You Have To LOOK TWICE To Understand

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hello friends it's me your favorite messy hair YouTube we're back at it again by another video and today we're gonna be looking at things but you can't look at them once you gotta look twice maybe three times maybe stare at them for a good minute time for that baby oh I can smell those bad boys from here so it looks like this baby has some size 15 feet but it's just whoever's behind him daddy's just chillin laying down oh my god I just have to like keep looking like back and forth of this picture like I cannot unsee the baby with the mega feet or you know what maybe he's not even a baby I'm 5 years old but I only grow in my feet Brooke is that cat floating I mean it's a black cat it's got the powers of witchcraft loving inside it oh no it's not floating so that's a dark spot on the wood floor so when the cat stands right behind it it looks like it's floating interesting I see now your powers have proved useless you ain't a real witch cat reaching into the TV as she pick it up her dry cleaning is this the future but then I saw TLC and then I realized the same future so this woman went right behind the TV to plug something in at the perfect moment while somebody on the TV look like they were reaching they completed her or maybe she could time travel between different dimensions I don't know but imagine if you could do that oh we got some nice food on TV Gordon Ramsay cooked me up a nice beef wellington and just stick your hand in joy mine delicious pixels so they painted this porta potty to make it look like it was part of the landscape like we got roads we got a river like it fits so good into the building like right in front of it maybe the roads not so much I mean only actually it does it works out perfectly look how like the lines connecting everything and they made a little bridge that's so cool so when you go there you don't see an ugly porta potti you see this beautiful work of art I feel like more people need to do things like this something wrong with this dog that fur look a little too 3d if you look closely it's not fur it's a cat there is a kitty sleeping in his brown spot but together they become one that's again and she's just chilling on the sleeping dog so this one isn't just a sphere of art it's a playground it's like a big grassy area in a city oh this is blowing my mind right now like I can't like my brain is not computing so there's trees coming out of it but it looks like a sphere but it's not a sphere it's literally flat okay y'all really making my head hurt now but the real question is if you cut it in half is there watermelon inside look how the trees are just like growing normally out of it I can't believe that this is fly was like oh no is it dope is it a baby okay pop it in love it for nine months and congratulations it's a loaf of bread I can't tell is it her stomach or is it don't comment below cuz I'm confused it looks like a stomach but does she really bust out the rolling pin and flour her countertop take this photo or was it a piece of dough all along who was this giant woman and what does she want she's evaded the little-people village to get a picture for Instagram so like why is she so big why are they so small so I know it doesn't look like it but the floor that she's on is slanted upward so she's standing much higher than them so it looks like everybody's tiny in the background but it's just a very fancy perspective photo you cannot deceive me you false giant ah this one is a classic this do got a tattoo a big old tattoo that's a vegan I'm gonna let everybody know and we had a ball game and I know her dang sure then got vegan hot dog y'all ain't even got gluten-free buns how y'all gonna have vegan hot dogs does he even know what vegan is maybe it was like a special time in his life I want to remember though two whole days I was a vegan gets a huge tattoo got a lot everybody no I mean maybe he got mad respect for vegans and was like I'm just put it on my body yeah it's a hot dog you just having a bad day and you look up to the sky and you see this oh clouds how could you do me like this I thought we were friends rude smack like if you see it bah what Star Wars character is this or maybe it was from Cat in the Hat oh you know Whoville like what are those people but no it's not if you look again it's just a dog going like assume snoot position and it was taking on just the right angle to make it look like a monster she just taking a picture with my new gf and it looks like he got a McDonald's soft serve as his hands like he's going like this but instead of the hands we got a McDonald's sock sir and his arm is the cone smash like if you see this but if you look again it's not ice cream it's not even his hand so shoulder your shoulder had deceived us all this is why we have dress codes oh damn that is one long cat what is the cat equivalent of hot dogs that's what this is it's not a cat dog I don't know but that's one long cat five feline footlong okay that didn't make sense either as much as I would love to believe that this was just one very very very majestically long cat it's two cats just laying behind the barbeque waiting for a mouse you know fun fact mice like to go inside barbecues I know terrifying so next time you go to grill your state make sure you open it up you know check everywhere because there probably be a mouse there I don't know mice like to live there I found two mice in separate barbecues in different states it's scary y'all really want to get eaten that bad you I don't even have that much meat I don't even taste good I'll take my burger instead thank you Oh Oh the doggy is so cute oh is it a doggie or is it a tiger I was about to say zebra a tiger this thick doggy just chillin over here and the shadows make him look like a tiger hey you what's on frosted flakes can I get an autograph oh I was about to say damn she dummy thick with three C's how I like my dudes dummy thick was a