How Long Does it Take to Get Good at Project Zomboid

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so I'm going to guesstimate that most people watching this have somewhere between 5 and 40 hours in project zomboid and you've been trying your gosh darn hardest to survive and kill as many zombies as you can but you just suck ass and I mean a lot of ass and you've been sitting here thinking well why just keep playing eventually I'll get good but you have 40 plus hours in the game and what do you have to show for it this [ __ ] I could call a home with the five zombie corpses you somehow manage to kill the 20 U corpses constantly reminding you of your past failures and the singular can of soup you were able to loot that's right 40 hours of work in your paycheck is one can of [ __ ] soup you degenerate but don't worry because your days of guessing how many hours you need a slave away to actually start getting good at the game are over because today I'm going to tell you how many hours it takes for you to get good at project zomboid so let's get the obvious out of the way there is no magic number of hours you need to get to stop being trash everyone learns at their own pace blah blah blah but what we can do is guesstimate and also use the info from the poll I took and I also asked a few zomboid YouTubers how long it took them to get good so we'll look at that too so first off the poll where 57 of people said it takes them between 10 to 50 hours after you start getting good at the game which makes sense because anything below 10 hours and you're still just dipping your toes in the water but let's say 20 to 30 hours in you start grasping how the combat works and how you should actually strategize your loot runs instead of just running balls first into a store and just praying it as in a field of zombies but although 57 is over half the polling population that still leaves the other 43 the smallest group is 11 with these goofballs who said they were just pretty much born good at project Zomboy and I gotta say these guys are either overconfident or have just not traveled to Louisville yet because I would love to see someone with less than 10 hours of game experience try to survive in Louisville but next we have our two medium groups which make up 32 percent of the peoples now these are my kind of people because although we have put Blood Sweat tears in 100 plus hours in the game we still suck ass in my personal opinion I feel like the 50 to 100 hour group is the most realistic because although 10 to 50 hours is a good chunk of time I just don't think it's enough time to completely grasp while this game has to offer you are definitely better than you were when you started but you still have a lot to experience and struggle through before you can say you're good at the game and lastly we have the 100 plus hour group time of the 50 to 100 hour group of 16 of the vote these are people who either struggled over 100 hours and finally got good at the game or people like me who have a hundred plus hours and still suck at the game these people are the true soldiers because even though they have poured over 100 hours into the game and they still suck they are sticking through it and still playing the game but I also asked a few YouTubers how long it took them to get good so let's check that out first we're gonna go if nautical who says it took him about 20 hours to get good and this will put him in our most popular category of 10 to 50 hours and that makes sense but it's a boring answer so we're gonna move on sorry nautical next we'll look at what nauru said no amount of playing will lead you to getting good and you have to actually sit down and study the mechanics which is probably the most retinary response I could have gotten and I have to say I do agree because I have 400 plus hours in the game and I still suck and maybe it's because I've never once studied [ __ ] about this game next is lourdesley who said it took him about 100 hours and his advice to get good is to focus solely on combat and I gotta say that's some solid advice because I can say from experience the combat in this game is very tricky and unless you perfect it it doesn't matter how many hours you have in the game you'll still end up getting bitten but next I'm putting these two YouTubers in my fifth category along with me the you have a stupid amount of hours in the game but you're still terrible at a category comp and matsy these two both have around 300 hours in the game but still couldn't survive a week if you put the game in Builder mode now I can't talk too much [ __ ] about matsy because he's killed me in a 1v1 but in my experience of comp I can tell you that he's the type of guy to have a negative kill death ratio in a game where you can out walk the enemies so anytime you're killing down and think man I'm never gonna get good at this game just remember that you can never be as bad as com and now on to our final YouTuber the man who I assumed came out the boom of 100 hours in Project Zomboy private lime now this one surprised me because he said it took him at least 250 hours to get good at the game and that means that he's actually a human I always thought he was just a robot program in the beginning of the game but no he actually used to suck which should give all those out there of less than 250 hours hope but what this does show is that truly doesn't matter how many hours you have in the game yes the majority of people say that 10 to 50 hours is how long it takes to get good but there's still the other 43 that don't fall into that category I say 50 to 100 hours is the most realistic and others say that studying the mechanics is the only way to get good and now hours don't matter but the one piece of advice I can say is universal is the Stick of the game because having fun is the most important thing and sometimes you don't need to be good at the game to have fun but if you want a more specific answer then I'm gonna say 44 hours yep that's right ignore everything else I've said in this video it takes exactly 44 hours and you will go from being [ __ ] to being a complete God don't ask me how or why I got 44 hours just believe it but anyways thank you all so much for watching and I will see you all in the next one
Channel: Spoodle
Views: 16,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _Z_6LHlujtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 25sec (265 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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