Project Zomboid Melee Weapons Guide! A Beginner's Guide To Choosing A Weapon In Project Zomboid!

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[Music] hey folks and welcome back to the channel now in this one we are back to project zomboids taking a look at all the types of melee weapons in the vanilla game talking about where we can find them what their positives and negatives are for each type and lastly which perks and occupations they work best with the idea of this video is to help you choose an ideal melee weapon for your specific character build and then help you find it if you get some info from this video that you didn't know before or just find it entertaining do me a favor and drop the video a like it seriously helps get this in front of more people and it's absolutely free oh and you can subscribe to the channel if you want more project zomboid stuff so for my first set of weapons today i wanted to jump into blunt weapons if you don't know this already both one-handed and two-handed blunt weapons will usually come with a higher durability than most sharp weapons will sometimes at the expense of damage however you'll often find that many blunt weapons won't hit quite as hard and are quite commonly the types of weapons you find in the early stages of the game interestingly and perhaps one of the biggest selling points of blunt weapons in project zomboid these weapons will not damage clothing initially you might not think this is a big deal but if you see a zombie with a piece of armor or equipment that you want to get your hands on having a blunt weapon on hand can ensure that you don't damage the clothing that you'd like to use some blonde weapons are capable of hitting multiple targets with one swing as well if you're playing on survivor difficulty or have multi-hit turned on now if you're looking for an ideal weapon to grab in the early game there are some great short blunt weapons out there as options my personal favorite tends to be various types of metal pipes or bars and you can find these often around any type of metal door or fence that has been destroyed or by disassembling one yourself they have higher minimum and maximum damage thresholds than hammers do but tend to break a little sooner due to a lower durability hammers are a good option if you find one but they can also be better used as a tool in the early stages pipes also have significantly better damage than things like frying pans rolling pins plungers or saucepans but those weapons are of course a lot more common so you might just need to grab what you can in those first 10 minutes and upgrade from there the best short blunt weapon is for me the night stick it's got great durability has the best minimum and maximum damage threshold second only to the lead pipe and can be found quite easily you can find the night stick on almost every police zombie in project zomboid or around police stations now with long blunt weapons you have to bear in mind that most of these are best used with two hands and will only fit on your character's back that's not to say that they're bad weapons but if you do decide you want to carry a firearm other than a pistol that two-hander is gonna have to go in order to make room for it the fan favorite for this weapon type tends to be the baseball bat it's commonly found in closets or wardrobes so can often be found very early on if you have a bit of luck on your side and it won't break easily either they have a 40 chance to critically hit and if they do that multiplies their damage to double the original now this is where long blunt weapons get a bit of a one-up on short blunt weapons almost all of the short blunt weapons can only double or triple their damage on a critical hit with long blunt weapons we can knock some nails into a baseball bat with a hammer and the newly nailed bat will do 5 times the damage on a critical hit with a 30 chance to crit with each strike this is only exaggerated with crowbars which will do six times the damage on a crit with a 35 chance for that to occur crowbars and baseball bats share the same durability and weight and for me they make the best weapons in their class now there is a subset of weapons in this category branded as heavy instead of one-handed or two-handed weapons like the sledgehammer or the keytar and whilst these weapons do tend to have better knockback they use a hell of a lot of stamina very quickly and are much slower they're just yeah not worth it you'll be overwhelmed quickly in an extended fight so that brings us to the last thing for the blunt weapons let's take a look at which occupations and perks tend to work best with these weapon types now one of the most commonly picked classes that have bonuses for blunt weapons is the carpenter carpenters gain a 75 xp gain bonus with short weapons not long blunt weapons so do keep that in mind it won't transfer to things like baseball bats the repairman and the mechanic occupations also gain the same bonus the best option for short blunt weapons however is the construction worker who gains a whopping three levels in this weapon type where the other classes previously mentioned only get one level and on top of all that they gain a 125 increased xp bonus with short blunt weaponry there are no perks that can be chosen to give bonuses and short blunt weapons but when it comes to long blunt weaponry there's no occupation that provides benefits the only option is to take the baseball player perk for one level in long blunt and a 75 increased xp bonus or you can take brawler for six points that does the same for both axes and long bloods next up we're taking a look at blades now we'll start with these short blades and then move to the long blades