Photos that look PHOTOSHOPPED but are REAL

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but this changing things in real life all these kids chicken this house how you I'm gonna suck right in that is the biggest puppy dog I have ever seen no he may look like a good boy but every time he eats a human he doubles in size is that a cloud indoors that's illegal go outside with the other cloud friends hello friends it's me think of that live Photoshop but are naturally Photoshop does look like one fuzzy fence you telling me this is Frost I thought it was like a Christmas fence happy holidays and criss cross but no it's ice Frost I was so fuzzy okay I went outside but the graphics haven't rendered properly but this is somebody's driveway they made it look like just like bleach in the system you just like a teaching assistant and that tree just like spawned there okay this is making my head hurt so this picture went viral this dude cooking some fried rice you know just casual Monday because I'm fried rice on my mother stove just flips the whole thing into a tidal wave okay well what happens next oh nothing because this one's actually Photoshop so this rice is actually a sculpture in a restaurant in Japan because when you go to restaurants in Japan they have most of the food on display so you can see very detailed sculptures of all the food on the menu on display when you walk in and they have this tidal wave fried rice and this dude just edited into his kitchen like see how many people we fooling today whoa-ho in America we have yellow corn sometimes even black corn but here we got rainbow corn called glass gem popcorn I know it's beautiful but this is what genetically modified food looks like you take that yellow corn and you make it into a check of cheese ball pit yes it's pretty but like would not eat you taking a bite out of this you roast in it you slathering some butter on it down below in my coffee sick prank Jake Paul I'm trying to figure this out like how was that not an owl what have you dumped in my coffee so they put fruit loops in their coffee and then somehow ended up with this okay I see two Cheerios but that doesn't explain how there is an owl in my beverage this picture was taken on a bridge and every section of the wood looks like a different place but it's all part of the same photo but it looks so different you got sky water trees cheese in the Sun I'm very aesthetic okay tumbler out of 10 do you see this boat you know just a regular boat except this floating what's the point of even being a boat if you just hover above the water bye anyways it looks like that but there's just a shadow under them I don't know if it's a whale I don't know if it's a deer I don't know if it's Medusa herself but there's something under you little did they know whoa whoo I was like how could she walked the runway with no legs she a floating torso the dress is cut and then you look at it from another angle and it's just a black dress under it holding everything in place don't worry she got legs and everything else under there this is a frozen pond in Switzerland and if you look at the ice it's like perfectly geometrically shaped ice how many should do that imagining a pond being better at geometry than you I mean it's beautiful but has anybody tried breaking it like would it shatter in triangles - whoa this car looks like it has a mirror wrap on it like it's made of a mirror why don't people do that it's called Chrome okay chrome ain't that reflective but this is a black car and after a car wash it was so clean and shiny and just reflected its entire surrounding idk how but that's pretty cool it looks like I said visible like it's trying to blend in stop your Toyota not a chameleon this one looks photoshopped because this guy is just hovering but I go super saiyan in the air and as weight is just chilling in the air - but it's just a perfectly timed photo of him jumping and dropping the weight you get all of that you understand now this next one looking like a clickbait thumbnail but it's a real sinkhole so this is like Guatemala so this sinkhole swallowed an entire intersection and took down some buildings with that terrifying I thought it was one of infinite some nails you look at this and it just looks like a hand on some rocks right but it's underwater this is the clearest water and it's in Sweden even purer than Costco Kirkland water but like if you look at his wrist you can see it submerged into the water but it's it's so clean it's like it's in the water it's blowing my mind right now I can't believe his hands is wet me easily amused that water don't even look wet this is how I feel when I'm in a group of people black and white in a group of colored Santa's who turned the saturation all the way down so this whole costume was just black and white and then she painted herself gray to make her entire existence look black and white so it's not as deep as you think this is confusing I was looking at it like is this Cub row kids did they paint some of it is this how the cup looks like so this is how the cup broke and somehow the handle is still intact with the top and the bottom but it's like broken on the inside and make my head hurt I