[Solo Leveling: Arise] - How Full Bloom works & Scythe skill! Scythe vs Plum! Which does more dmg?

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what's going on boys and girls welcome back to another solo leveling arise video okay guys we're going to be talking about two different things at the moment that I'm going to be showing you one common question I get like almost all the time and I haven't had a chance to make a video about it is which one's better the Scythe or the plum sword now I'm going to show you guys uh how the plum sword Works cuz a very common question is how does the full bloom effect take into place right now a lot of people understand that you need to dash but when does the dash actually take into effect when does the full bloom effect actually happen so I'm going to show you guys a couple ways to do this uh and then we're going to show you guys the difference between the the actual Plum sword damage versus the Scythe now keep in mind my Scythe does have an A1 sorry A6 so we're going to do I believe it's 5% more damage right I think so oh sorry 3% more damage then the plum it's not massive amounts but the one thing a lot of people don't know about the plum and or the sorry the shadow scythe and I made a video about this as well too in a I bet you in no video which is simply essentially a tips and tricks video is that in the skill here you can actually hold down the button and do more damage right I think I've showed you guys a few of these already that you can do that with so this one here is going to also be something a lot of people don't know about and that is how to do um the actual skill while holding it down so I'm going to level these up the same just so they're the exact same level here six and six right I you know I mean I can push this even further if I really want to let's go seven and we'll get this one to seven okay so I'm going to show you guys the difference between the two of them and I'm going to trying to explain to you guys how the full bloom effect works because a lot of people I think are using the amplifying effect but don't understand how the full bloom effect takes into place so this video might at least Enlighten you guys cuz again I get it as a very common question um so maybe this will again help help alleviate some of those pressures from you guys to understand how this actually all works uh together okay so let's go ahead and put in um you put let's you know I'm going to level her up real quick give me a sec guys let's get her up I'll use Emma for this fight just cuz yeah you know what Emma's fine so we're going to use this we'll go ahead and put in some crit again we'll use igis blades and whatever it doesn't really matter I'll use uh use tank there so we're at 287 versus 178 so clearly we we're above the threshold so in terms of damage here you're going to see a lot of differences okay so we'll start off with the with the plum sword okay so I'm going to do a quick Dash and I'll show you guys the effect that happens when you Dash versus doing a full bloom effect okay so watch this so we'll start off with that one and I think this might clear up a lot of the confusion people have on how the full bloom effect kicks in Okay so so here we go first off uh if you see these little rose pedals around you right amplifying draw you see that right there right now that is not the same thing as full bloom effect just so you guys are aware you guys can see in the bottom right there's a little sheath of a sword that's actually amplifying draw that's again not the same now to get full bloom effect what you need to do I'll show you guys in one second here let me just dodge this is actually be able to dodge and dash at the same time while pressing the skill button now watch this see that see how full bloom just kicked in that's how that works okay just so you guys are aware that's how you activate full bloom you press Dash and the skill at the same time and will 100% activate that skill for you so I'll do it again and then we'll restart this and I'll show you guys the other skill now for a scythe remember there is two different ways to do this I want to show you guys the Scythe as well too real quick okay so Scythe here nonh holding down you guys can see very simply very short animation right okay so watch when I hold it down now let's do the full bloom again for you guys just so you guys can see watch Dash amplifying right no full bloom right you guys can see that okay now watch this one two let's just let him finish his Fireballs up here now watch what happens when I Dash and press at the same time right full bloom effect right there right okay so you got to press the skill and dash at the same time to see that now let's take a look at the Scythe when it's held down look at the difference in damage look at how much more I just did there 2.6 million and the animation is much much longer so again just so everyone's on the same page to get the full bloom effect you need to be able to Dash and press the button at the same time the skill button okay if you don't do that you don't get it right so you see you guys just get amplifying draw there now again same with the Scythe just to make it clear you hold down the button okay you hold it down here and you will do the full animation and damage right there all right so that is a lot of people's questions regarding that those two attacks now we're going to actually do a quick little summary in regards to what does more damage okay all right guys going in here now doing full effect on both weapons now we're going to see which one does more damage and I can tell you right now the Scythe is actually the better of the two weapons for me personally I don't like the