselves naturally like Lancelot so being able to take advantage of that is another way that you can increase your damage even beyond the fact that your attack is already kind of maxed out something that I think is really interesting in particular with the damage cap situation is that a lot of people feel that it not only invalidates a lot of the various sigils in the game but also offensive buffing and debuffing because if you're already hitting the cap why do you need Buffs that increase your attack and this is a very interesting concept because obviously somebody who's been recommending kagi Ostro for her crazy buff then I think it's strange that you kind just go oh I don't actually need this anymore I'm just going to swap kagi Ostro skills or just swap her out entirely for somebody who's more capable of dealing damage and there's still tons of different ways that you can get around this we do not have all of the content that is available for this game yet lucilius is still to come out there are loads of different mechanics that could come about that would require you to build differently than just straight DPS we are still on version 1.0 of grand blue fantasy relink and we know that there's plenty more content to come so we still got use of all of these crazy Buffs Etc for the entirety of the game and it's only at this point in the end game that they're not really necessary and there are other Buffs that you could still want to use like if you're worried that you're going to take some stray hits here and there damage cut might be viable for you defense up might be viable for you illusion or invincibility is something that you could consider Buffs are not completely rendered redundant by the damage cap but the fact that you probably don't need to look at attack based Buffs it just makes you have to think differently about how you're building it doesn't invalidate them necessarily so that's going to be all for this video I hope that it a explains why damage cap is such an important stat within gbr and be explains why I don't think it's actually a bad thing that damage cap is an important stat in GB so in short I do think that they should make it clearer that you are hitting damage cap so that I don't feel the need to make a video like this or people don't need to make Reddit threads about the fact that they didn't know they were hitting damage cap but beyond that I think it's a good thing but let me know what you think about that in the comments below does it bother you that damage cap is such an important stat at the end game for this or is it something you just accept and carry on with let me know in the comments below and if you're not sure what to comment just type algorithm because it helps me out a great deal as a YouTuber if you've enjoyed this content on GB then please do consider subscribing to the channel we're so close to 20K subscribers now and I'd really love to get over that Mark and obviously like the video and click the bell for notifications any more gbr videos that we want to come out I've got loads of ideas like character guides all sorts of different things I want to talk about what sigils you actually want to be looking out for where to get them from farming guides endgame guides all sorts of different things because I'm really just enjoying this game so thank you very much for watching and if you'd like to support the channel further there's a link in the description box below for my patreon page where you can get title cards that are made specially for you and all sorts of other benefits as well and with that I shall love you and leave you thank you ever so much for watching and I'll see you next time bye-bye
Channel: Joesephyr
Views: 32,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Granblue, Fantasy, Relink, Versus, Rising, CyGames, GBVS, GBR, PS5, PS4, Final Fantasy, JRPG, JRPGs, 1st Impressions, Monster Hunter, Re:Link, Ranking, Tier List, Rackam, Gran, Gameplay, Tips, Guide, Hints, AFK, Farming, Experience, Money, Sigils, Infinite, Infinite XP, Cheat, Damage, Cap, Max, Maximum, Limit Break, Limit
Id: N3KWs_s4g-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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