The PERFECT Way To Build Sung Jinwoo! Skill, Stats Weapons etc! Solo Leveling Arise Beginner's Guide

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up all right guys and in this video we're talking about the best ways to build s Janu in Solo leveling rise now the first thing I want to mention is that obviously this is going to come down to you and your preference as well what you like to do what you don't like to do how you like to play uh what skills you like how you like to do things that I just want to make this very very clear uh but I'm going to provide you guys with some options based on my own preferences so I hope you guys enjoy let me know in the comments what you guys like to do in terms of how you play the game because again we're all different I want to make that extremely clear uh and all that stuff please post down below anyway let's go ahead and Dive Right In we're going to start off with stats so the first thing you want to do is when it comes to S Janu you want to have his Precision stat around 855 to 90% critical hit rate you want to hit at 50% as well now the rest of everything you're going to invest in this guy is going to mostly be into the attack SL strength stat and the way you're going to do that rip gold the way you're going to do that is as it pertains to Precision you're going to get that based off of your weapon weapons uh also you're going to get that off your weapons also when it comes to the critical you're going to try to pull that from artifacts so let's go ahead and give an example so he's got no investment in Precision so he's at 61% Precision spikes heavily with duped out weapons short and sweet very very easy to explain in fact it spikes so heavily that a weapon without any dupes has no Precision so there you go one dup even has Precision so that is the first thing to mention so then if the commment is heyd free well I have no weapons with dupes sure you probably do you can also effectively use lower Rarity weapons with duplicates to get precision as well so you do not have to invest in it you don't want to ignore that stat because it increases your minimum damage which obviously matters a lot so that's the way I like to explain it that stat increases your minimum uh the strength stat increases your maximum so it's very easy to understand that way now the the Dark Horse is critical which we'll talk about in a minute so anyway what you can do is you can pick a primary weapon that you like using like the plum sword uh we can also put on an Sr sword just just for S's and G's family friendly we'll put this on right just whatever and all of a sudden our Precision stat did climb a decent bit to 69% and so from there we would invest points into it to get it around 85 to 90% in my opinion so that's what you would do you'd go from there push it all the way up to that 90% number I guess we're just going to waste gold today so let me actually put on we'll take this off and we'll put on something that's a little little bit how about a two dup weapon we'll put that on uh if you by the way if you want to use a sub weapon that's a rare weapon that you have with dupes in it as well that works too particularly if they have a good passive increases the user attack by 2% Stacks up to 10 times 20 20% whatever increase dark damage like this is this actually probably is a good one to use as a r weapon because the dark focus with the plum sword so we'll put that one on whatever we'll do that so the Precision stat currently I'm trying to go pretty fast is at 68% so we'll invest uh we'll invest 100 points in that gave me 5,000 more in the stats that should be enough right 80% 80% is a fine Baseline as well if you wanted to do that uh we'll go 30 let's see where that puts me uh 80 okay so we're like right there all right let's go Five Points we are right there so th and by the way that is specific to this build let's go two points come on now that's specific to this build 85 perfect if I were to take this weapon off put on this other Scythe for example then obviously my Precision is going to go up right uh it's at 90% so obviously if I've got better weapons even if I put this Sr weapon on it's still going to be higher it's at 86% so anyway uh that's specific to this specific build because they do have different stats on it right so outside of that we're going to move and put the rest of everything here so if you like to invest in vitality and intelligence go for it I'm going to tell you however that you do not need to invest a single drop into either of those stats first and foremost as it pertains to Vitality that stat is it's not that it's bad it's just that it's not necessary at the end of the day this game is a DPS game you want to Blitz through your bosses your mobs whatever as quickly as possible so that is the most important thing so increasing your overall damage is what you want to be doing right so increasing those two stats increases your minimum your maximum damage again crit we'll talk about in a minute uh but the the the Vitality is kind of whatever and it's so whatever that he's got a skill called Shadow step that's extreme evasion Shadow step this is your best friend it even reduces the enemy's defense by 60% so like you want to to play this game effectively what you want to be doing is you want to be using Shadow step like all the damn time right and that by means that that by the nature of it means that you're not taking any damage so if you're not taking any damage why do you need the defense stat now that being said if you improve this even though you'll do less damage you you know you'll be more survivable so up to you if you want to do that I'd also argue that you can get this in other ways from you know a support like Emma for example who increases what heat defense Point 7.7 whatever like he you can get this investment elsewhere intelligence some people will also really like this for the cooldown reduction it's a stat that you could kind of try to build some off brand type of build but most people aren't going to recommend it I'm not going to recommend it either it just kind of is what it is all right so agility now critical you want