You NEED to use Spears More in Project Zomboid

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there are tons and tons of weapons in Project zomboid like so many that I was gonna count them all and then halfway through my ADHD kicked in and I loaded up Clash Royale while it's still counting and then I got three crown and lost track of where I was so since I'm too lazy to count I'll just give my best educated guess that there are at least seven weapons in project zomboid but one of them stands out against the rust the spear now the spear doesn't do the most damage we have the highest durability so you may be wondering what makes it so special but luckily for you that's what I'm here for But first you already know I'm gonna ask if you want to help support my channel and help me reach my goal of 10 000 Subs before the end of the year then go down and hit that like And subscribe button and comment down below if you think the spear is the best weapon or non-project zomboid so let's get into it so first off the Spears and just one weapon there are 14 different Spears although they're all pretty similar so starting off with your basic normal spear which is the one you'll most likely be using more often than not the first great thing about this weapon is that it's very easy to craft all you need is a tree branch and a chip Stone which can be found fairly easily by foraging around the woods depending on your carpentry level when you craft the spirit it may be crafted at half durability if you have a low level in carpentry or could be after that Max durability if your carpentry level is high but either way the sphere's durability is pretty god-awful usually just after killing a few zombies the spear will break and you can repair it but it's probably just easier to craft a whole new one so if you do want to use Spears to take on a large horde of zombies I definitely recommend having more than just one or two on you so it's easy to craft but breaks really easily so why would you want to use it over other weapons well what I think is the coolest thing about the spear is it has an ability that no other weapon has when you sprint off the spear in your hands after just a few seconds your character will look like he's ready to take on the whole Roman army and he enters this little charge mode and while he's charging if he charges into a zombie it will be an instant kill it's probably not a good idea just to charge into a group of zombies because the attack animation leaves you vulnerable for a few seconds but is very useful and pretty badass looking if you just charge into a lone zombie and take him out in one hit but even if you aren't using his charge ability the spear does deal a pretty good amount of damage and it also has a long attack range so you can stab at zombies without getting too close yourself but if you want to add a little extra damage to the spears or remember the 13 different Spears I mentioned earlier well they're all literally just a regular spear with some some object tape to the end of it so you can make a spear of a spoon or fork or if you want something a little more intimidating you can make a spear of a knife or machete but if I'm being honest it doesn't really add a whole lot of damage unless you tape a machete to it so I personally just use the spear by itself but hey if you want to charge the zombies with a butter knife tape to a spear then be my guest and also can someone please explain how a spoon taped to a spear does the same damage as a knife tape to a spear like it might just be me but I feel like one of those should be a little better killing things than the other but the last reason that you should use a spear is because you can fish a fit so if you've killed all the zombies on the map and you're wondering what to do with the stockpile Spears you have laying around just go buy some body of water and start fishing actually wait no I lied that was the last reason the last reason is because you can stab zombies through chain link fences with the spear Walking Dead style alright and I'm pretty sure that's everything if you guys can think of any more reasons comment them down below but anyways thank you all so much for watching I hope you all enjoyed the video and I will see you all in the next one
Channel: Spoodle
Views: 39,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 52sec (172 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2022
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