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hey guys today me and crystal are gonna do a little challenge we're both gonna have $10 and we're gonna see who can win the most prizes crystals up first she's going for a little squish ball oh is that a poke oh yeah there's a right there not sure if it's a bug or not they're squishy moles squish animals and sorry 25 cents a place so that's pretty awesome good luck or bad luck because I want to win there's really no reward but Vera wins more wins morning you're gonna give all right good luck you go for the same one oh that ladybug is kind of cool what does it no well on the back to a purple now we'll all right go for the night we'll open across so oh good next up of course pushing which are you going forward oh do you think that'd be good I think I'll be bad because the claws so big it probably won't grab onto it yeah I think that might be bad what about that yellow thing what is that yellow thing oh yeah that's pishing tag on it it's like a sister and brother cuz this isn't stormy like the sister the mummy pushing actually is an eyeball you have to go for that or you don't have to but if you cope you would only be one of these long arms inside of it don't make me pressure you here Chris cuz I could be trying to make you lose your money the little coin purses that's super cool - better nano claw machine can we go here we go no no please anymore maybe she can win a shiny shark which truck are gonna go for oh there's hammerheads there's like looks like that's supposed to be a great white right there and then the blue one what is the blue one's supposed to be oh I don't know that's like oh wow that feels like it's very very light I mean I couldn't fill it in my hand but it looked it looked like it was very light she wants the Hammerhead good luck crystal you have a hammerhead oh maybe you might have to get it by the hammer of the head so what Kirk is the blue one do you know is it the one has like a really long tail fin the fin tell not tell change is it the mako maybe it is yes you ready Chris let's first Bryce is gonna be a hammerhead as long as there's a pullout awesome now you got your twin is it soft though it looks very yeah it's really sure you go check for another shark crystal saw a little goat and she has to go for it yours go for the goal right yep she don't for the go down guess is he going for the unicorn slash goat we don't have the small one we have like the like medium but not the miniature one like this one this is like a miniature coach you look for the body of the head oh you go for the back you're actually going for the Unicorn huh two prizes she's had two prizes she was even trying to go for that one alright that's prize number two what's next Chris is it a dog she's known for the brown thing in the middle not sure if it's a dog or not if we're gonna assume it's a dog I guess it does it makes sense it is a dog that grip oh that grip so this actually brings up a good point that you're playing this size claw machine so you want two small prizes already right so are we gonna count small prizes as like one point we're gonna do like a point system or is it total prizes okay so there aren't points Tom man cuz I see some big prizes I'm gonna go for and I was thinking should I go for the bigger prize it's not where's more points why play for him not should go for a cat there's like a pink cat war plane or for the dog again I like that black bear in the back there's only one always like that good luck last play for this one it's really strong every single machine you play on that's three prizes now she's going for I believe it's a a cheetah is it a cheater maybe there's a cheetah kinda like a cheetah she has three plays though oh I don't know I think it might be too heavy for this fall probably shouldn't play this there's gonna be a waste of a dollar yes you've already won three prizes Chris you've had enough prizes here it is here it is just get under it yes I think I don't know no I'm not gonna say anything you think you have the one that's like laying down on its paws is better than laying on the side I guess we'll find out because that's what it seems to grab on to his head its body is like really slick you have one more plate Chris yeah here it is rabbits head gravity wants to save a pork chop for some weird reason oh maybe go for the Enderman that's good there isn't one of air but it's really thin all right she didn't want the pork chop at first but then she changed her mind apparently now she wants to end up in you got this for like fifty cents I cannot believe you won another prize what does that for now which one of these cute little boos are you going for that's all the orange on it oh that's not bad so it's actually strong enough to pick it up a little bit yeah is that uh that one back there is the one in the middle it's an elephant boo and then the green one's a frog so we go for the the line again oh I think it needs the point needs to be laying down a little bit they would regenerate the Frog yeah you can see the one in the back or in the middle it has a has the eyes on all right good luck she's going for the fog way over here no I just say maybe I'll pull it in but it didn't crystals next victim is this little Narwhal right here she really wants it I hope she doesn't get it though because her count was getting really high only ten dollars your account is really high you'll try again for it you go for the duck that's kind of cool I don't think you'll win the duck that's why I want you to go for the duck all right here we go really far over to the right after you let go so kind of like