that stat to be at about 50% now it's at 6% currently however what's going to happen is 50% is the cap for stat investment right so you can't Advance it Beyond 50% with stat investment however weapons can go past it so a weapon that increases your critical hit rate things like that are able to go past that so this one right here increases the US critical hit rate uh the other Scythe increases your crit rate by 25% these weapons are able to go past that cap of 50% now in terms of weapons there are a lot of different ways you can build him too um I just want to let you know that this information is coming from the Sol leveling rise database so that'll be linked Down Below in the description but there are a lot of different common builds for sunju for the record this is one that they recommend but this is one that I used personally for my early progression in the game I didn't have any dup and Demon plunk flower I just got that recently I used this combination with the other art facts and all that stuff in the video that you guys have seen by now because if you couldn't tell I tacked this in last minute because I forgot to cover this topic but this is a combination I used a ton thetus grimoire is an amazing weapon in the game uh also the the common build most people are going to use is this double dark weapon one because the critical implications the sheer damage things like that it works out really really well also depending on what pieces of content you take on there will be other ways you would want to build for example if you're versus a character like egis you want to have a combination like this if possible that would work exceptionally well for you making any sort of changes depends on what you have obviously so I can't really step into each player's individual accounts and tell you what to use or what not to use right um another combination could be uh they actually recommend using the the the plum sword instead of Scythe if you have to do that as well but using Huntsman as the as the main break weapon there because the Huntsman actually regardless of content is really strong because it does have the Sunder effect which is really really damn good here as well so it just it just is a breaking phenomenon right so it's it's crazy strong um outside of that another common build for jinu that they're recommending is the fire water with Theus grimore and the orb of avarus I'm not going to equip those but that's really good for the wolf stage but the main thing I want to kind of mention to you is that most of the time it's going to be a combination of the double dark uh if you have Moon Shadow shout out to that it's going to be a combination with double double dark weapons or dark and thetus grimoire is one of the weapons because of the way Theus scar Works especially if you've got that dupe that dupe is crazy on this so that weapon is just pure DPS for you there are other builds that people wind up using as well fetus grimoire West Wind is a very common one but again requires that doesn't really require but you be best off if you have the dupes as well for that too so that is how the weapon Outlook looks and outside of that some of these other Sr weapons work pretty well too but again depends on the need uh you have utility in certain things that they're offering you bleed uh paralysis here extra water damage ding ding ding we like that versus The Wolves sometimes I guess notice that we don't really talk much about some of the other weapons like demon long sword it's not that it's bad it's that you're better off in content pretty much just using the other weapons that's that's what it is it seriously that's what it is is that you're better off just using a combination of the other weapons so that's kind of how things break down by the way Precision also has a cap but I didn't recommend you going to it but the the Caps 99 anyway so that is how that works so where do you want to get that from since we didn't invest in agility you want to get that here right you want to get that here by using critical based artifact sets so what that means is you want to have first and foremost toughness toughness is the best overall set for him for the most part if especially if you're not in a position where you're super late game if you're super late game it kind of changes a little bit but anyway you can use toughness and you want to have critical hit rate as a stat on the toughness set so that's what we would do we would put toughness on I think all my toughnesses are primarily used but whatever we'll put on one with critical hit rate a good number of it yeah we'll get this one cuz it has it and I can't wait for rrolling of artifacts to come because that's going to be huge critical hit rate was there as well we're also getting again the set bonus uh this does not have any crit hit rate we'll just for the record just for today's video we'll just put on one that has it right crit hit damage crit hit really great the crit damage is good obviously but I want the rate right now uh we'll put this one on and for damage you can get that over here uh I don't believe this side offers crit damage but regardless the set you're going to be using on the right side is you're going to be using expert expert is a funny set because it is only really really great on a hunter that's going to stay in the battle most of the time so it's kind of it's like it's Chen's best set as like a community like Community would tell you that's her best set I'm cool with that um but more often than not I wind up using executioner I think uh because I you know you switch a lot right so it is what it is but with s Janu he's not switching so expert just spikes his damage as you see uh when you have the full set increases uh when Landing a critical hit the user has a 25% chance to increase their attack stacking up to a 100 times those numbers change to 50% chance to increase the attack by 1.6% to so like the more crits he does he just he just he just piles on damage so this is the one you're going to put on him and it's really not all that I like I said I think there are other sets he can use as a pure DPS expert executioner