little head so if you look closely it's just one guy slacker got his head down taking a nap and then this other guy in front of him is just sitting straight up but I just look like you got a baby hat you really had to look at this twice I'd be like what's going on here that must have been some wild party this is probably legitimately something that would happen on a Hogwarts party Harry Potter be like abracadabra Leviosa and turned this lady into a half dog I mean I don't want to get anybody's hopes up but it's probably just a dog laying under the covers with her and I just made it look like she got some doggy feet Oh Brittany you got a little something you forgot to shave but it's not even her arm so there's another guy laying behind her and it's his leg what kind of position is this that the dude leg is just like a photo bomb in half the photo damn thick gonna bust it down for the juice Cup it looks like that body belongs to dad but unfortunately it's the child's Oh this took me a second I was looking at it though wow that child got freakishly large hands I may be five but my hand 25 but it's just the dad his hand just so happened to be at the right angle that was the kid I'll post this on my facebook like don't mess with me oh I looked at this first sack I was like what's so special about our glass of coke but there is a face a freakin human face looking at me right now there is nothing but coke and ice in that glass and the remains of someone's face Matt be creeped out I would just like pour it out okay you know what I'm getting a sprite oh this is making my eye her I wonder if this person gets mad every time they come home and they have to look at the front door or front yard I don't even know if it is a yard does it go out or do they come in do they have a front porch or is it just the shape of that house this is making my head hurt comment below tell me what you see do they have a front porch or not man who designed this house y'all really trying to make your neighbors mad whoa those are some really small people but that is just one giant monster about to storm their whole city and destroy their crops and swim in their pools you think he fills up his water bottle from their pool like just dips it in and mmm delicious finally some good chlorine I mean they're all looking at him in awe like this dude is ginormous but he is not it's a lie so it's actually standing on a Ledge but it blends so perfectly with the floor under him that it looks seamless but it's not it's a ledge and it's much higher and the people are much lower under him it's just the perspective picture what is this a real building it's got a zipper and like this oh this architecture how the zipper just like comes down and then the whole building is like looped can you zip it back up and like fix the building though actually super dope but why is it white under those real windows this is a real building people live here how does that tree have feet excuse me who's what they mean by make like a tree and leave it doesn't go like that but you know what I made that up make like a tree and leave the tree literally laughs this is scary you just chilling at a park you see that's what you do over here we have a banana and it's natural habitat in a crack in a sidewalk who knew and make a perfect banana holder I wanna know the story behind this like somebody was just walking up these stairs and was like oh my god there's a crack I know exactly what to do what's their banana in there perfect finished I have done a good deed today that poor banana probably so disappointed in life like my brother he became a banana cream pie my sister she was and me I'm just chillin in a crack I'm a banana family oh I was like damn she think but she is actually - she's these are two sets of mannequins that they use for these jeans cuz they didn't have a plus-size mannequin so they're like okay you know what we gonna put two together what we got four sets of feet and everything area51 gonna set up shop like this just in case the aliens want to go shopping after they get out hey you sir you better put that plane down that does not belong to you does this take it at just the perfect moment is I oh wait front plane to like fly on top of us I said just like put his hands up and made it look like he's grabbing the whole play like no you will not leave Hawaii without me wait until I'm done frolicking on the beach thank you we're here we got just the regular ol apartment building II take a closer look there is a unicorn or you know like a white horse realistically speaking how did he get up there well I did a horse in their apartment what's going on I got questions y'all y'all better have answers when some people go out they bring their baby or they're like dog but this couple brought a damn billy goat that's literally a go and it's caressing her ear while she does her back-to-school shopping at Walmart and daddy over here got its food and everything y'all just buy a baby go and then take him back to school shopping I don't think even need to go to school like this this what is so dumb but I can't believe I actually see a face and they just put a Nike hat on it am I crazy or do you guys see the face too much like if you see a face going like oh i thought the chair was broken it's not it's just a cat you could barely see it I all I see is the eye and then you could see the nose and then you could see the ears I can't got some balls just sitting in the dining chair like y'all gonna feed me my meal mix or not but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure hit that like make sure you check out notifications today click Add subscribe to our the Wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 6,484,828
Rating: 4.9198809 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, funny, look twice, photos, understand, pictures, twice, look at twice, optical illusions
Id: LmdNq1E1Bx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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