CREEPY Things Caught on Google Maps

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hello friends it's me you know in big scary world there's a lot of spooky things out there a lot of things people don't know this Google Maps notices they see everything a UFO y'all want the area 51 for no reason probably chillin somewhere in Minnesota area 51 ain't got no trees you know probably back in the eighties this is what they expected you are forced to look like nah I am buying it anymore I expect them to be like super futuristic I'm before driving it thank God no key no they scan every single cell in your body to see if you're qualified to drive it um nah I just expect some crazy stuff okay imagine finally breaking out of jail running free and then the first person you run into is a Google Maps vehicle and just takes the photo of you just running for your life trying to escape what do you do with this situation just go on with your day oh nice managed to get out but too bad is gonna be all over the Internet at least they burned his face I don't think he'll make it very far with those stubby legs so if you're wondering how they see everything most of the cameras are on a car and the car just drives everywhere I've seen long before but this dude has that on his back and he's going through the city gathering valuable data on the soccer ball looking camera what if somebody just goes up to engine does he have security following him around this serious business this Google oh all I wanted to do with Google Maps directions to my friend's house I see this group of dudes what were they doing where are they going comment below what you think y'all look a little too all to be going a science lab it could be Halloween they can be on the way to Grandma's house whoa so in Iraq there's a red light it's just bright red I know there's like pink beaches out there I've never been but pink beaches are beautiful look at that water the sand is ping okay guys I'm freaking out also there is an explanation for the red lane so the warm waters high salt concentration makes it a prime breeding ground for a type of algae that turns the water into like a blood red the dang algae it's the same with the pink lakes there's a pink kind of algae and it makes it turn pink it looks so cool though oh that's not very wise hi Georgie bro how does somebody catch this he's real now you can't fool me this is some bamboozling so people have been printing out a photo of a clown or Pennywise or whatever like just looking out like that and then placing them on the drains and so it looks like he's actually looking at you but I mean from this far away and this bad quality you can't tell if this is real or not comment below you think this is real I feel like at least one person in the world saw the movie dressed up as a clown I was like yeah okay I'm gonna go down here and I'm gonna scare somebody today there's got to be somebody another weird thing in Italy but there's a 200 foot long and knitted pink rabbit just deceased in a field and there's one of those creepy rabbits - I don't know this was like some crazy sculpture that somebody made but it's 200 feet somebody's entire life's work is just chilling on this field this is just composite people kind of scare the foreigners never come to Italy again or else you'll end up like this guy another pic of the rabbit oh I don't like it it wasn't me that stealing candy so a few years ago somebody had gone missing and they had no idea where and then when they were decorating their house for the holiday they spotted the roof of a car in the pond by their house and oh that's the car that's been missing for nine years and the person was in the car I got the chilliest just from that Oh in Georgia just outside of Atlanta what appears to be a devil's head peers in the hills oh man that ain't no coincidence y'all heard of like devils in Georgia lately look at it that's scary God also looks like somebody strategically are coincidentally planted trees that make up his eyes nose and mouth and little lip chin we also have another face this one looks like Jesus you guys see this you kinda have to like step back a little much like if you see that my friend was telling me a story about how she doesn't give money to homeless people but also she had this weird fear of like a homeless person coming to her one day hands on being Jesus I don't know man what the heck I'm a little toilet this one it's an actual car parked on the side of a building why do you built like that kinda looks like it was supposed to park there maybe it's not a real car the car is a paid actor only explanation you ain't fooling me this is North Sentinel island it's an island but it's completely 99.9% covered by trees that's why I look like golf carpet so there's a bunch of people that live on this island and they rejected any attempt at communication or contact with the outside world so this whole island and the inhabitants remain a complete mystery and youtubers volunteer to go to this island that vlog what if somebody washes up on shore what would they do but they eat them probably that's why Google Maps shouldn't go around during Halloween I know you look at this and it's like what's going on here mommy told me about this this is a call to some creepy things going on in the desert but no they probably just got word that the Google Maps mobile was a come in they're like we're gonna stand here look call Angie and spook people again these people knew hey Google Maps come into a city near you this all weren't bird masks sorry you know it's supposed to be creepy like oh did the pigeon call secretly plotting which cars to poop on next let me tell you something Google Images there's never anything blurry they use the best cameras they never get a blurry until they went to this house and then the footage showed up like this is it cold in here is it just me I should get out of there probably drag the