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hello friends it's your favorite youtuber okay can we talk about this for a sec because I know a lot of you guys are living for this but I have a confession to make you see your favorite French youtuber she's not actually French not today so y'all wanna know how I actually started so when my hair is dirty I'm having a bad hair day I just don't want to do my hair whatever but most of the time you know it's dirty I don't know what's going on I used to be able to go like a week without washing my hair and it would be fine for like the last few months my hair has been getting hella greasy hella fast like three days patch but my hair is okay or when I doused it in dry shampoo like I did right now I do not need to be French you know sometimes you want to see my hairline I get it but sometimes you would like me to be French I understand I beg get it I made that up right now yeah I write my own material but yeah so clearing up for all y'all sometimes I'll be a favorite French youtuber sometimes I'm one and that's okay like this video for favorite French youtuber found my first nipper wolf sniffer wolf by the way scent of the day fresh balsam balsam ball Sam delicious my house smells like Christmas by the way okay but anyways what video are we doing today you see I have a whole folder of videos to do today that is exactly what we're going to be doing today things you can't unsee your favorite French youtuber stop why did that come on y'all just ruin Snickers for me for real you got the chocolate you got the nuts you even got the caramel not the caramel is a caramel or caramel caramel caramel comment below no next image please Oh God y'all remember this meme child well she's all grown up and she's a model now she's the one with the London look londonlove meme queens they grow up so fast this girl's just chillin for the pig and there's a mirror on the side of her seat that made it look like this dude has her body before they took the pic they're like make-a-wish what do you desire most in this world a sexy body and that's exactly what Bill got okay I saw this I was like what kind of dog is that or that cat can I and then you look at it again that's a damn snail a snail how could a snail be that large this big I was never gonna be that big he the size of a chihuahua maybe he ate a chihuahua I don't know where this monstrosity came from but I don't like it over here we have a stealing nipple it's just some water running from the roof that got stuck by the paint on the ceiling see that's what happened to my old house when the toilet upstairs overflowed it came through the dining room and this happened and then it eventually burst and there was toilet water all over my dining table I don't like this picture I don't like how it's all perfect tell me why it really does look like a ceiling nipple though pimple you know just take a broom stab that bad boy oh I'd be so satisfying and watching it pop though I have a big a problem with that ever since I was in seventh grade that's when I started to get pimples and you know they always tell you don't squeeze your pimples you should never squeeze your pimples it'll just these scars you know what leaves scars but I leave my pimple and then it just goes away on its own in a few months y'all see this bad boy I don't know if y'all can see this bad boy for ya in my experience and when I pop a simple it goes away like you gotta get all the juice out for it to eat itself off your face but if you don't get all the juice out it gets stuck and absorbs into your epidermis then your whatever you doing right now stop you all take a minute to look at her shirt mm-hmm just strangely familiar to my na not even close that what you flip it I'm not even gonna say anything tell me what you see over here we got this dog lady making a salad watches love salads so it looked like she had dog lady but unfortunately she's not does she's just standing mind at home business making a salad I heard dogs blends in was her leggings that she has become one with a dog do dogs even like salads I know if I give my dogs like a leaf or something late like a spinach sleeper or something green from a salad that look at it I'll chew on it for a second then I'll spit it out and be like they're inedible like why you won't even put it in your mouth the first place if you ain't gonna eat it Wow so I looked at this I'm like what's going on but I got a real quick so this girl is holding a mirror what about the person taking a picture how come they're not in the mirror is that I have a certain angle but why is it reflecting the missing piece there's got to be edited are the part of the meadow that the mirror is facing perfectly reflects the backside I don't know sounds pretty confusing all I'm getting is that it's it's a mirror it might be edited I don't know I looked at this person I was like oh no no no no good job better run into that car but it's just a drawing of a child I wonder if some people are like driving and they don't have their glasses on or they can't see that farther oh my god is that a child running in the road two lights break and then they have a mini heart attack thing and they're gonna hit it and then when they drive over at they're like oh nevermind on the scale of one to ten how uncomfortable are you comment below somebody put beans yes beans in an envelope please reply urgently oh yes this is a very urgent matter shall I reply with toast may I love me some beans on toast with some cheese on top mm okay so this one I've gotten become Fuzzle cuz I love daddy I'm like this looks really real but it also looks like he's holding up a picture so is it a picture that he's holding up or is it not a picture I need to know cowboy what do you think I think it's a picture no it