gimmick behind the whole dash and full bloom effect as nice as it is to have that extra crit damage I find the Scythe holding down the skill button still does more overall so you guys will see I think you guys kind of see this right now coming up okay so let me just show you so we'll start off with the Scythe first okay here we go guys can see all the dark damage and everything so 1 Point five right that's pretty damn good let the head go and then you guys can see full bloom now right watch see 729 so it's almost double the damage with the Scythe for me personally and remember my Scythe is only they're both level 100 weapons and my Scythe is only one advancement higher so it's only doing 3% more damage right so overall like that's not that much of a difference but if you look at the damage scale when you're holding down the skill look at this 1.89 million right so I just want to kind of point this out uh a lot of people have been arguing between the two weapons for me personally I don't think there's much of a competition in regards the actual damage right so again I didn't get full bloom there so that that really isn't going to count as a damage right there but you guys can kind of see the difference right away though even with full blo in effect when it was an effect it just it just doesn't do as much right so let's just here I'll just do a little bit more here okay watch full bloom right uh 721 so I mean still you guys can see it's still half the damage no matter why no matter how I cut it here and no matter how I slice it no matter how I try to I try to show it it's just not doing as much damage as the Scythe so overall uh I've been pretty damn impressed with the Scythe now I know a lot of people don't like that concept I don't know why um it seems to be a lot of Scythe haters but I I honestly just can't you can't you know you're proving math here right now look at the 3.9 million 3.9 mil guys I think it's pretty obvious which one is the better of the two of the two weapons when it comes down to DPS again I they're both dark weapons they're both level 100 one's A6 one's A5 I mean again it's not that much of a difference in regards to what one does versus the other right so here's full bloom right you guys can see here now you're doing a lot less damage in regards to physical now at this point it's just all dark damage coming through um so you guys now this part is the Invincible part so one sec here I'm going to have to break this guy quick I don't know if I can actually just in case I can't I I put on um hopefully Emma will get the job done perfect good job Emma there we go got it okay perfect done so this guy's going to blow up and now he's going to show up here we can start this over again okay now this part I don't know if this is bugged I don't know if this is part of the the game or not or what the deal is but for some reason um I'm not getting any more physical damage on this boss anymore like look it's all just dark damage at this point I don't know again I don't know what's causing that to happen uh but for some reason it's very random now when it does occur so I think it's a bug I'm pretty sure it's a bug um but it's it's a really annoying one because it reduces the damage on this boss quite a bit so keep that in mind guys if all of a sudden if you're like what the hell why aren't I doing as much damage well that's probably why so there's 2.1 million that was nice and then if we can get this rolling again you guys can see here 3.4 right look at the difference um hopefully hopefully this kind of settles it for you guys I'm I'm hoping I'm hoping to just kind of like the whole purpose of all these test right that I do for you guys is really just to show you guys factual numbers like and and I'm trying to keep things as close as possible now remember my going forward my testing is going to be very different like for example when I get cha I'm going to make sure that I test from a zero all the way to A5 every single step of the way so everybody gets the most popular and sorry proper data free to play Pay to Win It doesn't matter who you are I want you guys to have all the data in front of you so you know what to do with them the only difference here of course will be we'll do we'll do testing with no gear and then we can of course do testing with gear if we have to I although I don't think that's going to be necessary because gear is going to be RNG based on what you have um but yeah overall guys I think I think I think I've kind of proved it here that the Scythe is a bit better in terms of DPS um I don't know how else to really show it outside of what I've been doing and if anybody has any different results I would love to see them but I mean I'm doing the full bloom effect whenever it's up for the most part right uh and even with full bloom effect versus the Scythe being held down you guys can see the difference in the two it's a pretty drastic difference in terms of damage all right guys the pain hope you enjoyed the video I'll talk to you guys in the next one take care
Channel: Payneblade
Views: 11,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo leveling, solo leveling anime, solo leveling arise, solo leveling arise release date, solo leveling trailer, solo leveling arise global, solo leveling arise gameplay, solo leveling game, solo leveling gameplay, solo leveling mobile game, solo leveling arise update, solo leveling arise release, solo leveling game trailer, solo leveling reaction, solo leveling amv, solo leveling arise game, solo leveling manhwa, solo leveling arise global release, solo leveling manga
Id: Pkkr2A6ICMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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