YOU MUST USE THIS! The BEST Artifacts For Sung Jinwoo in Solo Leveling Arise!

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hey guys and welcome back my name is D free and today we're talking about building s Janu in Solo leveling arise I hope you guys enjoy this video be sure to subscribe if you are new and I want to know from everybody watching what sets are you personally using on S Janu I'm going to show you a lot of different things but it's mainly going to pertain to sets and the reason I point that out is because you have the Liberty to change your set as often as you need to obviously if you want him to be more of utility character you can change his set around to give him something like solid analysis or even Destroyer if you're feeling spicy whatever you're trying to do you can do that you can change his skills and weapons as well to match sju is the most versatile character in the game by far and it's not close due to all the customization that he has allowing for him to be used a lot of different ways so we have uh a lot of different options here bear in mind I don't have the best artifacts because I suck at these things I have terrible luck I okay I guess I'll start with it because we had it up earlier so regardless of what artifacts you get for him you're mainly going to be looking for attack and the critical hits those are the two things that you want for S Janu just in general in terms of stats that you get you want attack critical hit rate critical hit damage that's pretty much it so like for example this one's like not great this is all this is a tank one here defense HP damage reduction defense it's it's all defense stuff so there should be a mechanic I think there was a data M or something or an announcement or something for a mechanic to reroll the these cuz this is a prime example we need these they just I can't use this piece on pretty much anybody I would want to now that being said it's not like it's bad to have more tanking right it's just this is a game based on DPS so I don't want that defense penetration is solid as well and by the way I talk about attack critical hit rate you also want to get uh the percentage based bonuses you don't want to get you know additional attack you want to get attack percentage first this the other one's secondary anyway so moving on one hit kill is one that you can put on basically any character now one hit kill is extremely strong on some of those characters when they get like their fourth or fifth advancement most the time it's the fifth one because they love making you push that far and they can spam their ultimate more effectively or whatever it is you know you put that on them and they just absolutely shred on sun Janu it's okay um I it's not my favorite by any means I've used it a good bit it's not my favorite but if you like it go for it it's it's a good set regardless it's just one of those things that kind of comes down to now another thing you can do with this is you can make it a two set I am not really a big fan of two sets because I don't like missing out on the benefit of the fourth set which by the way quick spoiler there may or may I don't know if this is announced information or if it's data mind but there there may or may not be sets that go beyond 24 six or two four there's going to be six and eight potentially just want to let you know that uh in terms of like one set for both sides all right so yeah I'm not a huge fan of missing out on the set effects personally but you can make you can make two of these then combo it or something else like armed for example I think armed is a good subin with the attack increase here that you would get from the two set if you wanted to do that with armed I really really like getting that Force Set uh so you hit through the defense that they're missing but that being said I mean just flat out getting attack and the combination of the ultimate is a good combination because you will in that position be able to do more damage because all of his stuff just scales off the attack stat so you can do something like that but I would just you know personally prefer to get that decrease myself so that's one thing you can do now in terms of the right side the right side for S Janu is extremely simple there I mean like just like I said he can play however you want him to play but there's like in my opinion three really good choices and that starts with expert now I am not really going to be shifting any of the right side pieces to to twos of I just think you need fours though for most of these um same deal you want the right attacks and crits and all that stuff right but with this one when Landing a critical hit the user has a 25% chance to increase attack by 0.8% stacking up to a 100 times which changes with a foret you really want the foret of this uh changes to 50% chance to increase attack by 1.6 so this set is really good on S Janu it's good on other Hunters like chahen or whatever but you know it's it's best on Janu because he never leaves the battlefield right he's always out there he's not switching out so you would want to put this on him in most cases now here's the deal with this this will excel more often than not if you've got a critical based build because what will happen is with a critical based build obviously you will be able to do more critical hits right so if you're Landing more critical hits you're going to be able to do this more often and the cool down is only one second so it doesn't take very long right but regardless I and with critical base builds whether that's toughness or not a lot of that comes down to your weapon choice too do you have uh weapons that hit a lot of times or hit quickly do you have weapons that literally increase your critical like Plum sword or Scythe whatever like that that matters a lot too but regardless I think expert is the deao best choice for the right side if you feel otherwise obviously let me know I also really like Champion a field because it functions kind of similarly but it's not it doesn't have the high-end potential but it's more yield upfront right so increases the attack by 5% for 4 seconds when Landing a critical and when you have four of them you can now stack that four times so if you got a heavy crit base set you got good critical bonuses you know crit weapons all the stuff I just kind of explained you could very easily get flat 20% increases you know just just very quickly now more often than not you probably will exist in that 