those are the main ones that come to mind Champion is okay like these these are sets that most damage-based characters are going to wind up using uh ch's using the one I would want right yeah she's mainly using the one I want actually I don't have a dark damage one since I'm using a dark damage set I would like to have the dark damage expert but I don't think I have one of those yeah oh there's one okay and it has attack so I may actually improve that one let's see if I have another one down here with critical and dark see this is why I need the reroll cuz cuz being able to change these stats to some degree would be really nice uh so we'll put on more of those and we'll be good there so expert again uh don't have a lot of these these ones are just kind of hard for me to get drops on and higher Rarities uh attack we're looking for critical hit and attack additionally uh uh we by the way getting here's crit damage but no attack that's great uh don't have one that I like so unfortunate whatever all right well we'll put on the attack here no no this is the one we'll do additional attack and attack you primarily want percentage based if I recall correctly and then the additional ones the the variants to say additional right they can work for you too okay uh and then the last one will be here uh attack an additional attack there okay additional MP is the primary I think this one has a predetermined primary it looks like let's pull it up I've only got five they all have additional MP as the primary attack additional attack HP crit hit damage additional defense unfortunately I'm not able to I don't have ones for crit hit damage that's why I gave that one to chog I don't don't I just don't have them with attack and damage so I'll put this one on that one's good it's got two attack stat bonuses okay so uh we we got the crit hit rate bonus from expert but I mean not not rate bonus but the critical you know attack increasing effect from expert that's great toughness is giving us 8% and through this artifact bonuses we're also getting 2744 that is completely predicated on these ones because I can only get critical hit rate over here maybe if I Advance more I'll get you know an extra drop for more critical hit rate as you see this one got the extra bonus on HP which I don't really care much about but just simply putting that on that investment got us to 40% so we're almost at the number and see this is where like Min maxing can help us really get higher on this so by the way I talked about how the max number here is 50 right but that's only for the stat page you can get it like I mentioned you can get more there you can get more from egis to Shadow you can get more from uh skills here like multistrike increasing your critical hit rate right here you can get more it's just that the actual you know stat investment base of it is only there also I'm pretty sure that the 8% from the set bonus does not show here right I'm pretty sure that's not how that works if I go to artifacts you can see the stat that I'm getting here 2744 of My overall critical hit rate is from there uh so that's good 24 out of 28 so he only had 400 basically by default um so anyway that's kind of how you want to build him with that stuff now let's talk about the skills so skills are kind of interesting uh I'll also I guess we'll actually before I do that that'll go back to artifacts so here's the deal if you uh have heavy duped out weapons like for example I don't know Max duped hello will you you uh don't need to invest in this Precision probably much at all right so you can make the argument that you want to throw everything into strength you could also invest in critical hit rate or agility I guess I should say and that would work out well for you I don't want to completely discount critical hit rate like it doesn't matter and Agility like it doesn't matter it does right it matters a lot it matters a lot also for players that are you know free players the critical hits that you're going to do all the damage you get from that also the set all that that stuff matters a lot I just think that mid maxing into strength and precision is the better way to go personally but remember like I said if you feel differently that's perfectly fine uh I I wanted to make that extra Point very clear cuz I it started almost sounded like I was trying to say hey like you don't have to worry about anything else so but that's not the case right so anyway if you don't have to invest in Precision much at all you can actually invest more you can go all strength if you want but you can invest a little bit into the critical or agility stat and then you don't really need toughness as much I would still argue you want to use toughness but you have the option from there to you're not changing expert in my opinion but you have the option to switch from there into several different builds if you want want to go for a nuking set you can put one hit kill on and I guess maybe if you put one hit kill on maybe you change from expert to to executioner or something like that another common set for this guy would be armed armed is a funny step be because it's super generic at least I feel it is but that doesn't mean it's bad it's extremely good allowing your character to get more attack and then also ignore defense is insane especially because I'm pretty sure ignoring defense should stack with defense reduction so you should just be doing a crap ton ton of damage with this set so at that point with dup out weapons uh you would just Shred the opponent right uh there are other sets that you can use as well actually shout out to slad DB they also recommend using Destroyer I don't have a lot of experience with Destroyer I've never really like fully gone into it for a hunter but on paper it seems extremely strong so I do want to say that right so there are options that he has but it's just mostly going to come down for a lot of people to toughness right all right so let's go to skills so skills are kind of like a mixed bag because if you're trying to get like a specific set then or specific like you know build then that kind of is how things go for example a common