EASY RANK 1 F2P Build Guide [Solo Leveling: Arise] Battlefield of Time - IGRIS!

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really quick I'm still giving out 1,000 Essence codes if you want one just drop a comment on this video and make sure you are subscribed I'll reply to your comment and I'll give you a code now for today's video we're going to go over the battlefield of time for this season we have igis on the current battle and I know a lot of people have been struggling with igis It's usually the mobs in the beginning that are giving people a ton of problems so let's go over what build I use to get a 41 second time and no don't worry this isn't a super pay toin build any freetop playay player can achieve this you do need two weapons or even three if you have an SSR so let's go over which weapons you need and what build I used and I just got the time so will be updated here shortly so tomorrow my ranking we'll show up in here so let's go over and hop into my build and I'll show you how I did it so you can use various weapons West Wind and the Longbow work for free to playay players it is perfectly doable but you can also use the Huntsman that's what I recommend if you have it it makes things a little bit easier but a lot of you won't have this all the way ranked up meanwhile a lot of you will have the West one leveled up and also ranked up because it's so easy to get as it is an Sr so any combination of these three weapons works just fine and I'll show you how to use both in just a moment here for your skills this is the ideal Loadout you want Commander touch you really can't do this without Commander touch on your roster so you must use it and you should be using this Rune here it is the best for just sucking all the enemies it's very long lasting and it deals a ton of damage depending on how many mobs there are and the other skill I use would have to be def sense obviously the light version so this Rune here it provides a heavy break and it also increases your crit damage by 30% on top of resetting the coold down of Commander's touch which is vital for this run now if you don't have these skills and these runes in particular and you're finding this isn't working for you you could also go for the skill here vertical Arts ideally I believe the win version is probably the best because the damage does increase depending on the number targets there are so this one would be most beneficial you do need either vertical arts or the commander touch to mob since they do deal a ton of AOE damage and it is very very widespread so you don't need to waste time chasing the enemies and I'll show you in just a moment for your blessing Stones you don't need anything fancy as you can see I did it easily with a bunch of rare blessing Stones so hopping into here I use the boss Slayer obviously fragas and obviously pulverize as well it boost your damage to any Targets in The Brak State and also blood lust it is very easy to get off basically a free tack boost and also I went with weakness detection super simple passive if you have a target with an element weakness your damage increases by 12% very very simple you could also go for the Assassin's proficiency this works as well you can use double HED sword if if you don't have the ones I listed earlier and there's also a few more you can use and let me just show you in the Codex popping in because blessing stones are very hard to get so you won't have every single one you can also go for this one here Reawakening your skill cooldowns will all decrease by 20% meaning you can get them off much quicker that one works as well and if you are lacking crit rate you can use sharp perception it boosts your crit rate by 3% stacking up to six times so very easily get off those would ideally work the best for you they worked for me and they're very easy passives to get off and for your Hunters you do need a certain combination let me jump in and show you so you do want a buffer that provides a crit rate and crit damage boost that's why I've Chaw here there are obviously other Hunters you can use here you can use defense debuffers as well just try to use cha if you have her if not look for the hunters that provide the best passives you can maybe use someone like leor as well providing a 15% damage increase there's a lot of options Choy works too he provides a defense debuff so those are all salt Hunters you can use but I use cha you also need a breaker so you can use someone like yo he is perfect for providing a ton of break you can also use Emma as well she provides medium break on her support skill there is a lot of H to do this you can use jinho as well he provides break there we go medium break so anyone with medium break works like Kim CH let me find him here as well he provides medium brakes so a lot of options here you're not really spent for Choice you're spoiled for choice and you also definitely want Min as well Min provides a solid solid boost increasing the damage taken by 15% to your enemies so he is vital but again you can swap him out for Chaw for liora anyone that provides a damage boost these will all work out fine you just need to make sure your Hunters provide solid passives I don't recommend going double break though you can go for double break if you're not using the Hunts spin you might have to so just play around you have a lot of options until you find the one that works best for you now let me just confirm that I cover everything I covered weapons I covered hunters and obviously for your Shadow you want to use igis first providing you a bonus for your sets just go for whatever sets work best for you this is my makeshift set obviously I don't have the passives going off so don't worry if you don't have the proper sets you obviously want crit rate crit damage attack defense pen these are the ones you want and for your sets toughness Works champion on the field expert or even executioner these are all sets that work just fine and I just realized my yo has no artifacts I'll fix that later but as you can see this is basically a free to-play guide you do want these artifacts on men just because they help out a bit for your hunters and for minut if you're wondering these are probably the best artifacts to go overall in the game not just for this run just something you should have equipped on them just so you know for your own reference now this should cover everything we covered blessing Stones as well and skills so all we have to do is hop in and I'll show you so we're going to jump in and before you jump in you want to already start spamming your commander such skill for me that's the Q skill on my keyboard I'll show you so as you jump in you want to start spamming your Q skill that's because all the enemies will be locked up as you can see here now when they're locked up if you're using the Huntsman or if you're using Westwind you want to use your skill immediately so while they're being sucked up in the very first second you want to use your skill just like that but not like this I'll show you an example right here so we're going to hop in again spam Q just so you understand spamming spamming spamming and I'm Auto attacking I'm using the skill boom you saw that we clear the enemies extremely fast there and for the next mob you want to use your e skill so when they all pop in you can easily clear them it'll reset your commander touch cool down and then you can use Commander touch again so I'll show you that all in action right here we're going to hop in and I'm doing this step by step so you really understand it so I'm using my q auto attacking Huntsman skill Auto attacking use