10% range because they're going to start falling off and restacking sometimes you'll miss critical hits you know you know what I'm saying so most of the time you'll probably be at 10 to 15% you probably won't be at 20 all too often but regardless though the attack increase up front is really nice as opposed to having to build it up with expert but the thing about expert is that most of the time you're taking on you know pretty much every time in fact I don't think there's any other only time you're not is in like a dungeon I guess but anytime you're going in any sort of gate or anything like that you're going to be taking on a few hordes before you get to the actual final boss so by then I'd imagine that you've built the expert bonus up so regardless Champion the field is more of like an alternative option for more people other than that uh executioner is the one that comes to mind um executioner increases your attack when the opponent is lower um so this one is another one where or increases your damage that that is that is different the damage verbiage matters more on other characters not named sju because for whatever reason this game is designed in a way where Hunters don't use their attack stat like SE or Su excuse me doesn't use her attack stat at all because she scales off defense I wonder if there's some sort of like higher level level calculation that does take it into a into consideration because I just don't know why it's printed on Hunters that don't use it uh aside from just to keep the game unform right anyway this is a good set regardless though uh it's one of the deao ones that most hunters are going to use though because like I said it can be on anybody unlike the other ones that are increasing attack I think I think even uh uh what's it called uh expert is increasing attack right yeah so like these these ones aren't going to work good on characters that don't have an attack need right so that one is one of the defao ones but I wanted to kind of explain that stuff because those are options in my opinion those are the three best options but I think with sun J you pretty much just leave expert on indefinitely I don't I don't really see much reason to Too Much ever take it off personally so I wanted to kind of explain that anyway moving on from here uh let's actually talk about his best set because I have made it like five minutes into the video or whatever and not talked about it with all the things I talked about and the critical focus and all that stuff his best set winds up being this four copies of toughness four copies of exe or expert excuse me on the right side you want the critical bonuses from this obviously the critical hit damage would be really really nice so it's like it's like it's it's like its best set but it's also like the cookie cutter standard set because this is what most people are going to wind up running um and they're going to run it with the full like I said full four and I don't really have too much explaining to do with this this one's extremely obvious very straightforward again critical weapons critical artifact stat bonuses like I have a critical hit rate bonus here that's perfect you're just going to do more criticals which leads to more damage especially with this uh right side piece on so that's more or less how sju is built with that now moving on from here another alternative is just like any other DPS character armed I I might have mentioned armed earlier I think yeah I did as a two-parter right but as a four parter a four set piece I think armed is also extremely strong because it allows for you to get that extra damage in while ignoring the defense very self-explanatory with that now if you're going to run armed like I said I think you need expert on most of the time but I wouldn't blame you if you decided to switch it out for one of the other options like I said I think I think maybe you can yield you know what let's let me actually see something here let me see executioners to ah the bonus is too low 40 so 40 is like 40 is like they're about to die and you just kill them right like it's it's too low and then this one is just it doesn't get those extra Three Stacks so it's just 5% so yeah I would still just run for like I said unless you're taking on a shorter piece of content now a cool thing about sunju like I said is that he's very versatile he can run whatever set you want him to run um so this one here Destroyer I think is kind of cool you could maybe run a two set of destroyer and one hit on him if you wanted to do that I it's just kind of weird because these both want to have their fours right so that's kind of something that happens too also if you're versus a boss like you happen to be struggling with a boss like egis or something cuz you know egis is funny in the story because he is like a big roadblock for a lot of people and then there are people that are like I would hit him blah blah blah I'm free to play and I want to hit him right and I think some of that comes down to like how good are you physically right but also how well equipped are you do you have the right artifacts do you have the M the right weapon cuz Huntsman just decimates that story chapter so there's that but if reversus him or any other boss that you just want to break more effectively solid analysis is a good set for him if that is the case but after the toughness set arm set and potentially one hit kill set everything else on here is pretty much just optionality I wouldn't use the noble sacrifice one because that takes his attack off you could maybe use Noble sacrifice as a two set if you absolutely had to I wouldn't do it solid foundation right it's like I I personally wouldn't really do it if you have to do it I wouldn't blame you but we always Circle back to either armed or to toughness for S Janu
Channel: DFree
Views: 18,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: D-Free, Solo Leveling Arise, Solo Leveling Arise Guide, how to get tickets in solo leveling arise, how to get gems in solo leveling arise, how to get solo leveling arise, solo leveling game, solo leveling arise beginners guide, how to play solo leveling arise, how to get stones in solo leveling arise, selection draw tickets, solo leveling arise draw tickets, solo leveling arise tips, solo leveling arise beginner guide, solo leveling arise guide, best artifacts for sung jinwoo
Id: 5uK6ktgXpXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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