We WON from almost every Carnival Game at Cosmo World!

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hey guys today we are at Cosmo world here in Yokohama Japan and they have carnival games you know we like to play carnival games so let's go test our skills up first is ball dogs what she has to do here is get one of these balls into that little bitty hole yeah it's so small I don't know if you can make it oh she's doing okay Oh try again try again so I thought she was gonna go underhand but she actually drew it to this different dog right here maybe this dog is hungry you think it's dogs hungry though so here are the prize machine yet she get like a loaf of bread this is like a stuffed animal oh that was close Oh try again try again try again try the blue side maybe the blue side is like a sigh so yeah she can get the stuff dumb bread dog a minion over there a cars most cars figure from two pots get there's a lot of prizes here this is the one Chris focus on it oh I think because I out oh that one was super close so like you right away themes oh I think this one is probably better because it's tolerable oh come on please focus me alright so we got Ted over here we got the LEDs we got the clock we got that's a Toy Story uh Buzz Lightyear ok um then we have Thank You pop that's the only one we got a coupon until thank you so much yeah so it's actually bail that's one side here's the other side look how cute next is can shot so you see those six cans back there she's gonna have three of these like little soccer balls and she has to knock at least four over so crystal good luck the more she knocks over the better she knocks over six she can get one of these Dragon Ball Z figures I'm not sure for these I think sheep I need spores oh is it I didn't expect it man those lights are flashing alright so she's going for this looks like corn cans oh you you hit the orange you're trying to make orange juice alright see good luck oh you gotta throw harder and faster to get that so if she knocks five over she can get one of these prizes down here six I think it's for these over here or maybe it's the big ones up here maybe we can get that orange I'd be cool who would he ever did on a snorlax over here oh you can do it Chris you can do it a little bit a little bit less good luck I want her to get one of these because these are really awesome looking figures I already have this one this one this one this one this one I think I have all those actually don't get the figure what are you gonna give you in all right good luck Oh what is going on you crazy oh and you must bounce up the wall hit on me you can do this come on that was incredibly hard I did not Oh me and that would have been a good one if you ain't just a little bit lower oh yeah a little bit lower I believe yeah these are the fours and I want this so bad I want it what's how cute they are okay okay angels going again you're going again okay we all know what game this is it's basketball all right let's see it's called NBA hoops what she has to do is make a score of 40 points she only has three balls I don't know how much time it gives her though so good luck I'll show you that guy's the prizes afterwards right here beside me you got 30 seconds you should be able to do this Chris you're a basketball queen there you go two in a row all right so she's currently at six are they bouncier than usual that's okay you can still miss some cuz it's gonna do three points at the end towards the end go on Chris you got this just she's that 12 you're doing fine you're at 12 okay Oh see there was two threes it's up threes you can still make it it was another three she's at 18 your scores I hear can't really see it guys let's use that 18 21 come on one more oh man so you got 21 you want to go again are you want me to go alright so here are the prizes that she can get so she can get like a little bitty sushi changed purse over here she can get some pancakes changed verse she wants this though that um hey I think she wants to taiyaki though I think that's what she said Lulu I know she doesn't want this it's a big weight she might want that it looks like a wild hog do you run again all right good luck all right so she has to get 40 points 40 or more here we go oh my gosh Bonnie loose ball on the loose come on Chris there you go okay so she has 20 seconds left she's at 2 pointed into 4 points come on come on you can do this Chris it looks like they're very bouncy boom she's at six points you can still make it Chrissy there you go oh man they look really really bouncy come on you can do it oh yeah if I can win [Music] super awesome stuff worth eating got 14 points and only three of them in their 2020 you're making good timing up next we have cup ball so it's basically goblet toss so you see these covers back here alright all the yellows are right over here this is yellow and then we have green which is oh that was close Green are all the prizes up here and then red is everything else look at all the big stuff over there over there and the figures down here yeah yellow so here is the yellow stuff two pair that's a pair they got a Kiwi what is this right here these pins yeah oh they are oh is that go it's like um a needle pin right these don't you want a betters different colors a little squishy of a minion Green yeah these are probably the best prices in here oh cool maybe the orange is the closest to red yeah I think so yeah so yeah oh that's cool you have to go again oh is it all right so that's a highlighter she's gonna go again so yeah if she gets the red there's like hardly any red she can get any of the figures down here or any other big prizes on the outside that's what she wants yes anything on the wall anything on the wall or anything down there what do you want you already get oh she's done or something okay so you can't win another prize you're saying yeah but just throw it for fun just don't feel fine okay so what do you want so what do you want yeah you want to get one prize though so we have the pom-pom here I know you really wanted that they had the Snorlax they had the alien in the back they have a pink Yoshi you don't know what you want well I already have all those don't worry about getting anything you want pop-up hearings Oh a really big pom pom purin check out how big the bag now angels uh I can't believe I got double Reds I remember oh oh what are you gonna get oh my gosh what are you gonna get I don't want yellow but I'm gonna go for red cuz if I getting ready to overpower yes yes yes yeah go go go go if you believe it Oh okay then he gets one of me I don't know if that's a wooden oh wait no this is a notepad it's a nope I think I do need a notepad I'm going my highlight sorry actually know what this this is a strawberry has a top with a piece just going one more time get a red get a key and guys I don't know how am I taking stress that I got well no red all right so we're back over here so what do they have over here I don't know I don't want you this you know I mean no matter the pen are the best things that go for and pick you a pair the last game here guys is Ronnie Ronnie panic whack a gator in the face so she has to get a score of 120 if it comes out then you have to hit it you're at seven oh so she's got a hundred twenty guys I'll show the prizes after she gets this because she's at 27 28 you can do this Chris so her score pops of red that's round one cuz there's when they buy her it gives us a negative point and it will take that away at the end of oh my gosh Chris let's killing this you're at 51 so not quite halfway oh this is hilarious come on Chris you got this you got this 75 PD bastard jump faster hit it is that the end of it nope hit all and when I bite you he's got red one come on Chrissy almost there almost there you're almost there come on she's at 95 all right you got 20 to go 20 to go don't let him bite you you're almost there oh wait keep on keep going oh that was so close that was very Oh No so you got a hundred and ten it's over it's over don't go crazy another fifty so she got a hundred and ten here are the prizes that she could have won whatever that is I don't know if that is one of those Chris a face mask hey does it go to trauma right there here's little gudetama ooh little bulb like bubbles like there's an inflatable that you can beat people with you can beat your own alligators I think this is like a squishy right here that was like something like a straw and a build-your-own like [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] alright guys that's where we're gonna end the video yeah I'm not believe I did so well that was crazy too bread's is one game that never happens for real guys that would never happen in the US that's for sure that is really awesome don't forget about those other awesome prizes the good otama yeah things actually very very soft and squishy but the best prize is right it's so big that would've been cool that was actually the last one of that pom pom here yeah crystals like yes I got that last one but we hope you guys enjoy the video let us know which one you thought was the best we couldn't win from the basketball game the one game we should be really good at they were overinflated for sure but not making excuses we're gonna get better at basketball guys well thanks for watching everyone [Music]
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 815,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plush time wins, ptw arcade, arcade games, arcade video, arcade videos, arcade, ptw, carnival games, japan, japan 2019, cosmo world, yokohama cosmo world, carnival, games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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