just a little bit all right the one in the middle or the back bag alright so she'd want for the one right here in the middle I think he can get it oh oh wow this no yes other you're asking me I'm like I'm totally on the side of you losing the Circa game good luck yes she found another pusheen call guys and she has to play this one maybe she'll have better luck on this one she's going for this mummy well Oh No yeah it's a waste of one quarter I like that I think if you get this one to lay down though you probably could win it yeah I think so he's have to get the way down somehow you didn't say but you got lay down a little bit you actually hit it a little bit so you can think of those two plays as waste or you can think of them as a good investment for the future and this is the future so you are still laying it down so you didn't really waste those play so crystal I'm gonna give you a little hint go a little further towards me just a little bit there we go don't wait I mean I'm like I'm not excited that you lost I'm excited at you didn't win cuz then it's gonna make more points for you she almost had it oh you better hope it doesn't oh I think it is ruined because it's right there up again she doesn't want to give up don't give up Chris you don't want to just keep going keep playing on this machine Chris I want you to keep playing on this machine oh I don't know if you're gonna get that you gonna go for the little hamster thing what'd you call it earlier I don't know what you call it I can't believe that one's ruined you can actually ask him to put it back over here for you I think they will yeah you won't try doing that so they actually did move it back into the play field she has one dollar left for plays can't you get it so what you need to do is get it to lay down you have to get it laying down that's what based on your own last plays can you get it to fall so let's see I think she's trying to push it here oh don't max you want one minded two quarters left guys literally two plays all she has okay yeah okay wins already okay you actually win this just because you did it I don't know he can do it yeah yeah arms yeah I know he's really choked on there [Music] I don't think that would do anything oh he's gonna risk it so there's a Thor a hold and a black panther in mission two for one woo yeah I think you really need to win again hey whoa you can't believe that they're just saying that cuz you want to win that's good that's beer yes okay this this should totally have it you know how mad are you I feel like orders really fast oh and I miss anything guys he's gonna spend all his quarters on here hey let's see if you get it this time please oh yes it has to have it something less period can't you know you're furious so mad I really like the hot pink here though that is really indoor pool how about I win this you say on the best reason I never see her she's a bit see what I believe oh really how do you think that other leg on the money here oh my good news angel I feel sorry for you well maybe this laughing but nope angel if you win one of these big things I will count it as two plus me be the tiger beaten monkey you'd only give the monkey found lying it's actually not a monkey it's a Babylon I believe it's about somewhere that it's actually not a bad room it's I called him a man George oh really that's true or not oh no no what is going on with you I know you better hope you win this with now I'll count it as three prizes I need oh yeah I'll buy second class oh yeah though I know yes get this Uyghur but no peace pokeballs look weird what are those great things around it I have no idea I don't know but they look pretty silly in the backbone um yeah but it's probably like especially special needs out of these folks who oh goodness that one more time okay yeah you don't know if it was strong yeah just not counting those quarters because I don't think you have here you mean you don't having much luck hey old burger okay Oh cute anyone see these up don't let those little Bali heads oh wow that's one prize for you have better luck over here sir oh honey don't don't ask my favor so hard for you right now little wing Oh way across you I'm not gonna win yes you little angel you I have faced a big baby we meet you got the lobster come on Lobster oh my goodness it's forcing me once an angel fed one keep a track yeah yeah maybe another Lobster that was bad I want you far back yeah throw it two more times on this one okay you don't have to go for that duck in the back you're absolutely miss don't you know I know I wanna see you win because I feel kind of sorry for you angel okay so no more time okay you can do that if you want to come to this cheating because I think it is oh my goodness oh my goodness we'll keep it count for all right guys that's the end of the competition three one I tried to give you the opportunity to say bigger prizes or more points she didn't take it I just got better prizes that's the balls second yeah that's how it's done guys I made sure to come back right the very end and tie it up Oh personal beat me no bigger thinks she won noticed on the comment section II think I won by the rules I didn't win actually but did you think it was tied let us know [Applause]
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 532,659
Rating: 4.8460526 out of 5
Keywords: ゲームセンター, plush time wins, ptw arcade, arcade games, arcade video, クレーンゲーム, arcade videos, アメリカのゲームセンター, claw machine wins, claw machine challenge, challenge, claw machine
Id: mE8QljA7hQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 07 2018
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