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all right ladies and gentlemen welcome back welcome back to another SLA video so this one is going to be on the free-to-play account to show you guys how powerful Alicia really is now when before she even came out and I showed you guys the kit I've been saying it from day one that she's going to be the serverus Destroyer wasn't joking okay now I'm so impressed with her kit and I love her so much on my free to-play account I love her as much on my normal account as well too uh that I want to actually go ahead and try to summon for her one more time I am in fact missing her weapon so before we go into showing you how power powerful she is against Cerberus let's do one more draw here to see if we can pull another lucky cop you guys can see I'm four out of 80 so this is just going to be pure pure RNG who knows anything can happen right so let's just see what happens here and if we get a chance to pull her now A1 of course is where I'm aiming at if I can obviously get A2 I will A2 is going to be the team sweet spot but at the end of the day I only care just to get one more copy and that'll be enough for me so let's see if you get like a fake out no fake out that that is a bonus right there though so see sometimes honestly you might not get what you want but at the same time you do get what you need and that bow right there is in is probably one of the best weapons in the game for freeo play players especially especially with uh the new igis run so very very strong and we got another Park holy they just keep giving me her like I get nothing but Park keion non-stop so now with that being done though there is something important here I actually will now have enough to get her weapon and I think that's an important one to to you know not neglect her weapon is extremely powerful for her so we're going to add that to the actual ual run and see how much of a difference it actually makes so there you guys go free weapon in hand now hopefully hopefully we can get it leveled up and then I'll show you guys how you want to run against service using her even at a Zer and how powerful she really is so you guys can see here mine's a 46k I'm going to go ahead and give her this see if we can get it leveled up I don't even know if I have enough gold to to be honest let's find out I do okay perfect so I have a I at least up to level 20 yeah I can I can do this but I am now officially Joe broke look at this 21 okay so we got a little bit more power in there so that's good but the very least this weapon here now will also give her core attack more damage and also when the ice body armor effect is active water damage increases by 5% for 20 seconds which will be really nice obviously more damage to servus the better right so there we guys go we are at 46k versus my child who's at 59k a little bit of a difference but she is my second most powerful character now that I have sitting in my roster so let's go in here and show you guys a quick service run we just get this out of the way and then I'll show you guys how powerful she is at a Zer and why I keep recommending for people to try her out because at the end of the day yes new content is going to drop but at the same time you have to not ignore the fact that cus is going to give you the coveted boots properly okay so I've already done a video on cus on how to tackle them so my team is going to show you guys how to properly use Alicia with rotations okay so let me show you guys here so first off use n get rid of all of this break bar okay so very easy to do by the way with n so best breaker in this game uh at the moment especially for service runs because she just does so much freaking break bar damage look at this almost done already so you want to make sure before you move on to Bringing Alicia in that this bar is gone cast it and bring her in look at that perfect time now when she comes in do core damage right away it's up do your spell tornado with Shield core second skill core okay switch out bring in cha now here you should have enough to do five of these if you have her already leveled up stop here now before you cast this do your second skill cuz you won't get knocked back bring in N right away you'll see a freeze happen now here's the beauty of this part okay you can freeze or you can cast your alt right on time and then right once you're done your alt you bring in Alicia ASAP okay and that will allow you to avoid a lot of this nonsense that happens so same thing here I got hit that was that was I should have got hit there okay so again build up four damage cat alt you can see Alicia does insane amounts of damage with all of the cores that keeps activating plus the fact that her alt is doing insane amounts of damage with her weapon as well okay here now we do Cha's ultimate you guys can see how much damage is coming through from both both characters right so these two are going to be like the Crux to this fight for for service he he will be struggling with these two in there and and add n n to the list now you got yourself a pretty crazy strong team that can pretty much tackle almost any tier of this now I'm not quite there yet for see I mess that up Show the cast cor there second time should have cast my um sorry my core but I messed up so make sure whenever you come in you cast your core right away and then whenever every skill you do whenever your core is up you cast that it's very very important that you do that as much as you can see right there look core is up cast it cor is up cast it remember a lot of her damage comes like majority of her damage is actually coming from heror now I don't have enough DPS to fully get the three stars on this yet but I think in the next I'd say what three four levels I should be able to Three Star this no problem okay so there