need a video how did you do that like even though I'm still broken I want you to still be able to drink from me I mean technically you could as you handle the handle a little too hard doesn't it look like you Photoshop one I'm bigger than the other but no apparently he was born like this with his left arm 33% bigger than his right arm and he's an athlete I wonder what he does with his right arm all day [Music] he's a star arm wrestler what did you think I was gonna say does that cloud indoors that's illegal go outside with the other cloud friends so this artist created this photo by pumping some mist into a room and completely sealing it off with nothing but a camera to capture this magnificent moment okay so in Japan they have these really cool cartoon bags that look fake until I saw them in person I'm like cuz you look at this and you're like it's fake it's badly drawn on this dude there's more like this girl's carrying a backpack it looks like a PNG image just like drag and drop onto Photoshop or somebody just drew a cartoon backpack but there's like a whole line of these all of these bags and accessories and they look fake but they are very real take my word for it I've seen them and now I know they might have got a big ol head it looks like just the head like the head is just chilling no plant it into the ground oh so this is how cows are made you plant a cow head and in three months time we'll have a whole entire cow not really but his big ol head covers his whole entire body it's just behind the head you gotta trust me on this one he's just having a good ol time eating grass girl I don't know why I always want to call cows he's it's a girl that is the biggest puppy dog I have ever seen no he may look like a good boy but every time he eats a human he doubles in size all right snot bye interesting is just a perspective picture so he's coming at the camera but those girls are way off in the back but it looks like they're all like the same size what I like equals one good boy comin at you but this change of things in real life all these kids chicken this house out you guys suck right in so there's actually nothing wrong with this house it's just an illusion it's are painted on the house and I'm looking at it like wait so there's no Demi Corrigan okay oh this highway looks like it's coming from the heavens so can you drive of it or do people only come down where does it go I will be scared driving into this like what am I gonna go so it's just a very foggy and cloudy day today on Alabama my highway just kidding I don't know where it is do I look like I know where this is okay this look 105% Photoshop this is a road and then there's a stack of lumber loads of lumber just chill it on it and it looks like there's lumber like in a rip in the road leading to the unlimited lumber dimension but now it's not that deep get it cuz it's on the surface it's a puddle and it's reflecting all the lumber it's even lumber I don't even know what I'm looking at okay it's water reflecting it not that deep there's an explanation for everything oh this is cool the cup looks like it has holes so the cheek and just like spill right out but no there's like a glass in - I like this is they're very unique like you stop it oh look at that these mountains like they look delicious and like spices so this is a geographic Park in China and they're like we think it's more marvelous I've been the Grand Canyon Wow way to roast my entire home state actually it's pretty cool I would like two scoops of the sorbet please and that one's making me hungry why is the ocean sparkly you remember this dude right so this ocean it's not some edited Instagram picture there's no type of glow-in-the-dark phytoplankton and it just like lights up the shore we don't fancy he's pretty cool I'm not gonna lie this looks like one of those pictures where they just like draw on the road but no it's real tight you know Venice it's just like a city on water and then that water froze all right time to get rid of the gondolas we whooping up the sock 75 I didn't know that water could like freeze okay just kidding I fell for this on Photoshop y'all liars and scammers so they took a picture of the frozen lake in Russia and then edit it didn't Venice okay I don't know I've never even been in Venice so how would I know I'm like it doesn't get that cold at the water give free time how about water freeze but anyways oh I thought I was looking at two different pictures for a second like what what am I looking at here this dude is just walk-in and then this dude is so this is one photo and the pole separating it makes it like it's two completely separate photos even though one picture is wild anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below which one was the coolest if you guys enjoyed make sure that that like my number yet make sure you turn on notifications today click add subscribed on the wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 5,872,249
Rating: 4.8888698 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, photoshop, photos, pictures, photoshopped, real
Id: vVaw4wjLfZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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