one is the black hole here because it increases the damage pulls them in things like that or just commanders touch in general could be used for Mob clearing things like that also another layer to this also is like what runes do you have at a higher level things like that maybe you want to use those right uh if you're looking for breaking the brand new armor break skill is amazing so you would want to consider using that also if you can get these other runes it looks like lookss like they're I'm not sure if they're available to be crafted or not but anyway if you have one of these other runes it would obviously be really really strong for you also for the record with this it does increase your critical damage by 30% that's extremely strong right especially with the toughness set so you can really lean into that in conjunction with another skill like multistrike for example like I mentioned earlier that does increase your critical hit rate speaking of multistrike it's one of the best skills in the game it kind of it does break it kind of does everything on depending on which Rune you have super armor crate hit rate up Invincible Airborne also when a skill hits increases your damage uh it resets dagger toss so what's going to also happen here too is that some skills will have combinations like for example this dark Rune is designed to be used with this uh dagger toss over here I think it's this one well there there's some solid ones but this one here as a w it just it's going to crash okay great it's got to crash it's been doing this since the newest update all right so I guess I'll just oh no it came back nice uh I well it's now broken though anyway yeah I'm pretty sure it was that one so I'm just going to get out of here before it makes it break uh yeah there's design to be used with that so that's kind of what you would want to do in terms of that overall but skills the main thing I just got to tell you is that they kind of just come down to what you're trying to accomplish if you're trying to break the boss if that's the case then you have three you really got four but you mainly got three extremely good skills for that are you looking for Pure damage output vital strike mutilate these have runes that are very very strong for multiple reasons like like right here um 20% chance to ignore 100% of the target's defense very strong for damage output this one does a freeze frostbite all this like this there's some really strong stuff in here vertical Arts the red Rune or the fire Rune I really like a lot damage Delta bosses and Elita monsters increases by 45% very very strong um and there are other skills that have awesome utility like this one where it does like a shield counter heavy break stun things like that so kind of just depends what you're trying to do but like I mentioned earlier a lot of people are going to run the Commander's touch with something like the double slash or things like that it just it breaks down like that but mostly mostly what I myself have done is death stance I do switch the Rune but the death dance skill in conjunction with multistrike has gotten me through pretty much the entirety of the game just want to make that clear so that's kind of how skills look in terms of what you're looking for for him now I am not going to really T much about the blessing Stone because this is such a finicky system it also depends what you're trying to accomplish but it also depends what you have there are some combinations that work really really well I think in a general sense if we go over to the Codex and take a look at it but I think I think there's some stuff that works really really well in a general sense for the blessing Stones right uh and just for the record on runes with skills runes all that stuff look at what you have look at look at what you're trying to do hit the Hit The Benchmark for what you like I gave you what I typically like doing uh I've also gotten more flexible with my skills I do mix in more mutilates uh vertical Arts things like that depending on what I'm doing but for the most part for majority of my time playing the game I use death dance with the multi strike skill I would just flip the Rune around okay so on the blessing Stone front there's some fun combinations in here like swiftness for example you can out Dash an additional time there's a 30% chance for your dash cool down to reset this number will go this stuff will change change uh as you get the lower Rarity ones right so obviously it's going to be really hard to get those but the the the the base effect isn't changing you still are getting one but just the likelihood goes down uh but that coupled with boss Slayer is a pretty fun combination because it offsets the dash problem while also giving you an extra Dash anyway from swiftness but this one does reduce or increase the cool down of your dash right so like it so you basically get the bonus without the drawback so there are things like that um also I really really like uh Demon Slayer here MP increase 600 up that's that would be really good for for spamming you know depending on what you're trying to do there uh what was another one oh pulverize uh the power of your break effects is increased and also the damage you deal with break effects increases that coupled with there's so many in here that one coupled with uh your speed increases your dash cool down increase this is another one you'd run like out of those four you run speed with those other two that I mentioned a moment ago uh it's it's just the exact same thing there are new ones here they added new ones for Global launch didn't they cuz last time I looked at this I'm pretty sure some of these weren't here in decreases the targets attack uh where's the one I'm looking for your damage taken decreases that's good that actually would be a fun one with tenacity but I wouldn't really I wouldn't really run both I would have I would probably drop tenacity uh what's the number on the high Rarity tenacity I'm all over the place my bad there's new ones here I don't remember seeing uh you the damage you take will reduce by 50% when you're low on HP I probably would just rather get