that e skill that I have the other one whatever it's called and then use our commander touch again see how easy that is auto attacking just Spam your Autos here and once the boss has spawn that being the Mage in a second and you might notice that sometimes the enemies will actually not follow you that's because if you dash in too early and by dashing I mean you approach the enemies too quickly some of them will not be sucked up that's exactly what happened here so if if you're wondering why this enemy didn't get sucked in that's exactly why so I'm going to reset and make sure I do this right this time we're going to hop back in spam Q use our Auto attacks use our skill for the Huntsman use our Dash move whatever that's called I keep forgetting the name use Commander touch again sucking everyone up Auto attacks Auto attacks very very simple everyone got sucked up there and see when the boss spawns before it spawns you basically want to use your Longbow skill this skill here it is very easy to get off and normally it should get nuked in one touch so I'll show you that in action let's repeat now you understand steps one and two this here is step three so you saw there exactly what you needed to do once the MS are all defeated you want to dash in make sure your Longbow is in range use the skill before the boss spawns that's because the boss is technically on the map still before it pops up and the AOE move in the beginning of the Longbow skill does manage to hit it and once the skill fully goes off you should be able to on-shot the boss obviously this depends on the damage you can do but you should be able to do it especially with the Westwind buff if you have Westwind you use that in the beginning of the battle just like I did with the Huntsman getting that nice increase in damage so it's very easy if you have the right damage of course to get the first stage down in under 30 seconds super super simple obviously you do need the right build when I say simple not everyone can do do it so let's show you what the Aris portional battle looks like I'm going to hop in and repeat everything just so you can see it's very very doable all right so I'm going to do a play-by-play for the AG battle I'm going to use a video player just to make it easier so I can pause and show you the steps so as you spawn in spam your Q like I mentioned before this will make the battle very quick with the mobs and as you do that you're going to Auto attack that way you dash forward so they spawn and you can start reeling in all the damage we're going to Auto auto auto until they die and we're going to keep autoing if you have the westwin you can use the skill earlier get the bonus damage in and continue autoing so as we do this once I get the final animation off I'm going to use my def stance reset the commander touch cooldown you'll see in just a moment here there we go Commander's touch has been refreshed and now we're going to use it on these mobs here there we go they are all sucked in and don't worry if some of them do Escape you can just Dash forward and they'll come to you and just a moment here and just note if you have the expert artifact you are gaining Stacks as you Auto attack so it's fine if you're a few seconds off at least you're getting additional Stacks if you do mess up and there we go more Autos they're getting sucked in and what I want to show you right here is once the phase timer kicks in you'll know that the boss is going to spawn so you can use your longb skill right away it will still deal damage as you saw there I use it as soon as possible you don't have to wait for it to spawn in and obviously we're just going to One Tap it that's why we use the Longbow don't worry if you can't one-hot it It's Perfectly Normal ours is maxed out to level 10 A5 so it might be a little bit difficult just Auto attack build up those exer Stacks it's not going to be a problem just deal as much damage as you can now for deis battle we're going to walk towards him and something you can do that is basically a sweaty try hard move is auto attacking agis as they approach you because you can build up more expert sacks you'll see here I'm going to try that yeah so I auto attacked and I think we went from 13 to 14 let me show you here just going to replay that yeah we're at 13 so we Auto attack and we gain 14 that's about 1.6% more damage every little bit does help now once igis does use his move we're going to obviously Dodge it use Shadow step and use our shadows as soon as possible you'll see here that's exactly what we do now we want to use death stance as soon as possible as well and also our Hunters going from Min getting that boost in and then yho getting the defense reduction and Breakin you'll see that in just a second here we're going to use the def sand skill and I use Min at the same time getting the damage boost in and you want to use your Huntsman skill as soon as possible because the Huntsman deals more damage on the auto side than your Longbow so we're going to do that and the Huntsman does break as well as you saw there I use the Huntsman the break damage is coming in and yho should be used as well right around here there we go so now we have broken igris and you want to save cha for for when IG says 70% HP if you're using the Executioner set which I am using so I'm waiting until IG says 70% to around there to use Chaw so she deals the most amount of damage possible you see here we summon her she's going to new igis doing a ton of damage as you saw there and now we're just going to Auto attack Auto attack Auto attack with the Huntsman you want to save your Longbow until agis is around 40% HP depending on how strong you are that is when I know I can onot igis and almost one shot him again you can keep redoing the battle because your crits are vital here you want to land as many as possible and that will allow you to beat igis very very quickly you saw there I did technically one shot igis but not really so that's why my time was a bit lower than usual so you can keep playing around with this battle making sure you get the best RNG possible Landing those crits is vital that's why you use a lot of crit damage but as you see here this method is quite good the third place compe use this method as well as you see here but I'm assuming their RNG wasn't as good so the RNG Factor plays a huge huge part on whether or not you can beat this battle right away or not so hopefully this helped again this is a very freeo playay friendly method you should have a lot of break units damage buffers and both these weapons here again if you don't have the Huntsman you can use Westwind as well all those weapon varieties will work it just depends what you have and you want to optimize knowing what you're using that way you get the best time time possible so hopefully you enjoyed if you did drop a like on this video leave a comment if you have any additional thoughts or tips and do subscribe for more Soul leling rice content this was Zapf signing out
Channel: Zaff
Views: 19,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo, leveling, solo leveling, arise, solo leveling arise, solo leveling arise release date, solo leveling arise gameplay, solo leveling arise global, solo leveling arise release, solo leveling arise global release, solo leveling arise update, netmarble, solo leveling game, solo leveling mobile game, solo leveling arise power of destruction, guide, code, tier list, reroll, shadow, stats, jinwoo stat, build, igris, battlefield of time
Id: lPXExiH5Hik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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