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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another SLA video happy Saturday you guys know how this works usually this is pre-recorded so I'm going to say I'm away from Discord so if anyone's trying to DM me for anything specific Saturday Sundays I'm usually unavailable cuz I'm with my family full-time and that's probably what I'm doing somewhere with my kids and my wife so uh if you are watching this though I have an important video here for you that a lot of you guys have been asking me to produce uh I finally hit the the the jackpot and finally hit the the threshold that I needed to make this video so we're going to talk to you guys about how you get yourself as a freeo play player to 70,000 combat power with jinu so when you hit Level 55 you guys can do the brand new Rebel leader sounds like a Star Wars character uh job and get yourself the new Shadow Monarch positioning outfit and extra stats which is crazy I think it's like 30 extra stat which you can pour right into wherever you want and up your combat power so let's talk a little bit about how I reach there what I did make sure that you guys are on the same page and perhaps you can mimic the same method that I did at least this will cover you guys on everything that I did to get there and if you look at yours and see what you're lacking this may actually help you get that extra push okay so remember this is just jinu on his own at 70k and that's the important thing to remember because it doesn't matter about all of your actual Hunters they won't they won't like affect this in any way shape or form uh so you have to make sure that it is only him that gets this now I'm level 54 currently so it's not going to affect um it's not going to affect the actual JW positioning yet I have to be level 55 in order to actually do the job so when the job title does drop and I do get it I will make sure I make a video on it for you guys so you guys can see how I beat it and hopefully that'll help you guys also continue going through and getting that done okay so let's go ahead and do this real quick while I'm here so son Janu here's my power 7,622 so first thing I want to note is you do not need SSR weapons to make this happen Okay I'm going to just show you guys an example here I mean I have a couple dupes here that are obviously high if I equip this one for example that drops it to 68k right so you guys can level up another weapon to 880 and that will actually help push that CP up but if you have the Scythe at at A1 which most of you will have uh essentially what you need to do is just get the Scythe A1 up to level 65 here and that and with another another Sr weapon of your choice to level 80 and you're good okay so from a weapon perspective this is what you need so roughly about 65 64 and then a level 80 Sr weapon with one extra dupe in there okay now from a skills perspective you guys need to know this as well because you can level up the skills of the weapons 7 four and four okay that's what I have for my Sr weapon and then if you look at my SSR weapon I've got four four and six so try to mimic that as close as you can now I'm going to show you guys something else if you if I want to replace uh this weapon for example for the daggers my combat power goes up even further so you don't have to do that you can go two level 60 SSRS one dupe each which most of you at this point should have I think uh level 60 there and level 65 and then this weapon skill here you guys can see is 1 one and four so a lot less of a requirement on that and you guys can definitely focus on a little bit more of you know powering up other things that you need like like artifacts for example right so I'm going to go ahead and just give this a little bit of a push you guys go now I'm at 72k right so you can see how much weapon skills make a difference make sure you are putting that in so there are your Mo your best options right now if the two SRS didn't work for a reason I'll show you guys why uh so if I go here and here for example right this dropped me down to 608k if I go to my weapon skills here I've got two one in one so if I were to push these weapon skills further up I'd be like 69k I said 69 that's right get your mind out of the gutter but you guys can definitely hit it with two Sr weapons but why would you everybody get a free Scythe when you finish chapter 12 um of the of the challenges to an uh to uh to a to A1 right for the sitethe so you can definitely do it this way as well all right now let's talk about the skills real quick cuz that's going to make a difference as well so my skill impacts I'm going to move my screen here just level up two of your main skills so level six for my armor break and level eight for my death dance is more than enough and this will help you guys get more power now remember the more skills you level up the more power you get anyway so try to push as many of the skill srels as you can to a bare minimum level eight I believe at that point you're going to be starting to use the blue uh blue squirrels for him again as many of them as you can push push them and here's here's how my numbers look right again I'll show you guys real quick so if I go to skills so 4 5 1 and remember these will level up automatically as you get ruins for them so make sure you are crafting your ruins because the ones that you don't have they will automatically go in here and you will get yourself what you need to get more levels through that all right very very important to do that one okay next up uh blessing Stones actually don't make a difference don't worry about these they don't actually affect combat power at all so don't worry about that now stats I've been telling you guys from day one I've been all strength and my free to play same thing all strength this gives you the most combat power and still to this date is still the best stat to go for so 1834 you guys can see how far I am in the game already as a free to- play player at level 54 and that will help you guys drive that combat power even further all right now that we've covered skills we've covered uh weapon skills and weapons uh let's talk about the most important thing the thing that's going to affect you guys more than anything else is going to be your artifacts okay here are my current artifacts and this is kind of how you want to push it okay so 15 a pop all the way down down down the uh the left side 18 20 15 and 14 so you guys can push this however you need you can go 18 18 18 for example or 