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Bish what? Do superpowers exist in real life? Are superheroes real? Well, that's all we're gonna find out today Marvel you'll buy to get EXPOSED *evil laugh* What? Bro, this is telekinesis in real life. Eleven! Is that you? Eleven looks a little old. *foreign language I don't know lol no translation for u* Okay, I know that's a cool trick and all but now can you up the quality maybe to even 720p would be lit! He not only push it away, but he brought it back HEYYYYY Now bring it back There's gotta be somebody under that table with a magnet or something somehow moving it, I'm not buying it this ain't a real superpower (dramatic) Whoa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE FLASH IS REAL Legit! What even happened? Like you could see something zoom by her hella quick... Wow! It's like flying What???!??!!!!I (dramatic again) And then all the lights start blinking... Is it a bird, is that a plane is it... AFTER-EFFECTS (HEH HEH) Who knows? Comment below, what is it? I don't know? Maybe it's Superman. Maybe probably not, but I'm hopeful y'all gonna Make me pay $10 for a movie ticket and tell me Superman isn't real. He don't actually have these powers. DON'T CRUSH MY DREAMS. What?? Yes it is, hold up real quick! They trying ta pick a fight with these two girls... They're witches! Witches exist! BURN EM! Run away! Run away! You've been exposed. She's just gonna stand there looking at a thing that's such an anime thing to do.. Like oh my god I just got powers, and I've used them for the first time how did this happen? I didn't know I was capable of such... BULLSHIT Everybody's just terrified No, why would you go at her AGAIN?! You don't fuck with people who have magic or super powers or any of that voodoo magic!!! >:( This just keeps getting weirder and weirder! Don't piss her off! And then she starts SCREAMING and everything falls!! :000 Is it real? Does she have powers? Comment below. What do you guys think? Who is this dude in the background? Bet you you got a blue screen on his phone... He got two phones.. And he gonna make it look like Okay, it doesn't really work. :( I'm not buying it! He got LEDs in his sleeves or something! But look how he runs away when he sees it. It's like He just found out his superpower!!! Heh heh What the hell... Aw, what the hell.. My hands are litterly lit! I like how they chase after him, like , "WHAT THE HELL DID THAT BOY JUST HAVE IN HIS HAND?!" He could have just had LED sleeves! Whoa!! He ran into a bus and disappeared! This can't be real. I refuse! I refuse to believe this! That is insane It just keeps getting better and better So we got a bunch of surveillance cameras here What the hell? Does she just smack her cart out of her hand? Are you why would you do that to that woman? Why would you just smack her cart?? Why would you use your superpowers to smack somebody's cart away from them? ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°) I only use MY powers for GOOD! Nah, in 2018, we only use our powers to FUCK WITH PEOPLE ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) OH NO, I'm about to get into a car accident! Sike! Bish you thought! I bet that truck driver's so confused, like, "Am I trippin?" Did I just get into a car accident or not? I could have swore motorcycle. Just went right w-what happened?" I'm not buying it Did I just get into a car accident or not? I could have swore motorcycle. Just went right what happened. I'm not buying it I'm calling edits.. Oh, he's checking around!! He's like, "Yo, hold up. Did I just hit you? You were supposed to die. Yeah, walk away walk away like it never happened Why don't you teleport out of there? Everybody's so confused, like, "what just happened?" Oh, we got this truck is swerving everywhere what? Was this guy just Crossing the road so somebody is crossing the what she just comes out of nowhere Look she just like walks out of the truck, but the truck must have saw her because the truck started swerving everywhere I like she just walks through the truck and just casually walks off the side of the road like nothing ever happened And then the truck pulls over like some crazy bitch just walk right through my truck. Oh another oh No, that's editing that's gotta be editing. I'm not buying that one I'm not falling for that one this has got to be the fakest one Yeah, yeah, just the thing of light Yeah, nice nice editing man. Good job Look at this dude. You're about to take a thumbnail pic like I almost hit them with my car That girl was coming in hell aquick like what you don't see this dude. He didn't even try to stop Animals too? Yo, there's gotta be worm holes in this world. Things just go into portals, and then just come out of other portals That's how it happens the only Explanation! Or it was like back to the future like those cars are going Hella quick that they created a portal and that dog was like he came out of it. It's the only explanation He came out of a portal because the car they created why they made a hole in the space-time continuum I don't even know what I'm talking about.. He's a good boy, though guys casually coming out of whoa Whoa another one of these these fast things! You know what the hell was that? I wanna to know why was that a dog WHOA! It's another one of these flying Humans! It looks like a flying baby.. This is the same one from before. The same one from before! Superman has a baby, and he's real! GASP WHAT? I like how they just They see that happen and just oh let me casually cross the street now's my chance Thanks for blocking off traffic (sarcastic) Oh no, he accidentally used his powers... And now he's just gonna.. Close the door! You didn't see nothing! This guy recording his powers for the Internet... Is he making that spot on the floor move? This is editing. This is editing. It's gotta be editing, you messing it around Premiere and shit! No, cuz you want to be Criss Angel so bad GASP That is straight-up a ghost! There is a ghost in that room One of you guys did something to piss off that Ghost! A lot of things can piss a ghost off. You'd be like, "Ugh, this room stinks. Ugh, this room dusty!" You know he's gonna get hella mad and stuff fucking around with your stuff. How nature do that. Just kidding. It's not nature They're not natural... They're SUPERNATURAL.. Just casually driving down the road.. to the city Whoa Where did that person come from? Somebody just hit them, and they just get up and start walking? Also, they're right there.. Is that person? It's... NO she just comes out of nowhere what the how?! She wasn't even there before I'm telling you. I'm telling you. It's a portal a wormhole something She just came out of it, and it happened to be in the middle of the road as she just got hit by a car Yeah, okay see perfect explanation. That's gotta be it Bish what? Was 711 closed, but you hungry? Is he gonna walk out with some snacks? I want to see him walk out with some snacks! Oh, this homeless guy, he saw.. OH! Bro dead ass! He walked out with a popsicle! The homeless guy saw the camera saw! He snitched Somebody snitched and put it on YouTube What the hell that was just a flash of light Wormhole, portal, I'm telling you it's a portal or bad editing. There's just the flash of light! Like yo, he gets out of his car like "WHAT! TRUCK!" or does he think he's gonna disappear. He got out of there now He's trying to go through the portal But it's gone, it's closed! Poor guy. This video should just be called portals. Portals in real life. An American one! On to the 57 southbound.. bent on to the 91 here and he has been Moving at a hundred miles an hour at least oh there we.. OH! Lia: WHAT? Okay now I want to do this I want to go somewhere and then just like drive Hella fuckin fast and see if I could go to a portal somewhere leave a like if I should try it Comment below, which one do you think was real and which one was fake, but anyway, that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did we should hit that like button in the face and subscribe doing the wolfpack HOWWLLL I love you guys so much, thanks for watching, bye guys <3 Subtitles by JazzyDeCat I <3 you Lia! Pls notice me :3 Bai :3
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 9,101,305
Rating: 4.9219675 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, funny, reacting, reaction, caught on tape, super powers, caught on camera, people, people with superpowers caught on video, caught on video
Id: PWjz0456-HY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 29 2018
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