second the first thing you need to know about short blades these include both items like the meat cleaver that i would consider your quote unquote true short blade weapons and then a subclass of weapons called stab weapons and these are items like knives the meat cleaver makes for a pretty good early game weapon choice if you can find one they have a similar durability to things like wrenches and hammers one of the big selling points of the knife subclass for short blades is that their ability to instantly kill zombies under the right conditions the first way to do this is with the assassination animation and if you can get close enough to a zombie with a knife you'll see that your character's hand will raise slightly now when this happens you can press left click and you'll complete a short animation and instantly kill the zombie this can be incredibly useful if a zombie hasn't seen you yet the other way this can be done is thanks to most knives having an incredibly high critical strike damage the lower quality stabbing weapons will have as much as 10 times the damage on a critical hit whereas most reliable knives like the hunting knife will have three times the damage on a critical hit the downside here is that knives have a very low chance to actually crit and the low end knives will only have about five or ten percent chance to crit but you will find this is significantly higher on the better knives again let's take the hunting knife here which has a 50 chance to critically hit so this item becomes a lot more reliable and it's probably the best option available to you when it comes to stabbing items you can find the hunting knife at most gun stores army surplus stores sometimes on the bodies of zombies or just regular hunting supply locations the stabbing short blades make for fast lightweight secondary weapons that can be useful in certain situations and i generally carry one for when i'm sneaking around just remember that if you do complete an execution move that sometimes your knife can get stuck in the zombie and you might just need to check that it's not been left behind so moving on from short blades let's take a look at the long blades now these are one of my all-time favorites in project zomboid and whilst the vanilla version of the game currently only has two of these weapons available you'll find that there are many many mods out there that add more to the game for this reason personally i'm a big fan of the bushcraft weapons mods so check those out if you get a minute and you want a bit more variety in your life the two available in the vanilla game are the machete and the famous katana now the katana is an incredibly rare weapon that is most often found on the corpses of zombies but if you find it it's easily the best melee weapon in the vanilla game where most weapons tend to hit between a damage value of 0.5 and three depending on whether it's one-handed or two-handed the katana is guaranteed to do eight damage with every single hit this makes it a powerhouse of a weapon to the point where if you find one i'd only recommend using it for groups you'll want to get the absolute most out of this weapon so use something else if it's just one or two zombies obviously just keep in mind that this weapon can only go on your character's back slot by default and the katana has a 30 chance to crit with six times the damage next is the machete which is still an incredibly good weapon to have and whilst it's pretty slow for a one-handed weapon in comparison to some available it still hits for between two and three damage with a twenty percent chance to crit and to do five times the damage again these can often be found on zombies especially ones that you'll find dressed up as survivors that you can find out on the roads otherwise it's those army surplus and weapon stores again that will give you the best chance of finding one okay so let's look at those occupations and perks again for both short and long blades now if short blades are your interest the cook occupation will give you a 75 increased xp gain with short blades and one level of xp to start doctor and burger flipper will give you the same as well now if you prefer not to take one of these occupations the hunter traits will provide you with the same benefits for short blades as these occupations will however it does cost eight points you get some pretty nice bonuses for other stuff though so something to keep in mind there are no perks that complement long blades nor occupations so if you're looking at getting into this weapon i strongly suggest fast learner this will at least mean that you're gaining an increased rate of xp for your main weapon type next up in our list of weapon types are spears and man these weapons hold a very special place in my heart from crafting your own spears in the early game with nothing but a bread knife a long stick and some duct tape to getting that powerhouse garden fork these weapons are actually a lot more effective than you might think when paired up with some good perks so i'm gonna start here with the spear that is most effective of them all in the vanilla game the garden fork is the best spear that you can find these can be picked up from most gardening stores as you'd probably expect or sometimes found in sheds in residential areas what makes this weapon so good is that it's the only spear in vanilla with both good durability and high damage whilst all crafted spears will do between 1 and 1.7 damage per hit the garden fork will last much longer and still hits between 1 and 1.5 all spears have a 30 chance to crit except for the umbrella which i'd never recommend and does a whopping 10 times the damage on a critical strike spears are the