17 15 18 Etc but you will need some form of a combination of these now stats will matter right stats matter so because jinu is uh scaling off of attack your attack stats are going to make a massive difference so I have additional attack here for 7 976 once I hit level 60 this additional attack now becomes the secondary versus attack percentage so for now additional attack is still better roughly about level 60 I've started to notice attack percent takes off okay okay so right now additional attack is great here don't go for defense don't go for defense don't go for HP everything should be focused on attack percentage crit rate that's your main ones okay for this side at least obviously defense penetration is nice damage increase is nice it will give you guys a boost but not as much as attack percentage or crit rate okay so you guys can see there that's what that that looks like here I've got crit rate plus two on this piece I got really lucky and I've got the attack percentage there which is nice I haven't pushed this further although I want to I'm just out of gold now this piece specifically isn't that important so you can stop it at 15 cuz it gives you additional defense and that main stat is not going to drive your combat power too high this one will with the attack and this one will with the attack so so gloves are very very important now look you can see here I unfortunately got two HPS nothing went into crit for me I only need two plus two crits and I'm maxed out anyways but it is what it is I'm using this for now just because I want that extra crit rate to push my crit up but ideally this will be switched over to something that has attack percentage and damage increase or defense penetration with crit rate and then that will push my CP even further making me go above the 72 which is my Max currently I think right all right and then boots here we have crit damage again nothing unfortunately went into attack which sucks we got hph HP again lower lower uh stats there but if we had additional attack and attack percentage that would have D driven the the combat power even further making me stronger and obviously giving me a better chance to defeat opponents uh using a strength only build right so there's that part now the right side here very important to to know critical hit damage is what you're looking for and additional attack and attack percentage so this side has crit rate this side has crit damage so you always get additional HP here that's irrelevant we're not going to worry about that this was a nice roll cuz I got crit damage and additional attack so that worked out well the plus 21 look at this I got crit hit damage plus three on this this was massive if only this damn damage reduction went to attack or crit hit damage again it would have been golden this would have been the best perfect piece I had in this game period at least for my freeo playay account level 15 you definitely want to go attack percentage here crit hit damage attack those are perfect I need to push this to to 20 and then this one here also I have additional HP additional attack and attack percentage you guys can see here I can enhance it I think one more time and it went right into freaking HP you guys can see here only 696 power increase that would have been a lot higher obviously because look I only got 507 here if this went into attack I would have had like 700 something this 25 Remains the Same so this is how you want your accessories to look now you can choose any accessories you want okay you can pick any set you want it's the it's the stats and substats that matter matter the sets themselves won't make a difference in terms of combat power it's what's within the sets that matter and make a difference all right so there you guys go so the best way to do this you should be farming at this point if you're at the same stage as I am you guys can see here I don't have the greatest sets or gears but I do have pretty decent Hunters uh and I do have like okay sets or okay gear for him like A1 A1 nothing out of the ordinary nothing crazy so very free-to-play friendly account right now the main thing you should be doing is just watching if you haven't checked it out check out my videos on how to do instances you should be farming tier 9ine and tier 10 for these guys let me move my screen back right there tier 9 I already made video for you guys on both of those on fre as freet to playay account uh and then also you should be farming yourself the instance dungeons you should try to clear chapter 15 at this point because you're also going to get additional power from gems and that will help you push your account even further you guys can see this is my freeto playay gems now a lot of people asking how do I get so many gems well I'll show you guys real quick just so you guys understand how this was possible if you go to The Exchange shop as a free to- play player and you check out the celebration coin there's actually gems right here that you can trade in right right there look get lucky gems this is this is all I've been using it towards right I want those gems so you guys can see here 13 out of 30 this gave me a lot of free gems that I can use and I've been applying them towards my my Gems or my account and it's been helping me essentially grow really quickly so that's pretty much it guys so there you guys go this is pay hope you enjoyed the video uh if you guys have any comments or questions let me know take a look at it I showed you guys the stats try to mimic it you can definitely copy this guys it's very doable so One More Level I'll have the the job opportunity to get myself the rebel Hunter and I'll show you guys or sorry Rebel Rebel leader and I'll show you guys how to actually Beat the Boss when that's done all right guys this is pay thank you for watching I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Payneblade
Views: 61,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo leveling, solo leveling anime, solo leveling arise, solo leveling arise release date, solo leveling trailer, solo leveling arise global, solo leveling arise gameplay, solo leveling game, solo leveling gameplay, solo leveling mobile game, solo leveling arise update, solo leveling arise release, solo leveling game trailer, solo leveling reaction, solo leveling amv, solo leveling arise game, solo leveling manhwa, solo leveling arise global release, solo leveling manga
Id: lG9yuvq64dA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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