Can You Die of Old Age in Project Zomboid

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can you die of old age in Project Zomboy when I first wanted to answer this question I decide I would just speed up time and game and wait around 100 years to see if my character would just die but then I realized even after speeding up time waiting 100 years would take like 100 hours and I'm just too lazy for that so I just looked it up and the answer is no you can die of old age and project Zomboy because there's no aging mechanic in the game however since there's no way to beat project Zomboy I think it would be really cool for your character to die of old age after about 70 years in game assuming the characters in their 20s when you spawn in so if you can make it that far your character dies in the credits roll and you get a super rare achievement and since we're on the topic I also think an age mechanic in game would be really cool in the sense that you could pick the character's age and the older they are the weaker and less fit they are but they have higher intelligence instead of much higher skills while a younger person may like skills and intelligence but would be much more fit apparently in game you can make your character look older but it doesn't really change anything gameplay wise so it's just purely cosmetic so I do think making age effect gameplay could be very interesting especially if you're the type of player that's able to stay alive for years on end and as the years go by you can notice the physical effects aging has in your character but let me know you guys think should you be able to die of old age in project zomboid and should age have a bigger wall than just Cosmetics let me know in the comments and I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: Spoodle
Views: 262,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: r6NMtAY2EcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 8sec (68 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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