you go tier eight completed now remember tier n is really the goal right at the end of the day you really want to do tier 9 because tier 9 drops only epics and legendaries but you guys can see here now I'm getting myself nonsense drops like this but nonetheless I am getting Level 55 from service and I'm looking forward to getting myself like this is a really big one this is good for Beck especially with defense right there cuz I don't have defense boots for him so that's a big one as well too so you guys are going to be able to farm this now a lot easier using Alicia now remember A2 is the goal for any team play A1 is the goal for any burst play burst play being like battlefield of time Etc so use that uh to your advantage and make sure you are if you are struggling with service I know she's a skippable unit and she really is at the end of the day if you have a good saw she is really skippable but you have to look at the fact that she is so damn powerful so having both of them even in your roster is going to help you dominate so make sure guys uh if you are using Alicia that's the rotation you want to go with okay so whenever you qte in the first thing you want to do is cast her core attack the moment you use your skill one which is her tornado that gives her a shield your core attack will be up again core again and then skill two core again that is the ultimate rotation for you just do that back and forth and you qte out qte right back in again as soon as you can and then go right back to that same rotation it'll be the fastest way for you to dominate any battle okay so there you guys go that's the freeo playay rotation and aspect of Alicia at a Zer you guys can already see how strong she is so don't you know if you if don't don't regret pulling her trust me you guys will use her a lot right now I'm using her on both my accounts Non-Stop and she is absolutely killing it for both cerus for arachnid for every fight pretty much even as a support uh coming in with massive DPS and she is in fact the second best DPS in the game I still think Chaw takes a little bit of a of an edge on her for the most part but you can't ignore how strong this girl actually is so make sure to also do this remember these are going to be free especially for free to play players this can be free tokens for you guys or Essence Stones I should say and also if you don't have her this is a great way to test her out to see if you do like her gameplay and whether she's a character you actually want to use and at the same time don't forget the more you summon on her right the more chances you have of getting her weapons which is almost a must have for her because of the amount of core damage it gives her so make sure guys you are uh using your Alicia if you have her especially on cerus if you need more advice on it remember check out the guide here you can always go look at the rotations that I used and it'll help you guys I think better understand how to maximize her DPS and use her properly all right guys this is pay thank you again for watching I'll see you guys in the next one stay safe stay good uh the next one I'm going to cover actually sry video real quick is going to be how to get S to level uh sorry 70k power as free to play at level 54 cuz I actually accomplished that so hopefully my artifact guide and my tier guide for everything that I did for S will help some of you guys also accomplish that same uh goal and then you guys in one more level like me will be able to actually go for the rebel job and get yourself additional stats and your cool outfit which is the Cyber Punk uh JN sorry cyber jenu J uh jenu which is which is something a lot of guys are looking forward to at the same time I'll also be putting out a guide for that battle because I know many of you guys are on it and are struggling to finish the job so I'll make sure that I put something up for you guys for that as well too as soon as I hit it and then we can we can at least show I can at least show you guys how I tackle it as a free-to-play player and speaking of Golems sorry last thing uh I know a lot of you guys are asking me for a guide on 2 two uh on reverse just so you guys are aware I am on it I just can't beat it yet either I don't have enough power uh I'm able to take away the break but I I think by the time I'm done fighting the opponent and the time is up I have about 29 bars of HP left so if you are struggling with it it's it's not easy okay so don't worry even I'm having problems and I know a lot of you guys look up to me for content and beating harder content uh so if I'm having a hard time and you're like well pain can do it well I'm letting you know don't worry about it you're not the only one I'm also struggling with it all right guys anyways thank you for watching I'll see you guys in the next one remember rotation rotation rotation and Alicia matters core attack is key for her that's why the solid foundation set is so powerful so if you plan to use it a lot more uh all the power to you it will definitely help you with the toughness as well too as the two main artifacts to use for her see you guys in the next one take care
Channel: Payneblade
Views: 40,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo leveling, solo leveling anime, solo leveling arise, solo leveling arise release date, solo leveling trailer, solo leveling arise global, solo leveling arise gameplay, solo leveling game, solo leveling gameplay, solo leveling mobile game, solo leveling arise update, solo leveling arise release, solo leveling game trailer, solo leveling reaction, solo leveling amv, solo leveling arise game, solo leveling manhwa, solo leveling arise global release, solo leveling manga
Id: XGSynsKUVi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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