lines up a little too well but doesn't look real like the mouths are so perfectly flat no that's got to be a picture I don't know get in on ice cream I love these I also do love caramel ice cream and cans alright so we're gonna go through this really quick don't get them confused or you'll eat the cat Kitty ice cream Kitty ice cream ice cream Kitty ice cream kitty kitty ice cream Kitty ice cream ice cream Kitty ice cream kitty I think we passed with no kitten casualties okay looking at this oh that's a lot of rusted tools but damn they rusty crusty and musty they're not even tools this is all chocolate did you say chocolate in a case down looking like some old chocolate chocolate look when you open up a chocolate from like last Halloween it looks like this but no these people out here selling rusted chocolate now you can make your IKEA furniture and eat it just the tools not the furniture only seeing my mirror image has me questioning what I really look like coz to me I just look like this but to y'all I look like that okay first of all these pictures aren't two separate lighting and it's just flipped but guys do you ever stop and think about that look when you look in a mirror you're looking at your mirror image you don't even know what you look like like not flipped but does that make you more attractive or less attractive so a long time ago in my videos I always used to flip it but I thought it looked better if I'm flipping a mirror image is that what I look like to other people because once you're recording yourself is it flipped or is it not flipped cuz I'm looking at myself in the screen right now is that what I see in a mirror coz technically I'm looking through something and it's like a mirror image I'm so confused right now over here we got the windows login screen you got groove is literally him cut out of that mountain but I imitates like when they did that song I'm in love with the shape of you they were really talking about groove they made it because I grew like look at that shape that is a shape alright that is a very unique shape okay I'm looking at this car what is going on here what is this mess it is literally a pickup flipped over but I mean you've got wheels on the bottom but also you've got seats inside it's like two cars just we're trying to go at it missionary and this was the end result when I convertible and a truck fall in love this is what they produced this was their end product yeah why why would anybody do this to some you would do on tick tock for views okay see when I looked at this up first that can't be real is it like sandy socks inside Crocs but no some what really put whipped cream sprinkle some cinnamon and put a straw inside their Crocs ain't nothing says bone Apple teeth like drink it through a crusty musty croc this ain't it look carefully at this image what do you see there is a face like a profile from the mountain like this is wild like that is the mountain battle nature honey it did that it's a lady's face do y'all see it leave a like if you guys see it over here we got this wee little man standing on a trash can that rhymes so this is the perspective pick but it's too good how they got it like that like he's just standing at the ledge over there but then they angled that trashcan so good that like he was standing on it and then he's only 12 inches tall oh I just wanted to let you guys know that this makes me very uncomfortable this is not a banana oh no this is a cucumber that somebody peeled like a banana another eat of it just just straight up that's not how you do it and now I will never look at a cucumber the same after seeing this I don't know like this floor imagine being drunk and walking on that floor just flipping and bottling just because it looks like you are I know it looks all whatever but it's not it's just a regular floor it's just painted to look whoo bleep whoever's working at that office just wants to see people fall so they can laugh at them the baked potato button on my microwave looks like a turd wearing sunglasses and I know it's even got steam coming out of it we love reheating fresh turds with sunglasses over here we got this poor mother who suffers from the little hand syndrome the rest of her body grew and matured except her hands what right because when respect is that a single person that actually believe that it's just her kids hands a kid of going like this ready to beat someone up for insulting his mom but it looks like her hands but it's not I can assure you she has some regular-sized limbs so when you first look at this you're like wait what is this what's going on here this cannot be real but this girl painted her face and her hair and her body to match the background and it's crazy how she has to slant her head to make it fit perfectly like that's some crazy skill I mean you could just like and then dry out like with your head like this but no she wanted to take it to the next level and draw it like that y'all feeling y'all let's like get what I'm saying like this is insane like how she just blend in like this of all the things you could sexualize an electrical outlet really what where you plug things in Wow y'all really did this y'all really did this hmm I am finished with humanity bye anyways that's all for today I hope you guys this video if you did we should hit the like button and make sure you subscribe join the Wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys [Music]
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 12,307,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, unsee, pictures, photos, things you can't unsee, images, funniest, funny photos, react, once you see it you can't unsee it
Id: BNyhzxBa3z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 02 2019
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