demon back with you so in one image you see this donkey he good he chilly he alert oh I think Google ran him over that's the only explanation it's horrible should I got out of the way that's why they call you a dummy somebody found crabs Allah he just chillin near a dock it's huge I'm looking at this like is this real what could it possibly be I mean there's been instances where people have found insanely huge sea creatures you can't told me this ain't a lot less monster they found him he's gone he's done zone that's actually scary there's a lot of crazy stuff out there oh did you fall from heaven cuz you look like an angel that's not a compliment they look like this you know I thought was looking on Google Maps trying to find my nearest Pizza Hut and I see this whatever like oh my god I just got blessed touch by an angel and then you see that dollar sign that they just ask it for money oh man people do anything to not work like let me paint myself white dress up as an angel and just sit on the street corner other people pours their life savings into the chalice of lies thank you for blessing my existence and then the cash stops rolling in like you don't even have to do anything this is an aerial view of Tokyo and what appears to be a black hole how does that even happen it's like a shade cloud I don't think a shade cloud would be that dark and over like a block of the city that's spooky that's some spooky stuff right there yeah nothing supposed to be able to come out of a black hole things go into black holes they don't come back out I didn't have the swirly thing in it so it was a really a black hole how do you explain this I've done some research on this stuff nobody got an explanation everybody's like I live in a black hole so what's that light can you like vlog around your city or something because I'm confused this is not spooky it's just a little extra so can't you see that look we want aliens to see our logo from space they see the kernel they be like oh how my UFO I'm gonna go down here give me a bucket of fried chicken and then be out of your butt for real what's the point your company logo being able to be seen from space as they claim it's in Nevada Pro advertising here we have the world's largest fingerprint somebody look that there's some one day and were like dang that's a good-looking fingerprint I'm not in the world to see no I want the universe to see so then they like Moe this like mow their lawn in the shape of a thumbprint this one's more romantic than creepy yeah this is romantic like writing will you marry me on top of a building at least put a name like like who are you talking to Bill and Karen go take their private jet over the city and she gonna look down and be like oh who did that like who is it born did she say yes did the girl you're asking even see it I guess we'll never know this is a natural land form in Canada much like if you could see a woman's face she turned like this she got some big hair maybe some one fan in her with like a leaf she looked like she squinted cuz I eyes crusty from a ten thousand year nap I see it yeah crazy how nature do that I mean there's so many landforms at least one of them is gonna end up looking like a person some might even look like a dog or like a chapstick Oh in this one and the UK of a dude riding a horse I don't think this is coincidence that nature happens to do that I mean this is like a specific image it's like a dude from Mesopotamia the cone hat riding a horse and the horse is even doing like a a horse position I don't know if is creepy is just wild I want to tell you this all has got to be man-made way is that out river it's a body of water shaped like a man about a do the jubilation emote or maybe you're about to bring it in like I love you nature not human Peck All Humans nobody knows what this is but apparently it was captured over an Italian town nobody knows what caused it imagine reviewing the Google Maps footage and seeing all the strange stuff rather than microrganisms area tally like it looks like smoke but it's also just floating there I got the heebie jeebies from this one Ben's mine has been Brooklyn they're saying it's either got to be a prank or an emergency landing why was a plane to play a prank with is recording in this area today I'm just gonna put my private jet in the middle of this forest that's close I was like reflecting a make of rainbows or maybe it's like a rainbow airplane now then just chime they're resting its nowt on some trees snug as a bug in a rug another Google image of this wasteland and if you zoom in it's a freakin skull which appears to belong to a human I know it's like Halloween you see them everywhere you see them at the dollar store you could buy like a human skull but like y'all haven't seemed like a real one chillin on the side of the road and ain't nobody gonna say anything cuz it's one of those things that's so normal that when you see it in real life you don't realize who's a real person you see this he wants the only think that was a horrible plane crash but then somebody said it was the set of Mythbusters y'all got so much budget that you're gonna get a whole demolished destroyed plane like basically fake a plane crash for a show oh that's quality content anyway that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video I hope you got a little bit spooked if you did make sure that that like fernanda make sure you turn on notifications today click and subscribe Jon the Wolfpack oh I love you guys so much thanks joshing bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 11,429,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, google maps, google earth, google street view, creepy, creepiest, scary, scariest, google, things, caught on camera, caught on video, strange, mysterious, scary videos
Id: BckmrClVu5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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