only other weapon capable of an instant kill execution move next to the knives this will stop your character from moving but instantly impale a zombie's head causing an instant kill and this is why i love them so much spears also come with a charge ability which you can use with a sprint to impale your target for an instant kill you can use left alt to sprint when the spear is in your hand and you'll spot a new animation after a few moments showing that your character is ready to pounce keep in mind here that this action automatically triggers when you're in range of a zombie and no other button presses or clicks are required so be careful and try not to miss or you'll be overwhelmed very very quickly handcrafting of spears in the early stages of the game can be incredibly powerful but keep in mind that they will break quickly so you'll likely need more than one at a time to make them work now as your maintenance skill increases these spears become more reliable and break less often the best types of crafted spears come from attaching either a hunting knife or a machete to a spear so if you're just looking for something to use in the short term basically any stabbing weapon can be attached to a spear but again it will break relatively fast there are no occupations or traits that can be chosen to back up your skills and spears so again fast learner will be a great one here for us to take but i'd also recommend anything that increases your maintenance level repairman is the best choice for this giving you two levels in maintenance and a 100 xp gain in maintenance this is going to mean that you're leveling what makes your spears more durable meaning less of that painful grind where you're having to go through crappy durability spears at an alarming rate now last but certainly not least on our list of project zomboid melee weapons are axes a fan favorite for many projects onboard veterans and the weapon of choice for firefighters and lumberjacks alike i will admit that whilst axes do have incredibly good durability in almost all cases and a reliable amount of damage i do usually like to make sure i've kept a few if i've got building projects planned especially on multiplayer it can be really difficult to get hold of enough axes for chopping down trees there are some mods that help get around this like axe is reforged that will allow you to take the heads from axes and place them on other shafts made by hand and with all that said though there's no denying how powerful they can actually be the best weapon when it comes to axes might actually surprise you it's not the traditional firefighter axe it's the pickaxe the pickaxe is the same weight as the firefighter axe but has an additional 0.2 minimum and maximum damage it's equally as effective at breaking doors down has a longer range and has both a higher chance to crit which is 25 compared to the firefighter axes 20 and higher crit damage which is nine times the damage as opposed to five times the damage on a firefighter x the pickaxe however is arguably much harder to find you'll have to scowl warehouses to find this weapon whereas the firefighter axe which is still an incredibly good weapon can be found at nearly every fire station or in garages and sheds of residential buildings there is also a hand axe in project zomboid that makes or a great one-handed option and currently it is the only one-handed axe in the vanilla game but again several mods add more options in this category so with regards to occupations and perks i had already mentioned that firefighters are a good one here but let's get into some more detail firefighters gain a 75 xp bonus for all actions with an axe that warrant again in xp so they make a great choice if you want to use them as your main weapon the park ranger gains the same bonus along with a few perks focused around base building and survival however if that's your only concern and you're not bothered about the other benefits the lumberjack class is the real powerhouse here they gain two levels in axes where the firefighter gains just the one and a one hundred percent bonus in all xp with axes on top of that they get the axeman trait giving them a faster axe swing and the added bonus of being more effective at chopping down trees aside from that the brawler makes a good optional perk giving you another level in axes and long blunt weapons for six points as well as a 75 xp bonus now that's it for me and this one guys hopefully you picked up something useful with regards to the various weapons of project zomboid and if there's anything i missed please feel free to share your knowledge in the comments we're all about getting as much info to other players as possible lastly if you're interested our patreon server has just started its fresh wipe so if you've been thinking about joining it's a great time to come and play with us there's a link in the description to my patreon and as always a very special thank you to those that are already supporting the patreon take care folks and i will see you all in the next one
Channel: MrAtomicDuck
Views: 396,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, project zomboid guide, project zomboid build 41, mratomicduck, project zomboid tips and tricks, mr atomic duck, project zomboid melee weapons, project zomboid melee weapons guide, project zomboid guides, project zomboid mratomicduck, project zomboid melee weapon, project zomboid beginners guide, project zomboid weapons guide, project zomboid weapons, project zomboid beginner, project zomboid tips, project zomboid best weapon, project zomboid best weapons
Id: fpHvBdh8to4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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