Procedural Generation with Wave Function Collapse and Model Synthesis | Unity Devlog
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: DV Gen
Views: 85,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unity, unity 2d, unity 3d, unity dots, unity ecs, unity tutorial, gamedev, game dev, indie game, indie game development, game development, unity dev, devlog, unity devlog, procedural generation, procedural terrain, voxel, marching cubes, wave function collapse, voxel terrain
Id: zIRTOgfsjl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 21sec (1521 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Out of curiosity, are you aware of any references discussing these algorithms in a Bayesian sense? In particular I'm curious about their relationship with conditional random fields or markov fields.
Hi everyone. This video discusses technical details of Wave Function Collapse and its closely related predecessor, Model Synthesis. My aim is for this to be an informative reference. I hope you enjoy it. I'm happy to chat about it here or on YouTube. I'll have to save the implementation for video three. The current video involved a lot of research, but the next one will be a little easier to put together. I will just need to clean up my code for you a little and then I can start putting it together.
For those of you that might have seen my last video... oh a while ago... Well, life has kept me busy. Work has been challenging, but I'm about to move across the country for a new job. I think its going to be a good transition for me.
The model generation at the end of the video is really impressive!
So it seems by utilising “chunks” it is possible to generate infinite world as camera moves. I wonder if it is possible to use octree for 3d world or quadtree for 2d to first generate bigger high level zones like biomes or town districts. Then by going down the tree to focus on details like houses or landscape layout.
Great video, thank you!
I've got a project that involves procedural terrain generation and seeing so many WFC demos posted here over the last couple years it has perked my interest, but no example I saw of WFC fit my requirements so I have not tried to implement it.
It looks like Model Synthesis is a lot closer to what I need, which is a sort of "ideological symmetry without geometric symmetry" For example, generating a map for an RTS, the landforms and coastlines should be diverse and unique, but each "Town Hall" location should have exactly 2 nearby gold mines, 4 stone quarries, a similar amount of forest and plains, each land mass needs two or three potential port sites, and "islands" satisfying those conditions should be connected by a land bridge with two choke points, and so on. Essentially an arbitrary list of top-down broad, structural constraints.
It looks like Paul's original paper addresses this sort of thing, and I need to read it. :)