not get low on HP how about that I'd rather just not get low um fatal strike oh here it is here it is your targets break so like this is the one I was talking about like there's break base synergies too so the other one pulverize and then fatal strike your targets break gauge decreases instantly when you land a critical hit well all of a sudden that combination is going to actually shred through now fatal strike the uh the the the decrease from this isn't massive it's not massive so pulverize should help out with that so keep that in mind um overall though what are you looking to accomplish one thing I'll tell you though is I I I'm a bit of a man regardless I'm keeping daily Quest completion on that one is not going away also a versatile one is weakness detection uh that one is one that you can kind of use just regardless of situation cuz it just makes you do more damage when you're against an opponent with elemental disadvantage um but similarly to some of the other things I talked about here it also just kind of depends on what you're trying to accomplish right I I think the end game end goal of this game whatever is uh is that they want you to be in a position where you're versatile now that's either going to take two things it it probably takes a little bit of both but right now it damn sure takes money right it damn sure takes takes money um but it also will take time right money allows you to to bypass as much time it still takes time because you have to wait for offers to be made available to you to purchase things like that um you also have to hit certain benchmarks in terms of your own actual progression with your account with your gameplay things like you have to hit certain personal benchmarks you can't just buy s Janu to level 70 or whatever you can't just buy chapter completions those are minor problems but you get my point um but also time right because it's going to take time to get the right pieces here it's going to take time to unlock more than you know a certain number of slots cuz that also happens over time I think level 70 you get the last one uh it's going to take time to get the right combinations you see I don't have the best combinations cuz this is a luck based system because they decided that this needed to be another gacha BAS system for some reason I have no clue why but uh I think the end games they want you to be versatile they want you to say okay I'm versus a boss that wants me to break okay let's put pulverize on with fatal strike and we'll also put on uh this one here because this one's a solid one for damage output I didn't really talk much about it this is a super strong one uh cuz you're going to be teleported behind them majority of the time with Shadow step so any other one that's going to make you nuke them is going to be really good uh then there's that right if you want to be Fleet of foot play more like an assassin you can have the boss Slayer dash speed stuff built in as well this is funny because this is an assassin based one here but I I don't know that that would be my fourth personally uh if you're versus a lot of hordes or bosses or non bosses excuse me normal monsters your damage increases here if you want to rip through a boss there's a boss version of that too things like that there's also gimmicky ones this one also uh critical hit rate solid one here too for damage there's also gimmicky ones like camouflage which I I tried to use this I couldn't really figure out what it was supposed to do for me when you're hit by a large amount of damage you're you disappear temporarily when you receive damage exceeding 5% of your max HP you camouflage for 3 seconds recover HP for 2% HP for 1 second so it's like it's extremely short camouflage and extremely short regeneration I'm not sure if this was supposed to allow me to like not be detected but either way it's only for a few seconds like I did I didn't really understand the point of this personally so there's kind of gimmicky ones but at that point you know outside of that with the skills as well with your weapon customization choices uh your Your Own stat distribution like they want you to be unal they want you to say okay I'm versus this piece of content here's how I'm going to change him which is why they have different presets at the bottom the only problem with the presets is I don't know maybe each pre preset should have its own stat spread that would be nice the good news is you don't need to change stats very often it's just stupid that you can't you know have it be a thing already so overall though this was a comprehensive video uh for how to build song Janu and I did give you guys a few different options but ultimately though I do think you guys have more options too there are some really really Niche options for you like if you want to build him as a pure breaker put on break skills you can put on The Brak set for him things like that you have a lot of utility for sunju because he's the only hunter in the game that has customization to that degree he's also the only hunter in the game that can actually hold two weapons too so that's another layer of customization and they have their own effects built into them too so just it just has a lot that kind of comes down to it so all in all guys I hope you all enjoyed hit that Thumbs Up And subscribe to the channel if you happen to be new let me know how you chose to build new and I'll see you all next time
Channel: DFree
Views: 217,367
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Keywords: D-Free, Solo Leveling Arise, Solo Leveling Arise Guide, how to get tickets in solo leveling arise, how to get gems in solo leveling arise, how to get solo leveling arise, solo leveling game, solo leveling gameplay, solo leveling arise beginners guide, how to play solo leveling arise, how to get stones in solo leveling arise, selection draw tickets, solo leveling arise draw tickets, solo leveling arise tips, solo leveling arise beginner guide, solo leveling arise guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 34sec (1654 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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