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and really quick if you want a 1,000 Essence code leave a comment on this video I'm giving it to a bunch of commenters so make sure to drop one if you're looking for the code welcome back everyone zap here in today's video let's go over how you can get your power up because I know a lot of you are struggling you're probably approaching the job change for the rebel leader you do need 70,000 power to do it which is not an easy task so let's go over the main tips and tricks I can provide you to get the maximum power possible first off with your sets to get the highest power amount try not to put anything in perception just go straight strength this will boost your power even more allowing you to reach that Mark but this alone is not enough to give you a power Edge what you need to do is have some weapons that are Advanced up a lot of you should have Plum for example if not at A1 at least the base form though you might find that some VSR weapons when fully Advanced will provide you more power so do play around with this as you see I have a similar Sr weapon here it is fully Advanced to A5 and it's level 100 if I swap it I lose about 10,000 power so it is a very very big difference having an A1 SSR will provide you a lot of power compared to an Sr weapon that's A3 for example so make sure you keep an eye out that you're using SSRS with high advancement otherwise using Sr weapons will not provide you a substantial power bonus and one thing to know about weapons is when you go to the stats here you have to realize that weapons do have skills and these skills can be leveled up a lot of people do miss this let me go to a weapon that isn't leveled up like my West one here I'm going to level up the skill ideally you can get it to level four the cost is very low for weapons you use you can get them up to level let me see here level seven that's a very solid point this resource is easy to get as well level eight is much harder that's because getting the amount of power extract is very very expensive you should only use this on weapons or skills that you know for a fact you will be using a lot so go to level seven that's your ideal the level two skill player school are easier to get so you can go ahead and do that and and let me show you how much power we get from leveling up skills I'm going to equip my Westwind I'm going to go to the weapon here go to weapons go to skills next and right here I'll level up this skill let's do skill level up do it to level four and how much power is that 144 it does help a little bit although not that much if you get it to level 7 probably around 200 power so 200 200 200 but for these basic skills the auto attacks getting them to level four is probably enough but for the actual skill you should probably get it to level seven these are worth it it provides a decent damage boost when using the weapon so don't worry too much about these the main skill is your goal now asides from that you can also level up your player skills that's an easy way to get power on top of the runes as well you can see if we go to this skill here dagger toss the cost to level it up is just the same very cheap keep for the early levels only six Scrolls used to bring the skill to level four and let me show you how much power we get from this for levels 100 power not too bad at a very low cost it can help you bring you over the edge and just so you note every time you unlock a rune that you didn't have before it does level up your skills as indicated by the plus icon here so plus four because each rare Rune provides us with a level that means the runes alone give us 400 100 power so it is definitely a necessity and when you have an epic Rune it provides even more levels so every single epic Rune provides two so 2 + 2 + 1 five levels total so you should go to your Fusion tab right over here go to your runes and make sure you do your fusions simple Fusion just says them all at once fuse does them manually just so you know and make sure to fuse them as well same thing fusing your runes making epic ones potentially or even even legendaries if you can so make sure to do that that's an easy source of quick quick power and just as a quick tip never level up your QT skill when it comes to Shadow step V bonus is so so low 10% per level 4 the same cost for other skills totally not worth it this should be the last skill you ever level now let's see what other sources of power we have let me go to jinmu here so we cover the stats we cover the skills let in Stones do not provide a power difference it doesn't matter if you take them off or put them on it doesn't make a difference at all and we covered weapons so switching in and out weapons that have a higher advancement especially when they are SSR will provide you much much more power see there 15,000 difference in power very very substantial and we cover the weapon skills and player skills as well so all these should be covered one thing I do want to cover next is the most most important thing when it comes to advancing your power that is artifacts artifacts are crucial for your damage not only how much power is displayed but you have to note there are certain artifacts that actually provide you higher power bonuses that would be these ones here the helmet slot because you can get attack scaling on it and as you know genu scales off attack so this bonus here will be huge for your power not so much when it comes to your armor it provides defense so that is not needed gloves do provide a nice bonus additional attack although it is in the percentage the base amounts are always good so this artifact here is another priority you should level up and when it comes to your boots since you can get crit damage on them another priority here a very easy way to boost your power and next up when it comes to your accessories your ring you're able to get a tack on it again producing a very nice boost same with the bracelet here once you get the damage percentages here for example you can get dark you can get light Etc these provide a decent bonus too I don't think it provides the same bonus that attack does but it still provides a decent bonus and for your necklace not important HP is not needed now for the stats it provide a substantial influence your power critical rate critical damage most importantly attack percentage and flat attack these will find you a nice power bonus so going for attack percentage on on every single artifact you can find is very very important stats you wouldn't want would be defense you also wouldn't want Mana consumption and additional HP that being on jimu those are not important so trying to get as many attack bonuses as you can crit defense pen stats like that those will have a better influence compared to HP damage reduction those stats not so much now there is one other source of power though this one unlocks a chapter 15 that being the gem system right here every single one of these nodes will provide jinu at least a 100 power is bonus so 100 100 100 every ring 500 so 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 see how the power sacks so easily it is a super simple method to get some quick power in and to unlock gems very easily you can obviously do daily missions three every single day another option is doing bonds so leveling up your Hunters you do get gems for them let me find the bond tab right here there we go so going into this if you level up your Hunters you can get gems very easily as you see we got a tier three gem here hopefully something good maybe red or orange what will it be oh we got purple movement speed 0.12% rank three movement speed not what we wanted but at least this is another way you can get them and also in the shop a lot of people do miss this you can buy gems here let me show you real quick once it loads in in the exchange shop you can go to the Celebration coin exchange there is the lucky gem chest here that's one option you can do it provides one random gem the rate info is here 60% for a tier 1 30% for a tier 2 and 10% for a tier three not bad when it comes to the rates and I believe there's no other options here you can also use the advanced material as well though that's up to you if you're desperate for some gems obviously there are some better options here that you can purchase such as Scrolls or the rate of tickets totally up to you but that is an option in the shop so I believe that covers everything to get some easy power in artifacts will be your primary source so make sure you get the right sets and don't worry it is very difficult getting artifacts with old sets as you see here mine aren't perfect as well my power is still pretty high you just want to go for the right sets getting the right s bonuses but it will take some time you just need RNG on your side so if the video helped drop a like be sure to subscribe to the channel that way I know you want more Soul loving rice content like this and if you have anything to say drop it in the comment section below that's all I had for you today this is zap signing out
Channel: Zaff
Views: 31,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo, leveling, solo leveling, arise, solo leveling arise, solo leveling arise release date, solo leveling arise gameplay, solo leveling arise global, solo leveling arise release, solo leveling arise global release, solo leveling arise update, netmarble, solo leveling game, solo leveling mobile game, solo leveling arise power of destruction, guide, code, tier list, reroll, shadow, stats, jinwoo stat, build, power, jinwoo
Id: D2Jceeb4yFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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